Hunter's Moon

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Hunter's Moon Page 8

by Angela Colsin

  Emily supposed that's where they were grilling, and indeed, the scents of various dishes hit her nose from as far away as the bottom of the steps.

  But she didn't hear anyone around, climbing the stairs while asking, “Hey Joslyn, is anyone even here?”

  There was no answer, and as Emily reached the top, she was suddenly startled out of her wits.


  “Shit!” she gasped, clutching her chest while looking around at the people gathered. Some faces she recognized from pictures while others were complete strangers. But they'd apparently gathered to give her a surprise party judging by a small banner hanging above the sliding door leading into the kitchen that said Welcome to Arkin City, Emily!

  Balloons were tied to the rails of the deck, and various trays of food were set up on some of the tables along with an assortment of drinks.

  And Emily could barely believe her eyes.

  As everyone laughed over her reaction, she asked Joslyn, “You set this up for me?”

  “Of course!” Joslyn exclaimed. “You didn't think I'd let you move here without a proper welcome, did you?”

  Taking a deep breath to slow her racing heart, she waved a hand. “I guess not, but I wasn't thinking about it with everything that happened last night.”

  Joslyn frowned. “I know, and we're hoping this helps you forget about that.”

  “Hell yeah, this is awesome!” Grinning, she looked around at those who'd gathered, finding their smiles friendly and welcoming.

  Ashley, who was sitting in a cushioned chair at a nearby table, mentioned, “Cade said he's sorry he couldn't be here, but work called. Still, you can meet the other loons who hang around these parts. I bet Joslyn's told you several incriminating stories.”

  Emily grinned, announcing modestly, “It was all said in confidence, but I know it just means I'll fit right in.”

  A low wave of chuckles sounded from the crowd, and Joslyn started introducing her, beginning with her mother-in-law, Rose Hodgins—or Mama Hodgins as most called her.

  She was a short brunette with kind eyes much like her twin's, but they were sky blue instead of brown. She also possessed a sassy sense of humor, just like her daughter, Sara, a raven haired beauty with an impeccable fashion sense.

  Both ladies related how sorry they were for what happened the night before, and promised things would only get better going forth.

  Emily also met a close friend of the family named Aislinn who ran an occult boutique in town called Strange Brew. Her husband, Troy, had accompanied her to the party, and they made a business proposition; Aislinn needed some high quality pictures of her products for an online store she was opening, and scheduled an appointment at the studio to discuss the deal.

  By the time Emily was done meeting everyone, she was glad Joslyn had sent her so many names over the years, otherwise she never would've remembered them all. Yet they were all a joy to chat with, behaving like one big family regardless of their blood relations, and it made her feel right at home despite the previous night's bullshit.

  Amidst the music and jokes, Emily recorded several videos for her parents, mostly to introduce the people she was meeting. She also recorded her reaction to the cooking—and Caleb was right. Someone would've been stupid to miss out on such a feast.

  Emily ate much more than usual, and eventually found herself sitting at a table with Joslyn, Ashley, Sara, and Rose, so busy talking and drinking beer that she didn't realize how much time had passed until the sound of a motorcycle caught her attention.

  In response to it, Rose looked up and grinned. “There's my boys.”

  Knowing she meant Caleb and Conner, Emily craned her head, just able to see Conner's car pulling into the driveway from her vantage point. But that didn't explain how the motorcycle had tipped Rose off until Caleb drove his bike around his brother's car to park in the backyard out of everyone's way.

  And Emily stared.

  She didn't know much about motorcycles—the most experience she had was listening to Rob talk with his pals about getting one of his own. But she'd never understood the appeal, and decided it just wasn't up her alley.

  Yet the moment she saw Caleb, her gaze locked, and the only question that remained was whether the bike had grabbed her attention, or the man riding it. But when she started noticing the way his toned arms flexed as he turned and drove beyond her line of vision below the deck, the answer seemed obvious. One thing's for sure; Rob never would've looked that good on a motorcycle.

  As Rose stood to go greet them, Emily heard a knowing, “What are you staring at, Miss Lady?”

  Pursing her lips at Joslyn's tone, she deflected the question by asking, “Did he build that bike?”

  “Uh huh,” her friend drew out, lowering her voice once the motorcycle's engine shut off. “He built it, and he knows exactly how to ride it.”

  “Joslyn!” Emily chided, laughing despite her scolding tone. But once their mirth had died down, she sat back and swigged her beer, remarking smoothly, “Good to know.”

  By that time, Conner had walked up onto the deck, greeting his mother with a tight hug before asking how the party was going.

  “We're just waiting on you two so the fun can start,” Mama Hodgins answered. “So go get something to eat and join in.”

  Grinning, Conner opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by Caleb calling, “Dude, get out of the way!”

  Their mother started laughing as if she knew what was coming. But Emily was thoroughly surprised when the eldest twin came barreling up the stairs, yelling, “Mama!” and grabbed her in a bear hug that lifted her off the floor completely.

  Conner barely moved in time, shaking his head while walking around them.

  “Aw, look,” Joslyn remarked. “Caleb's still a big ole mama's boy.”

  “I heard that, and I respond thusly.”

  Quickly lifting his head, Caleb blew a raspberry in their direction.

  Laughing, Joslyn waved a dismissive hand, and Emily watched Caleb put his mother back down and ask eagerly, “Where's the food?”

  “Over there, ya big baby,” Rose chuckled, smacking his arm as he playfully jogged by—and Emily was starting to think she'd been wrong about which twin was more outgoing.

  Not only was their greeting with Rose an indication, but watching the way they interacted with others was proof in itself. On the way to the buffet table, Caleb gave out fist bumps, one armed hugs, and hand slaps to everyone he crossed.

  In contrast, Conner greeted them with a friendly smile or a handshake, then had to fight with his twin for room to get food.

  “Joslyn?” Emily asked.


  “In your experience, which of the twins is more outgoing?”

  “Definitely Caleb.” More loudly, she added, “Not that he's a loud mouthed showoff or anything.”

  Immediately, Caleb looked back with a chicken leg stuck between his teeth, making a Wha? sound.

  Joslyn laughed. “Don't talk with food in your mouth!”

  He spit the leg onto his plate. “That better?”

  “Ugh! Use your hands!”

  Emily grinned, realizing she was, in fact, completely wrong about Caleb's character, which made her genuinely wonder about her assessment that he didn't like her. Joslyn said he was fine with her, and she hadn't been sure if she could believe it, but maybe he was just slow to come around—


  “Crap, my phone,” Emily muttered, reaching into her pocket to pull it out. Looking at the ID, she announced, “Oh, it's my dad, I'll be back.”

  Standing, she left the table to go inside where there was less noise, answering on the way, “Hey, dad!”

  “Hi, squirt. How are things?”

  “Great! But give me a second, okay? It's hard to hear out here.”

  Rose opened the sliding door, allowing her into the kitchen, then shut it to block out the music playing before Emily went on, “Okay, I'm inside now. Joslyn surprised me with a welcome
party and I've been recording some videos for you.”

  “Awesome! Tell Joslyn I said hi, and I called because I have some good news.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yep, you know how your mom wants to visit next month?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Well, she's pushing it back another month because I managed to clear my work schedule. So all three of us are coming out.”

  “Really? That's awesome!” Emily grinned, excited to be able to see all three of her parents again sooner than expected. “Maybe I'll actually have my apartment set up by then.”

  Her dad laughed, adding, “So how are you, anyway? Is everything okay after last night?”

  Deciding not to relate the police case until she had more detailed information, Emily replied simply, “Yeah, I'm fine, just got scratched up and scared the hell out of.”

  Andrew's grumbling was audible despite the fact that he was doing it under his breath. “I just wish I could get my hands around that son of a bitch's neck.”

  “I know,” Emily answered on the sweetest voice she could muster to hopefully soothe his ire. “But I'm pretty sure they'll find the guy soon, or that he'll move on after being spotted.”

  “Here's hoping. Anyway, I have something else to pass on that might make things a little better.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yep,” Andrew started—yet his news did anything but make her situation a little better.

  And Emily didn't return to the party in completely high spirits.

  Chapter 8

  “So, Joslyn … ”

  Sitting down at her table, Caleb tried for the millionth time to think of some way to word his question that wouldn't make him sound interested in Emily, or just downright perverted.

  But again, he drew a blank. How did someone ask about a girl's swimsuit modeling, anyway? Ever since he'd left the garage, he'd been extremely curious. As far as he knew, Emily was a photographer, not a model, so when had she taken that image? Was modeling a job she'd had before deciding to become a photographer?

  Had he already shot his chances by being so short?

  Caleb immediately pushed the last question from his thoughts, reminding himself that he wasn't trying to gain ground with Joslyn's best friend. But he couldn't ask the other two questions without making his perceptive sister-in-law think he harbored an interest.

  Even his hesitation seemed to tip her off because Joslyn suddenly prodded him with a knowing, “Yes, Caleb?”

  Finally, he opened his mouth to say never mind, but Conner answered first. “He's curious about Emily. She showed us a … revealing picture at the garage, and he wants to know more about it.”

  Caleb glowered at his twin, but it seemed Joslyn already knew because she asked with a grin, “Oh, the calendar? Emily looks good in a bikini, doesn't she?”

  Caleb sighed, remarking casually, “I just didn't know she modeled.”

  “Uh huh,” Joslyn retorted suspiciously.

  But thankfully, she didn't get a chance to rib him further due to Ashley's question. “Calendar? What are you guys talking about?”

  “You know that swimsuit calendar Caleb has in his office that he keeps forgetting to throw out?” At Ashley's nod, Joslyn explained, “Emily's Miss December.”

  “Seriously?” Ashley looked surprised.

  “I thought she was a photographer,” Sara mentioned.

  “She is. She only modeled to get some extra dough for school and whatnot. That calendar is an anomaly, though.”

  Caleb didn't interrupt their exchange, listening intently as Ashley and Sara asked all of his questions for him, then furthered the conversation with, “How so?”

  “Because she usually did shoots for clothing catalogs and websites, but the swimsuit gig offered a lot more money, so she decided to go for it.” With that said, Joslyn grinned. “Why? Like whatcha saw?”

  Damn did I ever. Caleb grumbled inwardly, wishing he could get the image of Emily in that bikini out of his head. But just like Conner said, he was doomed—his instincts were already going, and now his curiosity about the human had risen to an uncomfortable degree.

  In fact, he'd considered going straight home after work and ignoring Emily's party in favor of burying himself in renovations. But Caleb knew that doing so would only get him into even more trouble later for two reasons.

  First of all, everyone would've taken notice of his absence, particularly considering the amount of food available, and started questioning it. Secondly, if he'd stayed home, Emily would've been on his mind constantly, his curiosity growing until he had the chance to ask her all the questions he could possibly think of—and he would've done so impulsively, likely revealing his interests in the process.

  So, by attending the party, being himself, and learning more about her there, he could at least avoid rumors spreading through the pack, and also struggling with his instincts later. Besides, maybe Conner was right and he wouldn't actually like Emily as a person. Maybe she'd turn out to be stuck up, snobby, or just generally unappealing despite her alluring scent—and her outward beauty.

  But those types of thoughts hadn't stopped Caleb from ripping her image out of the calendar to prevent the other mechanics from seeing it—or that's how he'd rationalized the action anyway.

  So, with the thought in mind, he finally answered Joslyn, “Anyone would've liked that image.”

  “But you more than most,” Conner chimed in.

  “Shut up, Con,” Caleb muttered pointedly.

  Hearing this, Joslyn, Ashley, and Sara all exchanged surprised looks, and the latter laughed. “Sounds like Conner hit a soft spot, little bro.”

  “Yeah, so what are you not telling us, Caleb?” Joslyn asked. “Oh wait, I know! Emily's getting your instincts going, isn't she?”

  “No,” Caleb refused stubbornly.

  “Liar,” she countered. But Joslyn abruptly stopped herself from saying more in favor of staring directly behind him with confusion dawning in her doe eyes. “Emily? What's wrong?”

  Immediately, Caleb glanced back to see Emily returning to their table, and she didn't look nearly as happy as she had before answering her dad's call.

  Rounding the corner to sit across from him and to Joslyn's right, she sighed. “My dad just told me something not so spectacular.”


  Grumbling, she leaned her cheek against her palm, elbow against the table, and drew out, “Evan's coming to town next week.”

  Whoever Evan was, Joslyn didn't seem to like him, groaning loudly, “Why?”

  “He wants to check on me, whatever that means.”

  Their exchange had Caleb too curious not to ask, “Who's Evan?”

  “Her half brother, and they don't get along.”

  “He thinks we get along,” Emily pointed out. “But he's always been an ass. Still, he's on the road with work, so he won't be around for too long. Just have to put up with him for a couple of hours and that's that.”

  “Good,” Joslyn commented. “He—”


  Ashley's sudden gasp got everyone's complete attention. The mother-to-be sat forward with a hand on her stomach, and was now taking several deep breaths as if in pain.

  Conner didn't hesitate to reach over and place a hand on her arm. “You okay, Ash?”

  With deep breaths, she nodded, and finally managed to state, “I'm fine, it's just Braxton Hicks. Caught me off guard.”

  Everyone at the table relaxed, but only marginally, continuing to wait in silence as if expecting Ashley to suddenly announce just kidding, this is it!

  But she only ran her hands over her stomach, then exhaled slowly before her breathing returned to normal. “Okay, I think it's over. Still, I'm gonna go inside and rest on the couch for a bit.”

  “Let me help you up,” Conner volunteered, and Caleb didn't sit idly by.

  Together, the brothers got Ashley to her feet, and Sara and Rose took over from there, waving them both back to their seats.

Returning to the table, Caleb mentioned, “I think Cade would flip out if Ashley went into labor while he wasn't here.”

  “Yeah, but he'd be at the hospital in two seconds flat regardless,” Joslyn qualified.

  “And run over everyone in his way.” Conner chuckled.

  Caleb snorted, knowing that was true. The eldest Hodgins sibling had a no-nonsense attitude concerning important matters. This was why everyone thought he was such a good alpha—he knew how to crack jokes, but never let anyone feel as if they were being overlooked whenever something serious arose.

  So he wouldn't let anything keep him from Ashley if she went into labor while he was away—traffic included.

  But Caleb was soon distracted when he heard Mike Mason calling his name.


  He looked up to see the lupine walking toward their table with his mate, Nicole, by his side. She was a former human who'd been turned into a lupine, making their relationship an example of a hookup with a human that had actually worked.

  But Caleb felt no jealousy toward them whatsoever. In fact, their bonding gave him a sliver of hope.

  Sadly, his fear of history repeating itself was more potent.

  “Hey guys,” Mike greeted everyone, then focused on Caleb again. “I was wondering if you were free on Monday night.”

  “I'm not planning anything special, why?”

  “Well, Nicole and I were hoping for a night out, and you mentioned wanting to watch Taylor. So if it's cool, we'll drop him off with you at about six o'clock and pick him up later.”

  “Sure,” Caleb agreed easily. Their three-month-old was one of a kind, and Caleb had no problem watching Taylor for however long the couple needed, qualifying, “He can spend the entire night if you want.”

  “Oh, no,” Nicole returned. “He's been waking every few hours and I don't want you to have to worry about that all night long.”

  At the same time, Mike placed a hand to the side of his mouth and whispered, “She's overprotective.”


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