SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 66

by Laura Acton

  Lexa glared at the callous man as she moved her body in front of Dan. “How dare you. You are aware of his phobia.”

  Disgusted by the wimpy man, Prick declared, “A plethora of patients are waiting, and we require this room. Nurse, administer the injections now.”

  As the young nurse, Angela Pinto moved forward, Lexa turned and pulled Dan’s head to her shoulder. She noted his rigidness and whispered, “I’m here. Hold on to me. This will be over fast.” Lexa caressed him as the nurse gave her a look of, I’m sorry he is living up to his name.

  With consideration, keeping the hypodermics out of Dan’s view, Angela administered the rabies vaccine, immunoglobulin, and antibiotic while Dr. Prick stated, “The sites may be a tad sore. Redness, swelling, and pain during the next two days are usual. Use OTC painkillers for discomfort.

  “If results are positive, he will require a series of shots on days three, seven, and fourteen. His primary care doctor can give them, no need to squander ER resources. Fill this at your local pharmacy. Angela will bring discharge papers soon, and he may leave.” He handed a script for an oral antibiotic to Lexa.

  Lexa sat for several minutes after the doctor and nurse left, stroking Dan’s back as he lay on his side, helping to calm him, noting his muscles relaxing in stages and his breathing returning to a regular cadence. Internally she debated whether she should complain regarding the doctor’s unprofessional attitude.

  Deciding not to waste her time, Lexa said, “You did well.” Receiving no response, she leaned in and brushed his cheek with a light kiss. “I’ll come over tonight and bring dinner. Anything you want in particular?”

  Dan opened his eyes, finding it more difficult than a few minutes ago. As he rolled to his back, his words came out slurred, “Whatever you want.”

  “Okay. I’m going to tell Jon you’re all done. I’m sure Loki is back with your clothes by now. One of them will help you dress.”

  Glazed eyes dropped and scanned himself. “Don’t like wearing a dress. Not my color. Blue would be better. Don’t you think blue is better? I like blue,” Dan mumbled almost drunkenly as he picked at the hospital gown.

  Lexa’s eyes narrowed. Dan wore a blue gown. His demeanor was off, something was not right, and she worried he might be reacting to the vaccine or antibiotic. She stepped to the opening and searched for Dan’s nurse, flagging her down. “Something’s wrong with Dan.”

  Angela entered the room. “Dan?”

  Unfocused sapphire eyes sought out Lexa. “Feel funny, woozy. Stop spinning, or I’m gonna puke.” Dan reached out to Lexa and missed.

  “He thinks the gown isn’t blue.” Lexa’s worry ratcheted up.

  Angela hustled out. She had never seen a reaction like this to these medications. She approached the senior ER physician on duty. “Dr. Basara, there is a problem with a patient Dr. Prick treated. A strange reaction.”

  Basara said, “Where is Prick?”

  “He left to grab lunch. Please come. Quick.”

  Both hurried to the treatment room. Angela gave Basara a concise report on Dan including current condition, treatment, medications given, and up-to-date history of known adverse reactions. Although nausea and dizziness were possible side effects of what Dan received, the altered visual acuity and slurred speech did not match the symptomatology. He requested a check of the syringes provided by the pharmacy.

  Angela responded, “I’m afraid that isn’t possible. I disposed of them in a locked biohazard container for sharp items per protocol.”

  Basara reviewed the information on Dan’s chart and ordered a STAT blood draw for a toxicology panel and IgE-protein levels.

  Lexa held Dan’s hand, talked to him, and stroked his cheek to distract him. Dan didn’t flinch when Angela did an efficient draw as he became groggier and more disoriented.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ER Waiting Room – 1:10 p.m.

  After waiting a tense thirty minutes to discover the cause of Dan’s strange reaction, Lexa strode out of the treatment area to locate Jon and Loki. With concern now furrowing her brows, she spotted the two sitting on the far side of the still-crowded waiting area.

  Jon rose as Lexa approached, his worry increased when Lexa failed to appear at the expected time. Minutes dragged on, and he contemplated barging back to find out the reason for the delay. He refrained from doing so as he noted the massive number of people waiting to be treated and chalked up the prolonged wait to the swamped ER. But viewing Lexa’s countenance, his apprehension amped up. “Everything alright?”

  Coming to a halt, Lexa shook her head. “No.”

  Loki popped up, his expression morphing from humor as he thought about all the pranks he would pull with Dan to one of worry.

  “I’ll cut to the chase. Somehow Dan ended up injected with an opioid, and the doctor suspects morphine from Dan’s symptoms and history, but they won’t receive conclusive results for another hour.”

  “What!” Jon exclaimed.

  “The nurse gave all his injections, the last being a dose of antibiotic. About ten minutes later his speech slurred, his perception of color went wacky, and he became dizzy and nauseated. All symptoms Jim noted in Dan’s file as reactions he exhibited when given morphine in the past. Concerned by the immediate nature of the effects, the ER doctor wanted to rule-out anaphylaxis, but he also ordered a toxicology panel.

  “Dr. Basara received the preliminary results only a few moments ago but is willing to release him, once the specific narcotic is identified. Though he made one stipulation, someone must monitor Dan for the next six hours. A potential exists for him to experience hallucinations, but Basara believes that with the sedative in his system Dan will sleep it off.”

  Confused by the change in doctor’s names, Loki questioned, “What happened to Dr. Prick?”

  “He went to lunch and Basara, the senior doctor on duty, took over.”

  Jon’s mind went in several directions. The cop in him became suspicious of how Dan ended up with morphine, especially with all the safety protocols in place to ensure things like that didn’t happen. He coupled this with all the strange happenings recently. The rash of swatter calls. Repeated, unexplained nails in Nick’s tires, since he didn’t drive through any construction zones. Lexa’s Valentine’s stalker who had not made a reappearance. And even the fight Kent got into at school … unprovoked by boys Kent didn’t know.

  He tabled those thoughts for the immediate need. “I’ll call Jen. With Kent at home today, he can help look after Joey and Jen can keep an eye on Dan at our place.”

  Lexa nodded and spied Dan’s bag on the floor. Aware she couldn’t be the one to help Dan without raising suspicions with Jon or Loki, she said, “Loki, while I call Boss to inform him of what occurred, you can take Dan his clothes. He is extremely groggy and will need some assistance.” As Loki lifted the bag, she added, “No pictures and no video recording him. This is not a laughing matter, regardless of how whacked out his comments become.”

  Waiting for Jen to answer, Jon sternly said, “If I find out you take any video or photos of Dan, I’ll assign you ammo counting for months, and you’ll become friendly with the obstacle course too.”

  “I promise.” Loki crisscrossed his heart. He trotted towards the door. No way in hell he would do that to Dan given this situation. Loki wondered about the mix-up in meds, and after helping Dan get dressed, he would ask what the hospital planned on doing to figure out how this occurred. Our team is experiencing way too much weird crap lately.

  As Jon spoke to Jen, Lexa called Boss.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ER Room – 1:15 p.m.

  Loki approached Dan’s bed, noting the scratches on the back of his head and white gauze wrapped around his forearm. His teammate appeared to be sleeping from his position, so it came as a surprise when he rounded the other side of the gurney and found Dan’s eyes open. Loki spoke soft and stood back, keeping in mind how rapidly Dan took Jon to the ground in the briefing room a few weeks ago. “Hey, Dantastic. I broug
ht your clothes.”

  Dan shifted his gaze, and a dopey grin formed. “Hay is for horses … you should know that, you’re an Italian stallion.”

  Moving forward, Loki couldn’t help the smile which grew but refrained from making a quip. “You ready to change?”

  “Yeah, hate wearing dresses … not manly. You bring me something blue?”

  Setting the bag on the chair, Loki suppressed his chuckle. “Well, you wore jeans in today, so I guess so.” He unzipped Dan’s bag and removed the pants. “Can you sit?”

  Dan pushed up and dangled his legs over the side. When he wobbled, Loki grabbed his arm to keep Dan from pitching forward. “Whoa, buddy.”

  “Told ya I’m not a horse,” Dan muttered in a severe tone.

  “Alright. How about I slip these on?” He squatted and put one foot then the other into the legs and pulled them to Dan’s knees. “Let’s stand now.” Loki gripped Dan’s elbow to steady him as he scooted off the bed. “Hold the rail, and I’ll tug these up for you.”

  “Prefer being undressed … by a sexy woman,” Dan said as his mind drifted.

  Underhanded, though not wanting to miss an opportunity, when Loki hiked up Dan’s jeans, he asked, “What kind of sexy lady?”

  “My beauty—” Dan listed to the left. Loki succeeded in keeping him upright but bumped his injured arm causing him to hiss and pull it to his chest.

  “Sorry.” Loki helped Dan to sit on the edge again.

  With a solemn expression, Dan proclaimed, “Hate raccoons. They’re mean little bastards.”

  “Agree one hundred percent. Another reason to hate the woods. Nothing good ever happens in them.”

  The weird crooked smile returned to Dan’s face. “Unless they have a strawberry patch. I love strawberries … and cherries. Strawcherries would be awesome.” Dan started to tilt again as his eyes closed.

  Loki caught him again and managed to pull Dan’s shirt on before he zonked out. He laid him down and put on his shoes before standing back and assessing his friend. “The weirdest crap happens to you. Thank goodness you’re okay.” He shoved the plastic bag containing Dan’s ruined uniform in his go bag and headed for the waiting room.

  Jon’s Home – 2:40 p.m.

  After pulling into his driveway, Jon shut off the SUV. He peered at Dan who remained quiet the entire ride, though not unexpected with the sedative. He exited, went to the passenger side, opened the door, and stepped way back, having learned his lesson a few weeks ago. “Dano, we’re here.”

  “Here?” Dan blinked his heavy lids open a bit confused.

  “My home. You’re going to sleep off the meds. Jen will be here if you need anything.” After helping Dan out of the truck, Jon slung one of Dan’s arms around his shoulder and wrapped his other arm around Dan’s waist.

  Shuffling his feet sluggishly, Dan eventually reached Jon’s door. He wanted to lie down and tried to sit on the doorstep.

  “Not yet. I gotta get you into bed.” Jon prevented Dan from sitting.

  Opening the front door, Jen greeted them with a smile.

  Dan’s glazed eyes peered at Jen then at Jon. “Jen’s not gonna like you taking me to bed. Not right. You’re a married man. And you’re really not my type.”

  Jen’s hand immediately covered her mouth as she bit her lip to suppress the laugh. As she stepped back to allow them to enter, she locked gazes with Jon. They silently shared a laugh with only their eyes.

  After maneuvering Dan into the spare room on the first floor, and tucking him in bed Jen and Jon left the room, closing the door.

  Once in the kitchen, Jen released her giggle. “Oh my! When you said he became loopy on meds, I didn’t realize how loopy.”

  Jon grinned. “Yeah, it can be weird. The first time we ever saw him on morphine was after he and Bram crashed. Dan thought the blanket was snow.”

  “So, you think he will sleep the entire time?”

  “I hope. Call if there are any problems. We’ll be patrolling in the area after we debrief in case you need anything.” Jon pulled Jen to him, hugging her tightly. “Let’s keep Dan’s comment between us. He doesn’t need to suffer more embarrassment. Hopefully, he doesn’t remember the remark.”

  “Of course.” Jen gave Jon a quick peck and teased, “Is Dan your type?”

  Jon chuckled. “As a TRF partner, yes. As a bed partner, hell no. You are my type though.” He kissed her deeply for a few moments before pulling back. “Until tonight, my queen.”

  “I’m holding you to that promise.” She swatted his butt as he left. She filled a glass of water to put at Dan’s bedside before going to check on him.

  Jen found him fast asleep and noted his boyish appearance, justifiably bringing out her motherly side. She pulled the blanket up, covering the bandage on his forearm. Sometimes she found it hard to reconcile his young guise with all the things he endured. Jen sighed and shut the bedroom door, so he wouldn’t wake if the boys made noise when they returned from the neighbors.

  Too Many Coincidences


  March 15

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 3:45 p.m.

  Nick closed the folder after the team minus Dan finished debriefing. Leaning back in his chair, he smiled. “Excellent work today. Detective Calhoun called while some of you were with Dan. The search of Mr. Randall’s property netted fifteen endangered animals, and they found two secret tunnels which contained a meth lab and a storage room filled with drugs ready to distribute.”

  Jon grinned. “Randall is going down the river for a long time.”

  “Any other questions or comments? If not, debrief is closed.” No questions forthcoming, Nick stood and headed towards Tia’s desk to deliver the file to her to send to the records room.

  As Sarge approached, Tia inquired, “How is Dan doing?”

  “The doctor indicated he will be alright. He is resting now at Jon’s place. If anyone needs me, I’ll be with the commander.”

  Tia nodded, glad Dan would be okay.

  Nick strode for Gambrill’s office, needing to speak with him about concerns both he and Jon had with the strange goings-on lately for their team. Now with a mix-up in meds, the current level of mischief took a turn towards deadly.

  He realized someone may well be targeting his team, yet they still had nothing, until now. Depending on the results of the investigation the hospital initiated today, they might have their first break. Their risk management department held suspicions, but regulations required all avenues to be pursued, which would take time.

  Jon leaned back, taking a break while Nick spoke with Gambrill. He didn’t like what occurred today. His mind ran the gambit of what might be going on. Is someone targeting Alpha Team specifically? If so, why? The possibilities of who remained too broad to pinpoint.

  Some incidents appeared amateurish, like the nails in Nick’s tires. Others would require skills to pull off, like switching drugs. And some necessitated lots of money, in particular, all the burner phones needed for the swatter calls.

  General conversations and banter cropped up between the team, and Jon didn’t pay attention until Loki spoke to Lexa. “I figured things out about you and Dan.”

  Lexa’s head whipped to Loki. She attempted to stifle her surprise and worry that Loki discovered her secret relationship with Dan, but became confused when she found her friend beaming at her. “What?”

  “You’re gonna regret helping him,” Loki’s smile appeared eager.

  Still confused, more so now with the helping remark, Lexa latched on to the most recent interaction Dan and she shared. “Why would I regret assisting Dan at the hospital?”

  Swinging back and forth in his chair, Loki shook his head. “Not that. The other. You know. The flour-bomb. You must’ve helped him as you did with the pants prank.”

  “I had nothing to do with the locker prank.” Lexa cocked her head to the side wondering why he believed she was responsible.

  Loki only grinned. “Sure, you didn’t.”

did not. Many people here would gladly prank you. Like Bravo Team after the swimming swans trick you and Dan pulled on them. Why do you think it is us?”

  “Found traces of flour at the bottom of Dan’s locker. He must’ve set it off last night sometime,” Loki replied.

  Lexa smiled. “So, you hazed him but didn’t get to witness the fruits of your labors. Though, that doesn’t mean I aided in his revenge. Also, doesn’t prove Dan rigged your locker. Where’s your evidence?”

  “Yeah, better possess proof before you go pranking him back,” Bram said, joining the defense of Dan.

  Ray laughed. “Would’ve loved to see Dan’s face when the flour blasted him. As far as evidence, I believe Dan is behind this too. He did tease Loki with almost opening his locker several times this morning.”

  About to interject his thoughts, Jon halted when Tia called out to him. “Jon, there’s a 911 call reporting an incident at your address.”

  As they all hurried to Tia’s desk, Jon asked, “What’s the call?”

  Tia listened for a moment. “Reports of an armed man on your roof.”

  “Someone might be targeting my family or Dan,” Jon said as they all rushed to the SUVs. On the way, Jon’s phone rang, and he answered when he spotted the caller ID. “Jen, is everyone safe?”

  Jen explained, “I only left him for a minute. He was sleeping. Oh God, I’m sorry. I don’t know how Dan got on our roof! He’s yelling ridiculous things.”

  “Dan’s on the roof?” Jon responded, and when Jen confirmed, he said, “We’re on the way. Try to keep him engaged if you can.” He hung up and informed the team. “It’s Dan.”

  Outside Jon’s Home – 4:00 p.m.

  The team pulled to a stop at Jon’s residence, noting several neighbors standing around gawking as Jen pleaded with Dan to come down.

  As Jon approached, Jen turned to him. “I have no clue how he climbed up without a ladder. With the boys at Jackson’s and Dan fast asleep, I went to fix a snack for Dan for when he woke up since he missed lunch. Not five minutes later, I heard yelling outside that sounded like Dan. I checked the room first and found him gone. Rushing to the yard, I spotted him on our rooftop.”


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