The Venerate Salvation

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The Venerate Salvation Page 14

by Troy Dukart

  He turned toward me and smiled, “What? No smart-ass comment? I was really hoping you would provoke me and I would get to scar you. Also, when we find those wolves, which one is yours? I want to kill that one first.”

  “......” I kept my mouth shut. I wasn't going to feed his ego.

  “Very well. I'll slaughter them all in front of you. It'll bring more pain that way.”

  Once we all loaded into the Mag-Ship, Parker took off. Although dim inside, the eyes of the Slates glowed like tiny stars. Creepy. Zixin was out cold. Bruises and cuts dotted over his face. I reached out to grab his hand. He gave a small squeeze in return.

  Where did you go Strafe?

  We traveled for what seemed like an hour before setting down gently near a hanger bay. The back door opened and the goggled-man grabbed me and threw me onto the floor. He then dragged me by my elbow inside.

  Parker dropped Zixin next to a machine and walked toward me. Footsteps echoed in the hanger and I turned to my right. Colonel Blaney, Lt Col Fabian, and the old man were standing next to a large Space Force officer. He towered almost seven feet tall. Grey skin, dark eyes. He had four stars on his collar.

  What the hell is a four-star General doing here?

  Slates began to appear everywhere, jumping out from the shadows. They made no noise as they surrounded us. This felt so wrong.

  “Stand, up,” the General said sternly.

  Casually, I got to my feet.

  “Where is Strafe?”

  “No clue,” I said through my exhaustion.

  “How about you show some customs and courtesies, Lieutenant!” Colonel Blaney barked.

  The goggled man hit me in the ribs. I grabbed my side and dropped to a knee. The General nodded his head and Parker walked up to Zixin. He put Zixin's God Arm into a slot of a machine to immobilize him. Parker then pulled out a knife and started to cut down his cheek. Zixin yelled in pain.

  I shouted while reaching my hand out, “STOP IT, you son of a bitch!”

  “You were saying?” Parker smiled.

  “Sir, I don't know where he is. Please don't hurt him!” I said as tears trickled in my eyes.

  “Lieutenant Urena,” the General said, “we need you to focus now.”

  “Yes sir,” I mumbled.

  “Good. Blaney, I'm going to ready the machine. Extract what you can from her. Kill anyone who gets in your way,” he instructed.


  The General walked away into the darkness as the Slates parted for him.

  Colonel Blaney grabbed me by my collar. He looked me deep in my eyes, “Time is of the essence. As you can tell, there aren't many humans left on this planet. If you wish to save them, tell us where Strafe is.”

  “Sir, I swear to God, I have no idea where he is! The ship crashed after the Slates boarded it and the last thing I remember is being tied up with you,” I answered him.

  He pushed me down to the ground. He glanced toward the goggled-man and shrugged his shoulders. With his back on me, he typed in a few commands on his telecrom. “The end of days is near. The Black Plague has taken over the world. Strafe possesses the key to reverse all of this.”

  Rising languidly, I asked, “Why are these things cooperating with you?”

  “You remember that talk with Prophet you had?”

  How did he know about that?

  “We're the Fallen Angels he was talking about. Slates will only answer to us, as they come from the same darkness.”

  “You look, normal to me,” I hesitated.

  Over his shoulder, he responded coldly, “You haven't seen me mad yet. I advise you not to push me there.”

  “Well, why do you wish to end this then? Fallen Angels don't seem the typical save-the-world types,” I slighted.

  The goggled-man smacked Zixin in the arm hard with a baton. He cried in agony.

  “BASTARD! ENOUGH!” I screamed.

  “Stand the fuck up!” I jumped to attention and faced him. “You are going to find a way to lead Strafe to us or his brother will die, slowly.”

  “Yes sir,” I said as my body shivered in anger.

  “The reason we need him is to utilize the God Blade. Zixin's God Hand will power the machine, but the God Blade is the key to ultimate attainment. It holds the ability to open gateways to other worlds,” Blaney explained.

  “So that's why you want it? So you can spread this plague to the universe?” I assumed.

  “It is written in the prophecy. Here, in Megiddo, we will finish what started thousands of years ago. The world will finally become one.”

  “Sir, this isn't unification. These creatures aren't human anymore. You're killing the planet by doing this. What happened to being a Spaceman? Did you forget what we stand for?”

  He cracked, “Do not patronize me. I am beyond this military shell I began in. Soon, we will ascend to a new world and be one step closer to becoming Gods ourselves.”

  The goggled man walked forward, “Colonel, we've got his signal. He's heading toward Jerusalem.”

  I recognized that accent.

  “Excellent,” Blaney said as he patted him on the shoulder, “You have been fantastic. Nobody saw you coming as we dismantled the US and world governments. Your efforts of infiltration will grant you ruler of your own kingdom.”

  “Why thank you, sir, this game with you beats watching porn all day,” the goggled man chuckled.

  “Sergei!?” I interrupted, “You're with them?”

  Tossing his goggles to the side after he removed them, he smiled, “The Cold War ended a long time ago dorogoy. I don't mind working with Americans, as long as they pay well.”



  I woke up in warm sunlight. Sounds of birds singing and splashing in and out of the water pleased my ears. After brushing off some dirt, I pushed myself up and analyzed my surroundings. I was near a small pond, with green grass beneath me and no ocean in sight.

  Am I dead?

  I noticed a brown brick hut with some smoke pouring out of a chimney not far away. The door opened and out came a man in grey garb. He had a hood over his head, so I couldn't make out his face, “I'm glad you're awake. Please, come inside.”

  At first, I hesitated, but when I peeked down at the God Blade, it pulsed blue. He could be trusted, so I walked over into the hut.

  It was a very cozy living space. Colorful rugs laid on the floor, a wooden table stood in the middle, and a fireplace kept the room warm. The man moved around the table and sat down in a rocking chair next to the fire. He waved his hand and invited me to join him.

  A delicious smell of soup cooking emanated throughout the room, which added nicely to the ambiance. I turned to him and could only see below his nose.

  “Where am I?”

  “Why, you're in Israel. But you knew that already,” he chuckled.

  “Right, but where's the coastline, and everyone else?”

  He got up and poured some soup into a bowl that cooked over the fire, “Young man, you need to eat and drink. Here.”

  He offered that and glass of water, which I graciously consumed.


  “Yeah, thanks for that.”

  “Now, I'm sure you have some questions. Maybe I can answer them.”

  After I wiped my mouth, I put the bowl down and looked back at him. “Who are you, and where exactly are we? Do you know where my family is?”

  “Wow! One question at a time my child!” he laughed, “We are near Jerusalem, but far away from it as well. Your family is safe, for now.”

  “What does all that mean?” I asked.

  He calmed me down with a wave of his hand, “I don't get to see you too often. No need to rush. Let me help you get your mind straight.”

  He picked up the dishes and threw it into the fire. They burst into random colors before burning up.

  “Woah,” I gasped.

  “Ha! No dishwashing for me
! Your mother would appreciate that,” he joked.

  “What do you know about my mother?”

  The man stood up out his chair and motioned me to follow him. On the other side of the room was a small resting area with beds and blankets. I turned the corner and found my mom and brother lying asleep in them. The Whiteclouds sat curled up next to each other on the floor.

  “Mom! Zixin!” They wouldn't wake when I gently shook them. Same with the wolves.

  “They are sleeping soundly, but trust me, they are doing fine,” the man assured me.

  “What about Yessa? And the Salvators?”

  “Taken,” he said. He began lighting candles around the room.

  “By who? The Federation? The military?”

  “No, the Fallen Angels. What used to be the Federation. There is no longer anything else besides the Guardian Angels and the Fallen. Everyone else on earth is infected by the Black Plague,” the man explained.

  I ran my hands over my face and through my hair, “Jesus.”

  “Don't worry Strafe, you still have time to save them. All you need to do is believe,” the man said.

  “Believe in what?” I pushed.

  “When that time comes, you will know. You ever wonder why the God Blade stayed broken? It is because your faith wavered. Not only in others, but yourself and the One above you.”

  “I'm, not sure what to believe anymore. So many terrible things that happened in the last few years, it's hard to accept it as part of God's or anyone's plan,” I lamented.

  “Let me tell you that more good happens on an everyday basis than bad. The world needs you though, once more, to rise up to become the person you were meant to be,” the man replied.

  His voice was of an old man but seemed, familiar.

  “What is it I'm supposed to do?”

  The man walked over to my mom and stroked her hair. He then turned to Zixin and patted his shoulder, “You must lead your family to where the Fallen Angels are and confront them. I'm afraid we are at the End of Days Strafe, but be strong, my boy. By defeating the Fallen Angels, you can save your loved ones and restore balance back to this world.”

  “Aren't they controlling the Slates? How are we supposed to beat an army of them?” I let my hands hit my thighs, “I don't have any of my old power anymore.”

  “Is that what you think?” he smiled, “Look at Zixin here.” I stood over him, “Your brother has Angel blood, like you, but Demon blood as well. He is a Nephilim. Half-Angel, Half-Demon. While possessed, he became both. He still carries some Demon qualities inside.”

  “Why am I not Nephilim?”

  He turned his head. “It is because Zixin did not experience love in his world. Only pain. Without love, his heart became open to corruption and hate.”

  “He's gotten a lot better mentally knowing he's part of a family. There are always people who care for us,” I nodded my head.

  “One more thing Strafe. You have another brother. I often traveled to other planets, carrying the Word in one hand and our Native teachings in the other. Even those who walk with Him make mistakes though. He was born before I met your mother. You will need to find him once this is over.”

  “Another brother!? Where!?”

  He put his hand on my shoulder, “You must concentrate on saving Zixin for now. Take out the God Blade.” Raising it up above my head, I remembered how powerful it was. “They are trying to unleash Zixin's Nephilim power. Only one of light and dark blood may unlock the gate. It is key to their plan. The God Blade can negate their influence and give Zixin full control of his ability. Wave it over him.”

  I held the God Blade over his body. Warmth flowed through me.

  “You've saved him before, you can save him now,” the man said, “See your energy flow from the blade into him.”

  I closed my eyes to concentrate. A flow of new energy grew inside me. It crept up my arm into the orb of the blade and glowed brightly.

  “Now, remember how you felt before. Remember your passion Strafe. Remember all of the emotions exposed to you on Eternia. That same power resides within you still!”

  The battles and the victories came flashing back in my mind. The people we saved. The good things we had done. All of the friends I met.

  “Now! Release that energy like you once did! Show me your love for your brother!” he commanded.

  “AAAAHHHHHH!” I yelled as loud as I could.

  Those emotions came flashing back all at once. The same aura from Eternia exploded across the room. It pulsed in vibrant colors. The tattoos I once had adorned my skin. My eyes and hair glowed bright white. The God Blade had been restored. The weapon reverted to its former glory, decorated in gorgeous emeralds and precious stones, shining a thousand sparkles of light.

  “Your power has returned.”

  Zixin's face was calm. His arm pulsed white.

  “Strafe,” the man called to me, “I'm so proud of you.”

  This time there was no mistake about it, “Dad?”

  “You still have your wings right? Don't forget to use them. I will be watching over you. Now go.” With a snap of his fingers, everything disappeared.

  I woke up from the dream buried beneath the sand. I jumped out with haste to find myself near the wreckage of our ship. My hand gripped the God Blade tightly. I looked down to find it returned to its former glory. No longer broken and shattered. It shined beautiful shades from the diamonds encrusted in the blade.

  There was a “poofing” sound behind me and I saw the heads of our Whiteclouds sticking out. They jumped up out of the sand and shook their bodies before running over and kissing my face.

  “How'd the heck did you dig yourselves in there?” I grinned as Esper helped me up. I rubbed her face and looked into her bright blue eyes, “Let's go save our family.”



  The strength I once had come back to me, and more. All of the Guardian abilities I witnessed on Eternia flowed through my body. I felt unstoppable. One of my abilities allowed me to locate my friends by closing my eyes and looking for their aura. After I cracked my neck, I closed my eyes to search for Yessa and the others.

  Off in the remote distance to my right, I saw white glowing dots. That had to be them.

  The Whiteclouds would have trouble making that journey, and they could run for miles. “You still have your wings right? Don't forget to use them.”

  Now restored, the God Blade could be holstered the way I used to. Instead of sliding it into my pocket, I set it near my thigh and let go of the handle. On its own, the weapon floated by my side and the blade retracted into the hilt. As I stretched out my arms, I could feel the Tongwa awakening. Tough little guys, for sure. No matter how much I got beat-up they stayed strong.

  Every time their wings broke through my skin it hurt a bit, still. The God Blade pulsed a golden color. I felt as light as a feather and hovered into the air. “Come here, Goliath,” I said.

  I mounted him and the other Whiteclouds lined up beside us. Before taking off, I took a moment to breathe. I wondered if we'd ever be free again. It seemed like I had been fighting against the Federation and the Venerates my whole life. I never wanted to be a hero, just to live a good life. I kept the hope alive in my heart that this would all be over soon.

  They began to run and with a strong flap of my wings, we launched into the sky. We traveled a calm but swift speed. The wind kissed my cheeks as we sailed across the desert.

  After a while of flying towards the dots, I noticed a hill surrounded by barbed-wire fences and checkpoints.

  That's where they are. No doubt about it.

  The closer I got, the more macabre the scenery became. Bodies of soldiers and civilians laid all over. Anyone who hadn't been turned into a Slate had been slaughtered.

  We glided over the gates and toward the entrance to the hanger. I jumped off and landed softly on the ground but ordered the Whiteclouds to stay on the roof. They would wai
t for my command before attacking. The Tongwa receded back into my arms.

  I rubbed my wrists and said, “Thanks guys.” They always charmingly chirped in response.

  Walking straight inside might've not been the smartest idea, but I had a feeling the enemy saw us coming. My family meant too much for me to hesitate.

  With the sparkling God Blade in my hand, I began my investigation. The blade shot out to full size and the orb glowed red. Not gonna lie, after all the battles I'd won, I was still nervous. I grabbed my cross necklace and said a small prayer.

  Sunlight illuminated the hanger from two open ends on opposite sides. The gentle clanking of metal chains hanging from the rafters sent a chill down my spine. Many old and new aircraft occupied the space, some from the 20th century. Military equipment laid on the floor in an uncharacteristic sloppy fashion. Every step I made scattered something and created an echo.

  Turning my head to the left towards a glowing object, I noticed somebody had their arm locked in a contraption. They hung from it unconscious.

  “Noooo,” I lamented.

  It was Zixin. His face was bloodied to hell. I brought the God Blade up to my eyes and scanned the room. I didn't see any heat or body signatures through the lens. Cautiously, I moved toward my brother.

  The machine was drawing power from his God Hand.

  “Zixin! You alright?” I whispered.

  At first he didn't move, but then slowly opened one eye. He could barely do that.

  “What are they doing to you?”

  The God Blade shimmered white. When I waved it over his body, sparkles of light began to rain down on him. Wherever the sparkles fell, they cleansed the blood off his face and closed his wounds. “Wow, this thing is something else,” I marveled.

  Zixin's eye widened as he tried to warn me, “Look out Strafe!” Something from above came down and struck me across the back of the head hard. All I remember was hitting the floor before blacking out.




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