SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 68

by Laura Acton

  Lexa hopped off Loki’s mountain bike and grumbled under her breath, “Never should’ve let him talk me into this. Now I have to come biking with him for a month. I shouldn’t have bet him, but then again, this is kind of fun. More fun than I imagined. But I still hate losing a bet.”

  Laughing, Dan dismounted. “You realize I can hear you, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, supersonic bat ears,” Lexa groused louder. She removed her water bottle from the holder and squeezed some into her mouth as she went to stand near Dan, taking in the breathtaking view.

  Dan smiled as Lexa surveyed their surroundings. This was one of his favorite trails for the scenery alone. When he ran or biked here, he usually stopped and rested for a long while enjoying the panorama. “You like?”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Gazing at Lexa’s wavy, auburn hair and her delicate ivory face flushed pink from the cold weather and exertion of their ride, Dan’s reply came out a bit huskily, “Yes, beautiful.” He didn’t mean nature.

  He still couldn’t believe he and Lexa were dating, secretly of course, but sharing a deeper relationship nonetheless. Cycling might be an activity they could enjoy in the open without raising suspicions with the team. No one would be the wiser if they spun this as two teammates who both loved the outdoors getting in some physical activity together.

  Together made Dan smile. Heady emotion overtook him, and he grasped Lexa’s hand, tugging her with him as he headed off the path. “I want to show you my favorite place up here.”

  Lexa followed as she was pulled along, but looked back at the cycles. “Should we leave the bikes? Won’t they be stolen?”

  Dan shook his head. “Still too cold for most riders, and no one has bothered mine yet. Besides the place isn’t too far off the trail.”

  He pushed aside some evergreen bushes to reveal a tiny enclosed glen. Lexa went in first, and Dan followed allowing the brush to close behind him. Dan explained, “It is a little austere now, but during the spring and summer soft grass carpets the ground and the area fills with wildflowers and butterflies.”

  Turning in a full circle, Lexa imagined how it might appear, a private bit of heaven. “This is so secluded. You come here often?”

  “Sometimes. I like to lay here and gaze up at the sky on days with puffy clouds and try to make shapes out of them. It is something I used to do as a kid with Sara.” Dan found he liked sharing little pieces of himself with Lexa. Though he remained somewhat guarded, it felt pleasant to remember happy times from his childhood.

  Lexa gazed at Dan, noting an openness about him which came about with rarity. She appreciated the glimpses of the sweet man behind his shields. Dan had such a hard time letting anyone in, but he had opened up to the team quite a bit after the whole Plouffe affair.

  She wondered if their relationship helped facilitate the changes in Dan or if it was only a natural outcome of them all accepting him for who he is and each working to earn his trust. She tabled those thoughts as the ever-present fire which burned in her for Dan began to build.

  The inferno in her still scared her. She worried the flames might consume her whole and burn down all she built, but sex with him tempted her to toy with the fiery beast. He did things to her heart and soul no other man ever had, but occasionally a piece of her would rear up and pose the question … are you only with him because the taboo speaks to your rebellious side?

  She was wholly cognizant that as teammates they shouldn’t engage in this type of familiarity … might cost both of them their jobs. But even knowing the consequences, she found it difficult to resist his boyish charms which turned all man when they hit the sheets.

  Dan captured Lexa’s gaze as her eyes seared his body. Aware of the firestorm growing in her and him, he took a tentative step towards her. He shouldn’t. If he moved too close he wasn’t sure he could stop. The spot was secluded, but they would be exposed to anyone passing by, extremely low odds, but the chance existed. And with the perpetrator of recent events still undefined, the risk of losing himself in Lexa was one he should not take.

  Mother Nature voiced her concerns too, as the temperature hovered near forty degrees at the moment. Not the best time or place to become intimate, but the primal force she elicited from him would not be denied for long.

  The familiar lustiness heated Lexa’s body as Dan stared at her with those hooded sapphire eyes. When he took one step forward, her body’s core liquefied as internal fires ramped up, making her forget the ambient temperature turned her breaths into little white clouds, or the need to remain cognizant of her surroundings.

  She should make a sarcastic quip or do something to break the rising sexual tension, but the allure of doing it outside, encircled by nature, even if it meant freezing her ass off, was compelling, fascinating, and exciting. A call of the wild. An innate urge which refuses to be extinguished.

  Lexa took a step toward Dan, her heart’s rhythm increasing as he held her spellbound with his eyes.

  Dan’s body stirred to life. Only Lexa had ever done this to him. No woman except Lexa ever called him to attention with an enchanting gaze. One glint of molten gold in her hazel eyes and his body took over from his rational mind, demanding to be quenched.

  Drawn to her, unable to resist, utterly absorbed, he took another step.

  Captivated, Lexa matched his movement, closing the distance between them, coming close enough that his masculine scent filled her with an intense desire she could no longer fight.

  Penetrating sapphire orbs held hazel ones as each expressed mutual intent and carnal hunger. Both acknowledging the risk they took and struggling against what fate planned for them today.

  A potent magnetic pull brought their bodies together as hands groped, seeking, finding. Lips melded in fire, urgently demanding deeper access. With force, they separated, each stepping back as they panted with need, searching each other’s eyes, both reaching the same conclusion simultaneously. Clothes were shed and laid on the ground in a makeshift blanket, before impassioned bodies embraced, creating their own heat.

  Hands again roamed, touching their most intimate spots, increasing the fervency of their hunger. Lips seared as tongues danced, craving the taste of one another.

  Dan lifted Lexa, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He lowered them to the clothes strewn ground. His hand came between them and coaxed soft mewling from Lexa. Her hand found him and stroked a firm staff to rigid attention resulting in moans of desire from Dan.

  At Lexa’s urging, Dan slid home, and both reveled in the moment when two bodies became one. Unbridled need drove them to a frantic pace. Nails raked down his back as he grunted and rode the tsunami of passion only Lexa evoked in him. Lexa’s climaxing cries scattered a few birds from the trees. The birds scarcely resettled on the branches when Dan’s loud, guttural growl of release sent them into the air once again.

  Boneless, consumed entirely by Lexa, Dan collapsed on top of her. Lexa took all he gave, and she gave him full measure in return. When Lexa shifted under him and gently pushed, Dan rolled to the side bringing her with him. He held Lexa in his arms, their eyes met, locking again.


  They possessed passion.


  They both needed what the other provided.


  Too soon for Lexa to think love … her heart still protected by fortifications, although they crumbled little by little every day.

  Too late for Dan … he was now and forever in love with Lexa. He gave his heart and soul to his one and only love, his beauty of life, his soulmate.

  “This is definitely my favorite place.” Dan gave Lexa a WOW smile.

  Lexa smiled. “It is beautiful here.”

  Dan kissed Lexa lightly, holding her close. She doesn’t realize I mean having her in my arms is my favorite place. I’m going to enjoy showing her my meaning.

  Their heated bodies cooling and embers banking after burning bright, a shiver coursed through Lexa. She quipped, “We better dr
ess and be going. We can’t be late to your last appointment, and Jon will become suspicious if we both end up coming down with a cold.”

  Chuckling, Dan rose and tugged Lexa up. They donned their clothes swiftly, and Lexa rushed out of the glen calling over her shoulder, “I’ll beat you back to your place.”

  “What do I win when I arrive first?” As Dan jogged for his bike, her laughter is all the response he received. Hopping on his bicycle, he pedaled after her at a slower pace, enjoying the view of her shapely figure. Sated and hopeful, he attained the elusive great emotional state, a triumph he solely attributed to Lexa. Dan whispered to the heavens, “Brody, she is the one. I found my beauty of life. She makes me happy. I can endure anything with her at my side.”

  Doctor Ramos’ Office – 10:15 a.m.

  Dan lay on the exam table with the nitrous oxide mask as he breathed slow and deep allowing the gas to take effect. As his eyes shut, his thoughts turned to how none of the team razzed him about his hallucination or his need for nitrous to receive a shot. Their actions engendered more trust, coming closer to what he shared with Blaze, Patch, Winds, and Mason.

  Lexa sat beside Dan holding his hand as she also carded her fingers through his hair, grazing tenderly over the healed scratches on his head. “You’re doing well. This is the last one. After this, no more shots.”

  Too out of it to respond verbally, Dan only gave her a slight nod.

  Dr. Ramos entered the room with a pleasant countenance and asked his nurse. “Is Dan out?”

  Delilah answered, “Yes, he is ready, Doctor.”

  Stepping out to retrieve the syringe, Ramos pondered the fact he never treated a patient so fearful of needles before. Though, he remained pleased he was able to provide the care this constable required. His friend Heather called and made the request. Such a simple solution, he wished he had thought of this himself long ago to help his patients who suffered a severe phobia and aversion to needles.

  Coming back in, Ramos glanced at Dan’s compassionate teammate who held his patient’s hand. “Thank you for coming with Dan and supporting him each time.” He injected the rabies vaccine then added, “Again, Dan can expect some redness, swelling, and soreness the first two days.”

  Lexa nodded, relieved she could be here for him. “Thanks for all your help. Dan’s important to us.”

  Delilah stopped the nitrous oxide and removed the mask before leaving to prep their next patient, while Ramos stayed to ensure Dan did not experience any complications as he regained awareness.

  Within five minutes, Dan’s eyelids blinked open, his mind returning to an oriented state. He sat up, and Lexa handed him his long-sleeved button-down shirt. As he buttoned up, he grinned at Lexa. “So glad this is over. I’ll be a happy man if I never see another raccoon in my life.”

  Ramos signed the paperwork allowing Dan to return to full active duty as he said, “Thanks to you, I now have a new way to help my patients with severe trypanophobia.”

  “Trypanophobia?” Dan questioned.

  “Clinical name for extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or needles. You are not alone. Twenty percent of people fear needles. There are a lot of risks associated with the phobia too. It can prevent patients from coming to me when they should, getting routine blood tests, or following prescribed treatments. So now I can provide the care they require without triggering their fears.”

  Tucking in his shirt, Dan responded, “Well, at least something beneficial came out of my tangle with the masked bandit.” Dan shook the doctor’s hand. “Thanks, Doc. Appreciate your help.”

  “My pleasure. If you have any significant side effects, make sure you call.” Dr. Ramos handed over the signed form to Dan.

  Dan nodded before he and Lexa headed out of the physician’s office. Once they entered the elevator, delighted only the two of them occupied the space, Dan leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on Lexa’s cheek.

  A little surprised at Dan’s action Lexa asked, “What is that for?”

  Dan graced her with a lopsided grin. “For being here for me. Don’t think I could’ve gotten through all the shots without out you.”

  “That is what best friends do for one another. Told you I would always be here for you.” Lexa stood on tippy toes and kissed his cheek, all she dared do in such a public place. Though, thoughts of their morning on the trail were not far from the forefront. Something she needed to rectify before they arrived at headquarters.

  The light shone bright in Dan’s eyes as he added his own spin on his beauty’s words. I will always protect you and never leave you when you need me. That’s what soulmates do for each other. My favorite place is by your side no matter what fate throws at us.

  Revenge Backfires


  March 29

  TRF HQ – Dispatch Desk – 11:35 a.m.

  Tia greeted Lexa and Dan as they approached while Nick eyed the pair. He refrained from speaking to either one about his suspicions, though they continued to grow. Little things no one might notice unless they held a hunch, he began catching. A touch here or there, a soft word, or a strained voice in a heated situation.

  Nothing which proved his supposition, but added together clearly indicated a stronger relationship had developed between the two. At odds with himself, Nick realized he held some responsibility if they indeed crossed the line. He had pushed them together, his motives pure, hoping Lexa’s natural talent for putting others at ease would help them all make progress. Nick also used her gift of compassion to assist him in ensuring Dan’s well-being since the rookie appeared to trust her to aid him when he hurt.

  Not wanting to ruin his family, Nick held off talking to Jon about his notions of a deeper bond between them. His second in command would not take kindly to any of them breaking protocol, regardless if someone else played a part in them coming together.

  Dan held out the form to Nick. “Dr. Ramos signed off.”

  Happy to have Dan back in full action, Nick put aside his misgivings concerning the distinct possibility of a forbidden entanglement, and a genuine smile graced his features. “Excellent.”

  “What’s excellent,” Jon queried as he approached the desk wiping the sweat from his head and slinging the soaked towel over an equally wet t-shirt.

  “No more light duty, and finished with rabies shots,” Dan explained.

  Jon grinned and patted Dan’s back. “Indeed, an excellent day, Dano. Time to gear up.”

  Already dressed, having missed workout himself due to a sergeant’s meeting, Nick stayed put for a moment. He caught sight of Trevor McBride heading towards the lockers with a grin as Loki and the rest of the men exited the gym. He quickened his pace after giving Trevor a nod and hurried into the men’s lockers.

  TRF HQ – Men’s Locker Room – 11:38 a.m.

  Loki’s eyes sparkled with mischief, happy to find Dan hadn’t opened his locker yet. Spotting Dan entering the changing room with Jon, he rushed out of the fitness area, not wanting to miss the rookie’s hazing a second time. He came in early before workout to set this up while Dan and Lexa were at the doctor’s office. The guys all chuckled when they caught him rigging things. This will be an epic revenge.

  Dan stopped to use the restroom after entering, and as he grabbed a paper towel to dry his hands, he acknowledged the man who had a hand in changing his life for the better. Fate had been kind to him the night an unknown MP sat with him in the mess tent and told him about TRF. “Hey, Trevor.”

  “Hi. All done with the rabies vaccinations?” Trevor smiled as he ambled towards Echo Team’s aisle, a ruse of needing to grab something so he could be in here to witness the fun this time. He stopped at Alpha’s aisle, positioning himself for a front row seat.

  “Yep, got the last one today,” Dan answered as he unbuttoned his shirt. He reached for the latch, unaware Loki watched him with bated breath.

  As the door swung open, Loki stared dumbfounded. Not again! How the heck did he do it this time? Dan was not even here until n
ow. Disheartened Loki turned and yanked open his door.

  A high-pitched, girly screech rent the air as hundreds of plastic spiders hurled at Loki. He danced around, brushing at them as if they were real. The guys chortled as Loki squealed and stomped on the fake creepy crawlies, before jumping up on the bench.

  When Loki settled down, he glared at the team. “Okay, who did this? Can’t be Dan. He was at the doctor’s office when I rigged the prank.”

  “You rigged my locker with spiders?” Dan gaped, his surprise evident.

  Loki realized his mistake of a partial confession, but he didn’t put these horrible things inside Dan’s. “No. I did not put arachnids in yours.” He hopped off the metal bench and kicked several eight-legged creatures away. “So, who is responsible for this dastardly deed?”

  Jon laughed. “Wasn’t me. Appears your revenge backfired epically.”

  “Not me either,” Bram said. “I would’ve recorded your girly screams if I did this as payback for the nail polish photos you took. Just sayin’.”

  Loki’s widened eyes peered at Ray. “Et tu, Brute?”

  Putting his hands up and shaking his head Ray stated, “I wouldn’t do this to you, buddy. Perhaps cream cheese in your boots, but never spiders.”

  Glancing at Boss, Loki wondered if he would do this. No, Boss doesn’t do pranks. It can’t be Lexa either since she was with Dan. Studying his teammates, he pondered who refused to own up to the practical joke. Frustrated he couldn’t tell who, Loki grabbed his towel and stalked off to shower.

  While Dan changed into his uniform and talked with Trevor, after Jon, Bram, and Ray followed Loki to the showers, Nick opened his locker then withdrew a medium-sized stuffed animal. He ambled over to Loki’s spot and placed the raccoon on his shelf. He turned to Echo’s combat and entry specialist and smiled. “Thanks for taking care of things for me, Trevor.”

  Stunned, Dan’s jaw dropped as he stared at Boss. “It was you?”

  A small mischievous smile spread across Nick’s face. “Not only me.”

  Trevor laughed and patted Dan’s shoulder. “We figured you didn’t need to be attacked by a raccoon again.”


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