My Nights With Kate

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My Nights With Kate Page 19

by M T Stone

  “Now that you mention it, I honestly remember that evening, Kate. That’s the only time I spoke at one of their banquets. I think I agreed to do it because Cynthia was one of our first wholesale buyers. I remember noticing the spark in your eyes when you and I talked. I remember telling your mother that you appeared to be a real firecracker, and she agreed.”

  Wow. What a reality check. When I met her as a 10-year-old girl, I was 37. She’s right, Cynthia would freak out. As we stood there looking at one another, it seemed as if we both were completely torn. Even though we were having the time of our lives, things were much more complicated than just our feelings for each other. Especially once we added our family and friends into the mix. We had been living in a little bubble, sheltered from the rest of the world the past few weeks. However, we knew it was impossible to sustain over the longer term. We couldn’t hide out at the St. Regis forever, even though some celebrities have tried to do just that.

  “Kate, you must realize by now that I know how to formulate and execute a master plan. Let’s see how the trip to Allentown goes, see how your leadership team comes together, and next weekend we’ll get you moved into your new place. Everything may not be absolutely perfect, but your life has come a long way from where you were last month.”

  “You’re right, Jack. I’m sorry for being stressed about everything. I really am having the time of my life.”

  “That’s good. It’s an absolutely beautiful night, so let’s have a couple glasses of champagne and enjoy it.”

  There are always situations in our lives that can make us miserable if we choose to focus on them. The blessed person is the one who can find happiness regardless of the situation they find themselves in. My goal for the future is to become one of those people. People often think they would be happy if they were wealthy, but believe me there are an abundance of miserable rich people in this world. The saying “Money Can’t Buy Happiness” is absolutely true.


  Sunday morning, I awoke early in anticipation of trying out the Triton submarine that Edward had showed us the day before. It was a canary yellow Triton 3300 three-passenger sub which carried a pilot and two passengers to a depth of up to 3300 feet. It was a $3 million toy they wanted me to try out because the owner wanted to sell it as part of the yacht package. John, Ed and three other crew members had gone through a four week training course to learn how to launch and operate the sub. We were going to drop the sub in the water just outside Cruz Bay and then head west to explore the bays along the north side of St. John. Ed was elated that Captain John was tied up, as he got to be our pilot for the trip.

  “This little thing is amazing! You guys are going to love it,” he declared as he prepped for launch.

  “Is this thing safe?” Kate asked with apprehension in her voice.

  “Definitely. This thing has six-inch-thick acrylic glass that is designed to go to a depth of 3300 feet. We’ll be spending our time between 50-300 feet, so you will be very safe. There has never been an accident with one of these, so relax and have fun,” Ed assured her.



  I’ve always been a little apprehensive under water, so this is going to be a bit nerve racking. As we climbed in through the hatch and got comfortable, Ed took the pilot’s chair behind us. This left us with an unobstructed view of everything underwater. Once we submerged, the acrylic sphere seemed to disappear, and it felt as if we could just reach out and touch everything. As amazing as the snorkeling had been in Leinster Bay, this was a whole new level of coolness. As we made our way northeast toward Henley Cay, two Barracuda appeared to be providing us an escort. I know Barracuda rarely cause any harm to swimmers, but, with these two five-foot long beasts present, I was happy to be safely behind the glass. As we neared the Cay, one of the Barracudas abruptly turned and attacked a Grouper that found itself in the wrong place at the wrong time. The reef was completely alive with activity, just as the reef around Waterlemon Cay had been the day before. Ed made a slow pass around the entire area before moving on to our next destination, Ramgoat Cay.

  “This sure beats snorkeling, huh, Kate?” Ed asked, as we passed around the second Cay.

  “For $3 million, it should beat snorkeling!” Jack replied, before I had a chance to answer.

  A $3 million dollar toy; that’s outrageous! I thought back to when I was young and my father was so impressed with himself when his net worth first surpassed a million dollars. I distinctly remember telling one of my girlfriends that my dad was a millionaire. At the time, neither of us really knew what it meant, but it sure sounded impressive. Another brief thought went through my mind about what my dad would think regarding my recent adventure with Jack. He would be so pissed, especially if he didn’t like Jack in the first place. The thought of how mad he would be actually made me smile.

  “What are you thinking about, Kate?” Jack asked, seeing my expression.

  “Oh, I’m just thinking about how amazing it is to be sitting here with all these fish and sea creatures swimming around us. I just love those little sea turtles.”

  “It really is amazing. I’m definitely going to keep this thing.”

  We made our way from Bay to Bay at a leisurely 2-knot pace until we reached our turnaround point, Whistling Cay. Whistling Cay was located at the north end of Francis Bay and was five or six times as large as Waterlemon Cay. Ed slowed down to a crawl as we made our way along the west side of the reef where the vibrant colors of the beautiful coral simply popped. There were several people snorkeling who seemed intrigued with our little sub. It made me feel a little odd when they would swim by, staring in at us like we were one of the attractions.

  As Ed sank to the bottom, we saw a couple Manta Rays. Then he pointed out a spiny lobster as well as a couple of eels that were hiding amongst the coral. Looking up from the bottom was absolutely gorgeous, as the turquoise water was filled with fish ranging from parrot fish to blue tang, blue chromis as well as jacks. Slowly moving along the reef, you could see different creatures darting among the coral, changing colors or just curiously observing us. As we made our way back toward the ship, Ed took us along the coastline. Here we could see a combination of sea life and coral, as well as people kayaking, paddle boarding, boating and snorkeling. What an incredible way to spend a day in paradise!

  By the time we got back to the ship, I was ready for a snack and some sunshine. It was yet another gorgeous 85 degree afternoon, and I wanted to absorb some rays before heading back to New York. Within seconds of making our way to the lido-deck, we were greeted by Lewis and two servers who brought us a couple of Amber Jacks, as well as some Tuna and Prime Rib finger sandwiches to snack on.

  “You guys have amazing timing.”

  “We try, ma'am,” one of the servers replied.

  “Let’s just relax and enjoy the sun,” Jack said, as he enjoyed the beer and sandwiches. “We have another busy week coming up.”

  “What’s the plan anyway? Are coming with us to Allentown?”

  “No, I have meetings Tuesday and Wednesday with the new management director, so I’ll be staying in New York. Also, I think I’ll have the Daytime Production Manager hop on the helicopter and spend a few days in New York with me. I can spend some time getting to know her and bringing her up to speed between my meetings.”

  “I wish you were going with us, Jack.”

  “I know, baby, but I’m busy, and Wallace sees me as part of the reason for his failure. The whole negotiation process will go much smoother if I’m not around.”

  “Do I really need to be there?”

  “Yes. Wallace liked you right from the start. If you make it clear that this is your baby, it will make things much easier.”

  “Alright,” I replied, still not happy with going there without him. This is my big shot, so I better put on my big girl pants and rise to the occasion. Jack has made this incredibly easy for me so far. I guess it’s time for me to do my part.

  As we enjoyed the beer and sunshin
e, Captain John began the unhurried trek back to the west coast of Puerto Rico where our test drive had begun. A luxury yacht really was an exceptional way to travel!


  Chapter 23: Kate & Brandon Meet


  Monday January 23, 2:30 P.M.

  By the time we made it back to the St. Regis, my wallet was $5 million lighter as I had put down my deposit on the yacht. I was looking forward to getting out onto the open seas every bit as much as getting out of the office. As much as I didn’t want to shift back into business mode, I was intent on meeting with Jayne and Kristen to go over some details about this week’s meetings this afternoon. Then I had to catch up with Brandon and maybe take him to dinner. Kate had her own agenda as she wanted to meet with the design team to make any last minute alterations to her prototypes. If they reached an agreement this week to purchase the factory, the first production meetings would be on Friday, so everything needed to be ready.


  By the time I had finished up with Jayne and Kristen, it was after 5:00. I saw that Kate had sent me a text about dinner. I suggested that she could join Brandon and I at Wall & Water as that was his favorite restaurant near his office. They had a good NY Strip, so I was okay with it, and I knew Kate would love the pan seared salmon. The only request I had was that there be no PSA’s in front of my son. Needless to say, after dealing with her mother she completely understood.

  Brandon and I had been there for a few minutes when Kate arrived. She acted as though we were merely business associates and actually impressed me with her acting skills. Once talk turned toward the new business venture, she and Brandon dominated the conversation, only occasionally asking for my input. Listening to them flesh out ideas on how to make the business successful brought me back to an earlier day when I was passionate about such things. Brandon had obviously devoured everything that Alan and I had sent him and added ideas of his own to the mix. When the food arrived, I was the only one who was focused on eating as those two continued to brainstorm. This is fantastic! I remember thinking as I enjoyed my meal.

  “Brandon, I know we just met, but could I ask you a huge favor?” Kate asked.


  “My sister, Belinda, has a recital Friday night, and my mother always expects me to bring a date. Would you be willing to go with me?”

  “Well, I have Friday off and no plans, so yeah. That shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Thanks, Brandon! I would really appreciate it.”

  Well, that is an interesting turn of events. My girlfriend just asked out my son for Friday night. I guess I’ll have a free night. Not long after that interchange, Brandon received a call from his boss. As usual, he had no choice but to abruptly depart and head back to the office.

  “That’s one of the reasons I want to get him out of that place,” I told Kate. “He hasn’t had a moment to himself since he started there. But things appear to be changing; he’s even got a date for Friday night.”

  “Sorry about that, it was a spur of the moment thought. I just thought it would get my mother off my back.”

  “That’s alright. Brandon’s a good kid.”

  “And he definitely seems interested in what we’re doing. I think you are right in sending him to Allentown with us. His enthusiasm is kind of contagious!”

  “What? You’re actually admitting some belief in my master plan? I like it!”

  “I’ve believed in you all along, Jack, but I initially had this fantasy of you and me working side by side on a daily basis. That would’ve been my dream job.”

  “Maybe, but I think you will love the team I’m putting together for you. I’ll be there anytime you need me. That’s something you can always count on.”

  “I know, Jack. Thank you!”

  In my mind, it was a successful first meeting with Kate and Brandon. Unlike Jayne, he didn’t question my relationship with Kate at all. Of course, Brandon knew that I had had zero interest in dating for the past several years. I’m sure that he never suspected that I would choose a 22 year old for my first conquest. Kate really enhanced our cover by asking him out. Brandon would have a chance to show off the negotiating skills he had acquired along with his Harvard Business degrees.

  As we walked out to the car, Kate seemed a bit distant.

  “Brandon’s gone, so you can quit acting now,” I assured her.

  “Just making sure I don’t embarrass you, Jack,” she replied, while maintaining her gaze out of the other window.

  I do realize this whole act bothers her, but at the moment I don’t know what else to do. It’s as if she wants me to tell my kids what’s going on while we simultaneously make up lies for her mother. It can’t be both ways, so for now we are better off keeping things on the down-low.

  “Are you alright, Kate?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just not feeling so great. I got my monthly visitor today. I was trying to manipulate it by skipping the white pills, but Mother Nature seems determined to at least make me feel miserable.”

  “Oh… I’ve heard you can’t fight Mother Nature.”

  “That’s for sure. She’s a bad ass,” Kate replied with a smile.

  “That reminds me. There’s something else you should know, Kate.”

  “What’s that?” she asked apprehensively.

  “There were some complications when Brandon was born, so we decided we wouldn’t be having any more kids.”

  “So you got fixed?”

  “Yes, a few weeks after Brandon was born.”

  “That’s why you laughed when I warned you about Jackie,” she added.

  “Yeah, there isn’t much to worry about in that department.”

  Kate didn’t seem fazed by my admission. Since she had been talking about kids, I felt it was important that she knew. After 24 years, I doubted that there was much hope of reversing such a thing.

  As we pulled up to the entrance of the St. Regis, I received a text from Brandon saying, “You never mentioned that your new business partner was such a hottie! She seems awesome!” Great, now my son has the hots for my girlfriend. This just keeps getting better and better.



  I felt bad for being a little mean to Jack, but I was tired from the weekend, bloated and cramping all simultaneously. It was that perfect combination that made me extremely moody. On the bright side, Brandon seemed to be really interested in what we’re doing. I see why Mom got excited when I said we were dating. He’s really good looking. He has a lot of the same features as Jack, except he has a more slim build and brown eyes instead of blue. It will be fun to see Mom and Belinda’s reaction when I show up with him Friday night.

  Being back in the Diamond suite, I had a strange feeling of conflict. In some aspects, things were evolving so fast that it felt like my life was moving at light speed. But this room was kind of a reminder of how my relationship with Jack was still stuck in the closet. I kept telling myself that Jack had a master plan and wanted to remain patient, but it was harder than it sounded.

  The highlight of the evening was simply lying in bed next to Jack. A younger guy probably would’ve been looking for a hand job or blow job in this situation, but Jack seemed completely content. He stroked my hair and caressed my skin as we talked about philosophy and business. Jack was an incredible wealth of knowledge, which is another reason why he became so successful. If others dismissed him (as he claimed) while he was doling out his wisdom, they did so at their own peril!

  The most important thing he taught me that evening was that in order to thrive in the retail world, you need to quickly adapt to new technology trends. By focusing on e-commerce in 1994 (the same year that was founded) he had a huge advantage as Internet shopping became more popular. In the ensuing years, he avoided competing with high profile sites like Amazon and Ebay. Instead he chose to join them, setting up highly successful online stores as soon as the opportunity was available. On the other side of the business, he focused on helpin
g designers reduce manufacturing costs and reach new markets. This combination led to market dominating performance where his stores produced up to 80% of the online sales for his designers. Could you have imagined profiting from all those online sales for over 100 different designers?

  “Right now most retailers are underestimating the power of mobile. Mobile will make up one-fourth of our transactions within the next year. As soon as we’re done with the transition to the new management team, I want them to focus on the next generation of mobile apps,” he informed me.

  “I thought you were walking away?”

  “I’m physically walking away, but I’ve committed to doing morning conference calls every Tuesday and Thursday for at least the next year. My mind will go numb if I just sit around all day.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll keep you busy.”

  “I’m yours on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. After noon, I’m doing whatever the hell I want!”

  “That sounds fair,” I agreed, closed my eyes and leaned into him.



  Damn, I forgot to mute my phone was the first thought of the day as it buzzed incessantly on the night stand. Who the hell is calling at 6:05 am? Reaching over to retrieve it, I saw that the call was from Brandon. I answered to make sure nothing was wrong.

  “Hey, Dad. I just wanted to make sure it’s okay with you if I put in my two-week notice today,” he said, his voice all aquiver.

  “What happened?”

  “I’ve been up working all night to finish a report for a sick analyst. Now my boss is insisting that I present it at an 8:30 meeting. I’ve never presented before, and he expects me to do it impromptu? You know I’m not a quitter, Dad, but I’ve basically been working for the last twenty-four hours straight, and I’m exhausted.”

  “I completely understand, Brandon. That’s why I want you out of there. However, I want you to leave on a high, not a low.”

  “Meaning what?”

  “You have a couple of hours before the presentation. I want you to meet me at the Starbucks across the street on Vessey at 7:00. You’re going to give the best presentation a junior analyst has ever delivered. Then you can turn in your resignation.”


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