Determinant, a YA Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of The Guardians of Vesturon)

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Determinant, a YA Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of The Guardians of Vesturon) Page 11

by A. M. Hargrove

  As if on cue, the kitchen doors swung open and there was Rayn in the flesh. In his usual manner, he quickly strode to his mate, lifted her out of her seat, and began to feverishly kiss her. She became lost in him, wrapping her legs around him as they carried on.

  Every time this happened, and it happened quite often, I felt like an intruder. I turned to tell this to January, but the look on her face was so comical, I found myself shaking with laughter. I reached over and put my hand beneath her jaw and gently closed her mouth.

  “I would like to say you will get used to this, but honestly, I find I still have difficulty seeing them. I feel I am locked in their bedroom with them when this happens.”

  “Is that her husband?” she asked, her voice tinged with shock.

  “Oh, most assuredly. That is her mate, Rayn. You better try to get used to this,” I added.

  “Does this happen a lot?”

  “All the time. They cannot keep their hands off each other.”

  She blew out the breath she had been holding. “Wow. What is it with you all anyway? You are all so...well, you are so imposing!”

  “Imposing, are we? How so?”

  “Er, you are...well, you are so tall...and,” she looked down at her hands before whispering, “attractive.”

  My heart soared with her words.

  Rayn finally released his mate and her feet slid to the ground, but they remained in a tight embrace. They were certainly an attractive couple in my eyes as well.

  “Good morning love,” he smiled.

  “And a good day to you my brother,” Rayn said to me and turning to January, he said, “And a good morn to you too.”

  January was still staring at the two of them, wide-eyed when Maddie said, “January, please forgive my husband. He gets carried away at times.” She was grinning from ear to ear.

  “I would say it was mutual,” January mumbled.

  I let out a huge snort and Maddie continued to grin.

  “So January, tell me what happened after I left. I know it was awful, but I need to hear it.”

  January told Maddie the story and when she finished, both girls were crying like babies. I handed January some tissue and Rayn had swept Maddie onto his lap and was comforting her.

  “Well, I hope the money I sent you helped. I know it couldn’t have made Cat feel better, but at least maybe it helped with the bills,” Maddie sniffed.

  “What money?”

  “I had a sizable sum of money deposited in your bank account. I did the same for Cat,” Maddie explained.

  “When? I never got any money,” January said.

  “I had Xarrid, my brother-in-law, deposit $100,000 in both your accounts. You didn’t get it?”

  “$100,000! Are you kidding me? No! I never got it. Cat never got any money either.”

  Maddie looked at Rayn in question.

  “I know nothing of this my love. When did you do this?”

  “You were still imprisoned. I asked Xarrid to do it.”

  Rayn held up his arm and tapped his shadar. Several moments later, a holograph of Xarrid appeared. He was quite the grump as Rayn had awakened him from sleep. It was the middle of the night on the planet Xanthus, where Xarrid was stationed. Maddie questioned him about the money and he told her, with great discomfort, that he had meant to talk to Rayn about it but had forgotten all about it. It was during the time they had discovered Voldruk Montedelvo’s treacherous plot against Rayn and how Voldruk had intended to destroy Rayn. Xarrid was concerned because the amount of money was so large that he thought he should discuss it with Rayn, but when this whole plot was uncovered, all his time was spent tracking evidence against Voldruk and he had simply set the money issue aside. He apologized profusely, but it was over and done and there was nothing to be done about it now.

  Maddie told Rayn that she still wanted the money transferred to Cat and January. Rayn raised his brows at that but Maddie responded, “Cat’s been ill and can always use it and January can use it for however she sees fit even if she wants to give it to her little brother and sister.”

  “Maddie, tell me more about this mark of yours. Did you always have this?” January asked.

  “Yeah, but I just always thought it was a birthmark. I didn’t know it was anything special. It was so tiny I could barely see it. See?” She lifted up her shirt to show January her mark on her back. Then she told Rayn and me to show January our marks. “They have multiples of them because their bloodlines are so strong and pure.”

  January grabbed my hands and looked closely at them and then looked at Rayn’s.

  “Okay, this is totally weird, but I have a mark kind of like that on my neck.”

  “Where is it?” I asked.

  She pointed to a place behind the base of her left ear on the side of her neck and sure enough, there was her mark. I couldn’t help the grin from spreading across my face. Then I looked up and saw everyone looking at me.

  Everyone looked at each other uncomfortably and January asked, “What’s going on? What are you not telling me?” Several uncomfortable glances passed between the three of us.

  “Rykerian,” Rayn said, flicking his head toward January.

  I scooted my chair closer to her and took her hand in mine. “January, there are things you need to be told. That is why I wanted Maddie here. When you were ill, the healer came from Vesturon to care for you. He took blood samples to isolate the virus. He wanted to test it to see if it was positive for small pox. He also wanted the samples in case we needed to replicate it. When he took your blood, he automatically ran a genetic test on it and much to our surprise, it was discovered you have Vesturion blood. Your mark is evidence of that as well. Truth be told, I had wondered how you could communicate telepathically and how you could see my aura. Humans do not have that ability.”

  January stared back at us, ashen-faced and wide-eyed. “B-but h-h-how?” she stammered.

  “I am not positive but you know what you told me last night? It must be from your unknown father,” I answered her quietly. I could see the wheels spinning in her mind as her eyes frosted with anger and turned to chips of ice.

  “So, what you are saying is that the man that raped my mother was one of your people? That my father was an alien…a Vesturion?” Her clipped tone indicated her shock and fury.

  I took her head in my hands and turned her toward me. “Yes, I believe that is what happened. Like humans, not all Vesturions are good. I am terribly sorry to have to tell you of this.”

  She jerked her head free of my hands and stood up so fast she sent her chair crashing to the floor. Her eyes darted around the room and I could see her fear mounting in her eyes.

  “You are safe here with us January. We will protect you.”

  “Like you protected my mother? I don’t think so.”

  She ran out of the room. I went to follow her, but both Rayn and Maddie told me to let her go. That she needed time alone to process everything. They asked me how I knew about her mother so I told them pieces of January’s story.

  “Dear God, I never knew. I always knew there was something so wrong in her life, but I never imagined that.” Maddie said, horrified.


  Minutes that seem like hours passed and when I could stand it no longer, I went in search of her. I heard her sobs from the corridor outside her room. I tapped on her door, but when I received no answer, I entered to find her curled up in the fetal position on her bed, crying her eyes out.

  “January, please don’t cry. It will be all right.”

  “Please don’t touch me,” she sobbed. “Leave me alone for now. I really need to process all of this!”

  “Shh, I know.” I was determined to help her. I sat on the bed and dragged her into my arms. At first she struggled against me, but then she relaxed when she felt Tranquility wash over her. I knew I could do nothing but let the storm pass. My stomach clenched as I thought of her agony. I was miserable with this feeling of helplessness. I massaged her back and neck and ran my
hand up and down her hair. Her sobs turned to shudders and finally began to subside.

  When she sniffed loudly I said, “Here, use my shirt if you need it.”

  She grabbed the hem of it and lifted it to her face, wiping her tears. She lifted her eyes to mine and my heart cleaved in two with the pain etched in her eyes. I placed my palm on her cheek and turning her face into it, she placed a kiss there. “Thank you. You always seem to do the right thing for me,” she said. Her shimmering eyes mesmerized me as I melted into her.

  “This is so bizarre. I mean my whole life I questioned myself because I was so different from everyone. The way I look, the way I could hear what people were thinking...and then I always seemed to learn at a faster pace than the other kids. That just added to my freakishness. They would talk about me behind my back and whisper about me thinking I couldn’t hear them. And then the way my parents treated me...they knew I was different too.” She dropped her gaze as she twisted her hands in my shirt.

  “I cannot imagine what you are feeling right now January. Know that I am here for you if there is anything you need.” I gently rubbed her back as we sat together.

  “Is it weird being able to hear everyone thinking things all the time? I’ve dealt with it my whole life but I always thought I was crazy.”

  “You are certainly not crazy but quite the opposite. Humans have an uncanny ability to tag the term ‘crazy’ onto things they cannot find an adequate explanation for. Being here with us, you will learn how to block your thoughts and those of humans. You will only hear what you wish. Other Vesturions usually block their thoughts unless they want to communicate with you. It can come in quite handy at times. It will be much easier for you January now that you are with us.”

  “What will happen when I go back?”

  “Is that what you want? To go back?” My belly tightened with fear at the thought of losing my ghost girl.

  She lifted her eyes to mine and whispered, “I don’t know what I want. I’ve never been anywhere like this before. This beautiful home with all its comforts. And you. But I can’t just disappear either.”

  “We can work on that, but right now, Earth is spinning out of control with this pandemic so you cannot go anywhere until things change. The cities and towns are extremely dangerous places to be. I would not want to put you at risk.”

  “I didn’t think I could get sick again.”

  “No, you cannot. The cities, however, are no longer safe. People are rioting and the violence has escalated to unprecedented levels. You would not recognize Atlanta for all the destruction that has occurred.”

  “What about my brother and sister?”

  “Right now, Spartanburg isn’t as dangerous as other places. It will, however, become so. We are trying to come up with a feasible plan to put in place to help the humans, but for now, there is not much you can do.”

  She nodded. I brushed the wetness of her cheeks away with the pads of my thumbs and our eyes met.

  “I am so afraid for them,” she said as I felt her fear radiating from her.

  “I know you are. I can feel it pouring out from you. You have had to endure so much January. I wish it could be different. Stay close to me so my Tranquility can calm your fears.”

  She leaned against me and I itched to brush my fingers through her hair. She was so lovely, even though she had been crying and her nose and eyes were red.

  “Your eyes are amazing Rykerian. Last night you told me what you thought of my hair...that it looked like spun silver and gold. Well, your hair is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure what color I would call it but it’s...well, don’t be mad at me for saying this, but it’s incredibly gorgeous! Why do you and Rayn wear a braid?”

  “Ugh! It is awful, is it not?

  “No, not at all. It’s different, but I sort of like it. Do you mind?” she asked reaching out her hand. At my nod, she took it in her hand and examined it. It was quite long, reaching well past my shoulder. Then she began playing with it, wrapping it around her hand and sliding it between her fingers.

  “It is something I complain about all the time. All Guardians must wear them and we are only allowed to cut them every ten years.”

  “Is that why Rayn’s is much shorter? Has he cut his recently?”

  “No, he was captured and held by the Xanthians last spring and they cut his off then.”

  “Oh, that sounds awful.”

  “It was a terrible time for my family. Had it not been for Maddie’s daring attempt at his rescue, I am not sure what would have happened.”

  “Maddie rescued him?” Her voice was tinged with a mixture of shock and awe.

  “Uh hum. You must get her to tell you all about it sometime.” During our conversation I found I could no longer stop myself from weaving my fingers into her hair. It was the silkiest feeling and I leaned in to inhale her fragrance. “Ah January, your scent takes away all coherent thoughts in my mind.”

  I began to nuzzle her neck and I lightly trailed kisses from her neck to her ear, where I whispered, “You have completely stolen all of my thoughts.”

  “Rykerian, um...” she breathed.

  Her fingers left my hair and moved back to my shirt when suddenly I felt her lifting it up and then her fingers were dancing across my torso eliciting a gasp from my mouth. She scrambled around and straddled my lap and took possession of my lips. She tasted of honey, maple syrup and January and I felt her tongue tracing patterns across my lips. I was weak and helpless to stop her. Our ragged breaths were mixed and I knew she felt the passion, as did I. My fingers were still braided in her silken tresses and I held her head with my hands. Her fingers continued to make their way along my torso and up to my chest. They finally withdrew and started a new journey across my face and into my hair again. Her moans were telling me she was on fire as I was.

  I pulled away to gaze upon her passion filled face and my breath caught in my throat. Her lips were swollen from crying and kissing, and her face was flushed with desire. I had never seen her look more lovely.

  “Sweet Deity you are beautiful!”

  I saw her swallow and her throat was working to say something. She finally said, “Rykerian, I want to…you know. I want to be with you.”

  I slid one hand down to her hip and said, “You are with me. I am here and I am not going anywhere.”

  “That’s not what I meant. I want to…I want us to…you know. I’ve never been with a boy before and I want my first time to be with you.” Her long, pale, eyelashes fluttered over her eyes, shielding them from me.

  She wants to be with me! I felt my heart surge with joy at her words as a smile burst upon my face. I placed her hand over my heart so she could feel it beneath her fingers. “Ahh, I see. I would love nothing more, but I am afraid I am not allowed to do that. On Vesturon, we all swear to uphold that until we are unified or married as you say here on Earth.”

  She raised her brow and asked, “Seriously?”

  I nodded. “I am afraid so. We take a vow of celibacy.”

  “What? Celibacy? You’re joking?”

  “No, I am not joking. I wish I was.”

  “So you’ve never…?”

  I shook my head saying, “Never.”

  She cocked her head and her eyes drilled into mine. I think she was gauging whether I spoke the truth. I did not want her to feel thus, so I opened my mind. I took her hands into mine and looked into her eyes. Her eyes immediately softened and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She leaned in and ever so gently touched her lips to mine.

  “It would be my luck! I finally find the one I want to…well, you know, and I find out he’s taken a vow of celibacy!” she exclaimed as she rolled her eyes.

  “Is that a bad thing?” I muttered.

  She snorted, “No, unless you are feeling frustrated, like I am right now.”

  “So, are you saying that you are disappointed?”

  “Well, yeah! How can I not be? Rykerian, you are the first boy I’ve ever kissed m
uch less want to be with. How can I not be disappointed?”

  My heart tripped in my chest. I was unsure of her comment. I closed my eyes before whispering, “I do not ever want to disappoint you.”

  “Please open your eyes,” she pleaded.

  I lifted mine to hers and she gently said, “You don’t disappoint me. Your rule about, well you know, is what disappoints me.” The corners of her mouth turned up.

  “I see. It has a strong purpose though. On Vesturon we mate for life. Divorce does not exist. We take this vow very seriously,” I murmured.

  “Tell me something. You all seem so honorable. What do you think happened with my mom? I mean, how could she have ended up being raped by one of you?”

  “I cannot say. As I said earlier, there are bad Vesturions as much as there are bad humans. The only thing I can deduce is that somehow their paths crossed. Are you sure of your father…or the man you know as your father?”

  She nodded, “He was totally different with Tommy and Sarah, my little brother and sister. So I am sure he is not my biological father.”

  “What of your mother’s background?”

  “She is from Charleston, South Carolina but she didn’t have a close relationship with her parents. She never spoke of them and I only remember meeting them once.”

  “Hmm. She must have encountered a Vesturion at some point. And you are nineteen years of age?” She nodded and I continued, “Do you know anything of her background? Did she go to college or leave Charleston for any reason?”

  “She went to Clemson University in South Carolina, but she never finished because she got pregnant. That’s all I know.”

  “Hmm. Do you want to know who he is January? We can trace your lineage. It is a relatively easy thing to do on Vesturon.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You do not have to make a decision now. When you are ready, you can tell me. If you do not ever want to know, that is fine too.” A random thought popped into my head. Thinking she was in need of a change of scenery, I asked, “Would you care to go for a ride?”

  Chapter 9


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