SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 42

by Laura Acton

  William read the short missive then peered at Daniel. He noted the pained expression in his eyes, one which matched his own. Plouffe destroyed so many lives, including Javon’s. “Yes, I’ll take care of this, Son.”

  The group resumed their meals, most eating in silence or carrying on quiet, subdued conversations.

  Dan pushed his food around his plate, no longer hungry. As the others finished and they began preparing to go back to the courtroom, Dan conveyed his decision, “Sir, I spoke with Leroux before lunch and obtained permission to leave. I will not be attending any more of the court martial. I’m going home this afternoon. I do not wish to rehash the past and need to resume my life.”

  Though he planned to discuss this topic privately with Daniel tonight, his son’s words prompted him to speak now. “About that.”

  Dan turned his gaze to his father.

  William met Daniel’s eyes head-on. “I have given this much thought. With Plouffe dead and things cleaned up, it is time for you to come back to the military. The fast path I created for you when you exited can have you back in action rapidly. If you desire, I can place you in either Blaze’s or Mason’s units, promote you to sergeant and you can hand pick a unit of your own, or attend the next session of officer training so you may return as a lieutenant. Your choice, I will support any of those three selections.”

  The words slammed around in Dan’s head, particularly the last sentence. Anger towards his father he believed gone, renewed full force. Dan stood, and his voice, though quiet, reflected his emotions as it turned icy and hard. “Sir, I will not be returning to the service.”

  William rose and assumed his general cloak. Daniel’s tone dredged up old memories of defiance when Daniel turned his back on family tradition and chose to become a police officer. Though speaking in a moderate volume, the commanding nature of William’s voice rang loud and clear. “You are a Broderick. Military is in our blood. I allowed you time to heal after Hunter’s death. Now it is time for you to show some common sense and return to the real world where you belong and make a difference.”

  Blaze, Winds, and Mason gaped as Broderick squared off against Broderick, father and son, mirror images of one another, except for Blondie being a younger version of the general.

  Dan glowered and threw his father’s words back at him. “I came to my senses when I left. Where I belong is TRF. I told you once before, and I’m telling you now, Hell will freeze over before I ever consent to be in the military again.” Dan pivoted and stormed out, leaving a wake stunned officers who never witnessed anyone dare speak to General Badass in that tone.

  Tom shook his head. Pigheaded William did it again. If he doesn’t acknowledge the truth soon, he is not going to like the consequences.

  Mason blew out a breath and rose with Blaze and Winds, all three wanting to go after Blondie, but unable to do so since their duty required them to attend the trial. They also realized the kid needed time to cool off before he would talk to them.

  Watching his son leave, William didn’t understand why Daniel didn’t want to come back. Broderick’s never shied away from duty. Realizing he and Daniel had created a spectacle, he strode out in a sedate yet commanding pace with his head held high not meeting the gawking gazes of other officers. The only tactical error he admitted to himself was that he should’ve ensured this conversation was conducted in private. I will not make that mistake again.

  Edmonton International Airport – 2:10 p.m.

  After changing into civvies, throwing his belongings in his bag, deliberately leaving his dress uniform lying on the bunk as a statement of his disdain of his father’s comments, Dan called a cab and went straight to the airport without saying goodbye to anyone. His brothers would understand and forgive him, and at this point, he didn’t give a damn if the general did or not.

  Going through security proved time-consuming when they pulled him aside to verify he was a constable and possessed the proper permits to carry a weapon onboard. A flash of his identification and call to Gambrill cleared the way for him. Now waiting at the gate to board his flight, Dan began to cool down.

  Yearning to call Lexa but realizing doing so might give rise to questions neither desired to answer, Dan selected Bram’s number. When it went to voice mail, he disconnected not wanting to leave a message. Bram would call him back when he spotted the missed call. Sighing, Dan spied a Timmy’s and rose to grab a hot coffee. On his way back, coffee in hand, his phone began buzzing. Fishing it out, he said, “Hi, Bram,” without checking the caller ID.

  “Not Bram, but hi to you too,” Lexa said.

  Dan grinned. “You’re the person I wanted to talk to, but I couldn’t call you since you’re on shift.”

  Lexa rose from the plastic chair in the hospital waiting room and stretched her legs. “I’m calling for Bram. Your name popped up on his missed calls.”

  “Why? Is he alright?” Dan’s concern spiked.

  “Yeah, he is okay, only bruised ribs and hip. He tangled with a moving subcompact vehicle when chasing after a suspect. The driver is ticked off his little car is totaled.” Lexa chuckled as she said, “Bram’s like a mini tank.”

  Dan relaxed as he and Lexa spent the next twenty minutes talking until his boarding call sounded. He smiled as he hung up. TRF is where I belong.

  Bourbon, Tea, and Chocolate


  January 27

  CFB Edmonton – Quarters – 1730 Hours

  William stared at Daniel’s dress uniform, his eyes focusing on all the ribbons. Sitting through the afternoon of testimony from Corporal Merrill, Master Corporal Vinson, and a few others, gave him time to think. He chalked up Daniel’s reaction to the stress of the court martial. His son required a bit more time to realize the military is where he was needed.

  The only thing he regretted, besides upsetting Daniel so much he left without a single word, was creating a spectacle. Some might cast doubt on his fitness as general, particularly in light of all that went on right under his nose without him being aware. Questions might arise regarding his ability to judge people and situations. He sighed as he moved forward to gather Daniel’s uniform to pack with his.

  Tom entered the common area of the quarters William chose to stay in to be closer to Dan during the trial. He noted William swiftly left when court closed for today. As Blaze left, he stopped long enough to inform the colonel he and the others planned to give the general the space he required, indicating they would return later tonight. That was all the reason Tom needed to head over, William shouldn’t be left alone, not after what occurred at lunch.

  “What are you doing?” Tom asked when he found him in one of the rooms.

  William halted briefly at Tom’s voice. “Packing Daniel’s things.”

  Tom’s brows rose. Dan leaving his uniform is a powerful statement of intent if I ever saw one. Sutton became disheartened and worried for his friend and compatriot as he viewed Will’s movements. William resembled an automaton, mechanically going through the motions devoid of emotion or thought as he continued his single purpose. Lifting the uniform from the bed, William first draped the pants over a hanger then slipped the jacket over it.

  To break the silence, sympathetic to William’s mood, and comprehending he needed an opportunity to unwind away from prying eyes, Tom proposed, “How about we grab dinner off base tonight?”

  “No. Not hungry. I must do something else.”

  “What?” Tom rested against the doorjamb.

  Turning after folding Daniel’s undershirt, placing it on the glossy shoes, and picking up both in one hand while holding the hanger, he said, “Need to speak with McFergus. After all that came to light, I’m going to resign.”

  “Like hell you will!” Tom shouted.

  “My ability to lead is compromised in the minds of too many!” William countered.

  “Name one,” Tom challenged.

  “William Arthur Broderick.”

  Tom sagged. “Will, don’t. Please.”

��They already started making changes, like putting in the review board. All my decisions will be challenged.” William walked past Tom and headed to his room to add Daniel’s stuff to his garment bag.

  Tom followed. “The board is only there to ensure someone like Plouffe can’t take advantage of the system again. William, you are as much a victim of Plouffe’s scheme as Dan and all the rest.”

  Free of clothing, William faced Tom. “My poor judgment, lack of insight into what happened to my own son, my inability to identify men with character flaws … and my display in the officer’s mess today all highlight my ineptitude. The country and the soldiers deserve a better leader than me.”

  This was a side of William that Tom had never witnessed in all their years of friendship. The self-doubt hung heavy in this room, as oppressive as a windless, humid day, soaking William to the bone. “Bourbon. You need a drink … and time to accept none of this is your fault.”

  “This is my fault. I’m the general. The buck stops with me.”

  “Okay, let me ask you some questions.” Tom realized butting heads with William never resolved anything, but if he posed the right queries, the logical mind Will possessed would gnaw on them and eventually find the truth.

  Crossing his arms, William sat on his bunk. “Fine.”

  Tom pulled out the desk chair, straddled it, and started slow. “Who promoted Plouffe to major?”


  “How did el-Younis become involved in investigating the taunting photos?”

  “Colonel Gardner of the Intelligence Unit assigned him.”

  “How many other analysts reviewed them with el-Younis over the years?”

  “Not sure, five or six perhaps.”

  “Did they ever report anything strange to their CO?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”

  “And Pletcher, who was his CO?”

  “Also, Gardner.”

  “Did Pletcher’s CO ever come to you with any concerns or red flags about his operative’s activities?”

  “No.” William eyed Tom. Where the hell is he going with all this?

  “Do you have any control over who handles mail?”


  “Who assigns your staff, Merrill in particular?”

  “The Office of Personnel.”

  “Are you given a choice?”

  “Not unless I find the soldier incompetent.”

  “Did Merrill ever display a lack of skill or ability to you?”


  Tom went for meatier subjects. “We understand why Blaze and his unit didn’t talk with you or me, but you maintain an open-door policy for all soldiers in Special Forces regardless of rank to meet directly with you. Did any of our unit leaders, or other operators who had contact with Dan ever approach you with concerns regarding Dan’s continuous field work?”

  “No. Don’t blame them.”

  “Alright, I won’t, it doesn’t lie with them anyway. So, tell me, whose job is it to oversee operations, assign units to missions, and soldiers to units?”

  William glared at Tom, not wanting to answer.

  “Well, who?” He met William’s glare with one of his own.

  Closing off more, William clenched his jaw unwilling to speak the answer.

  “Okay, I’ll answer for you. It’s mine. If anyone needs to step down, it is me. I failed to recognize what my direct report did. I never questioned why Dan continually requested additional assignments. If there is blame to be had, beyond Plouffe and his cronies, it lays at my feet. Your responsibilities are higher-level and broader reaching.

  “You rely on the men under your command, most assigned by others and who report to others, to do their duty. Based on that, besides the criminal elements, the only person who showed an inability to adequately perform his function is me. So, are you ready to accept my resignation?”

  William surged to his feet. “You will not resign. You did nothing wrong. Plouffe was a manipulative bastard. A conniving snake in the grass who worked the system and covered his every goddamned move. The country needs men of your caliber and commitment. You have given your entire life to the military. I refuse to allow you to resign because of what Plouffe did.”

  Holding William’s gaze as he counted, Tom only got to five before William sagged and said, “Shit! I need a drink.”

  Tom smiled. “I know a wonderful little restaurant way off base. They’ve got your favorite bourbon. Let’s go.”

  Stepping towards Tom, William put a hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “I’m grateful to have a friend like you. Thanks for always being here for me.”

  “Right back at you.” He rose and patted Will’s shoulder. “So, bourbon?”

  “Yeah, but don’t let me get shit-faced. We have court again tomorrow.” William strode out with Tom, accepting but not liking the points Tom forced him to concede with his questions.

  Thoughts of Daniel back in the service tried to intrude, but for now, he decided he better back off. Losing everything he gained because he pushed too hard too soon would devastate him. Daniel needed more time to come to terms with all Plouffe put him through.

  William excelled at waiting. He waited almost twenty years for Daniel to come home, he would wait for him to realize where he belonged. As they exited the building, he said, “Daniel’s twenty-ninth birthday is coming up. I’m thinking of buying him a Remi so we can go shooting together when he visits.”

  Tom grinned. “Excellent choice. He uses one of those in TRF.”

  A grin came to William. A perfect peace offering.

  Mrs. Starks’ Apartment – 9:00 p.m.

  Eleanor smiled as Mr. Waggles jumped all over Dan as he sat in the middle of her living room floor. When he knocked about ten minutes ago, she invited him in. He brought a bag of food with him, but Waggles had not gone through what Dan stocked her up on before he left. She saw through his ploy. His eyes gave him away. He needed cheering up and, in her mind, there was nothing better than an energetic, happy-go-lucky puppy to put a smile on his face.

  In her new fuzzy slippers, Eleanor shuffled over to her chair and set down two china cups filled with lemon balm tea. She enjoyed the mint flavored tea with a hint of lemon because it relaxed the body without causing drowsiness and helped to elevate the mood, both things Dan could use.

  “Tea is ready. I think you will like it.” She took a sip as Dan rolled the ball for her pup again. Mr. Waggles raced off to retrieve it and chose to bat it around instead of bringing it back to Dan.

  “Thanks.” Dan lifted the teacup and took a drink, hoping not to be bombarded by the pup and spill any on Eleanor’s carpet.

  “I called Ivy Ashdown. She is a sweet girl. Ivy now comes by every other evening, and we all go to the park. I sip hot chocolate while they run around to wear him out a bit, then Ivy and I have a training session with him.”

  Dan scarcely set the cup down before Mr. Waggles pounced on him and dropped a slobbery ball in his lap. Dan laughed and turned the puppy on his back to give him a belly rub.

  Being a little nosy, Eleanor asked, “So where is your lady tonight?”

  Concentrating on the dog, Dan shrugged off the question with a vague answer and deflected by changing topic. “She’s tired. Had a long day at work. What commands has he learned so far?”

  Eleanor chuckled. “Oh, he’s a smart one. He mastered sit and come the first session. Though he possesses too much energy yet to stay, settle, or lay. He’s a perpetual motion machine. Your name for him is perfect.”

  Over the course of the next thirty minutes, Dan kept the conversation focused on Eleanor’s puppy, not hard to do. He sipped two cups of tea, his mind settling and his body relaxing. He wanted to go to Lexa’s place tonight and called her when he landed, but she claimed to be exhausted and needed sleep, which he believed. So, he picked up puppy chow and stopped by Mrs. Starks’, hoping it was not too late to visit.

  Dan stood when he caught her yawning. “I should be going. Thank you for the tea and
letting me play with Mr. Waggles.”

  Rising, Eleanor placed a thin hand on Dan’s muscular bicep as Waggles lay on the carpet chewing his favorite toy, her old slipper. “Anytime. I’m glad you came by, always happy to spend time with you.”

  After Dan took his leave, she closed her door and smiled as she gazed down at her pup. “You did well tonight. You deserve a treat.” She ambled into the kitchen and opened the bag of treats. Turning around, she found him sitting and gazing up at her with anticipation as his tail wagged non-stop. As she gave him the moist bit, he gently took it from her fingers. “Good boy.”

  Lexa’s Home – 10:30 p.m.

  “You’re so stupid. Why did you tell Dan you wanted to sleep? You’ve been lying in this bed, staring at the same spot on the Honorable Blue wall for almost two hours now. All you could think of while he was in the air is he is coming back, and you will get to see him after work. You’re such a dolt sometimes,” Lexa chided herself out loud.

  She shifted and finally sat up. Swinging her legs to the floor her sore muscles still protested. Luckily today had been mostly slow, except for the one call which had them all running after fleeing subjects who tried to hold up a gas station convenience store.

  Partnered with Bram today, his long stride outdistanced her by just enough to allow her to escape being hit by the car … if something so tiny could actually be considered a car … more like a roller-skate on steroids.

  She tackled the teenager and called for EMS as she spotted Bram lying on the ground. For a moment she thought he had been killed but by the time she had her young subject cuffed, Bram was sitting up, and the driver was yammering at him for ruining his so-called car.

  Boss made her and Bram go to the ER, insisting she be examined too since she did a poor job of covering the wince that came from over-taxing her muscles. A clean bill of health for both, only contusions for Bram and reaggravating her old ones, they left with advice to take it easy for a couple of days, which worked out perfect since they had the next two days off.

  After shuffling to her bathroom, Lexa flicked on the light and peered in her mirror. Reflected at her was the justification for why she told Dan she wanted to sleep. For some reason, she didn’t want him to view her body in this colorful condition. She was unsure if it stemmed from vanity or her fear of not wanting to be thought of as weaker than the guys.


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