SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 62

by Laura Acton

  Excited by the offer to spend time with Daniel, William replied, “Lead the way.” He turned to Mike and handed off his weapon. “I’ll be back, no need for you to accompany me. Enjoy a cup of coffee and relax a bit.”

  Toronto Pearson International Airport – 8:00 a.m.

  Lexa spotted Boss and waved as she approached after retrieving her luggage. “Boy, am I happy to be on the ground. The storm made my flight bumpy.”

  Nick’s brows rose as he thought about how he would’ve reacted during the stormy flight. Likely not well, but he wouldn’t have gone in the plane in the first place. His fear of flying locked him to destinations which could be reached via ground transportation. “Welcome back.”

  “Thanks for picking me up. I could’ve taken a cab.”

  Nick grinned. “Not necessary, and I want to talk to you about something.”

  Lexa eyed him. “Yeah, what?”

  “In my car … more private.” He came to a conclusion last night and would follow through with his idea today. As they rushed through the downpour to his car, he remained quiet. Once ensconced, he said, “I need a favor from you.”

  Unsure of Boss’ demeanor, Lexa responded, “If I can.”

  Nick turned to Lexa. “We all care. Team is family. We’ve discussed Dan’s protective nature before.

  When Boss paused, Lexa prodded, “Yes.”

  He rubbed his face, gathering his words. “We all recognized Dan deteriorating … the dark circles indicating lack of sleep.”

  Lexa nodded but kept quiet. She had taken note of Dan’s state before she left and Boss’ comment now gripped her heart. For one second she worried Dan might’ve been hurt again, but rational thinking returned, and Lexa comprehended they would’ve called her if that occurred.

  “Thing is … and I’m not breaking a confidence lightly … it is important, but this needs to remain between you and me. It would be detrimental if you become angry and lash out at Dan.” Deciding to tell Lexa was easier than actually doing so. Nick bit the bullet and said, “Dan made safeguarding you his mission. He only slept in short stints for two and a half weeks.

  “Dan camped out on rooftops for a solid week of freezing nights before he spoke to Blaze. From him he discovered the house across the street from you is vacant and the one they used while shadowing us. He moved in there and spent his nights maintaining a vigil over you watching for the stalker to show. He didn’t relinquish his post until you left for class.”

  Lexa’s jaw dropped as a mix of emotions flooded in. Anger and how dare he came first. A close second, surprise coupled with slight unease and I never detected him … he is truly a stealthy panther. The final, awe with warmth encasing Lexa’s heart and Dan went to that length to keep me safe.

  Moving forward quickly as he registered her emotions, Nick began, couching his plan by appealing to Lexa’s caring nature. “Dan slept this week. Promised me he would, and he is now back to himself. However, he would not commit to ceasing his nocturnal overwatch upon your return. I fear he will begin deteriorating again. So, I came up with a couple of options I would like you to consider … for his safety as well as yours.”

  Lexa waited.

  Nick took the plunge. “They include, coming to stay with me for a while. My guest room has not had an occupant yet. Or allow Dan, Loki, Ray, and I to alternate staying at your place.”

  Independence reared its head, and Lexa shook hers. “No. I’ll talk to him and make Dan agree not to continue his unneeded activities.”

  “Please reconsider,” Nick noted her body language. No, she won’t.

  “I don’t need babysitters.” Lexa crossed her arms, ending the conversation.

  Home of Marbella Ridgewater – Morning Room – 8:20 a.m.

  Yvonne lowered the delicate china to the saucer, thankful for the warmth on a dreary, rainy day. “Harriet told me how the councilwoman harassed Dan. And now Ravenswood is actively campaigning against Walter’s desire to obtain more training funding. I do not understand the vindictive woman.”

  Bella contemplated the issue as she sipped tea. “I was certain she would be a strong ally. I believed her to be a forthright voice in government. Though, affairs of the heart are often difficult to predict. A woman scorned, even if in her own mind, can be a source of much wickedness.”

  Sighing, Yvonne nodded. “Harriet said Walter indicated Dan met her a long time ago. I don’t recall her being any of his high school friends, and she has no military history. Never living in the same location as Dan was stationed.”

  A smile came to Bella’s face. “Ever the protective Mama Bear. It appears you did your research. Do you think she is a direct threat to our Danny boy?”

  “I’m unsure … like you said, scorned women can be unpredictable. I wish there were some way I could find out and change her mind. Walter’s plans will benefit not only officers but citizens. The funding increase he seeks is such a pittance when compared to the lives which will be saved.”

  As the ladies talked, Wilson listened but did not share with them where Dan connected with Lorelei. Some things a mother did not need to know … and both, in essence, were Dan’s mothers. Dan’s first sexual encounter fell into that category. Besides, Bella would twist his ear if she found out what he allowed to occur with their seventeen-year-old boy. Guilt seeped in too. If he had not sanctioned the tryst or told Lorelei that Dan worked for TRF, this situation would not be brewing. Wilson rose. “If you will please excuse me. There is a matter I must address. I shouldn’t be gone more than an hour or so.”

  Smiling up at Wilson, Bella said, “Alright, take your time and an umbrella. Yvonne and I will remain here making plans for dinner.” As he left the room, Bella returned her gaze to Yvonne. “Something is up with him.”

  “How do you know?” Yvonne reached for her teacup again.

  “Wilson’s been with me so long I can read the man like a book. I have the impression he is aware of where Danny met Ms. Ravenswood.”

  Yvonne blinked, somewhat surprised. “Really? How?”

  After taking a sip of her cooling tea, Bella set her cup down. “During the luncheon Ann attended in your stead, I spotted Wilson speaking to her after she handled a photo of Daniel.”

  A light chuckle emitted from Yvonne. “So, we can assume Wilson is taking care of this problem.”

  Bella’s smile broadened. “Most definitely. Wilson holds Danny in his heart and will never allow harm to befall him if he is capable of preventing it.”

  TRF HQ – Gun Range – 8:30 a.m.

  Dan grinned, making a note in his dope book. Having time to begin dialing in his gift, using the scope he purchased after the party, had been fun. The only sad part, Jon’s golf balls would not work on the inside range, and the rain prevented them from using the outside one unless they wanted to be soaked through, which no one did.

  He turned and waited for the results as Bram and Ray pulled back the targets and calculated who won. He eyed his father as he traded techniques with Jon. Perhaps a day spent with him at TRF would show his dad how much of a difference he made here. He like the idea of Dad and Mike doing a ride-along with him and Loki today, should they receive any hot calls.

  Mike leaned on the counter as he removed his ear protection and turned to Dan. “Never seen him happier than when you asked him to hang out here today. Makes me happy to see you two as you should be.”

  Dan only nodded in response as an old memory filtered in. “You were right in Al Sattar’s steam room. My father possesses a kind heart, and I realize now he would go to the deepest, darkest, third-world jungle to protect me from a son of an unwed mother.”

  Recalling his own father’s non-cussing rant at Savelievich, Mike busted out laughing. “Yes, he would. Glad you recognize the truth now.”

  Bram lifted his eyes and peered at General Broderick, Dan, and Jon. His best friend might need a little consoling after he shared the results.

  “Who won?” Loki asked. He enjoyed witnessing the skill of all three snipers today and
only wished Lexa was here to participate.

  Holding up the targets, Bram said, “First place goes to Dan.”

  William beamed with pride. “Wouldn’t expect anything else.” He realized the choice of his words might be taken out of context, so he qualified, “Daniel is a natural and the best sniper in Canada … probably the world.”

  At first, Dan’s heart iced as unwanted mixed up memories of the general’s motivations invaded his mind, but when he caught his dad’s eyes, Dan read pride in them, and his heart warmed with the unsolicited compliment.

  “In second place by a hair is General Broderick,” Bram announced.

  William’s eyes flicked to Jon. “I’m surprised. I believed you outgunned me today. I haven’t been to the range much, and I’m a bit rusty.”

  Jon groaned, but good-naturedly said, “If you’re rusty and bested me, I bet you would give Dano a run for his money.”

  Shaking his head, William said, “No. My son surpassed my abilities long ago. Even as a teen he kept me on my toes.”

  Klaxon alarms sounded as Tia’s voice came over the loudspeaker, “Alpha Team, hot call. Reported shots fired at Shampoodles Animal Salon.”

  Abandoned Warehouse – 8:50 a.m.

  Not a morning person, his pleasures tended to keep him up until the wee hours of the morning, Two-shots groused at being up so early on a cold, rainy day, but he dragged himself here based on his brother’s request. He growled at the boy who dared sit in his chair and sent the twerp skittering away before he plopped down and put his dripping wet head in his hands.

  Panther shook his head. Two-shots looked like a drowned rat with his clothing soaking wet. “Not your usual woman-magnet self this morning?”

  “Wouldn’t rile the bear this early, Panther,” Pitbull said as he took his seat. The boys he had assigned to cause trouble for the TRF team gathered around. “What do you have to report.” He pointed to a pimply kid.

  Fourteen-year-old Miguel quavered under the direct gaze of Pitbull. “Um, well, I’m causing problems for Kent … the bald guy’s son. I trashed his locker and started a rumor he is a nark.”

  Two-shots lifted his head, giving the kid a disapproving eye. “Do more. Pick a fight. Beat him up.”

  “But I’ll get in trouble too.” Miguel shuffled his feet reconsidering his decision to join the Blooddrop Crew. At first, it sounded like a cool thing to do, but now they made him do more things he didn’t like.

  Before Two-shots could zero in on his friend, Santino said, “I put another nail in the sergeant’s tire, and I made another swatter call.”

  Pitbull assessed both youths. The grooming process moved forward well with Santino. The teen possessed the makings to be a full-fledged member one day. Miguel, on the other hand, might need some more incentive to become ruthless. He perceived another Raymundo or Esteban in him … too cowardly to go the full distance. “What kind of call did you place this time?” he inquired.

  “I set off fireworks behind a dog grooming place and called 911 telling them I heard gunshots.” Santino bragged, happy to be noticed by Pitbull and to take the heat off Miguel.

  “Alright … at least someone is thinking.” Two-shots shifted his gaze to Panther. “The message on the roses didn’t produce the discord we expected.”

  Walking on eggshells, Panther responded, “Not exactly, but they still believe she is being stalked. That is a bonus, and we can use that to our advantage.”

  Sanchez entering stopped further discussion on the topic as everyone turned their attention to him. Emilio carried a folder and handed it off to Pablo. “As requested, the men who will garner more attention if they are released at the same time as Alonzo.”

  Two-shots flipped open the file, and even in his less and awake state, his mind began churning. “Wow. This will work. What made you pick them?”

  “A chance meeting with an old buddy from the Fourteenth.”

  Pitbull rose and peered over Pablo’s shoulder at the names. His eyes widened as he grinned. “I remember them. A lot of press coverage when they were arrested.”

  “Yeah. I had forgotten all about the shake-up after they went down. But I ran across Gould, an old shiftmate before I transferred to Guns and Gangs. He was recently fired after being arrested by the TRF for hiring some local kids to trash Broderick’s truck. Anyway, he reminded me Broderick was involved in their arrests and the threats they made against him.”

  “Threats?” Panther asked as he snuck a peek at the four men Sanchez identified.

  “Let’s just say, if they are let loose, the primary focus will be on them, and Alonzo will be small potatoes,” Sanchez said. “Oh, and a tidbit I gleaned from another friend you might find useful. The computer system used by prisoner processing is scheduled for an upgrade in mid-April. So, you should execute your plan before it goes into effect or all the work done so far will be moot.”

  Two-shots blew out a breath and stood. “Guess I should go shower and visit Theresa. She is making progress on hacking the system, but sounds like I need to push her a little harder.”

  Pitbull grinned. “While you do that, I’ll amuse myself by keeping up the campaign of false calls today. Will be fun having them running around in the rain for nothing.” He turned to Santino. “Any other ideas?”

  Sanchez pulled his raincoat tighter around him intending to leave. “I’m done with you for now. No more favors. If I’m canned, there won’t be any buffer for your activities.”

  Smirking Pitbull said, “You’ll do whatever I say when I say. Don’t forget your sister is my wife and you wouldn’t want her to be unhappy, especially since she is expecting our first child.”

  Emilio stopped, his eyes opening in surprise. “Renata’s pregnant?”

  “Yep.” Pitbull studied Emilio and liked what he perceived. The detective was wholly his lackey now. The man might’ve been a good cop once, but his family meant more to him than anything else, so the hook was now set deep.

  Sanchez nodded, resigned to the fact his life took a turn he never wanted. “Just don’t call me at the station.”

  As the cop left, Santino basked in the light of being recognized by Pitbull and offered up many suggestions for swatting calls. Thirty minutes later, he, Miguel and the other recruits left with burner phones and instructions on when to call 911 with a myriad of different scenarios which would run the TRF teams ragged today. Santino gazed at Miguel. His friend would need help with his order, so he didn’t end up facing Two-shots’ or Pitbull’s wrath. He smiled as a fist clenched … he would like punching out the lights of a pig’s kid.

  Dantastic Hears a Who


  March 11

  Councilwoman Ravenswood’s Office – 9:20 a.m.

  “Ms. Ravenswood, a gentleman is here requesting to meet with you. He doesn’t have an appointment, but your nine thirty engagement called to cancel. Her flight from Ottawa was delayed due to the weather, so you are free until ten thirty. Do you want me to show him in?”

  Lorelei glanced up from her paperwork. “Did he give a name?”

  “Mr. Keswick.”

  “Yes, I’ll meet with him.” Lorelei adjusted her suit jacket and stood, ready to receive a possible constituent. Though she represented the smallest and least influential ward, this position would be a stepping stone to more prominent ones, and she intended to do everything in her power to achieve her goals.

  She plastered on her plastic smile, one she practiced in the mirror until it appeared natural and congenial. Her voice began in a measured tone as the door opened and the gentleman entered, “Mister Kes …” but faltered as she recognized the face of the man who told her about Dan, “wick.”

  Wilson strode forward, a pleasant smile on his face as he extended his hand. “Thank you for agreeing to see me unexpectedly, Ms. Ravenswood. I would’ve called first but my schedule is quite full, and something opened up, so I decided to pop by and take my chances.”

  Shaking his hand, Lorelei gave her assistant the nod to leave and clos
e the door. “Always a pleasure. I’m glad my calendar could accommodate you. Please, take a seat.” She noted he held two books in his other hand.

  Wilson chose a chair and laid the books on his lap as Lorelei resumed her seat. He must proceed with caution, he didn’t want to cross the line into blackmail, but his message needed to be clear. If she went after Danny, she would be dealing with people who could flatten her prospects.

  “To what do I owe this impromptu visit?” Lorelei caught a glimpse of the titles … both Dr. Seuss books.

  Wilson noted the direction of her eyes. “A couple of items. First, I understand you are driving a literacy project. I would like to donate two of my favorite books. They both have such positive messages and children seem to love them.” He placed Dr. Seuss’s Horton Hatches an Egg and Horton Hears a Who on the desk.

  Surprised he brought books, Lorelei smiled graciously and decided small-talk was in order as she picked up the children’s books. “Thank you. So, these stories are your favorites, care to share why?”

  “Yes. I like Horton’s faithfulness when hatching the egg. A clear illustration that a real parent’s love knows no bounds nor does it need a biological connection. And in the other one, Horton protects the speck of dust though others ridicule him, and he claims a person is a person no matter how small. These are guiding principles I have used my entire life.”

  “How interesting.” She set the hardcovers down and studied the man before her, unable to read much in his expression. He possesses a military bearing so perhaps he is a retired service member.

  Wilson waited a moment as she perused him. “I understand you changed your opinion on the extra funds for TRF training. I’m curious as to why.”

  Her gut zinged as the real reason for the visit came into the open. “Well, I believe the money would be better utilized in projects such as my literacy one. Funding for our policing services is adequate, and we need to focus on the youngest citizens who rely on us to provide them a brighter future.”

  “Noble, but I will speak plainly, Ms. Ravenswood. I’m also a fan of Horton’s mantra, I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. If your change of heart is due to Daniel Broderick’s rejection of your advances, you might want to rethink your position. Revenge often rebounds on the perpetrator in unsuspecting ways.”


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