HOT Cop (HOT Alpha Book 2)

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HOT Cop (HOT Alpha Book 2) Page 4

by Stella Stone

  “Yes, hurt me, Grant. Make it hurt,” I whimper.


  Her words are my undoing. I pound into her three more times as my back tingles and my balls draw up before I explode inside of her tight pussy. I groan, my cock twitching as I empty inside of her.

  When I’m completely spent, only then do I release her thighs from my tight grip. I don’t collapse on her like I want to, instead I pull out of her still pulsing cunt and I move down her body.

  I place a gentle kiss against her sensitive clit, which causes her hips to jerk and a moan to escape her lips. Then, I move over to her thighs and kiss all ten fingertip marks that I’ve left there. I know they’ll be pretty purple bruises tomorrow, and I hate that I won’t be here to see them.

  “You like to bruise me,” she points out, lifting her hand to run her fingers through my short hair.

  I grunt, crawling back up her body, but shifting to the side and gathering her in my arms. Pressing my mouth to the side of her neck I tug her back against my front. With my fingers I trace her pretty tits, annoyed that I wasn’t able to mark them up this time, but I grin when I see that she still has some yellow marks against her soft flesh.

  “I do,” I admit. “I can’t show you off in public, so I mark you in the dark.”

  She rolls over in my arms, her pretty light blue eyes wide with wonderment and question. “Why can’t you show me off in public? Are you married?” she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Lifting my hand, I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. “I’m not married, little doll. I’m all yours,” I admit, pressing my lips against hers. “And you’re all mine, aren’t you?”

  “I am,” she exhales against my mouth.

  I swallow her breath, taking every piece of her that I can. Maybe if I take as much of her as humanly possible it will be enough to hold me over for a few days though I doubt it.

  I don’t know how I lasted three days without being inside of her, without holding her, or even seeing her. I don’t think I could do that ever again.

  “No more allowing other men to touch you, little doll,” I murmur. I brush my lips over hers, then slowly drag them down to her breasts.

  She hums, her fingers moving to my hair, tightening in the strands as I lick her nipple. “Okay, but you can’t be away from me like that. I want to be able to contact you,” she breathlessly moans, attempting to make a deal. My little negotiator.

  I think about her words, then decide that she isn’t being unreasonable. I agree to her terms, but I know that she’ll begin demanding more soon. Like going out in public, and maybe even meeting her father. I decide that I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, I’m going to enjoy tasting, and fucking my little doll.



  My first day of classes are long, and tiring, well that’s not true. I was exhausted before I even started, and it didn’t have anything to do with my classes.

  Grant came over again, last night.

  My midnight lover.

  We fucked until the sun came up.

  It was spectacular.

  My phone rings, and my heart leaps up into my throat at the name on the screen.

  “Grant,” I breathe.

  He chuckles, his deep voice surging throughout my entire body. I wish that he were here. My pussy aches, but I love it, and I want him deep inside of there again. “How was your first day of classes, little doll?” he asks.

  I love his nickname for me, and I find that it doesn’t bother me that he hardly uses my real name. Little doll is sexier spilling from his lips, anyway.

  “It was good, but long,” I admit as I open my car door and slide inside.

  I lock the door immediately, locking myself in like my dad always taught me to do. Grant hums, and I feel my breasts ache, with need. In fact, my entire body aches with need, but my breasts and my pussy are a damn mess.

  “Will you be over tonight?” I ask, my voice pathetically panting.

  He grunts, almost sounding pissed off and I know immediately that he isn’t coming. “I have a stake… something I need to do for work,” he mumbles tripping over his words. “If I’m done early enough I’ll come by. If not, will you be okay without me one night?” he asks with humor in his voice.

  I make a harrumph sound as I start the car. The Barracuda roars to life which makes me smirk because it sounds so damn sexy. Grant doesn’t say anything, then he speaks, and his words surprise me.

  “I will come to you sometime, little doll, even if it’s just for a few minutes in the morning. If you need me, I’m there,” he says before the line goes dead.

  Looking down at my phone, I see that he’s ended the call and I frown. I shouldn’t have acted that way. It wasn’t nice. He said he had to work, and one night without his body wrapped around mine will be okay. I’ll survive.

  Trying to call him back, my frown deepens when the call goes straight to his voicemail.

  “Grant, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made a big deal about it. You have to work, I understand. Please, don’t worry about it, baby,” I say before ending the call.

  Tossing my phone in the passenger seat, I drive back toward my hometown. I hate that I have to drive one town over for this crappy school, but it’s better than not going and my father is paying for everything, so I don’t complain—too much, anyway.

  Before I go home, I decide to drive to the grocery store. I feel like complete shit for making Grant feel guilty, so I decide to make him a treat.

  All men like food, and I assume Grant is the same, especially at the purely massive size of his body.

  I buy all the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies, and brownies. I don’t know what he likes so I’m going to make both, just in case he prefers gooey brownies over cookies.

  “Elise?” I hear a voice call.

  Turning around I’m surprised to see the cocky detective, Noah, from a couple days ago standing in front of me, holding a shopping basket. I glance at the basket and smirk, it’s full of chips, jerky, Red Bulls, and chewing gum.

  “Stakeout,” he says, lifting the basket. “Hey, I never heard from you…”

  The word stake stands out. Grant said something about stake, stumbling over his words earlier. My heart pounds, thinking about that, wondering if he works for my father. “Elise?” Noah asks.

  My head snaps up, and I try to calm my breathing. “Oh, yeah. Well, I’m seeing someone,” I state.

  Noah’s head jerks, and he nods. “He the lucky bastard you’re baking for?” he asks, pointing to the items in my basket.

  I nod, then something pops into my head. “What’s your partners name?” I blurt out.

  He frowns. “Grant Anderson,” he announces, and I swear I feel like the floor has been swept out from beneath me.

  What the fucking hell?

  “Hey, you okay? Do you need me to call your dad?” Noah asks, reaching out for my shoulder.

  I automatically take a step back, remembering how angry Grant became at the idea of a man touching me. Now I know, the pieces fall into place. He was the partner in the car, watching Noah touch my waist.

  He was probably in the station when I walked in wearing my bodysuit and pencil skirt. He’s probably watching me, because my dad is making him. He’s probably fucking me, as his way of keeping his eye on me.

  “I’m okay,” I lie, giving Noah a shaky smile.


  I lean against the headrest of the passenger seat as I listen to Elise’s message. An apology that she doesn’t have to issue. Fuck. I didn’t want to hang up on her, but Noah was getting into the car, and I didn’t want him to overhear me talking to her.

  It’s only been a few days and this shit between us is getting harder to keep hidden. I want to tell everyone that she’s mine. I want to fucking move her ass into my place and dare a single fucking person to say something about it.


  I am so fucked.

  I’m also going to be fired, and only
if I’m lucky will I be able to stay out of jail. Once Elise knows the truth, I’m not so sure that her father won’t demand she press charges against me. Even if once I broke into her house, the sex was consensual. I still broke in, more than once and technically it’s his apartment, he’s renting it for her.

  Quickly finding her name, I call her back. The phone rings a few times then is sent to voicemail. “Elise, it’s Grant, call me,” I grunt.

  I wait about thirty seconds before I call her again. This time it goes straight to voicemail. I don’t leave a message because Noah is on his way out of the store.

  I know I won’t be alone enough to call her again the rest of the night. But I do plan on texting her and figuring out why the fuck she didn’t answer my calls.

  “Ran into the chief’s daughter in there,” Noah announces as soon as he slides into the car.

  I grunt, wishing I could ask him about her, “Fucking seeing someone. Damn, I thought I had an in with her too. Fuck, she has a sweet little body,” he murmurs.

  Clenching my jaw, and my fist, I try to calm my ass down. The last thing I need added to my plate is assault charges. And Noah, would definitely press charges if I hauled off and punched him in the face. Tonight can’t be over with soon enough, I need my woman.



  I ignore every single call and text that Grant attempts to send me. Flipping through my television channels, I wonder when he’ll try to sneak into my apartment.

  I locked the windows, all of them. He’ll have to come to the front door, like a normal fucking human if he wants to talk to me. As pissed off as I am, I really hope that he does come to the door, I hope that he attempts to contact me—that he fights for me.

  There’s nothing on the television, so I decide to go to bed. It’s well after midnight, and apparently Grant is on a stakeout, so who knows when he’ll be here, if at all.

  Stupidly, I spent the evening baking. I was so mad that I needed something to do with my hands, so I cleaned first. Then, I finally broke down and baked the treats I bought for him. He’s not getting any though.

  I’m taking them down to the police department tomorrow, and I’m going to make the fucker sweat as I hang out in my dad’s office, all fucking day long. I want him to think that I’m telling my father about what his watchdog did to me, over and over again.

  I strip down naked, trying to decide if I’m going to put anything on for bed, or if I’ll make Grant suffer. When he knocks on the door, I want him to regret lying to me, regret keeping his identity from me. I can’t do that wearing comfy sweats and an oversized t-shirt.

  Deciding not to go completely naked, I search through my drawers until I find the perfect thing to wear. It isn’t anything over the top sexy, but its a pair of black lacy see through panties, and a matching black see through bra set.

  Slipping between my blue sheets, I prop my back against the headboard and I wait. I’ll wait his ass out, as many times as he’s texted, and I’ve ignored him, I’m pretty positive he’ll be over here as soon as he’s able.

  My eyes flutter closed as I nod off to sleep. Checking my phone, I see that it’s after three in the morning. With heavy eyes, I slide down so that my head can rest on the pillow, I give up for the night.

  Maybe he doesn’t care, maybe he really is busy with this stakeout, or maybe this is all a game and he’s not interested anymore. I try not to let my thoughts run wild, or allow my heart to ache, but they do, and it does.

  A tear rolls down my cheek as I close my eyes.


  I growl, slamming my palm on the dashboard of the car.

  “Calm your fuckin’ ass down, you’re going to dent the dashboard,” Noah snaps.

  “How long do we have to watch this place?” I bark.

  We’re sitting outside of Karen Thomas’ place. When we received the warrant signed from the judge, we spent one full day combing through her place.

  Everything looked normal, nothing out of place, electronics exactly where they should be. It all left us puzzled because it also looked like she hadn’t been there in weeks.

  So, if she was indeed kidnapped, it couldn’t have been from her home. Except, her car is in the garage, and her mailbox is being checked regularly.

  That’s why we’re here tonight, and why we’ll continue to be here until we get a visual on her, or whoever is checking her fucking mail. During the day, we have officers driving by often, but at night we decided to do the stakeout.

  “What if we split up? One of us watches during the day, the other at night. This has been a fucking bust,” I suggest.

  Noah lifts his chin. “I have a date Friday night,” he announces.

  “I’ll take nights,” I offer.

  He chuckles, “Won’t that mess with whoever you’re fuckin’?”

  My eyes widen, and I turn toward him. He’s got a cocky fucking smile on his face and all I want to do is punch him in the mouth, yet again. I don’t though. Clenching my jaw, I don’t answer him.

  “She must be something. I just see you’ve been texting someone, figured it was some piece,” he shrugs.

  I shake my head, my eyes moving toward the dark silent house across from us. “She’s not just some piece,” I state.


  Lifting my chin, I tell him exactly who Elise is to me, what I haven’t even admitted to her yet. “She’s the one,” I explain.

  He runs his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, brother. That serious? Figured you’d be like me, forever bachin’ it.”

  I shake my head, lifting my hand and scrubbing it down my face. “Took me thirty-six years, but I found her,” I shrug.

  Neither of us speaks again. We spend another couple of hours staring off into nothing at the street ahead of us. Both lost in our own heads. Personally, I’m only focused on Elise, and if she’s okay, and if she’s pissed at me or what. And then there’s the fact that I’m ready to spank the fucking shit out of her for ignoring my calls all night, that is, assuming she’s safe.

  “Let’s call this a night. I’ll come back in a couple hours and watch during the day, you got later tonight?” He asks as he starts the car’s engine.

  “I got it,” I agree.

  We head out, back toward the police department but all I can think about is Elise. All I can imagine is her lying asleep, waiting for me in her sweet little blue and white bed—hopeful that’s exactly where she is.

  I make record time to her apartment, deciding for the first time to park out front. I’m sure, that if her father drove by, he’d know exactly where I was, or maybe he’d just assume I was seeing someone in the building, but honest to fuck, I don’t care.

  There’s no keeping her a secret anymore. I can’t do it. I feel the need to claim her publicly. I feel the need to show the world that she’s mine, and only mine, deep in the pit of my stomach.

  This little doll is the one for me, and I’m ready for the world to find out.

  I just hope I don’t lose my head, my job, and my cock in the whole process.



  “So, you thought you could lock me out?” a deep voice growls, next to my bed.

  I sit up, my heart pounding inside of my chest. It takes my eyes a moment to adjust. As soon as I gain my faculties, I realize that I’m at eye level with a crotch. Slowly, I drag my gaze up the thick sexy body that I practically have memorized, until I’m met with angry dark green eyes.

  “You broke in again, through my front door this time?” I ask, allowing the sheet that I had yanked up over my chest to fall.

  I watch Grant’s nostrils flare as he takes in my see through bra. It’s doing exactly what I intended, and I can’t help but feel a bit victorious about that.

  “I did, seeing as you sleep like the goddamn dead and I knocked about a dozen times. I didn’t want to wake up the neighbors, so I jimmied your shitty lock,” he announces.

  “Oh,” I whisper, my face heating.

  Grant chuckles, shaking his head as he lowers down to sit on the side of my bed. He lifts his hand and I hold my breath as he cups my cheek.

  “Little doll, what happened?” he asks, keeping his voice gentle, and soothing. I can tell by the deep green of his eyes in the moonlit glow that he’s pissed, though.

  I try so hard not to lean into his touch. I try, and I fail, epically. Leaning back, away from his hand, I shake my head. Looking up into his pretty green eyes, I narrow my own gaze in anger.

  “You work for my father,” I announce.

  His eyes widen, and then a look of guilt crosses over his face. “I do. I’m a detective,” he admits, keeping his voice low.

  I snort. “So, you’re only here because my father made you watch me, right? And you thought since you had to keep your eye on me, you’d stick your dick in me too, use me?” I spit.

  For what it’s worth, Grant’s head jerks back and his eyes narrow into slits. I watch as he stands, running his fingers through his short hair. His bicep bulges, and my mouth waters at the sight.

  I have to shake my head, to stop my mind from going there, unfortunately my body doesn’t get the memo. My nipples tighten into hard buds, almost immediately.

  Grant’s gaze drops, and he smirks, before he lifts his eyes back up to mine. “That first night, I was sent to watch over you, that first night, only. He called me off of you before I ever touched you. Didn’t matter, he could have sent fucking bite dogs in after me, I still would have found you in that club. You’re mine, little doll,” he rasps.

  He looks and sounds sincere. Climbing to my knees, I place my palms on his chest, feeling his heart as it hammers against his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you come in here in the middle of the night, fuck me and leave me?” I demand.


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