Rise of the Faire-Amanti (The Ascendant Series Book 3)

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Rise of the Faire-Amanti (The Ascendant Series Book 3) Page 19

by Raine Thomas

  “Here’s your spot,” J’ael said when they stopped in front of the fountain. “Don’t go running away on us or anything.”

  “Ha ha. The only way I’d go running anywhere in this robe is if my feet caught on fire.”

  His father laughed and headed towards the door leading back into the house. As he went inside, his mother came out. She wore a long, diaphanous peach-colored gown. The eyeshades she wore looked out of place with such a fancy dress. Her straight hair fell midway down her back with two braids pulled back at the temples. She held a wand made of illuvite that caught the light of the tall torches illuminating the courtyard. He had no idea what the wand was for and hadn’t even known she owned it.

  She smiled when she reached him. “Don’t you look handsome?” she declared, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “You grew up much too fast.”

  “Tell me about it,” he replied.

  He looked back towards the door, wondering where his father had gone and where Kyr was. His gaze hesitated on a bed of cushions set off to the side on the lush grass. He tilted his head, trying to remember if the bed had been there when he’d come out to the courtyard while waiting for Kyr to awaken from her restorative sleep. He didn’t think so, but he hadn’t exactly been focused.

  The sound of the door opening distracted him from thoughts about furniture. He realized that his father had gone to get Kyr so he could escort her to the fountain like he had done with Ty. His heart leaped at the sight of her, even though they had been together not long ago. It was the same for him every time she walked into a room.

  Her beautiful hair was also down, he noted. Small purple flowers had been woven into it in the mysterious ways females had of doing such things. She wore a white robe similar to the black one he wore. Although it appeared that some hasty alterations had been done, it was still too large for her petite frame. Still, she made it look like royal raiment as she walked across the courtyard with her hand on his father’s arm.

  Either her lingering bruises had faded due to her healing abilities or his mother had carefully applied something to conceal them, as nothing marred her perfect face. Her smile was radiant as she stopped and allowed J’ael to place her hands in Ty’s with a soft murmured blessing. His mother, aunt, and uncle repeated the words.

  From that moment, nothing else existed for Ty but Kyr.

  He held her gaze, only vaguely registering his mother’s incantations as she touched the glowing wand to their joined hands. Memories rushed through him…the first time he and Kyr met, the ceremony where he assumed his powers as the Dem-Shyr, working with her on her life lessons, the first time they kissed, the first time they confessed their love.

  Confess your love.

  The whispered command filled his mind. He was powerless against it.

  “KyrVawn,” he said in a voice that seemed to come from the center of his chest, “when we first met, I thought you were the most beautiful female I’d ever seen. Since then, I’ve traveled across galaxies. I’ve met thousands of beautiful beings and seen tens of thousands more. But not one of them has come close to the beauty I see in you.

  “I’ve never known anyone with your courage and determination. Many people would have given up after everything you’ve gone through, but you continue to pick yourself back up and prepare to fight. What sets you apart from the girl I first met is that you make that stand not for yourself, but for everyone else. I never would have imagined how strong and selfless you’d become. I’m honored to call you my amanti, and humbled that you accept me as yours. You’re my heart…the better half of my soul. And I love you more with each passing day.”

  He registered the tears that fell from her eyes, but his limbs wouldn’t obey the order to reach up to wipe them away. After a moment, Kyr spoke in a voice that shook with emotion.

  “TaeDane, I wouldn’t be the female you described if it wasn’t for you. You bring out the very best in me. You’ve been my best friend since the day we met. You may not have been happy about it, since I was spoiled and unused to caring for anyone other than myself, but you always supported and protected me. Through your strength and guidance, I’ve become a better person. There’s no way to convey how much that means to me.

  “You helped me learn that I was worth loving for reasons other than the circumstances of my birth. You’ve always cared for me, even when no one else did. You accept the person I was and the person I’ve become, and that’s a gift I’ll treasure for the rest of my life. I’ll never understand how I got lucky enough to earn your love, but I consider it even luckier that you accept mine. I love you, now and forever.”

  The illuvite wand glowed like a star. Ty watched its light catch on Kyr’s unique irises, and thought she’d never looked more stunning.

  And she was his.

  More words swirled through his mind.

  May your future together be bright. May all of your dreams take flight.

  With Yen-Ki’s blessing, may your hearts and souls now fully unite.

  Ty couldn’t describe the sensation that expanded within him as his mother cast the final blessing. Kyr’s grip tightened on his as the same feeling rushed through her. Her eyes glowed brighter than the wand, which hovered over their joined hands. It felt as though the uncontrollable energy would explode from them at any second.

  The wand came down and touched their hands. The power settled with an almost audible snap.

  Ty felt like a different person, yet more complete than he’d ever felt in his life. He deduced from the slightly dazed expression on Kyr’s face that she felt the same way.

  Instantly, the strange surge of energy was replaced with an impossible deluge of desire. Ty’s body positively raged with need.

  If he didn’t have Kyr right now, he’d die.

  In the back of his mind, he registered the swift departure of their guests. He was so absorbed with Kyr that he couldn’t be bothered to bid them farewell. He released Kyr’s hands and yanked her against him. Obviously following a similar impulse, she jumped at him, encircling his waist with her legs and allowing him to lift her so he could ravage her mouth.

  His tongue mated desperately with hers. Her hands ran through his hair and over his chest as she pressed her lower body against him in search of release.

  Somehow, he stumbled up against the bed of cushions. He nearly dropped Kyr on the bed in his haste. Fortunately, her grip on him was so tight she barely moved when he released her to brace their fall.

  The moment she was lying on the cushions, she broke away from his mouth. He nearly voiced a complaint, then realized she had somehow managed to untie the belts of both of their robes.

  “Take me, Ty,” she demanded. “Now!”

  She didn’t have to tell him twice. He drove himself into her with a fierce shout. It was exactly what they both craved. Their climax was immediate and overwhelming.

  Kyr gasped for breath and arched her back, using her strong legs to hold him close. Her body quaked around him, drawing out his orgasm. He’d never felt anything so intense.

  And it wasn’t enough.

  He was still hard inside her. The deep, erotic pull still stormed within him. When Kyr reached up and dragged his head down for another passionate kiss, he knew she was experiencing it, too.

  In the back of his mind, he told himself to be gentle with her. But he couldn’t battle the primal instinct to make her his.

  Fortunately, she met every one of his powerful thrusts, lifting her hips and gripping his buttocks to encourage him. It wasn’t long before they were both crying out with another release.

  Then Kyr reversed their positions and they did it again.

  He wasn’t sure what time it was when the storm finally ceased. He might have lost a bet with himself if he wagered whether he’d had more orgasms in this single night than he’d had in his entire relationship with Kyr. He just knew that when he and Kyr finally fell into each other’s arms to sleep that neither of them had ever felt so replete.

  He knew now that the connection
he’d thought he had with Kyr had always been missing this one piece. Now, they were truly paired.

  He was the Faire-Amanti, and no one would ever take that from him.

  Chapter 29

  Kyr awoke to the sound of chirping birds and a bubbling fountain. She was cradled in Ty’s embrace, her back to his front. The blanket that someone had thoughtfully placed on the bed of cushions before the ceremony was tangled around them. She didn’t really need it with Ty’s body heat to warm her.

  Memories from the night before ran through her mind, making her smile slowly. Wow, was all she could think. Just wow.

  She didn’t think they had slept more than an hour or two, but she felt invigorated. In fact, she thought as her breasts brushed against Ty’s arm, she felt more than invigorated. She wanted Ty to make love to her again.

  He needed his rest, though, and her body was still tender. She supposed there would be time enough for more sexcapades in the future.

  Her lips twitched over the thought as she eased out of Ty’s embrace and rose from the cushions. She noticed that his breathing didn’t even change, and figured she had completely worn him out. That made her want to laugh, but she stifled it as she collected her robe and pulled it on. If she was being honest, they had worn each other out.

  Never in her wildest dreams had she ever pictured the Proce-Amanti like that. No wonder it was such a private thing. Did the witnesses actually witness everything? She hadn’t bothered to consider that when she jumped Ty’s bones the night before. The entire Dane megai could have been watching and she wouldn’t have cared.

  Was that normal? she wondered. Or had everyone been completely shocked when she and Ty started having sex right in front of them?

  Heat flamed in her cheeks as she headed towards the door leading into the house. Her bladder was speaking to her, and she couldn’t afford to let a little humiliation stand in her way. It occurred to her as she opened the door that she had done a fair share of embarrassed skulking in Ty’s parents’ house since arriving there.

  She considered what to say when she saw Elly and J’ael. Thanks for letting me boink your son? Sorry you’ve got such a horny female for your daughter-in-law? Now you know why you’re going to be grandparents?


  Needless to say, she was deeply relieved when she didn’t encounter anyone on the way to the bathing chamber.

  When she reached it and stepped inside, she saw a large pile of clothing on the counter. She puzzled over it for a moment, thinking that either Elly or J’ael was about to come into the room to have a shower and change. Then she lifted a blouse from the top of the pile and held it up against herself. It was a perfect fit. Elly had obviously put the clothes there for her and Ty.

  Kyr’s heart stumbled as she thought of everything Ty’s mother had done for both of them. Ever since her arrival, she’d only treated Kyr as though she was her own child. She knew from Ty’s thoughts that Elly had every reason to resent her based off Shaya’s actions. Instead, Elly was intent on making her feel welcome and protecting her every way she knew how.

  Hell, just the night before, she had given Kyr her son. There was no question that Ty’s family had very quickly become hers.

  Tears filled her vision as she carefully put the blouse back on the pile and moved over to the shower to start the water. She took care of her personal needs and then climbed under the steaming water, letting it beat down on her shoulders as she considered the changes her life had taken since her days living in a college dorm on Earth.

  There had been so many changes. So many obstacles. From finding out she wasn’t actually from Earth, to getting attacked by Shelvaks, to transitioning to Alametria, to finding out there were forces at work against her on her home planet, to losing her life, to now.

  The one constant was Ty. He was her rock.

  The words he had spoken during the ceremony ran through her mind. She had never heard him say anything so heartfelt and romantic. She would carry the words with her for the rest of her days.

  Thinking this brought on a sudden pang of heartache. She really missed Ty. In fact, she really needed to make sure he was okay.

  Right now.

  A sense of urgency had her opening the shower door with her hair only half-rinsed. Before she could step out, the bathing chamber door burst open. Ty rushed into the room and hauled her up against him, bringing his lips to hers.

  Her entire body relaxed. She sank into the kiss, relishing the taste and feel of him. The feeling of panic evaporated as the kiss melted away all of her unspoken troubles and fears.

  Ty kicked the bathing chamber door shut and shed his robe, then climbed into the shower with her. Neither of them spoke.

  His mouth slanted over hers again and again, indulging in long, drugging kisses as the water cascaded over them. He managed to grab the soap without breaking away from her mouth. His calloused hands glided leisurely over her body. She would have moaned when he encircled her breasts, but his kiss captured the sound.

  Quiet, he conveyed as his hands worked their magic. No noise.

  The idea that they were doing something illicit brought a whole different element to their encounter. Kyr’s arousal spiked. She wanted to give voice to it, but not doing so heightened every sensation. When Ty’s hand slid between her legs, she was practically panting.

  Go over, he urged as he touched her where she so badly needed it. Silently.

  She did. Even after everything they had done together the night before, the orgasm struck her like a bolt of lightning. Her cry of release remained unvoiced, but she did let out a little whimper when Ty lifted her and slowly penetrated her even as her body throbbed from pleasure.

  He finally pulled away from her mouth so he could give her a wicked grin. No noise, he repeated.

  Then he started moving.

  In the end, it was a challenge for both of them to remain quiet, but they managed. This round of lovemaking included a tenderness that they’d lacked the night before. Kyr couldn’t say if one version was any better than the other. If anything, she enjoyed them both equally. Judging by Ty’s smile as they toweled off, he felt the same way.

  Getting dressed was a bit of a process in the rather cramped quarters, but once again, they managed. Kyr considered the fact that Elly had left clothing for both her and Ty in the bathing chamber and idly wondered if the intuitive female had envisioned this sort of scenario.

  Once they were done getting dressed, they took a moment to connect with Gren. It was with great relief to them both that they connected instantly.

  What’s going on? Ty thought. Were you successful in rescuing Scarlyt?

  In a manner of speaking, Gren replied.

  They both felt his continued exhaustion, though he was trying to keep it from them. He was also in pain. Kyr frowned in concern and exchanged a look with Ty.

  Scarlyt managed to escape Malak and his Marauders, Gren continued. Jenna helped her before I could break in and get to her. But Ruby was killed in the process.

  Kyr thought of the cheerful Peace Keeper who was nearly as small in stature as she was, and was filled with sorrow over her death. So much senseless violence, and there was no end to it in sight. She wished it was the last time she would receive such news.

  Scarlyt’s rescue came about easier than it sounds, Gren shared with them. We both picked up on the fact that Malak was distracted by something. I saw the Marauders loading things into their vessels, and on the inside, Scarlyt recognized the V’larian markings on most of the containers they took out.

  Kyr’s heart thumped heavily as she realized that Vycor had begun implementing his plan. When was this? she asked.

  Just after midday here…dusk by you, Gren said. I tried to reach you both last night, but I couldn’t.

  Sorry, Ty replied. My mother conducted the Proce-Amanti last night.

  Is that what happened? I wondered why it feels like I’m only communicating with one of you but I hear both of your voices. That’s new. Congratulations.

  Kyr smiled, feeling his sincere happiness for them. Thanks, Gren. Let’s fill you in on the plan we’re moving forward with over here.

  Gren seemed equally uncertain about involving the Shelvaks as Kyr felt, but none of them had any better ideas. Much as Owyn had suggested the day before, Gren hoped it would be as “simple” as them arriving at the palace and killing Vycor. As she had told Owyn, she let Gren know that was definitely still Plan A.

  In the meantime, she told him, do your best to stop Malak. We can’t afford to have battles waging on both sides of us.

  No one knows that better than me, Gren thought. We’ll do what we can. Now get your asses to the palace.

  Chapter 30

  Gren’s order that they get to the palace ran through Kyr’s mind as she and Ty finally left the bathing chamber and headed out to the family room. Knowing that Vycor had definitely started implementing his plans generated a whole new sense of urgency in her. It had all seemed much more nebulous before. This made it clear that lives could be taken at any time.

  We’ll do this, Kyr, Ty told her as he twined his fingers with hers. Nothing has changed. We’ve suspected for a while that he’d moved forward with his plan. If anything, this strikes me as good news. He didn’t start until now. We’ve got time to catch up with him before things get out of our control.

  It didn’t escape her attention that he wasn’t using Vycor’s name. She knew the visceral reaction it caused in him, and she couldn’t blame him for it. She nodded to show she’d heard him and agreed with him. Then her attention turned to greeting Elly and J’ael.

  Ty’s parents were standing very close to each other in the cooking area. In fact, J’ael’s lips were currently making their way along his amanti’s slender neck. Kyr’s eyebrows lifted. She felt Ty debating whether to make a noise to alert them to their presence or scramble out of the room and pretend he’d never seen anything.

  “Good morning,” Kyr announced, making the decision easy for him.


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