SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 15

by Laura Acton

  A jackhammer in his head unrelenting, Loki squeezed his eyes shut. Ray rose and went to the side table, shook out two pills and crouched near Loki. “Here. Time for meds and a nap in a darkened room.”

  Cracking his lids open, Loki took the tablets and popped them in his mouth. He washed them down with milk after Ray handed him the glass. “Concussions are no fun.”

  “Agreed. They suck.” Dan closed the file. “I’ll make a few calls tonight after your ma is asleep. No guarantees, but a couple of guys I know are creative in dealing with issues like this. Though, it would be useful to find out more about your father from your mother.”

  “Don’t want to cause her any pain or bring up bad memories.” Loki stood. “I’m gonna go lie down. Make yourselves at home, watch any movie you want.” He waved to a shelving unit loaded with DVDs. As he wobbled, Ray moved in to steady his best friend.

  Dan shoved the folder under the blanket Mrs. Baldovino insisted on covering him with after he chose the recliner. When Ray returned, Dan asked, “Do you think Loki might be on to something … I mean about the attack being related to his poking into the past?”

  Resuming his seat, Ray considered the possibility. “Perhaps. Narciso Ricigliano is one mean bastard. Do you know how he divorced Loki’s ma?” When Dan shook his head, Ray shared, “He told her at Christmas. He had already filed the papers because he wanted to marry a younger woman. Loki was twenty-five, and he worked his ass off to support his ma and sisters.

  “Mrs. B. went to live with her sisters in Italy until Loki saved up enough for a down payment on this house. His previous place was a tiny studio apartment. He put every dime away so he could bring her back here because she yearned to be closer to Gina’s children and her own kids too.

  “Narciso cut her off completely. Had some high-power divorce lawyer and she ended up with nothing although Amedeo Systems had been half Leonardo’s.” Ray glanced at Dan noting his half-closed eyes. “You’re tired. Why don’t you take a catnap too?”

  “Yeah, think I might. Go ahead and turn on the TV. It won’t bother me.” Dan didn’t bother to add he was too exhausted to move to the bedroom. He slipped off to sleep with no issue.

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 3:15 p.m.

  Bram hung up his cell and swiveled his chair towards Jon and Nick. “Ray reports all quiet. Loki and Dan are napping, and Lexa is helping Mrs. Baldovino with dinner.”

  Stifling a yawn, Jon glanced around the room, noting the Echo members were engaged in reviewing the hospital video again, even though nothing discernible could be gained from it. His attention was drawn to their less than favorite Inspector. Pope for some reason disliked TRF in general.

  Spotting Pastore, Roman said, “Sergeant, I have some news for you about last night and the University bomber.”

  Nick perked up as did the rest of the team. “Yes?”

  “The syringe contained a lethal dose of pure heroin. If the subject had been successful, Constable Baldovino wouldn’t be among the living today.”

  The blow of the information struck Nick in the gut and stole his wind. His eyes met Jon’s and then Bram’s.

  Reeling from the same detail, Jon managed to ask, “Did you pull any useable prints off it?”

  The inspector shook his head. “Clean as a whistle. Sorry. Wish we had something to nail the bastard. We have a potential cop killer out there, and that doesn’t sit well with me. I need to speak with Baldovino and Broderick. I went to the hospital, and they are gone.”

  Bram said, “Moved to a safe location early this morning.”

  “Well, I must interview them soon if you expect my department to put a stop to this.”

  Gaining control, Nick said, “Both are recovering. I’ll arrange for you to meet with them tomorrow. What did you want to tell me about the bomber?”

  A small smirk came to Pope’s face. “Seems you caught a copycat and not the original. The lab determined the explosive materials are different.”

  “Perhaps he couldn’t obtain the same materials,” Bram suggested.

  “We thought of that, but after investigating, we definitively determined he is not the man. His alibis for all the other ones check out. And, another bombing attempt took place at Edmonton University at noon today. Their SWAT team defused the device before it exploded, unlike your team.”

  The dig at his team caused Jon to glare at the man, but he held his tongue. He hated the interdepartmental bullshit. They were all police and should work together. Though, he realized, cops were people too and it took all kinds … otherwise, they wouldn’t have idiots like Constables Gould and Fouquet.

  Ignoring Pope’s rudeness, Nick inquired, “Have you identified a motive for Smellie? Rarely does someone wake up one day and decide to copy a serial bomber for no reason.”

  Pope shrugged. “Still isn’t talking. Though, if I were to venture a guess, there might be a connection between the Kolff building bombing and the attack on Baldovino. He is your explosives expert after all. Perhaps whoever wants him dead, failed with the bomb and went after him in the hospital. One reason I must speak to him.”

  Sean who had been deep into his laptop turned and said, “Sarge, I got something. Grainy but …”

  Attention diverted to Echo’s techie. “What?” Nick said.

  “Well, I decided to scan all the security footage since their arrival at the emergency room. In the morning, about eight-thirty, a nurse stops a man fitting the description from entering their room. I followed his path out of the building, and I checked surrounding traffic cams in the direction he took. Found a partial reflection in glass about half a block from St. Michael’s. The man is wearing the same black jacket and red ball cap. Doubt facial recognition can be used, but if I print it off, perhaps Loki might recognize him.”

  Jon grinned. “Excellent work. Print me a copy, and I’ll swing by.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Pope interjected. “If he is well enough to view a photo, he can talk with me.”

  Wanting to growl and deny the man, Jon glanced at Nick for help. Loki didn’t need to be subjected to the ass today, and they certainly didn’t want Mrs. Baldovino made aware of the attack.

  Commander Gambrill entered, and having overheard, used his superior position to set Pope in his place. “Inspector Pope, per doctor’s orders my men require rest and quiet. They are not to be disturbed today. One day will make no difference to this investigation. Baldovino and Broderick will be here tomorrow afternoon, and you may ask them your questions at that time.

  “We will supply you a printout of the man. Though, I would’ve thought your people would’ve thoroughly reviewed the entire timeline and surrounding cameras by now. Glad TRF can help you perform your job.”

  Bram hid his smirk and flashed his eyes to Jon, noting the suppressed smile too. Gambrill tenaciously protected those under his command.

  “Harrumph,” sounded from Pope before he replied, “Inform me what time they will be here, and I’ll come by.” Then he added another dig. “Won’t be my fault if a delay ends up getting him killed.” He strode out of the room without looking back.

  Walter raised his brow and spoke to Nick, “I’ll leave this in your capable hands. I understand the desire not to scare Loki’s mother, but perhaps, in this case, we should talk to Loki sooner rather than later.”

  Nick nodded. “We’ll arrange a friendly visit after suppertime.”

  “Good.” Walter pivoted and headed for his office confident his team would do all necessary to protect Loki from this threat.

  Abandoned Warehouse – 4:30 p.m.

  “You idiot!” Pitbull put the suppressor barrel to Ramon’s temple. “I should kill you now. What the hell were you thinking?”

  Rat’s beady eyes sparkled. Ramon would be dead soon, and he would move up in rank. Spotting Ramon going to the hospital had been a lucky break for him.

  “I want an answer!” Pitbull demanded.

  “I’m tired of waiting. Using others to do our work isn’t how we operate. Mach
ete wants him to experience pain, so I was going to make that happen.”

  Lowering the gun, Pitbull stepped back, pivoted, raised his silenced weapon again, and fired. Rat’s body crumpled to the floor. “Never liked a snitch.”

  Ramon glanced down at the dead man who never saw it coming.

  Pitbull dropped into one of the chairs before pinning his gaze on Panther. “I assume you were not seen.”

  Rising Ramon shook his head. “I covered my tracks.”

  “Getting sloppy if Rat followed you. No more extra-curricular activities. Machete’s plan will work. We go too fast they will begin to connect the dots, and it might lead to us. We cannot allow that to happen.”

  He raised the pistol again, pointing it at Panther. “You may be my friend, but I will not hesitate to put you down like a dog if you step out of line again. Are we clear?”


  “Clear away the garbage. Make sure it isn’t found.”

  Ramon motioned to two others, and they began to bag Rat’s body. Luis would be going for a boat ride and not returning. “Grab the hatchet. We’re going fishing.” As he left, Ramon counted himself lucky he didn’t earn the same fate as Luis. He wouldn’t cross Machete or Pitbull again.

  Hindsight Always Illuminates


  January 9

  Loki’s Home – 12:05 a.m.

  Dan toyed with his phone, hating to call so late and wake Dom, but he would. Loki’s concerns appeared valid to him. Relief washed through him when Loki decided to share with the rest of the team. While the Echo guys were being treated to Mrs. B’s hospitality in the kitchen, Alpha gathered in the family room and spoke in hushed tones.

  Boss’ eyes widened with alarm when he linked the Palermo mafia heroin trafficking with the fact someone tried to overdose Loki with heroin. Dan couldn’t help the slight grin when Jon’s heated glare pinned on Loki. He began to accept Jon’s anger truly reflected the concern he felt for the team.

  Though Dan still couldn’t shake the sense this was related to Plouffe, or perhaps Pletcher, or any number of men whose military careers ended with time at Club Ed and a Bad Conduct Discharge. A call to Blaze, Mason, and Jim would also be necessary. If Plouffe now included him in his deranged vendetta, everyone Dan cared about could be a target. Dan added Mike to the list of calls to make. As the general’s security lead, Mike would need to be made aware.

  Dan’s gut turned as he realized the potential target list grew exponentially. His whole family might be at risk. A light rap on his door pulled him from his musings. “Enter.”

  Opening the door, Lexa peeked in. “Wanted to check if you needed anything before I grab a few hours of sleep.” She slipped in and shut the door before padding noiselessly to the bed. Her smile genuine, she sat on the edge of the mattress. “How are you doing?”

  Linking his fingers with hers, Dan produced a WOW smile. “Better with you here.”

  “Did you take your meds?”

  “Yeah. Mrs. B brought them to me before she went to bed. Made me drink the entire glass of water.” He chuckled but noted Lexa’s worry lines. “How are you holding up?”

  Lexa sighed. “I’m surprised Loki kept what he found secret for so long. I perceived something was off with him, but I never imagined something like this.” She studied Dan’s face. “Do you really know people who can unearth proof one way or the other?”

  Dan arched a brow as he cocked his head.

  “Yeah, right, dumb question. Mr. Ultra-elite Special Forces.” Unable to resist, Lexa moved her free hand to Dan’s cheek and caressed him. “Wish we were alone. I want to lie next to you and sleep listening to your heartbeat.”

  “Soon. I’ll stay a few more days before I move to my place, to make the guys happy … and to follow the doctor’s advice.”

  Leaning down, Lexa stole a quick kiss before she rose. “So, you need anything?”

  “Other than you … no.” Dan waggled his brows suggestively.

  Lexa giggled. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “One reason you like me.”

  “True. Night.”

  “Goodnight.” Dan waited until the door closed before he scrolled through his contacts. He only had Dom’s number now because of the meet-up arranged by his mother at Christmas for the hockey game. He never thought he would take Dom up on his offer to help anytime he might need his skills.

  When the call connected, Dan went through the usual pleasantries of greetings before launching into his request, sharing what he discovered from Loki’s file and the conversation with Donata Baldovino over dinner. Through the guise of friendly chatting, he probed her past, while respecting Loki’s wish not to poke on bad memories.

  Speaking Russian to afford privacy from all ears in the home, Dan continued, “The stuff Loki discovered is suspicious but not substantial proof. I learned a few things tonight which might help when digging into the past. All three grew up near Palermo. Donata Crocetti met both men in school. Leonardo asked her out, but coming from a staunch Catholic family, she invited him to dinner to meet her family before going on a chaperoned date.

  “Despite the disparity, as Leonardo came from nothing and Donata lived comfortably on a family-owned vineyard, her father approved of the match. Mr. Crocetti recognized Leonardo’s potential for providing for his daughter. Baldovino was an intelligent man with a promising future. A big-name technology firm from Naples recruited him right out of high school, and he accepted the job after his mother passed away. She was his last familial tie to the area since his father died years before, and he had no siblings.

  “He maintained a long-distance relationship with Donata, visiting Palermo monthly. A year later, he was offered a significant position if he agreed to move to their Toronto office. The week before he had become engaged to Donata. Leonardo almost didn’t accept, worried about taking Donata so far away from her entire family. Donata didn’t hesitate, and the family all approved. When Donata turned eighteen, they wed, and she happily moved to Canada.

  “Both sought citizenship in the five years Leonardo worked for the technology company. Once their legal status changed, Leonardo decided to venture out on his own and founded Amedeo Systems. Loki always believed his birth father and his stepfather started their business as equal partners, but Donata revealed tonight that Leonardo brought Narciso over about six months after he established his company.

  “She indicated Narciso worked menial jobs in Palermo, and Leonardo wanted to help out his best friend, so he sponsored Narciso on a work visa. Donata never paid much attention to business dealings. Instead, she focused on the household and their children. After Leonardo died, she mourned him for two years and said Narciso took care of them. I didn’t probe further. I didn’t want to stir up painful memories for her.”

  Dan finished by relating how Narciso went about divorcing Loki’s mother. “She got nothing in the divorce, which seems odd to me since Leonardo started the company. If this is something you would be willing to take on, whatever your fees, I’ll pay them.”

  Having listened, Dom became incensed that a man would mistreat a woman the way Narciso did. Using English on his side of the conversation, Dom said, “I will investigate. However, there will be no fees. Never fees for you. I owe you more than I can ever repay for saving my daughters.”

  Wanting to object, Dan realized Becca’s godfather would never relent on his position, though Dan still believed Dom owed him nothing, he only did his job rescuing the Savoy girls. “Thanks, Dom. I appreciate the help.”

  “I’ll be in touch after I discover something useful to report. Take care, my friend.” Dom hung up and rose from his bed since it was after six a.m. Moving to the desk, he logged into his laptop and booked a flight to Palermo, Italy. He grinned as he thought about mixing business with pleasure. He would travel using the cover of doing a wine tasting tour of Italy.

  Dan selected Blaze’s number and sighed when it went straight to voicemail. He left a message to contact him when convenient. He went th
rough the list of people he needed to call, and not surprisingly given the time of night, each one ended up unanswered, and Dan left voicemails for each. Tired, he set his phone down and allowed sleep to claim him.

  TRF HQ – Dispatch Desk – 2:25 p.m.

  Loki ambled towards the briefing room unhurriedly, muscles still sore from his flight down the stairs, but at least his headache relented this morning. Telling the team yesterday had been easier than he thought, and their support meant the world to him.

  No one believed his suspicions were unfounded and everyone rallied around him. He shouldn’t have expected anything different and should’ve trusted them with his secret a long time ago. They all agreed to keep quiet about it until Dan’s friend dug up something to either prove or disprove his theory. Having friends and family like them made up for the bad in his life.

  Learning the company was founded solely by his pa had been one surprising fact he was unaware of until dinner last night. He began wondering if there were other items he didn’t know and if Narciso cheated Ma out of something which should rightfully be hers.

  “Loki, how are you feeling?” Tia asked, noting only Ray followed Loki.

  Stopping, Loki grinned at the gorgeous dispatcher. “Okay.” He nervously swiped at his lock of hair. She always made him twitchy, and he wished he could ask her out, but she was out of his league.

  “Isn’t Dan here? I thought he was coming in too.”

  “He insisted on taking the stairs.”

  A smile bloomed on Tia’s face. “Still doesn’t trust the elevator.”

  Ray chuckled. “Would you after being stuck in the thing for hours?”

  “Guess not.” An incoming call distracted Tia, so the guys continued to the conference room.

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 2:30 p.m.

  Dan entered the room to find everyone except him and Lexa seated around their table with the addition of Inspector Pope. The trip up the steps was slower than he desired, but taking the alternate route was a no-brainer for him. He would rather crawl up all flights than be trapped again. Moving to his regular seat, he lowered himself cautiously.


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