SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 53

by Laura Acton

  Barely suppressing a chuckle, Bram said, “Oh, man, Dan. Your hair.”

  “What about my hair?” Dan’s right hand went to his head wondering if the solution was toxic and caused it to fall out.

  “It is a wonderful shade of hot-pink. Allie would love to have hair that color.” Bram’s gates broke open, and he belly laughed at Dan’s expression.

  Dan’s gaze moved to his gray pants which had turned a purply-pinkish hue. With an expression of dread, his eyes drifted back to Bram. “Shit. I hope this isn’t permanent dye.”

  Jon couldn’t hold back his snickers now either. Dan’s hair and eyebrows were neon-pink. “Sorry to laugh, but damn its bright. Thanks for up there. You saved my butt. Scared the crap out of me when you went over. I would gladly take a pink Dan over a dead Dan any day. You sure you are alright?”

  Dan pressed his hand to his painful left hip. Today is par for the course. Every birthday ends up sucking somehow. Usually, it is only the agony of the Sara’s death which is bad enough, but today is shaping up to be so much crappier. This is NOT the type of dyeing I had in mind. Damned Fate added an e to my dying wish.

  Aware Jon would be scrutinizing him today, and he wouldn’t be able to put anything past him, though he didn’t want to reveal his injury, Dan told the truth. “My hip hit the rail hard. It is sore, but otherwise, I’m okay.”

  Jon stood. “Let’s get you down from here. Medics will be checking you over. That was a long fall, and we have no idea exactly what is in that tank.” Offering a hand to Dan, the rookie took hold.

  Nick contacted Tia after Dan and their subject fell, ordering EMS. He informed Jon, “EMS is waiting outside to rinse him down.”

  Bram stepped to the stairs and waited as Jon started to assist Dan to his feet. When their hands clasped, Bram’s eyes widened. “Christ! You’re bleeding, Dan.” He pointed to the blood squeezing out between the joined hands.

  Jon stared a moment before he dropped back to his knees and unceremoniously shoved Dan, rolling him to the right side to examine Dan’s hip. “Damn. One nasty gouge. Might need stitches.”

  “Great,” Dan said sarcastically. Just what I need today. A trip to the hospital and dealing with needles. If the dye is permanent, I’ll have to cut off all my hair. Shit, I’ll need to shave my eyebrows too. Fucking fantastic … that will give everyone a laugh at my expense. Today is getting crappier by the second.

  “Boss, we need EMS in here. Bram and I will carry Dan down, but I don’t want him walking until after he is examined. Lexa, grab us a chair for Dan,” Jon directed as he applied a pressure bandage to stem the bleeding.

  Resigning himself to being carried, due to the ‘no arguments’ expressions on their faces, Dan held the dressing in place and allowed Bram to lift his legs at the knees as Jon wrapped arms around his torso under his pits. Arriving at the bottom of the steps, they set him on the chair Lexa retrieved, and Dan noted all his teammates countenances contained both concern and mirth.

  “Don’t say a word. Not. One. Word,” Dan groused as he continued compressing his wound while waiting for the medics to arrive.

  Loki pursed his lips together trying not to chortle. His eyes rounded and threatened to pop out of his head at the pressure of the stifled laugh. In the end, he couldn’t resist a comparison of Dan to Emilie’s favorite pink-haired cartoon character. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Prince Gumball.”

  Dan shot daggers at Loki which only resulted in the techie giggling.

  Merriment danced in Lexa’s eyes as she realized Dan was only dyed, not dead. She controlled her chuckle, but a thought struck her which almost undid her. Wonder if his hair down below is hot pink too. I’ll have to wait until tonight to find out when I give him my special gift.

  Rebukes, Regrets, and Respite


  February 9

  Outside Shadeforce Textiles – 9:40 a.m.

  Stripped of his clothing, including boxers, and hosed off with freezing water, Dan’s mood soured. Sure they did it circumspectly, blocking the view of him with solid blue tarps, but his embarrassment increased as the twit of a medic now attending to his hip wouldn’t or couldn’t behave professionally and snickered at his pink predicament. Where the hell is Jim when I need him?

  Dan shivered, though covered by several blankets, as the other medic subjected Bram, Loki, and Jon to a hosing down since they touched the dye solution. Although, they got to keep their uniforms on and would not be taking a trip to the hospital in an ambulance.

  Nick approached Dan, relieved he was alive. “Bram is going to ride with you, and Loki is going to bring you your civvies.”

  Dan realized the sweatpants and shirt he wore in today wouldn’t work. “Another uniform. I went straight to working out in my civvies this morning. They’re likely still damp.”

  “Alright.” A snicker from the medic incensed Nick. His voice hardened as he addressed the rude medic. “Show my officer the respect he deserves, or I’m going to speak with your supervisor.”

  Rebuked, Lorne ceased his sniggering and became serious as the bleeding continued heavier than it should. He turned to his senior partner, “Clay, his wound is not clotting well.”

  Finished with checking the others, Clay moved to his annoying junior partner, his review of the rookie’s performance today would include a note about disrespectful behavior towards a patient. Lifting the dressing, Clay examined the injury then asked, “Constable, do you have any medical conditions which would inhibit clotting?”

  “No.” Dan shook his head.

  Coming to the gurney, Jon and Bram overheard. Jon recalled the first-aid refresher he took over their Christmas break, as he glared at Dan when his anger renewed. He mentally added one more reason for not drinking in excess before shift. Easier to bleed out if the body’s clotting mechanism is compromised. “He drank a lot last night.”

  “What is a lot?” Clay applied more pressure.

  When Dan failed to answer, Jon demanded, “Well, how much, Broderick?”

  Dan gritted his teeth before confessing. “Not sure. About half a bottle of Jack Daniels and several shots of Jim Beam. Most ingested before nine thirty.”

  “Christ!” Bram blurted out before he clamped his mouth shut.

  Both medics stared at their patient, thinking he should still be out cold … if not suffering from alcohol poisoning.

  Dan’s blanket slipped from his chest, revealing his scarred torso, but he ignored it as Jon laid into him again.

  Jon scowled as he nailed Dan with piercing irate eyes. “Damn Dan, you damn-well better realize you used your only get out of jail free card. If there is ever a next time, I swear to God you’ll think this morning’s reprimand was a walk in the park and you’ll be shackled to the bench until you can prove yourself worthy of my trust.”

  As soon as the rebuke crossed his lips, Jon regretted it when a fleeting expression of pain crossed Dan’s face as the rookie pulled the covers up to hide his scars. Damn, I’m always shoving my foot in my mouth with him. Pivoting, Jon stormed off to the closest SUV. How the hell am I going to make this up to Dan? He saved my life, and I just reamed him out in public.

  Chilled, Bram tucked the blanket around Dan’s shoulder. “Jon didn’t—”

  “Yes, he did,” Dan interrupted with an acid bite to his tone.

  Clay felt sorry for the officer and said, “Let’s go,” as he began to push the gurney into the ambulance.

  Nick sighed. “Go with him, Bram. Loki will be there shortly with clothing for you both.”

  Climbing into the back and scooting forward on the bench, Bram pondered how to salvage things between Jon and Dan. Bram also wondered what would drive Dan to drink so much in one night. Celebrating didn’t equate. Then the words Jack Daniels and Jim Beam seeped back in. Christ, the names of the buddies he was going out with … Jim and Jack. Not buddies. Dan got soused alone. Why? He came to no conclusions as the doors shut.

  Lexa glowered at Jon as he drove away in the SUV with Loki in the passeng
er seat. She turned to Boss. “That was uncalled for! I hope to hell you set Jon straight. And if you don’t, I will!” Angry beyond belief at her tactical lead, Lexa stomped off to where Ray waited at their vehicle.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ER Treatment Room 1 – 10:50 a.m.

  The ride to the hospital was quiet. Dan clammed up, wearing his stoic mask. After being scolded Lorne became proficient and only spoke when necessary. Bram’s mind remained occupied with the whole morning’s events, and his father mode came out strongly in his protection of Dan. Upon arrival, Nurse Clare allowed Bram go back with Dan. Mostly to keep Dan from killing anyone who might comment on his unusual hair color after the icy glare Dan shot two hapless nurse trainees who giggled at him.

  Unsure about the toxicity of the dye, Dan had been taken directly to the decon shower where he received a thorough scrubbing. Dressed in only a hospital gown, which Dan loathed, he returned to the room in a foul mood after washing his hair numerous times and discovering the hot-pink to be permanent. Thoughts of forthcoming needles didn’t improve his temperament, and he appreciated Bram keeping a silent vigil with him while waiting for the doctor to examine the laceration.

  Fidgeting on the bed, Dan’s hand moved to the sterile gauze covering his wound. Turning to Bram, he eyed the man who became his first friend on the team. “Looked at the cut in the shower. Most likely needs stitches.”

  Bram nodded. “Yeah.” Dan’s fear of needles caused his friend to become nervous, and he wished Dr. Fraser was on duty, but Clare indicated he was off volunteering someplace. In a nonchalant tone, Bram offered, “I’ll stay with you if you want.”

  In a small voice, Dan said. “Thanks.”

  “Not quite how you expected to spend your birthday, is it?” Bram said to make conversation and to let Dan know he remembered. Loki’s surprise would not be ruined.

  His shields down a bit, comfortable with Bram, Dan shared, “Been worse.”

  “Well, happy birthday. Should’ve told you that when you arrived.”

  Dan flicked his eyes away. “No need. I don’t celebrate my birthday.” As soon as he let that out, he wanted to recall the words. He searched for a deflection for the inevitable question of why but came up blank.

  The averted eyes told Bram not to probe, though he was curious. Instead, he chose an entirely different tact. “You do realize my girls are going to be jealous of your hair. Emilie will go gaga since you have the same color as Pinkie Pie pony. Leslie’s favorite Care Bear is Tenderheart and is as pink as you. And Allie, well, her Prince Charming just turned into Prince Gumball, which all the girls adore. Be prepared for ear-piercing squeals when they see you.”

  A small snort escaped Dan unbidden. “I’ll need to shave all this off or be the laughing stock of TRF.”

  “Nah, no one will laugh. You saved Jon today.”

  Dan turned his eyes back to Bram. “Like hell, they won’t laugh … I would, except it is me with the neon-pink hair all over my damned body.”

  Bram’s brows rose at the admission, and he fake coughed to cover the chuckle as he realized what all over meant. Damn, poor guy. He’ll be dateless for a while. No man would risk being laughed at while getting intimate. No matter how strong the ego, laughing at that would scar any man.

  Before he could respond, the curtain was pulled aside, and a young man wearing a lab coat appeared.

  The intern took one glance at his patient’s hair and said, “Cool hair, dude. Had mine almost that shade last semester, too bad they made me dye it black before starting my internship. Can’t believe TRF allows you to keep your hair that color. Progressive. Perhaps I should’ve become a cop instead of a doctor. Sorry, forgot to introduce myself. Dr. Tenderheart … and yeah, that is my real name. I’ll take a look at the cut now.”

  Dan stared at Bram in disbelief of the mannerisms and the name. Of all the doctors who could be assigned. Dan finally laughed, and Bram joined him. Tension released, Dan laid back to allow the doctor to examine the wound.

  Startled and a bit confused by the chortling, Gilroy Tenderheart, set about checking the laceration. “Appears this will take a fair amount of stitches. Not too deep but the edges are too ragged to hold together well without them.”

  With the doctor’s proclamation, Dan’s muscles went rigid.

  Bram laid a hand on his shoulder. “You can do this. I’ll be right here.”

  Peering down at Dan’s paperwork as she entered, Heather’s chipper voice rang out, “Clare called up to surgery and told me you were here. I’m on lunch break and thought I would pop down to check on you.” She lifted her eyes, and her smile morphed into a gape of shock, as her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, goodness. It’s so … so … pink! Oh my gosh, Jim is not going to believe this. What the heck happened?”

  Dan frowned and sighed. The razzing will never end. God forbid someone takes a picture. The photo will be plastered around TRF like the frozen sniper one. Loki probably snagged one from some CCTV video.

  Bram chuckled and answered Heather when Dan stayed quiet. “Dan fell from a second story catwalk into a vat of dye taking down a subject and saving Jon’s life. He needs stitches.”

  Dan grumbled, “If you tell Jim then Blaze and everyone else will find out. Isn’t there something about patient confidentially?”

  Heather spotted the gouge which needed sutures. Although Jim didn’t share details, he assured her Dan’s phobia of needles was not irrational and asked her to help him if he couldn’t be here. Heather took his hand and smiled. “Yeah, but I don’t think it covers pink hair. I’ll make you a deal. I can spill the beans to Jim if I make it so you are not aware of any needles today.”

  “Deal,” Dan answered without hesitation.

  Tenderheart watched the byplay. “Wow. I guess you two know each other.”

  Heather smiled. “You’re new here. This is Dantastic, our favorite patient who hates to be here. Dr. Fraser usually is his attending physician. If you don’t want to upset your boss, treat Dan well, which includes thoroughly reading his chart before you prescribe any painkillers.”

  Gilroy nodded. “Alright. Perhaps you can shorthand things for me so we can stitch him up and get him outta here faster since he dislikes being here.”

  Heather grinned, liking the young man. “Come with me, I’ll give you the low down, and we can set things up properly.” Turning to Dan, she said, “Give us about thirty minutes.”

  “Sure.” Dan’s body began relaxing. He trusted Heather though he didn’t know how she would accomplish her claim.

  TRF HQ – Conference Room 3 – 10:50 a.m.

  Livid, not keeping his typical calm, Nick continued his lecture, “And if you lose your cool in public again, I’ll consider removing you as tactical lead. Our team relies on us as the senior members to set the tone. Your behavior is as detrimental to this team as someone coming in hungover. There isn’t a single team member who didn’t want to take you to task for how you treated Dan after he risked his life to save yours.” Nick stopped to take a breath.

  “Me included,” Jon inserted in the short gap of Nick’s long, and brutal tirade. One he deserved. One which Boss held privately, unlike him.

  Nick rubbed his face and took several calming breaths as what Jon said rolled around in his mind. He concluded he must approach this problem without allowing emotion to cloud the issue. “Jon, I understand you care. I do. But the way you go after Dan, it is unproductive.”

  His eyes shot to the ceiling, and Jon sighed heavily. “I realize that but changing is difficult. I see Dan, and when he screws up … well, right or wrong, Joseph’s memory seeps in. Guess the warrant call with Jackson brought up emotions I believed long buried.” Jon scratched his shaved head. “Dan is like a mule-headed, little brother. I must pound things into his head to protect him from himself which tends to provoke my anger.”

  Jon gazed at Nick. “When he fell today … I thought he died.” He took a shuddering breath in and blew it out. “I screwed up. I should’ve allowed him to move to
the office door, would’ve been better strategically than the flimsy skywalk. Badcock wouldn’t have had an opportunity to take pot shots. All three of us would’ve restrained Dick before he had a chance to pull the weapon. I’ll apologize and make it up to Dan. I just don’t know how.”

  Perceiving Jon’s sincerity, Nick said, “I have an idea how to start.”

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ER Nurse’s Station – 11:05 a.m.

  Heather finished explaining her idea for treating Dan and giving the intern a quick rundown of Dan’s reactions to certain medications, especially how morphine caused him to hallucinate.

  Tenderheart nodded and stifled a yawn, having been on for sixteen hours so far. “Agreed. I’ll let you gather the necessary items to treat Constable Broderick. I’m going to grab a much-needed cup of coffee and will meet you in there in a few minutes.”

  “Thanks.” Heather hurried off to arrange things.

  Unknown to either of them they had an eavesdropper for their entire conversation. Pitbull smiled. His unscheduled stop to bring his wife her phone netted him information which might come in handy. Panther’s continued surveillance of all the members of this TRF team would be quite useful too.

  The only thing he had been upset about was Panther’s decision to interfere at Amedeo Systems. Panther sported some rather colorful bruises after the beat down he authorized, and Panther would not be making decisions without consulting him in the future, or he would meet Rat’s fate.

  Renata Nores spotted her husband and hurried towards him. “Diego, you’re here already. Oh, thank you for bringing my phone. I can’t believe I left without it this morning.”

  Pitbull grinned as he handed over the cell phone. “A happy excuse to visit my lovely wife.” He slung an arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. “I need you to do something for me.”

  Renata’s stomach clenched. She knew that tone, and she wouldn’t like Diego’s request, but she would never deny him anything, he treated her like a queen, she never wanted for anything. She listened as he whispered, her eyes widening.


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