MYSTERY: BRITISH MYSTERY: Missing Hearts (Amateur Sleuth Suspense Thriller) (Cozy Crime Detective Short Stories)

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MYSTERY: BRITISH MYSTERY: Missing Hearts (Amateur Sleuth Suspense Thriller) (Cozy Crime Detective Short Stories) Page 10

by S. Y. Robins

  Three hours later Lacy was sipping a glass of wine with Bill when she got two very long texts from Alex. Bill was a suspect, the police had come to question Alex and apparently Bill had a past the police wouldn’t elaborate on. Alex thought Lacy should come home immediately but she had no idea how to cut the date short. She looked down at her phone once more and inspiration hit.

  “I’m sorry Bill; I have to cut this short. Alex has just texted me something’s wrong with Freddy and he needs me to come home. I’ll catch a taxi, you stay and have dinner. No, really, it’s alright. I’ll call you later.” She stalled his getting up and walked quickly to the exit, getting the maître‘d to procure a cab for her and jumping in before Bill could question what had happened.

  The last couple of days had been hectic, shocking, and Lacy wanted nothing more than to hide under her covers with Freddy, safe and locked away from the dangers of the world outside of her apartment. It looked like she wasn’t going to be able to do that for a while longer. And now she was involved with a man who the police suspected had killed Mrs. Hartman. She and Alex had dismissed him as a suspect but the police knew more about him than she did. What had she gotten herself into?


  “Alex, are you here?” Lacy called as she unlocked the door and went into the apartment, wondering where Freddy and Alex were. Normally Freddy would have at least come to greet her as she came in the door. The apartment was quiet though, no clattering puppy nails on the hardwood floor, no sounds of a television show or a film playing either.

  Confused Lacy moved into the apartment but saw nothing out of place. Walking through the place once more Lacy spotted an envelope on the floor and bent to pick it up. She’d obviously stepped on it as she walked in because there was a slim footprint on the back of the envelope. Lacy pulled out a single sheet of paper and felt her world crashing around her as she read the note.

  “Bring back what was taken or the boy and the dog get it.”

  Lacy knew what the note meant and knew what was taken. The glove. But she’d turned it into the police! She couldn’t give it back. Slumping down to the couch Lacy felt the weight of panic once again crushing her. What should she do?

  Realization dawned that just a few doors down a killer sat with her dog and her best friend. And she was utterly terrified. Would she make it worse if she went down and demanded they be returned? Should she try to reason with the man? She chewed on the knuckle of her thumb as she thought; knowing she only really had one option. Picking up her phone she dialed a number.

  “9-1-1, what is your emergency?” A calm female voice on the other end of the phone asked in a reassuring tone.

  “My best friend and dog have been kidnapped. I need help.” Lacy said bluntly, unsure of what the code words and proper lingo were for 'my neighbor has my dog and my BFF and he’s apparently killed once already.'

  “Yes, ma’am. I just need to confirm your location and…” Lacy rattled off her address and location and held the line open as instructed.

  She paced around her apartment, the phone in one hand, her other hand near her mouth with her teeth biting at her thumb. She watched out of the windows, hoping to see the police cars but at the same time worried that any sign of a policeman would set the madman next door off. Her nerves were going to shatter and she was going to end up a drooling lump of clothes on the floor if this drama kept up.

  Lacy tensed and her head shot around to look at the door as she heard pounding feet and shouting voices in the hallway. They’d arrived quietly and without fanfare but now the experts were moving in. Afraid shots might be fired Lacy took cover on her couch, hoping the plush back and sides would protect her. Feeling like an idiot she listened as the door was kicked down and a trail of voices counted off orders and confirmed they understood.

  Lacy heard something like a rusty hinge being forced open and a bang before the voices started up again and then went quiet. She’d ducked down further into the couch, looking as though she was trying to become one with the furniture, when she heard boot steps coming towards her door and then a loud pounding shook the metal in its frame.

  “Coming.” She called out, as though it were any normal visitor and tripped over her own feet while trying to get up. Picking herself up and brushing at her chin where she’d hit it on the coffee table Lacy rushed for the door and gave a squeal of happiness as she saw Alex, Freddy cowering in his arms, shivering in fright.

  “Oh my poor fellows!” Lacy cried, jerking Alex into her apartment by his arm. “I’m so glad you’re safe.”

  She hugged Alex and Freddy close, inhaling Alex’s familiar scent. She let him go and took Freddy in her arms, pulling him to her chest to comfort him.

  “Who’s mommy’s brave boy? Hmm? My poor darling.” She cooed to the dog as she cuddled him.

  “Let me get you a drink.” She said before going into the kitchen to pour Alex a shot of vodka.

  “Here, drink this. Now tell me everything.” She demanded as she sat down.

  “They told me to come over here while they collected evidence. That crazy man is in custody, and he’s been charged with murdering Mrs. Hartman.” Alex said, holding the now empty glass out for more.

  Lacy fetched the bottle then came back in. “What was that loud banging? And the screeching noise?”

  “The screeching was Mr. Johnson when he saw the SWAT team. The bang was him knocking over a large armoire. I don’t even know how he got that thing in the door.”

  Alex’s words trailed off as another knock came at Lacy’s door. It was another detective, this one a woman.

  “Hi, I’m Detective Ronaldo. I have some questions for you two. May I come in?” The tall black haired woman asked.

  “Sure, I’m Lacy Mitchell, I think you’ve met Alex?” The woman shook her head in confirmation and Lacy continued. “Have a seat detective.”

  Lacy pointed to a chair across from the couch and the woman sat, pushing her obligatory detective overcoat behind her. She took out a notepad and pen and looked at Lacy.

  “How did you obtain the glove?” The woman shot the question out like it was an accusation.

  “I told the other detective, Freddy dashed into his apartment one day and drug it out with him while I was picking up Mr. Johnson’s dog.”

  “And you brought it into us immediately? You didn’t hang onto it; take it into Mrs. Hartman’s apartment, anything like that?”

  “No.” Lacy replied quickly, concerned at the path the questioning was taking. “I wrapped it in one of the plastic bags I use to clean up after the dogs, took them back to their owners, and went straight to the police.”

  “But you finished walking the dogs first?” The detective asked.

  “Well, yes. I didn’t want it to seem suspicious to Mr. Johnson.”

  “Good, and Alex. How did he go about this kidnapping?” The woman asked quickly, shifting her penetrating gaze to Alex. Her brown eyes were almost an interrogation weapon, deep and inviting but somehow daring you to lie to her because she’d break you. Lacy did not want to get on her bad side.

  “Well, he knocked at the door. I let him in because he said something was wrong with his dog and his phone wouldn’t work. He wanted to use mine so I let him in. When he got in he took out a gun.”

  “Ah yes, the gun is a fake by the way.” The detective told Alex, hoping it would reassure him.

  “Are you sure? It looked real to me!” Alex protested. He ran a hand over his forehead after reliving the moment, sweat beading his skin.

  “Yes, it was only a toy. But it does look real enough. So he threatened you?” Detective Ronaldo prodded.

  “Yes, he told me to bring Freddy and follow him. So I did. He had that thing pressed into my back the whole time. I nearly had a heart attack. Poor Freddy is still shaking.”

  They all looked at the dog settled on Lacy’s lap and sure enough the small dog was still shivering. Lacy smoothed a hand down his back and he snuffled before settling back down.

  “Right, that�
�s all I have for now then. I can inform you that the hair and blood on the glove did belong to Mrs. Hartman and that was enough to bring him in. We were preparing the warrant when you called. It’s a good thing you brought that in. I’m just sorry you’ve had to deal with this.” The detective got up to leave as she spoke.

  “Oh! Detective! What happened to Mrs. Hartman’s dog?” Lacy asked.

  “We’re still questioning the suspect. As of right now your guess is as good as mine.” Detective Ronaldo said before placing her card in Lacy’s hand and leaving.

  “Poor puppy!” Lacy said as she went back to Alex after locking the door.

  “Oh my god, Lacy. I thought we were going to die! That man is a lunatic. He spent half the time I was there ranting about some serial killer that thought a dog was talking to him and the other half ranting about people that didn’t control their animals. He kept saying 'I fixed her and her little yappy dog.' I thought he was going to kill us all!” Alex said, his hands shaking as he took another shot.

  Lacy put her arm around the man and pulled him down for a hug. They were still cuddling on the couch, all near to sleeping when Lacy’s phone rang. It was Bill.

  “I’ve just had a call from my lawyer. No wonder you didn’t call me. Are you all alright?” Bill asked before she could even say hello.

  “We’re fine.” Lacy smothered down a pleased feeling at his concern but couldn’t help a smile. “It’s been a harrowing evening but I have my best friend back and my dog. It’s not all bad. I am starving however. I still haven’t eaten!”

  “Shall I bring you something?” He asked with hope in his voice.

  “I couldn’t ask you to do that!” Lacy started to protest but Bill cut her off.

  “I’ll be there in 30 minutes.” He said before the phone went dead.

  “Apparently Bill is coming over.” She said with a bemused look at Alex.

  “Oh, indeed!” he said in a teasing voice. “I’d better skedaddle then!”

  “Don’t you dare. If you remember you told me he was being questioned because of something in his past!” Lacy looked at her friend with a stern look, hoping it would nail him to the couch.

  “Yes, ma’am. Consider me unmovable!” Alex said holding his hands up.

  Lacy went to change into a pair of black lounge pants and a pink top before Bill arrived. At this point she was tired, hungry, and didn’t care if her hair was a pile on top of her head and her makeup was smeared. He’d have to see her at her worst at some point. It might as well be now.

  Lacy heard Alex pull the door open after a knock and finished brushing her teeth. She walked out to see Bill in a pair of old jeans that hugged his body nicely and a black long-sleeved t-shirt under his coat. He was carrying a pizza box and a bag with a bottle of wine and beer.

  “Oh that looks perfect!” Lacy cried, taking the items from him and putting them on the table, getting plates and glasses out of her kitchen.

  They all settled down to eat and after three slices Lacy finally sat back, sipping at the beer. It was something foreign and the taste fascinated her, far different from the domestic beer she was used to.

  “So, Mr. Bill, before we go any further tonight would you care to explain why the police thought you were a viable suspect?” Alex threw out nonchalantly.

  Lacy sputtered into her beer, glaring daggers at Alex. “Really?”

  Alex looked guilty for a moment but then took on a defiant air. “You’re my best friend, Lacy. I think we have a right to know.”

  “He’s right, Lacy.” Bill said with a sigh. “When I was in college some of my frat brothers disappeared. They just vanished. None of them were ever found. But I was out of the country at that point, in fact, I was away the entire semester. I was spending the semester in Germany on a service learning trip. So I was questioned when I came home but I was never accused of anything.”

  Lacy’s eyes were wide and finally started to close as Bill finished. What a shocking thing to live through. To have that happen to your friends must have been crushing. “Wow, Bill, I’m so sorry!”

  “I still try to keep up with the police department there but we haven’t had any luck in years. It’s hard to tell what happened. There are a dozen theories but no answers.” Bill said, looking away from Alex and Lacy.

  Lacy placed her hand over Bills and squeezed it. Her feelings were growing for him. The man was fascinating and she wanted to know more about him.

  “Don’t give up. Just never give up, Bill.” Lacy spoke the only words she could think of, hoping they didn’t sound trite.

  “Thank you. Now, what are you doing for Christmas?” He asked with a smile, visibly pushing the darkness from his demeanor with a wide grin.

  Lacy wasn’t sure what he had in mind but she had a feeling it was going to be interesting.

  “Oh wow!” Lacy and Alex cried as Bill’s car pulled up to a large building with a long line of people waiting to get in. Bill was waiting out front for them.

  “Merry Christmas!” Bill called to Lacy as he enveloped her in a hug and shook Alex’s hand. “Ready to do some work?”

  Lacy and Alex smiled at him, shaking their heads. Bill led them inside. The front of the building had been decorated with lights and scenes from the North Pole, with a Santa visiting with a line of children. The inside of the building was done much the same way with most of the space filled with tables.

  “Right, first we pass out presents, then food, then blankets and other items the people may need.” Bill said, taking Lacy and Alex to a team of people standing behind a table.

  “Each child has a number, that number is associated with a present. Each adult has one too. Just match the number with the present’s number. Then we start the meal.” Bill said with a contented smile.

  “What is this, Bill?” Lacy asked. She knew he’d organized a meal for the homeless but the rest of it, she’d had no idea.

  “Oh, I do this every year. The homeless need a place to go too on the holidays. We provide that place, and if they need somewhere to shower and sleep, those facilities are in the back.”

  “He’s paying for all of this out his own pocket.” An older woman whispered to Lacy as Bill walked away to open the doors to the building.

  “That is truly selfless.” Lacy said, admiration for the man shining in her eyes.

  “He’s a really wonderful man.” The woman said before disappearing.

  “Oh before I forget, Lacy!” Alex called out as people started to file in. “They found Mrs. Hartman’s dog. Mr. Johnson gave him to a friend in another building. He told them he’d found it wandering around without a tag in the park. He’s being left there as they passed a home inspection and the dog is settled in.”

  “That’s great news!” Lacy’s face beamed as the first child came up to her, shyly holding out a ticket with a number on it. She found the present and handed it over to the little girl.

  “Thank you.” The little girl said as she moved away to a table with her mother.

  Soon the building was filled with the sounds of delighted children, pleased adults, and the sounds of people eating. Lacy looked around her as she passed out stuffing and knew there was no other way she’d rather spend Christmas. This was what her city was about. Sure, the city had a reputation for being rude and after her experiences she could have run back to South Carolina in fear but this was what New York City was really about. Helping each other out, lending a hand, and forming bonds with your friends, old and new. This was a gift much better than any Bill could have bought for her and she looked over at the man, realizing she was falling in love.

  She loved this place, Lacy knew, and she was never going to leave it. Not when it was this wonderful.

  The End

  Killer Chocolate

  Cozy Mystery

  About the Book

  Hannah has always been accident prone when it comes to the kitchen, but she is still a good chef and after she gets a job as dessert chef on a cruise ship, she feels that it is a perfect o
pportunity for a career boost. She has just perfected her chocolate cake, and she is excited to see what everyone thinks.

  Initially she loves the ship and everything on it, seeing it as a new adventure. She has some minor incidents, but when a guest she had served chocolate cake to the night before dies, police comes onboard to investigate. Two more deaths later and Hannah is a suspect because the deaths have been linked back to her chocolate cake. Determined to find out what is truly going on, and who is truly responsible, she decides to solve the case herself.


  Hannah was exhausted from working for others in restaurants and often being the first to arrive and the last to leave. Her customers loved the desserts she prepared but her supervisors always found things wrong with what she was doing. It was why she had applied for the position on a new cruise ship when she had seen the posting, and why she was keeping her fingers crossed that she would get it. The thought of making her desserts independently from the restaurant kitchen, even though it would still be served in a specific restaurant onboard, while having enough time to enjoy everything the ship had to offer and the locations it docked at, had her beyond excited even before she heard if she even got the job.

  The call had come while she was at work, which wasn’t surprising, and when she got home she quickly played the message. It asked her to call them back, without telling her anything else, but considering it was late at night she knew she had to wait until the following morning. That normally wouldn’t be an issue as she was used to missing almost all phone calls, but in this case she just wanted to know already. Morning couldn’t come fast enough, and when it finally did, she dialed the number she had been given with bated breath. This was it. Either she was going to the Caribbean or she was staying where she was.


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