SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 47

by Laura Acton

  Narciso froze, wondering if he comprehended correctly. “I’m what? This is insane. This is private property. You must leave, now!” His internal dialog almost betrayed his aloof demeanor. I’m a dead man. The Cignotti’s will never let me live. They’ll kill me in prison. I need to get the hell out of here.

  Holstering his handgun, since Jon and Dan continued covering him, Jackson pulled out a set of cuffs and rounded the desk. “Mr. Ricigliano, please stand slowly and put your hands out to the side.”

  In a flash, Narciso rose and pushed his gun in the officer’s face. “I’m not going to prison. You are my ticket out of here. You allow me to leave, or I will kill you.”

  Scared shitless, staring down the barrel, surprised by how quickly things went from fantastic to fucking hell, Jackson swallowed hard as beads of sweat broke out. He didn’t want to die, and now as a hostage, Jackson drew on his training to remain stock still and silent, allowing his brother to handle the situation.

  Jon’s heavy exhale was echoed by Nick calling out, “I’m on my way. Keep things calm,” Dan’s soft, “I got the solution,” and Loki’s, “Shit!” Ray, Lexa, and Bram took a quick glance towards the office as each thought a variation of, this is bad.

  Things took another turn for the worse when the lights unexpectedly flicked back on and Sergeant Winter, on the second floor, shouted, “Take cover,” right before the sound of automatic gunfire rang across the TRF headsets.

  Outside Amedeo Systems – 12:19 p.m.

  Nick only needed to say, “Loki,” before racing toward the building entry.

  “On it, Boss.” Loki also bolted from the command truck. Spying the still disconnected wire coiled overhead, he headed for the system’s junction box for the feed from the back-up generator. He skidded around the utility van with his Glock drawn. “Stop! Police,” Loki commanded to a man wearing a red cap who did not comply and sprinted away from the area.

  Conflicted, wanting to pursue but realizing the electricity must be shut off again, Loki growled as he chose to take care of the power. Moving to the circuits, he said, “Tia, we need EMS. Officer down and the lineman too. Not sure of their conditions, need to turn off the manual trip switch first.”

  “Copy.” Tia contacted EMS via the direct line. Concern encroached as she listened. Worst part of my job, not knowing if my teams are alright.

  Loki examined the circuits and found the generator’s main breaker. “Lights going out, now.” He flipped the switch then peered in the direction the red-capped man fled. Long gone.

  Taking a knee, he checked the pulse of the constable who appeared to be in serious condition, bleeding from a head wound. Loki’s eyes surveyed the area and discovered the implement used … blood-spattered, long-handled channel locks. Finding a pulse, Loki exhaled. “Officer is alive.”

  He moved to the electrician who began to stir. He placed a hand on the injured man’s shoulder. “Stay still. Paramedics are on their way.”

  Blinking his eyes open, Orlando Mina groaned as his head pounded.

  “Did you see who attacked you?” Loki inquired, trying hard to focus on the victim instead of what was occurring inside.

  Orlando stared at the covered face but noted the word police across the front of the black jacket. “Not much. A sound behind alerted me to something being wrong. The patrolman dropped like a rock. Is he dead?”


  “I’m glad. The guy came at me next, and I blocked several blows, but he got in a punch. Didn’t see his face, the cap was pulled too low, but I saw his hand. Had a tattoo. He is a member of the Blooddrop Crew.”

  “How do you know?” Loki asked.

  “Used to live in the neighborhood. Got out as soon as I could. Didn’t want the thug life. Four red teardrops. Blooddrop gang members tattoo their hands for the number of kills. Glad he isn’t gonna be able to add two new teardrops.”

  “Me too, buddy.”

  Amedeo Systems – Second Floor – 12:19 p.m.

  Crispin only had a split second to warn his men as he glimpsed an employee lift an H&K UMP45 and aim it towards them. The spray of bullets pinged the metal cabinets around them. When an ominous grunt sounded in his ear, Crispin requested, “Team, status?” One by one, five Echo teammates replied, “No harm,” and all waited for the sixth one to answer.

  Trevor McBride only grunted in response to his sergeant. Sucking in enough air to speak remained an impossibility after taking two rounds in his vest as he dove for cover, which he didn’t make. He lay exposed, and unable to move.

  His eyes caught those of Noel Blythe, team rookie with only seven or eight months of TRF experience under his belt. Noel’s first significant outing with them was the gang war last July, quite a baptism for the young man. Trevor tapped his protective vest, trying to communicate his body armor protected him from all but some severely bruised ribs.

  “Anyone got eyes on Trevor?” Crispin asked, worried for his close-quarters combat specialist.

  “Sarge, I think he was hit in the vest. He’s in the open.” Noel scanned, hoping he could move and pull Trevor to safety without getting shot himself. His eyes landed on the subject with the automatic submachine gun right as the man spotted Trevor.

  Noel reacted as the weapon aimed at Trevor. As Noel rose, he yelled to distract the active shooter. The gun turned away from Trevor towards him, and he fired, dropping the man where he stood. Silence rang in his ears, not hearing his sergeant calling to him as the rest of Echo Team came out from cover to deal with the remaining employees.

  Incapable of moving, Noel stared at the body of the first person he ever killed. His world spun sickeningly on a tilted axis, and he plummeted to his knees to puke his guts out. Fortunately for Trevor, not on him.

  As his men secured the others on the second floor, Crispin knelt between Trevor and Noel. Relief surged in the sergeant as Trevor managed a soft, “I’m alright. Only need to catch my breath.” Crispin wanted to dispute the alright part as he helped his man sit up, but turned his attention to his rookie, and put a hand on the young officer’s back. “Easy. The first time is rough.”

  Noel nodded as he quit heaving and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. When the world righted itself, Noel distractedly wondered how he managed to lift the bottom of his balaclava, so he didn’t hurl in the mask. Sitting on his heels, his eyes moved back to the dead man, and a myriad of emotions assaulted him.

  Gaining his breath, though feeling like he had been slammed into by a semi, Trevor said, “Thanks. Saved my ass. I would be dead now if not for you.”

  Shifting his gaze to Trevor, more emotions filled Noel, triggering his world to spin again. As he wobbled on his knees, sturdy arms steadied him, and he glanced up to find his sergeant and Trevor keeping him from falling. He sought refuge from his overwhelmed senses, going into a hazy world.

  “Keep an eye on Noel while we wrap up,” Crispin instructed Trevor before he stood, needing to ensure they locked down this floor entirely.

  “EMS should check Noel out before NRB takes him,” Trevor uttered.

  Crispin nodded. “Sit tight for now.”

  Trevor leaned on a cabinet and kept the dazed rookie close. First lethals are a bitch. I hope Noel can handle this, don’t want him to quit, he’s an excellent cop.

  Amedeo Systems – Third Floor – 12:19 p.m.

  “Let’s slow this down,” Jon said as the lights flicked on and gunfire erupted on the second floor. His heart beat at a rapid tempo witnessing the pistol aimed at Jackson’s face. He refused to lose another brother in the line of duty. Though he kicked himself for not having Ricigliano show his hands before Jack moved in. An error he shouldn’t have made, one which might cost his brother’s life.

  “No. Now you listen. I’m leaving, and that is how this is going down.” Narciso took several steps forward, causing his hostage to take an equal number of steps back. “Put those cuffs on your wrists.”

  Jackson’s eyes darted to Jon, and he perceived the slight nod. He complied and
cuffed himself with his own handcuffs … a demeaning experience.

  Reaching the second-floor landing, Nick called out, “Almost there.” He puffed harder and determined to increase his workout, needing to be faster. Nick overheard Loki and Crispin, but he concentrated on Jon’s voice, the hostage situation required his focus, knowing the others would handle their circumstances without his intervention.

  Narciso reached for the officer’s holstered weapon and tucked it into his waistband. “Turn around and start walking. We’re leaving.”

  Jon moved to block the door. “Not happening.”

  “Don’t trifle with me unless you want a dead cop on your hands. I’ve killed before and have no qualms about doing so again. I don’t even know him, so I’ll carry no guilt,” Narciso said.

  Lowering his MP5, Jon attempted to negotiate, comprehending if Ricigliano left this room, Jackson wouldn’t live long. “Okay, okay. Let’s talk this out. The charges against you are tax evasion … only a few years of incarceration. Not worth risking getting yourself killed.”

  “Ha!” Narciso snorted. “Always told my good-for-nothing stepson that only idiots become cops. If you got enough evidence for fraud and tax evasion, you know this business is a front for the Cignottis. I’m dead the moment I step foot in prison. So, I’ll be going now and take my chances on the run. Now move, or he is dead.”

  “You don’t want to kill him. If you do, then my teammate will shoot you. You’ll be dead, something you are trying to avoid,” Jon tried.

  Narciso glanced at the other constable right before the lights shut off for the second time. Sharp, deep blue orbs, the only thing visible on the cop’s face, sent a shiver down his spine. Eyes of a killer. He cocked the weapon and put it to the back of his hostage’s head. “I’ll blow his brains out.”

  Jackson locked gazes with Jon. Light gray trusting his older brother’s gunmetal gray, He noted a flick of Jon’s eyes down and understood. He gave a slight nod and dropped to his knees.

  Caught off guard by the change in position of his hostage, Narciso shifted the direction of the revolver and moved to pull the trigger. Two shots rang out, one on top of another.

  Dan exhaled his held breath as the subject’s body wavered a moment before crumpling to the ground with a well-placed hole between his eyes. His gaze had never left Narciso, and detected the movement of his finger, and acted before Loki’s former stepfather took proper aim on Jackson. Luckily the discharged bullet harmlessly hit the floor next to the younger Hardy brother. If he had been a fraction of a second slower, Jackson would be dead.

  Jon rushed forward, kicking the pistol away from Narciso’s body as Nick arrived. Negotiation a moot point now. He pulled Jackson up and embraced his younger brother fiercely as his eyes met Dan’s across the room, his gratitude unspoken.

  Taking in the scene before him, Nick blew out a breath. Son of a bitch! If I were faster, perhaps Ricigliano would still be alive.

  Dan lowered his weapon and assumed his well-used stoic mask. Unhappily aware another interview with NRB awaited him, Dan followed protocol by remaining silent. With any luck, it will be with Agent Stevens … though I hope Noel gets her, she is kindhearted, and this is his first lethal.

  Releasing Jackson, Jon turned to Nick. “This is a clean shoot, Boss. Dan saved a cop, my brother, today. If NRB goes after him, I’ll be in their face.”

  “Calm down. No one is going after Dan.” Nick put a hand on Jon’s back.

  “I am calm,” Jon retorted, distinctly not tranquil but managing to keep it together in the face of what might’ve been.

  Jackson stared at Dan, wanting to express his boundless appreciation, but once he could form words, he kept them simple. “Thanks. I owe you.”

  “No, you don’t. Just doing my job.” Dan pivoted and strode out when he overheard Trevor tell Sergeant Winter medics needed to check Noel before NRB took him. Echo’s rookie is in for one hell of a rough night, and so am I.

  Outside Amedeo Systems – 12:24 p.m.

  Loki peered up at the third level of the building, registering what occurred in only five minutes and in his ex-stepfather’s office. Narciso tried to kill Jon’s brother, and Dan neutralized Narciso to save Jackson. Conflicting emotions warred in him. On the one hand, saddened because Dan had to take a life, and on the other, anger for the situation Narciso caused.

  On a third hand, which Loki vaguely thought might be useful on occasion, an odd sense of relief overcame him at the thought of Narciso’s black-hearted soul gone from this world. Ricigliano is dead and cannot hurt anyone else. The Devil always collects his due.

  We Take Care of Our Own


  January 30

  NRB Office – 4:45 p.m.

  Dan made his way to the reception area with Dale Gibbson at his side after a fairly lengthy interview session. Given the whole situation it was not unexpected, and in truth, although he had been here since one, his interview only lasted about ninety minutes. The rest of the time he spent patiently waiting in the room for Dale to join him.

  Walking down the hall, Dan spoke to Dale. “Thanks for being in Noel’s corner today. The first time going through this process can be daunting, and he didn’t look so hot.”

  Dale nodded. “Poor guy hurled twice. Ms. Stevens handled him with kid gloves since it was a clear, clean use of force.” Stopping at a door, Dale put his hand on the knob. “Noel is in here. He appeared too pale to send on his way alone. Thought you two could ride back to TRF HQ together.”

  Pushing open the door, they found Noel with his head lying on his crossed arms on the table. He didn’t move, and Dan softly said, “Hey, time to go.” When Noel sluggishly lifted his eyes, the haunted appearance worried Dan and Dale’s actions made sense. Dan went to Noel and put a hand on his shoulder. “First time is rough.”

  “Does it get any easier?” Noel’s voice was a mere whisper.

  Not wanting to lie, Dan shook his head. “No, but you learn to cope. Some people talk. Some drink, don’t though, that is a sure path to destruction. You need to process your emotions. Me, I usually punch the hell out of something. A heavy bag is better than a brick wall. Let’s hit the gym together.”

  “Yeah, sure, okay.” Noel rose and shuffled out following Dan.

  Dale watched the two men leave, pleased he suggested Noel wait. Dan will help the young constable through his first lethal action.

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 5:15 p.m.

  Nick, Jon, Crispin, and Echo Team’s tactical lead Carl Buckner glanced up from paperwork as Dan and Noel wandered in, and all four noted Noel’s washed out appearance. Nick inquired, “How’d it go?”

  “Alright. Both deemed lethal uses of force. Since the other teams are not here, I assume debrief is over.”

  “Yes. Bravo is covering our last two hours of shift. Ray and Lexa took Loki home, and Bram is grabbing dinner for everyone and will meet us there.”

  Dan peered at Boss and shook his head. “Go ahead without me. Noel and I are going to workout.” When he received a comprehending nod from Nick, Dan started to pivot.

  Jon stood. “I’ll join you two.”

  “Sure.” Dan guided a still lethargic Noel into the TRF gym since both wore sweats and t-shirts from their go bags after surrendering their uniforms to NRB.

  After Jon left, Nick turned to Crispin and Carl. “Who is going to take care of your rookie?”

  Carl ran a hand through his thinning hair. “I plan to have him stay at my home for the next two days since we are off. Trevor wanted him, but he needs to rest. Those shots did a number on his ribs. After Dan wears him out, we’ll make sure he is alright and stays away from alcohol.”

  Finishing his report, Crispin added his signature, then rose and headed for the dispatch desk but stopped at the entrance and turned back to Nick. “Today didn’t go as expected and could’ve ended quite different, but your team’s tactical plan was spot on. Hope Loki is doing better soon. An awful shock to have his former stepfather die in that manner.�

  Nick nodded but kept quiet. If Crispin knew the full story regarding Narciso, … well, Nick couldn’t predict how his fellow sergeant would react, but it was not his place to tell any of Loki’s past. Leonardo’s death would remain classified as an accident to all but a select few. He wrapped up his paperwork and stood. The son of his heart needed him tonight. He would leave Jon here to ensure Dan ended up at Loki’s after they finished helping Noel.

  Loki’s Home – 8:30 p.m.

  Dan leaned against the wall, wanting to be anywhere but here. This shot messed with his mind. As bad as Narciso was, he killed the man who had a hand in raising Loki to save Jon’s brother. All the familial connections involved in this call kept his own relationship with his father fresh in his head. He ruminated on the general’s words and decided to cut him some slack. Perhaps my dad can’t let go of the plans he had for me.

  TRF gave him ample exposure to family dynamics. Most situations stemmed from misunderstandings or differences of opinion. And again, most could be resolved if the parties took the time to see the other’s point of view. Much like how he and Jon did when they disagreed on strategies and tactics.

  Lexa strode over to Dan. He had been solemn and quiet after arriving, which she understood entirely. Taking a life, no matter the circumstance, came with a whole host of emotions which must be sorted. She put a hand on his bicep, able to get away with the touch in front of the team given today’s events. “How are you doing?”

  Pulled from his reverie, Dan glanced down at Lexa. “Fin … okay.”

  Her brows lifted. “Uh huh?”

  “Yeah, well, I will be before tomorrow’s shift. I should be going.” Dan pushed off the wall and headed for Loki, not sure what to say, but realizing he couldn’t leave without saying something.

  Loki sat on the couch with Ray next to him as he flipped through a family photo album ripping out pictures that contained Narciso, wanting to erase the memory of him. Though he desired to tell Ma in-person, he called her when he first arrived home so she wouldn’t find out about Narciso’s death from a news report, if Toronto news made it to Montreal.


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