Succubus Kiss The Complete Series

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Succubus Kiss The Complete Series Page 49

by Jennifer Snyder

  “I couldn’t imagine,” I heard her say. The sympathy in her voice pissed me off.

  There was nothing tragic about my childhood. My father had done the best he could while raising me by himself. I loved him dearly.

  Sadness stung my insides as I thought about how much I missed him. It had been over a year since he passed away, and I still missed him as though he’d parted from this world yesterday. People said time healed all, but I had yet to feel its relief.

  “It wasn’t as bad as you make it sound,” I snapped. My gaze traveled around the outskirts of the room, where there were plush red-velvet benches lining the walls, in search of my mother.

  “You missed out on learning the key components of what you are though. Doesn’t that bother you?”

  “No.” I didn’t hesitate.

  I used to hate my mother for leaving. I sometimes would create fairy tales inside my head to make myself feel better about it when I was little. In some of them, my mother was vile and wicked, and in others, she was practically a queen. It depended on what mood I was in when I thought of her. Now that I knew what I was, my viewpoint regarding her had changed. Her leaving didn’t seem horrible any longer. Maybe she hadn’t wanted me to be raised in this supernatural world of corrupt strangeness. Maybe instead, she’d wanted me to grow up like a normal little girl. If that was the case, I sort of admired her for it. She had obviously ventured off the beaten path of succubi in doing so.

  The wraith slithered inside of me, reminding me of his presence and the reason I was here. His coldness caused chill bumps to sweep across my skin. I needed to find my mother. Now. I had wasted enough time already.

  “Do you know if someone named Mara Valmont is here?” I asked. “I’m looking for her.”

  The siren’s eyes widened. She gave me another onceover, this time focusing on my facial features. “I knew you looked familiar.”

  I waited for her to continue. When she didn’t, I pressed, “Okay…so you know her?”

  “You look exactly like her.” She reached out and slipped her fingers through my dark hair. I didn’t back away from her touch. “Your hair. Your eyes. I don’t know how I missed it before.”

  “I take it you know her then.”

  A smug smile twisted her lips. “Of course. Everyone here knows who she is. After all, she owns the place.”

  Chapter 3

  “My mother owns this place?” My voice was shaky and held traces of the disbelief I felt.

  “Yeah. She opened it up years ago.”

  Holy shit. My mom was the owner of one of the most illegal, raunchy nightclubs in the city. What else did I not know about this woman?

  “Is she here tonight?” The odds seemed to be in my favor. I might be able to fill her in on everything and ask if she knew of another alternative to ridding myself of the wraith.

  “No.” The girl shook her head. “She only visits once or twice a month. She leaves me in charge when she’s not here. My name is Madge by the way.”

  “I’m Kenna.” Disappointment crashed through me. When would I catch a freaking break?

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Kenna. Your mother has mentioned you quite often.”

  This was a good thing. If she had mentioned me often, then it meant she cared about me. At least I hoped that was what it meant. Maybe she would want to help me. “Do you know when she’ll be back?”

  “Within a few days. She generally comes at the beginning of the month and then once near the end.” There was something odd about the way Madge was staring at me. It seemed as though she couldn’t decide whether she liked me, now that she knew who I was.

  “Is there a number where I can reach her? It’s really important I speak with her.” All I had was eight days until the waning moon.

  “I’m afraid I can’t give you that information.”

  Was this girl freaking serious? She knew I was Mara’s daughter. Why couldn’t she give me her number? “Are you kidding me? I’m her daughter, and this is important. I need to speak with her.”

  “If it were truly important, then she would have already come to you. Isn’t that what the ring on your finger is for?” Her gaze slipped to the ring on my left hand. An intense level of jealousy pooled in her eyes, changing my view of her. It made me wonder if she and my mother were close, mother/daughter close, or if that was how Madge viewed their relationship. Was she suddenly feeling threatened because I was in the picture now?

  “It’s not the type of emergency that would make this thing work.” Not yet anyway. I spun the ring on my finger. “It’s something more personal.” I knew even before the words left my mouth they weren’t going to be enough to gain me any ground with her. This girl seemed hard-pressed for me to disappear. I could feel the vibes rolling off her in waves.

  Out of the blue, the guy dressed in tight, black leather pants and a dog collar I’d noticed dancing in the window when I first gazed at the club walked over and preceded to dry hump Madge as though I wasn’t holding a conversation with her. I gaped at him, wondering what had possessed him to do such a thing. His hair was twisted into spikes, and his chest appeared slick with oil or sweat, causing his muscles to glisten in the dim lights.

  “Madge, my sweet.” His voice was low and deep. I could detect a slight British accent rippling through it. “Give the girl what she wants.” He nodded his head in my direction, giving me a view of his eerie white-blue eyes. He had to be wearing contacts.

  Madge pursed her lips together into a fine line and crossed her arms over her chest. “Darius, you can’t coax me into anything. You lost that power when you decided to play me like all the other floozies around here, and I stupidly fell for it.” Her words were bitter. I sensed the bad blood oozing between them.

  “I never played you, love.” He smoothed his hands down her hips, until his fingers rested at the hem of her short dress. “You know how I feel about you.” His right hand disappeared beneath the fabric. I looked away, knowing where it had gone without having to hear her soft moans that came next.

  “I’ve heard you say that before,” Madge muttered between breathy whimpers of pleasure.

  My eyes drifted back to the two of them as the heightened scent of sexual desire saturated the air around us. Darius kissed along Madge’s neck. I could see the tip of his tongue skimming her skin every so often. My eyes zeroed in on him, captivated by his beauty.

  His eyes locked with mine over her shoulder. “And each time I’ve meant it.” He winked at me. “Now, give the girl Mara’s number, or I will.”

  Madge pushed him away as though his threat had been the snap back to reality she needed. “Why does it matter to you whether she gets the number? What angle are you playing?”

  “No angle, love,” Darius insisted with mock innocence lacing his words. “I only feel the girl deserves to know the number. After all, she is Mara’s daughter. Don’t you think Mara would want her to have it, if she knew she had asked?”

  Madge appeared to debate it, chewing her bottom lip. “Fine. 704-925-7041.” She spat the numbers at me, and then strutted away, anger sharpening her movements.

  The instant she was out of sight, Darius shifted his attention to me. There was something commanding about him; I couldn’t put my finger on it. He oozed sex and danger unlike any guy I had ever met. A wry smile curled the corner of his mouth. He found my staring amusing, or maybe he was waiting for me to speak. I couldn’t tell.

  “Um, thanks.” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. His smirk grew. Lust and need kindled inside me, surprising me with its ferocity. I shouldn’t be attracted to him, but I was. Desperately so.

  What the hell was this guy? A sex god? His gray aura told me he was a demon, but it didn’t help me nail down what type. I had guessed he was an incubus, but even so, I’d never felt such a strong yearning to jump into bed with one before. Generally, I was repulsed by them.

  “You’re welcome, love.” He flashed a panty-dropping smile and erased the remaining inches of space between us
with ease. “Can I have this dance?” He held out a hand.

  I averted my gaze to the crowd, knowing I wouldn’t be able to turn him down if I was looking at him. It seemed as though he was the type women found impossible to tell no. I might be the first. “I don’t think so. Thanks for the offer though.”

  My mother wasn’t here, and she was the only reason I had come. There was no way I was staying to dance with a sex god while my boyfriend was missing and my world seemed so close to caving in.

  “Oh, come on.” Darius leaned in closer. His scent invaded my nostrils, causing me to second-guess denying him a single dance. “Just one dance.” His hand reached out and tugged on the end of my hair playfully. I felt his touch all the way to my toes.

  Incubus. I had to be right about him being an incubus; no other male demon could ooze so much seduction and sexiness. Obviously, he was what he was born to be. The supernatural gods had done everything in their power to make sure this one was as alluring and mouthwatering as possible.

  “No, I think I’m going to head home.” I shook off his touch. “I came to talk to my mother. Since she isn’t here, I have no desire to hang around.” That was a bold-faced lie. Club Lure was enticing enough without adding in a sexy as hell incubus vying for my attention. I could lose myself in a place like this. It called to me. It was dark and seductive, everything I needed to forget how screwed up my life was.

  Stay then. Let the seduction tempt you into bliss, my sweet, the wraith enticed.

  A drink would be nice. So would one song spent dancing with Darius, thinking of nothing besides the beat of the music and his touch on me. I could allow myself that. I could lose myself for the length of one song. Couldn’t I?

  Yes, one song, one dance, enjoy yourself, the wraith urged.

  My gaze shifted back to Darius. I was about to agree to a single dance with him when he opened his mouth.

  “How else do you plan to repay me for getting you what you wanted?” His eyes narrowed playfully.

  And there it was. The true reason Darius had helped me, because he expected compensation. Instantly, he lost hotness points. Lots of them.

  No drink. No dance. Nothing! I shot to the wraith, taking back all traces of control he had somehow siphoned from me, causing me to blur the lines between what I needed and what he wanted.

  I locked eyes with Darius and straightened my back. “That’s funny. I don’t remember asking for your help. Therefore, I’m not obligated to pay you anything in return.”

  I started toward the exit without waiting for his response. Darius’s laughter rippled through the air, making its way to my ears. Adrenaline spiked through my system at the haughty sound, but I keep my eyes locked on the exit.

  Once I made it outside, I dug through my clutch for my cell and dialed the number Madge had given me. The annoying tone signaling the number had been dialed wrong sounded in my ear, followed by the automated message confirming it. I thought hard, making sure I was remembering the numbers correctly before entering them again. The same thing happened.

  I let out a puff of air. Either Madge had given me the wrong number on purpose, or I had been so distracted by Darius and his intoxicating good looks that I wasn’t able to remember it correctly. Either was possible. Damn it.

  I shifted to glance at the club. My lips formed a thin line. There was no way I was going back inside to ask for the number again.

  A figure moving in the ground floor window closest to me caught my attention. It was Darius. He was gyrating against the windowpane, beckoning me with his eyes and sly smile to come back. An electric shock jolted through me at the sight. I spun and started toward my car, ignoring him and everything he caused me to feel. I only made it a few steps before a low grumble of hunger rolled through my stomach.

  Great. Now not only had talking with my mom been a bust, but it seemed as though I was going to need to feed again. Soon.

  Chapter 4

  I kicked my heels off and rubbed the arches of my feet. High heels were torture devices. I wasn’t sure why women wore them. My brow pulsed with the beat of my heart in a painful way. I pressed my fingertips to the sensitive area, hoping to relieve the throbbing. The drive home from Club Lure had been a blur. I’d made it by switching into autopilot. My driving force had been the box of concoctions on my kitchen counter, waiting for me from Lexy Bloom. While this new batch of teas was supposed to be more potent than the previous, I still lacked faith in them. The wraith was growing stronger by the day, and I worried Lexy may have underestimated his strength. I prayed I was wrong, and that this batch would be the final one I would need her to create.

  Forcing myself to move, I made my way into the kitchen to prepare myself a mug. After the first sip, the pounding in my head intensified as my tongue grew blistered from the heat. Worry clamped my gut. I wasn’t sure what this meant, but I was positive it couldn’t be anything good. I’d never had a headache come on so fast and severe before.

  Another bolt of blinding pain zapped behind my brow. I migrated to my couch and set my tea on the coffee table. Squeezing my eyes shut, I curled into a ball. It seemed as though the wraith insisted on torturing me tonight. He was behind the headache. Now that I was focusing on him, I could sense it. Club Lure had been filled with too many temptations. His desire to go back filled me in a horrific way.

  I squeezed my eyes tighter, trying to block out what little light filtered into the living room from my kitchen. Another sharp pain spliced through my head. Panic clutched me tighter in its vice-like grip.

  Shifting, I reached for my tea. It was too hot to gulp down, but I needed it in my system. Now. After a few sips, my tongue became so burnt, it grew numb, which made it easier to drink quickly. Halfway through the cup, the wraith’s coldness crept along my insides. He fanned out from the center of my chest, spreading the length of my body.

  Feed, my sweet succubus. You know you want to. You need to, he hissed.

  No. I wouldn’t rush out and find someone just because he told me to. I reached for the blanket draped over the back of my couch and covered myself to ward off his chill. I swallowed another swig of tea; it was bitter and tart on my tongue. The taste was not something I had ever enjoyed, but the promise of what the tea could bring had always made me see past it.

  Find yourself a saccharine yellow aura, Kenna. I know those are the ones you enjoy most.

  I struggled to block him out, focusing on the brick wall Dex had prompted me to put between us once before. The wraith’s laugh echoed through my head, strumming the pain blasting through my skull to new heights.

  As I continued to build the wall, envisioning layering bricks between us in my mind, I wondered how long it would be before I was no longer able to do so. From the struggle I was having, I couldn’t imagine it being long. This led to thoughts of how much longer I had as a whole to be in control of myself.

  Images of the guy from Mystic, the one who had transferred the wraith into me, flooded my mind. He had appeared normal, albeit with an aura color I had never seen before. I wondered what it had felt like for him to lose the battle against the wraith. I wanted to know if the initial moment had been painful.

  I reflected back to the few times I had lost control to him. Each was brief, and neither time had seemed painful. The initial moment could though. Another thought hit me: After this next feeding, I could be gone.

  My body shivered, and I wasn’t sure if it was from my train of thought or the wraith.

  The wraith still moved within me, making me question if the amount of tea I had drank would be enough to keep him at bay. I could feel him clawing at my insides, urging me toward the door so I would find someone to satisfy the need burning within me. I chugged the remainder of my tea to warm myself.

  Nothing you can do will curb this desire, my sweet. No matter how hard you try. His words were still clear and strong. Panic pumped through me again as fear he was stronger somehow consumed me.

  Tea wasn’t going to hold him off. At least not the amount I had
drank. Visiting Club Lure must have given him a sense of determination. The place had been right up his alley, after all. Flickers of the humans willing and waiting for someone to feed from them swam through my mind.

  The hunger inside me intensified.

  Pushing Club Lure from my mind, I flung my blanket off and headed into the kitchen for another cup of tea. This time I quadrupled the amount I put in it. My heart palpitated in my throat as I stirred it in, worrying about a possible overdose. Lexy hadn’t mentioned how much to ingest. Not with this batch at least. Then again, she probably didn’t think I would consume so much back-to-back.

  I stirred in one more spoonful. The loose leaves from my previous spoonfuls had swollen, and stuck to the outer edges of the mug. I fought back a gag. With each sip, I was eating the same about of tea I was drinking. Did it really matter? Randal was missing, and the waning moon was only days away. I’d most likely be dead soon anyway. I guessed I would rather die from a tea overdose then the wraith savoring my soul.

  My vision blurred as another stab of pain sliced through my brow. I rubbed my eyes. Black dots feathered my vision. I blinked, trying to clear it. When they faded, I attempted to wet the clumps of leaves sticking to the sides of my mug so they were easier to swallow. Becoming lost in my movements, I watched as reddish bubbles formed along the top. For the millionth time, I wondered what Lexy had me drinking. I lifted the mug to my lips, but before I could take another sip, my vison went black.

  Images flickered before my eyes, but none of them made sense.

  My front door closing.

  The stairs to my building.

  The inside of my car.

  Streets blurring past.

  The crumpled building that was the mirage for Club Lure.

  Bodies grinding against one another to the hypnotic music pulsing inside.

  A dark-haired guy with thick-rimmed glasses touching me.


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