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Living in Fast Forward

Page 17

by BA Tortuga

  “Hollis.” Fuck, he’d heard his name chanted and screamed over and over, and that was nothing like the way Jeremy said it—like a prayer. Like the fucking truth.

  “Mmm-hmm. Missed you, baby.” Look at those legs. Hollis got a good gander at them when he pushed Jeremy down on the bed, and they worked so much better, the scars not nearly as livid. He kissed one thigh, stroking with his fingers, just testing the strength of those muscles. They were tight, needing his touch, but Jeremy pushed toward him, so much easier.

  “Looking good, Jeremy.” He had to say it, because it was true, and he figured Jeremy needed to hear it.

  “They’ll never be like they were, but they’re mine.” Jeremy spread a little for him, just offering all that sweet body. Hell, yes. Hollis petted and kissed, his tongue finding the hollow of one hip, his hands lifting Jeremy to his mouth.

  “Oh…. Oh, Hollis. Need you bad.” Jeremy shivered for him, belly tight as a board.

  “Yeah, baby. Need you so much. I want… I want everything, Jeremy.” He meant every goddamn thing he could get. And not just now.

  “I’m yours.” Jeremy smelled so fucking good, like sex and soap and sweat. Hollis fucking approved. He licked along Jeremy’s belly, nuzzling the little trail of hair there, loving that Jeremy wasn’t shaving it all off for now. God, that man had the smoothest skin, flushed pink for him, that cock ready for his mouth.

  “C’mere, beautiful.” Jeremy got him turning, got his cock up there to that open mouth. Jeremy pushed close, arms wrapped around his hips.

  “Oh. Fuck, yes.” They could work each other that way, and Hollis went right to it, his lips sliding down Jeremy’s prick, tongue picking up the bitter-salt flavor.

  “Uh-huh.” Jeremy licked and teased, brushing his shaft with stubble, hairs almost too blond to see, but damn, Hollis felt them. Hollis hollowed his cheeks and sucked, holding Jeremy’s hip with one hand. His other hand drifted down to roll the soft sac beneath, needing more of Jeremy’s scent, his skin.

  He felt Jeremy’s moan, felt it vibrate all over the tip of his cock. A low rumble came right up from his belly, and Hollis licked all the way up and down the underside of Jeremy’s prick, going down again and sucking hard. His own cock was getting a tongue bath, Jeremy doing his damnedest to drive Hollis fucking crazy, lips and tongue just fucking fluttering around him.

  Moaning, Hollis rolled his hips, getting more, working on making Jeremy give him a firmer touch. Jeremy grinned around his cock, and then the suction started, hard and steady and enough to draw his balls up so hard it ached. That was it. Fucking A, that felt good. His belly sucked right up, muscles going hard, and his thighs shook with the strain, even as he pushed to make Jeremy feel just as good. It didn’t take anything for them to find a rhythm, pushing and sucking, rocking and making that cheap-assed mattress sing.

  “Mmmph.” That was his way of saying “I’m gonna come, baby.” That was all he could get out. Then Hollis came like a ton of bricks, shooting deep into Jeremy’s throat.

  Jeremy groaned, the sound tickling him, making him shiver, even as Jeremy’s cock started moving faster, pushing deeper. Yeah, baby, he thought, dragging Jeremy in deep. Come on. He pulled harder, sucked deeper, random little shivers still shaking him.

  “Hollis. Hollis…. Love.” Jeremy arched, hips moving in short, sharp little jerks, spunk splashing against the back of his throat.

  “Mmmm.” Oh, yeah. Feel that. Jeremy made him feel like a fucking god. He licked the man clean before resting his head on Jeremy’s hip.

  “Hey.” Jeremy’s fingers slid through his hair, moving nice and easy, just melting him to the bone.

  “Hey, baby. Have I mentioned how much I love you lately?” Who in hell knew it would be so easy to say, once the dam broke?

  “A couple times. Not enough, and it’s way cooler in person.”

  “Well, there you go.” Hollis kissed the skin closest to his mouth. “Love you. Want some supper?”

  “Yeah, and you have to open your Christmas presents.”

  “So do you.” He loved presents. Both ways. It almost made him feel Christmassy. “You said you had a tree too. I kinda missed it on the way in.”

  “We were busy.” Jeremy dragged him up, kissed him good and hard.

  “Mmmmph.” His hands cupped the back of Jeremy’s head, holding the man close for some long, slow kisses now that the first wave of need had crashed.

  Jeremy settled in his lap, legs wrapped around his waist, holding on.

  “Oh, hey.” Yeah, that was just right. Supper could wait. Hell, they could go to the grocery store late at night and get the shit for a real feast. Right now he just needed his snuggle time.

  “Hey.” Jeremy kissed his forehead, his temple, the corner of his mouth. “How was the concert?”

  “Not bad. I mean, it was a benefit, so I couldn’t complain. Charlie is pretty canny.” The whole bus thing had fooled Charlie good, though.

  “You love the whole road thing, man. It suits you.”

  Suited Jeremy too, dammit.

  “It does.” Hollis took a deep breath. “You’re coming with me, baby. I’m not going back on the road without you.”

  “What?” Jeremy pulled back, blinked at him. “Charlie’ll kill you.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not gonna go without you and treat you like a backdoor whore. I just won’t.” He set his jaw, staring right into Jeremy’s eyes, making sure the man got it.

  “You’re not….”

  But he was, and he knew it. And Jeremy fucking knew it, and it wasn’t going to work.

  “Baby, I’ve been alone a long time. Hiding. But goddammit, every other fucker in the business can have trainers in their bus and not get pegged. So there will be some media. So what? It hasn’t hurt some folks I could mention.” So there. Besides, he had a plan.

  Jeremy nodded, those eyes that had been dull and worried for fucking months beginning to spark again. Jesus. Made him feel good, that he wasn’t the only one in this balls-deep. Made him a little scared too.


  Jesus. Hollis had been geared for a fight, and he moaned, taking a kiss that made him tingle, all the way to his toes. “Merry fucking Christmas, baby.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, it so is.” Jeremy held his face, stared right into him. “You mean it, right? Because I do. I’ll come with you, right now.”

  “Have I ever lied to you?” Fought him, growled at him, loved on him—Hollis had never lied to Jeremy. Not once.

  “No.” Jeremy’s hands slipped down, fingers digging into his shoulders. “I just needed to hear it again.”

  “Then hear this, baby. I’m not going without you again.” Smiling, Hollis dropped a kiss on Jeremy’s forehead, leaning into those magic hands, feeling at home for the first time in a long while.

  “Good. You need me. You’re all tense. That’s bad for you.” Oh, fuck him. He never thought he’d miss the nagging.

  “You’re just gonna have to work me out.” Leering, he let his hands wander down to Jeremy’s thighs. “I’ll do you if you do me.”

  “Oh. Oh, yeah.” Jeremy nodded, lips parted. “Please.”

  “You got it, Jeremy. Anything you want.” His holiday was improving at a high rate of speed. It just didn’t get any better than that look.

  “Just want you, stupid as that sounds.”

  “Not stupid at all. In fact, that’s the best Christmas present you could give me.” That was the God’s honest truth. You’d have thought he was the rock star who had everything. He just hadn’t known what he was missing until he found Jeremy.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “PUT THAT beer down, man. You still owe me sit-ups.” Jeremy headed over to grab the bottle. “And another guitar lesson. I almost don’t suck at it anymore.”

  The new bus had a much smoother ride, which made it harder to duck Hollis’s swats.

  “Sit-ups? Man, I did crunches until I was gonna die yesterday. Aren’t you the one who says I’m supposed to rest the muscle g
roups?” Lord, Hollis was feeling his oats. Today the beer, yesterday the sneaking out for a double Whataburger.

  Although, dude, he did get a chicken biscuit out of the deal, which damn. Those things were addictive. “You can work your glutes tomorrow.”

  “Are you trying to say my jeans are getting saggy?” Hollis turned, flexing that tight ass for him, just grinning over one broad shoulder.




  “Nothing, baby. Can I have the rest of my beer?”

  Oh, asshole.

  “Not a chance.” He took a swig, then dumped the rest. “You have work to do.”

  Actually, so did he, and as soon as Hollis was finished, they were going to work his legs. He needed to loosen them up.

  “Yeah, yeah. Jesus, you’re pushy.” But Hollis wandered right on over and gave him a kiss, then got down on the little mat and got into sit-up position.

  The new bus had a workout area too. And man, did it have all the weird little tchotchkes any redneck could ask for.

  Jeremy got down, still a little awkward, but he did it, and grabbed Hollis’s ankles. Hollis grinned up at him. “You’re getting better, baby. That was almost graceful.” They started counting together, Hollis’s abs contracting and releasing.

  “Looking good, man. Gonna get your help after, if you don’t mind.” Up, down, Hollis was fucking gorgeous.

  “You know it.” They pushed it until Hollis was sweating, grunting on each upswing, until they’d pushed those muscles to the point of shaking.

  “Okay. Okay, let’s ease up, beautiful. Slow and easy.” Slow and easy. He got his hands on Hollis’s muscles, encouraging them to relax.

  “Uhn. Oh, that’s it, baby. See? I only work out so you’ll massage me.” That was probably the truth too.

  “Uh-huh. Turn over; I’ll do the other side.”

  “Yes, please.” Hollis flipped like a pancake, presenting that sweet ass and long back for him. Hoo yeah. He moved carefully, straddled Hollis’s thighs, and got to work, rubbing and massaging. Low, rough moans met his every move, Hollis relaxing under him, puddling right up. The man had skin like sun-warmed honey. Smooth and hot and a little sticky with sweat.

  Jeremy closed his eyes and went with it, loving on the fine son of a bitch with all he was. When Hollis was hardly more than a big pile of goo, the man wiggled out from under him, turned to grab him and stretch him out. “Time to work those thighs, baby.”

  “You sure? You look pretty relaxed.” He winced as he stretched, then groaned as a bunched muscle let go.

  “I’m sure. I want us both nice and loose. Because, you know, I want to do other things.” Easy as pie, Hollis pulled his leg straight out, then bent it back toward his chest.

  “Oh hell yes.” Oh, he could spend some time in that soft bed, spread out. Or riding.

  Or, yeah. Sucking.


  He was easy.

  The bed was new too. Took up the whole back of the bus. And goddamn, it was nice.

  Hollis bent and stretched him, adding the new sideways motion his doctor had said he was ready for. Those hands were just gentle as anything, treating him right.

  “Oh, man.” He forced himself to relax, to just let Hollis move him. That was always the challenge, to not force it.

  “That’s it, baby. One more, then you get your massage.” His other leg got the same treatment, Hollis moving it up, bending it back, then over.

  “I live for those massages.” Hollis was almost as good as he was.


  “You just like me touching you.” Hollis winked, finishing up the full range of motion before grabbing the oil. “Relax now, baby.”

  “Yeah. Yeah.” He shifted, stretching up tall, back popping.

  “Man, who was it that had all that tension, huh? Charlie been giving you hell?” They both knew full well that Charlie would sneak around to accomplish shit if he had to.

  “No more than normal.” Jeremy grinned, rolled his eyes. “Chris is still trying to get hired on again. The guy took a hell of a shine to you.”

  “No. I mean, he wasn’t bad, but he doesn’t do it for me.” Those hands pushed him all over, stroking, then digging in and getting his tight spots.

  “No. I do.” And he was willing to growl to keep his spot too.

  “You do, baby. You sure do. Now roll over and let me get at that sweet ass of yours.” It wasn’t just sexy, that massage. His tight thighs really made his glutes tense up.

  “Horndog.” He turned, shimmying out of his sweats before he settled, spreading some.

  “Never denied it.” Starting at the backs of his calves, Hollis worked up, catching every little place, releasing his tension. His thighs really got a workout, Hollis’s fingers sinking into the big muscles.

  “Oh….” Oh, that. Yeah. So good. Really, really.

  “Love the way you melt for me, baby. Love it.” Switching up, Hollis pushed along his body, straddling him and digging into his shoulders and neck.

  “Who wouldn’t? Feels so good….”

  “Good.” A kiss dropped on his neck, hot and wet, and finally Hollis was working on his ass, sliding back down to cover one cheek with each hand, rubbing hard.

  “That is a pure sin.” Jeremy tried to chuckle, but it got caught in a moan, his hips pushing right up into Hollis’s touch, just like a practiced whore’s.

  “Fuck, baby. Good.” That voice had gone all rock star on him, deep and rough, and it sent shivers up his spine.

  Oh God yes. Yes. Jeremy nodded and spread, letting Hollis have anything he wanted.

  The massage started morphing into a very different kind of touch, Hollis spreading him so both thumbs could rub his hole, teasing him. Taunting him.

  “Oh. Oh, man. Hollis.” He closed his eyes, focusing on his muscles, on the way it felt to roll up toward that touch. Yeah. Yeah, it was working.

  “Gonna do things to you that might just ruin you for life, baby.” Another kiss, this one pressed to the small of his back, slip-sliding on that nasty-tasting oil. Man, that was love.

  “Promise?” He crawled forward a little, electricity shooting up his spine.

  “You know it.” That gave Hollis some leverage, and the man pushed two oiled fingers inside of him, opening him up so good he coulda cried. “Oh, hell, yes.” Jeremy gave Hollis a squeeze and started moving, shifting so those fingers could peg him just right, over and over.

  “That’s it, baby. Right there. Look at you.” Well, he couldn’t look at himself, really, but the words were pretty.

  Besides. He. Uh…. He could. Uh. “Hollis. Hollis, more.”



  “Yeah, baby. More. Me.” Hollis’s fingers slipped right out and that heavy cock pushed in, so hot it felt like fire. So full.

  His head snapped back, his groan torn from him. “Oh, fuck, yes.”

  “Uh-huh. Oh, Jeremy.” Moving fast, Hollis snapped those strong hips against him, going to town. That thick cock speared him, giving him no rest, rocking him back and forth. It was enough to make him soar, things working like they should, nothing but heat between them. Hollis’s hands landed on his hips, pulling him up closer, tighter. “So pretty. You make me crazy, baby. Make me want everything.”

  Jeremy grinned. Spoiled rock star. The man had him, lock, stock, and barrel.

  Faster and faster, they rocked together, Hollis starting to hum that new song that had become a monster hit for the man. His fucking song. Oh. Oh, fuck. He shuddered, just caught in it, in Hollis. He’d creamed his jeans the first time he’d heard Hollis sing it in public; this was even bigger.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.” Hollis just growled it against the back of his neck, fucking daring him to come.

  “Hollis.” Yeah. Yeah, Hollis had him, balls to bones. He squeezed tight, shaking to the core as he shot.

  “Oh. Oh, Jesus.” Hollis thrust into him one last time, his shout ringing in the room, that cock throbbing
in him as Hollis gave it up. Hard.

  They panted, fingers curled together, both of them just holding on.

  “Love you, baby. Glad you’re back where you belong.” Hollis kissed the back of his neck, slow and soft, letting him know he wasn’t alone.

  “Mmm-hmm. ’S good.” He had Hollis. It was damn good.


  THE PLACE was like a picture postcard.

  Seriously, Hollis had never even contemplated living someplace so fucking beautiful. And as far as the language went, it wasn’t so different from going to Mexico on vacation.

  Spain had red-tiled roofs and hot and cold running tapas and heavy red wine. Best of all, it didn’t have a million folks popping out of the woodwork to take his picture. In fact, the locals kinda ran the paparazzi out of town on a rail.

  Hollis grinned over at Jeremy, who was laid out in a lounge chair, soaking up sun like a sponge. “So what do you think, baby?”

  Jeremy stretched, looking about as tanned and happy as he could be. “Oh, this is…. Damn, beautiful.”

  “It is, huh? I miss a Southern accent once in a while, but it won’t be long until we have enough of that to make us tired of it.” Hollis flipped like a pancake, wiggling his bare ass to get more sun on it. “I like it.”

  It was something, how Jeremy reached out, fingers trailing over his ass, right out there under the sun.

  In front of God, and, well, God. There was no one else to see. Even the housekeeper had the day off. Rumbling a little, Hollis pushed into that touch.

  “Mmm.” Jeremy rolled to one side, the touch going long and slow, sliding up his spine, back down.

  “Oh. Baby. Love the way you touch me.” Hollis knew there was a tiny chance someone was out there with a camera, but he was past caring. He and Jeremy had left the States so they could be where people didn’t care so much, and the sheer pleasure was worth it.

  “You feel good, man. Solid.” Jeremy grinned at him, pleased as punch. “I might have to take you and go for a long swim this evening.”


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