My Nights With Kate

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My Nights With Kate Page 1

by M T Stone


  M.T. Stone


  My Nights

  With Kate

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 by M.T. Stone. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the publisher.

  Steamy Nights Publishing

  First Edition February 8th, 2013

  This book is dedicated to Sheri for all her help and inspiration.

  The Author recognizes the following trademarks and their owners: St. Regis, Starbucks, Le Meurice, Per Se, La Dame De Pic, Bryant Lake Grill, Adour, King Coles Bar, Maoz, Dom Pérignon, Moët & Chandon, Le Foch and Cristal

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – An Instant Obsession

  Chapter 2 – The Meet

  Chapter 3 – Kate And The Diamond Suite

  Chapter 4 – A Night With A Real Man

  Chapter 5 – The Day After

  Chapter 6 – An Eventful Afternoon

  Chapter 7 – Our First Business Meeting

  Chapter 8 – Monday Starts With A Bang!

  Chapter 9 – Yoga, Sex and Video

  Chapter 10 – Seeing Stars & A Reboot

  Chapter 11 – Grilled At Lunch & Thrilled At Dinner

  Chapter 12 – Are We Even?

  Chapter 13 – Three Short Days

  Chapter 14 – Dinner And A Three Way To Paris

  Chapter 15 - Saturday In Paris

  Chapter 16 – Jack Does Double Time

  Chapter 17 – Back In the NY Groove

  Chapter 18 – Jack The Puppeteer?

  Chapter 19 – Tough Reception In PA

  Chapter 20 – More Puzzle Pieces

  Chapter 21: Going For A Test Drive

  Chapter 22: The Not So Virgin Islands

  Chapter 23: Kate & Brandon Meet

  Chapter 24: Returning To Allentown

  Chapter 25 – Done Deals

  Chapter 26: The Confessions Begin

  Chapter 27 – A Very Special Day

  Chapter 28 – My Two Loves

  Chapter 1 – An Instant Obsession

  Jack Ryker

  January 4, 2012

  The whirlwind began on a Wednesday morning, as I hustled around my office preparing for the most important meetings of my life. As always, I had the financial news playing in the background, my ever-present companion keeping me abreast of what was going on in the business and financial world. The host caught my attention with a teaser about the desperate lengths some college students were going to in order to pay back their college loans. It’s not an easy time to be starting a career when technology and outsourcing continue to eliminate high paying American jobs. I felt fortunate for being able to put both of my kids through college and give them a good start in life. My daughter works for my company as a fashion buyer, and my son who just completed his MBA was picked up as a junior analyst by the most prestigious investment bank on the street. The fact that they were vying to handle my corporate buyout made it easy for me to get him in the door for an interview. Needless to say, they were both doing fine financially, but I knew there were many graduates who were less fortunate.

  After the commercial break, the host began talking about how young women were creating profiles on a website that allowed them to search for a sugar daddy to help pay the bills. Eternally curious, I opened up my browser and typed in the web address. I looked through the first few pages of listings referred to as “Sugar Babies”. Suddenly, a young woman named Mila from the New York area caught my eye. I was struck by her dark black hair offset by beautiful, almost turquoise eyes. She was definitely stunning, but I didn’t have much time, so I bookmarked the site for later.

  My meetings went well, and it looked like the buyout offer was going through. After 27 years of 60 to 70 hour weeks, I was finally going to be free. Mail order fashion catalogs were just becoming the rage back when Eva and I started this business, fresh out of college and newly married. Over the years, we constantly adapted to changing consumer trends and embraced new technology to become the top catalog and online fashion retailer. Now, within a matter of weeks, our baby would be absorbed by one of the oldest and largest retail franchises in the world. Not only would I be eliminating my day job, but nearly half of the $4 billion buyout price would be pure profit for me and a few key people. Needless to say, I was going to have a lot more time on my hands, the abundance of which was the only thing that made me nervous. Since Eva was killed, I’d become even more of a workaholic. Keeping busy was my only form of therapy. With both kids grown and thriving, I had to wonder how I would fill a completely open schedule. My thoughts diverted back to Mila and those hauntingly beautiful eyes. What’s her story?


  During the ride back to the office, I got out my iPad and pulled up the website. Ever since beginning testosterone therapy a few weeks ago, I had noticed a resurgence of my desire for the opposite sex. I wanted to learn more about Mila, but in order to do so I had to become a subscriber. Bill Addison was the name I used whenever I signed up for something anonymously, and I even had a matching email address. Upon completing my subscription, however, there wasn’t much additional information about her. She was a 22-year-old college student living in NYC who was looking for a sugar daddy, age forty-five or younger. It’s a good thing I altered my birthdate by 5 years when I registered, otherwise I wouldn’t have made the cut!

  She stated that she needed $3-5000 per month to make ends meet. Wow! It appears that my gorgeous little sugar baby has a pretty conservative budget, especially considering how expensive it is to live in the city. I smiled, thinking back to a time when $5000 seemed like a big chunk of money. When I was a teenager I once got a $5800 check after working an entire summer. I remember telling Dad that I was going to cash it instead of depositing it, so I could experience having 58 $100 bills in my hands. He laughed and told me to just deposit it, so I wouldn’t get mugged. I still like the feeling of carrying around plenty of cash as it makes money seem real. Otherwise, it's simply a number on a piece of paper which has never inspired me in the slightest way.

  The biggest benefit of joining the Sugar site was the four enlarged pictures of Mila and access to the “Email Me” button. Clicking through her pictures, I was surprised by the fact that three were professionally shot, very tasteful semi-nudes. She was either scantily clad or covering most of her private parts so it left plenty to the imagination. My favorite one had her in nothing but a light blue men’s dress shirt, lying on her back and smiling at the camera. After seeing the gorgeous legs that went along with those gorgeous eyes, I had no choice but to contact her. Over the years I’ve met and worked with hundreds of good looking models, but there was something uniquely special about this girl. Something about her was so magnetic that she simply drew me in. My hormone levels started rising just at the thought of meeting this beauty in person.

  My driver announced our arrival back at the office complex, so I packed away the iPad and collected the rest of my belongings. There was a little extra spring in my step as I headed into the lobby and made my way to the elevator. Not only was I going to successfully sell my company, but now I was looking forward to beautiful Mila. My thoughts skipped forward to my next tropical vacation and how much more interesting it would be with a girl like her on my arm. As the elevator began to make its way to the top floor, I had to laugh at the butterflies that were emerging in my gut. I felt like a teena
ger who had just met a pretty girl. It had been so long since I had felt anything at all; I had begun to wonder if it was even still there.

  The elevator doors opened, and I was greeted by my long-time assistant Kristen who informed me that Jayne, my daughter, was looking for me.

  “I’m sure she’s wondering how the meetings went,” I replied, trying to avoid a lengthy conversation.

  “How did they go?”

  “They went great, Kristen. It looks like a done deal.”

  “Should I be happy?” she asked with a look of concern on her face.

  “Yes, Kristen, you should be very happy. I’m not going to forget your twenty-five years of faithful service. You will be well-taken-care-of when the deal closes.”

  “I appreciate that, Jack.”

  “Hey, I’ve always told you that I would share the spoils with you. See you tomorrow.”

  By the look on her face, I could tell she was hopeful that I was telling the truth, but she remained apprehensive. Kristen had played a crucial role in making this company successful. She was the no-nonsense “accounting type” who always wore a conservative business suit and skirt, subdued makeup, and glasses. Seeing her on the street, you would’ve never guessed that she worked for a high-end fashion retailer. Even so, I never had to worry about details because she handled things with a level of efficiency and organization that I never could have dreamed of achieving. That’s why she was one of ten key people who were written into the sales agreement. Each of them would receive one-half of one percent of my proceeds, which meant I was giving away five percent of my stake in total. That may not sound like much, but considering my stake is just over $2 billion it was about $10 million each. Kristen, along with the other nine, would be set for life if the deal closed at full value. My business strategy had always been to ensure that my key employees were given the proper incentives. In other words, if they had plenty of skin in the game, they would work harder to maximize profits.

  Entering my office suite, I was glad to see it was deserted. I headed straight for my desk and pulled out my iPad, going right back to the task at hand. I sat down and began typing a message to Mila, letting her know that I was interested in meeting. It was rather odd to be writing to a woman that was three years younger than my daughter, but that twinge of guilt was quickly overcome by pure lust. We were both adults and at the very least I wanted to meet her, even if it didn’t lead to anything more.

  “Dad, didn’t Kristen tell you I’ve been looking for you?” Jayne asked, as she strolled into my office.

  “Oh, hi, honey. I just have an important email I need to send,” I replied, closing the cover on my iPad.

  “Wow! That must be something awfully important,” she said with a smirk as she came around my desk. "You’re blushing, Dad. Who are you emailing?”

  “None of your business, honey,” I told her while discreetly pulling the iPad onto my lap to ensure she wasn’t going to flip it open and see anything that would further embarrass me.

  “Ok, I’ll leave you alone. I just wanted to see how everything went.”

  “It appears to be a done deal, honey, and you are secure as the VP of purchasing.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I know you don’t like to make things too easy for me, but I really love working here.”

  “Honey, they based that decision on your competence, not because I pulled any strings.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I’ll let you get back to your personal email,” she said with a wink and leaned over to give me a kiss. She’s such an intuitive girl; it's obvious she knows I’m emailing a woman. She would die if she knew the whole truth. Am I sure I want to do this?

  Glancing once again at Mila’s pictures set my head on straight. Of course I do! I finished writing her a quick message saying that I would like to take her to Adour at the St. Regis to introduce myself. If she knew anything about restaurants, she would instantly realize that she had hooked herself a whale. I’ve never gotten out of there with less than a $500 ticket per person, because food like that needs to be paired with fine wine. I also informed her that I was interested in a little companionship as my wife had been killed in a tragic accident a few years ago. I couldn’t believe I played both the “rich as hell” and the “reluctant widower” cards in my first email, but I seriously wanted this girl’s attention. Once I was done, I hit “Send” without any further hesitation.


  I was normally not a compulsive person, but after checking for messages twice in the first hour, I decided to download the smart phone app. That way I could go on with life and still keep tabs on whether or not she had replied. I called Jayne to see if she wanted to grab some dinner, but she was already half way home. So I decided to hit King Coles Bar just down the street. Part of the St. Regis Hotel, it had become my “go to” spot when dining alone since everyone knew me there. Ordering my usual GlenDronach 33 scotch on the rocks, a New York Strip, and a Caesar salad, I thought about how stale my routine had become. I pulled out my phone and checked for a message. That was pretty good… I made it nearly an hour this time.

  While sipping my scotch and waiting for food, I glanced over at the restaurant where I hoped to be taking Mila in a couple of days. My thoughts began to drift back to the picture of her lying on her back in that light blue dress shirt. Judging by the restless feeling down below, there wouldn’t be any need for Viagra. Even though I hadn’t been with a woman since my wife’s death, it wasn’t due to a lack of ability or availability. At first I avoided dating out of respect for the kids and their mother’s memory; but, in reality, I really never wanted a second family. Friends of mine who had gotten remarried seemed to have such complicated lives. I preferred to keep things simple. Besides, a guy like me was a very desirable target for all the gold diggers. It’s difficult to tell if someone is truly interested in me or just my money. I think that’s why the sugar daddy idea was appealing as there were no false pretenses.

  “Your dinner, sir,” was the statement that jolted me back to reality, as the server placed it in front of me and asked if I’d like some steak sauce. Steak sauce was the least of my desires... all I wanted was a message from the girl with the turquoise eyes.

  About half-way through the salad, my phone made a strange sound. I immediately knew it was the sugar baby app. I picked it up and there it was: a message from Mila. I could actually feel my pulse quicken as I opened it:

  “Hi, Bill! Wow, I’m not sure what’s going on today but I’ve gotten about 40 messages. Since I’m a huge fan of French Cuisine, you just bolted to the top of the list. I’ve always wanted to eat there. I have plans Friday night but am available Saturday night… 7ish?”

  “That site was mentioned on TV this morning, so that explains your busy day. I’ll meet you at the restaurant at 7P.M. Saturday, the reservation will be under Addison,” I replied.

  “See you there.”

  It's all set. I’m going to meet Mila in three days! Glancing in the mirror behind the bar, I knew it was time to call Suzy for a quick touch up. I just wanted to smooth out the gray in my hair and goatee, as I had let it go and was starting to resemble Jeff Bridges. Maybe she could do a little something around my eyes to soften the lines as well. Minutes later my appointment was booked for Friday afternoon, one benefit of being a loyal customer for over 15 years.

  Loyalty: that’s one thing that’s rare in today’s world. People don’t realize how much they lose by not remaining loyal to their friends, family members and business associates. In the end, those relationships are much more valuable than how much money is in your bank account. Through the frosty window, I saw my car and driver had just arrived for my ride home. I braced against the cold night air as I left the bar. I love NY most of the year, but I’m getting really tired of being here in January. I had decided to buy my dream yacht when the sale closed and head out for warmer weather in the fall. I loved the thought of leaving in late September and coming back in May when the weather turned warm. The kids could fly down for Christmas vacati
on, and we’d have smoked turkey and all the trimmings with an ocean view for a change.


  Kate Westby

  Wow, what a day! I was so overwhelmed with messages that I honestly wished they would just stop. I was glad I hadn’t used my real name. What if someone I know recognized me on that site? It made me wish I had ignored Jackie or at least been more discreet with the pictures I chose to upload. At the time, I was focused on making sure I attracted some attention, but this level of attention was way too much of a good thing. It was also hard to know who to reply to based on the messages I was receiving. Most of them didn’t tell me anything about themselves, no profile pictures or anything. The most intriguing one was from a guy who had lost his wife and wanted to take me to a fancy French restaurant. I knew I couldn’t go wrong with that one; at the very least, I’d get a great meal!

  As I washed my face and got ready for bed I stared at my reflection in the mirror. What am I doing? I honestly can’t believe I let Jackie talk me into doing this, but she made it look so easy. Of course Jackie also loves dating and flirting with guys, so it all comes naturally for her. My mother has already done so much for me. I can’t ask her for more money. She doesn’t have anything put away for herself. Dad, on the other hand, has been a complete asshole. He better be happy with his new wife, because I’m never going to speak to him again. I took a deep breath and told myself: Everything will be alright. With all those prospects I will surely find someone attractive and fun to be around.

  Then another negative thought popped in my head: Is this even legal? What if the NYPD saw it on TV as well, wouldn’t they consider this a form of prostitution? So many thoughts were racing through my mind that I was completely overwhelmed by anxiety.

  It was then that I decided to go online and delete my profile. I would meet this Addison guy Saturday night, but I was no longer comfortable having my pictures on that web site. Besides, I could always create another profile if I had to after the publicity died down. My hands were literally trembling as I logged in and searched for how to delete my profile. It never seems to be as easy to get out of these things as they are to set up. I first had to delete each picture before it finally gave me the option to delete my profile.


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