Zombies on the Rock_Outbreak

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Zombies on the Rock_Outbreak Page 18

by Paul Carberry

  Jason felt his nose burst into a sea of crimson as another clenched fist smashed into it. A stream of blood continued to discharge from his nostrils like a tide. The coppery liquid ran into his mouth. Another blow seemed to shatter the bones in his cheek.

  “I grow tired of this. I hope your wife is tougher than you proved to be,” David said, to rub salt in the wounds.

  As David released his grip on Jason to raise both of his hands to crush his face Jason did not have enough strength left in his body to defend himself. He was powerless to stop the bloodthirsty animal. David was full of unrelenting violence. Jason closed his eyes and waited for the final blow.


  Chapter 22



  A voice shouted out at the gargantuan man.

  David paused for a moment as the gunshot nearly missed, shattering the linoleum as it crashed against the wall, shards of the tile fell to the floor. David turned to face the source of the interruption, a crazed look consumed his face.

  “Hold it right there!”

  David tossed a baton at Jason’s guardian angel, and during the brief distraction, leapt to his feet and ran towards the exit at the other end of the hallway. Jason was relieved that the massive weight was removed from his chest.

  The baton had just narrowly missed the man’s face. It was thrown with such ferocity that he had no choice but to dive out of the way, allowing the monster to escape. David reached the door at the end of the hallway and his cumbersome footsteps could be heard as he ran up the stairs. Where could he be off to? Jason needed to chase after him and finish this now.

  “You alright?!” The familiar voice called out to Jason.

  “Jesus Christ!” Jason cried out in elation. His face was swollen and bloodied but he was still alive. Jason could feel an immense pain in his right eye as it was nearly swollen shut, the bones in his check felt like they were broken.

  “Take my hand!”

  Jason gathered all of his strength, and reached out his arm to take the outstretched hand. With his good eye Jason could see his saviour.

  “Fuck! You saved my life Eric. How did you know I would be down here?”

  “It’s a long story. How did you end up here?” Eric asked.

  “It’s a long fucking story. We got to get Tracy,” Jason urged Eric, if he did not save his wife this was all for nothing. “We have to chase after that psycho.”

  “Jason… they took her.” Eric’s voice was spiritless.

  “What the fuck do you mean?” Outraged, Jason’s temper flared.

  “Buchans. I found the log book on Gordon’s desk. They were conducting some sick experiments here, and now they’re heading to Buchans to finish them.” Eric helped Jason to his feet. “Who killed all these zombies?”

  “Mostly me, my friend here helped.” Jason sounded bitter. “Buchans? I have a workstation out near there. I have to save her!”

  “Whoa! Hold up there now. We have to get you better before we head out on a suicide mission.”

  “I do not have time to go to the hospital Eric. How do we catch them? We need to go after David, they will not leave him behind.”

  “No hospital. The zombies will have that place overrun if their plan works according to design. I’m going to get you to the cabin where it will be safe. Once you’re healed we will look for David’s location. Apparently, they have some sort of outpost in St. John’s. All the answers we need to find Tracy will be there, along with David.”

  “I thought you said they were in Buchans?”

  “Tracy is already on a boat that’s headed to Buchans in some underground, hidden base. David will be in St. John’s. We are going to need to find a way to get there.”

  Eric was right. They would die wandering the woods surrounding Buchans looking for his wife. Without knowing the exact location, Jason may never find Tracy. They would also need to find a way to reach St. John’s.

  “Alright man. Let’s get the fuck off this island.” Jason wrapped his arm around Eric as they headed for the stairwell. “So… how do we get off this island?”

  “Got a helicopter waiting for us. I’ll get you there.”

  The stairwell was an extensive climb for Jason in his condition. The world seemed to be spinning out of control as the pain in his head throbbed, caused by the brutal beating he had just received. Eric did his best to help him up the stairs, but Jason had to find every ounce of strength left in his being to keep himself standing upright. Every one of those steps was an immense struggle.

  “Man, whose blood is that all over the stairwell?” Jason looked down and the dark red droplets that marked the stairs. “Did you hit David with that shot?”

  “I don’t know. No time for that now, let’s just get you out of here.” As they got to the top of the stairs Eric reached out for the door knob. “Fuck! The knob is covered in blood.”

  Jason could see through the window, a man dragging himself across the floor leaving a trail of blood behind.

  “Shit!” Jason could see the police uniform that the man was wearing. “Go!” Jason propped himself against the wall so that Eric could go help his fellow officer.

  Eric ran to the man’s aid at the end of the hallway as Jason followed, leaning against the wall all the way down the corridor to keep himself upright.

  “Eric… they shot me!” Gary’s face had turned almost paper white from the blood loss. His stomach was pumping blood through the make-shift bandage Gary had wrapped around his blood stained torso.

  “You’re going to make it, just hold on.” Eric cradled Gary into his arms and picked up his fellow officer. Eric turned his neck to look back at Jason. “You going to be able to make it?”

  “Sure can.” Anguished, Jason just wanted to rest, but he knew he had to push on. He was going to find his wife, he was going to save her and get revenge against the man who was behind it all. Gordon Purchase and David Steele would be dealt with somehow.

  “Let’s get to the chopper!!” Jason tried his best Arnold impersonation.


  Father Jon held Kathy’s hand as they stood outside the morgue door. “Be strong my child, God will be with you.”

  The basement of the hospital was sweltering, but Kathy seemed to be freezing. The shock of her brother’s passing had caused her to be withdrawn from the world. She scarcely said a word the whole way down in the elevator despite Father Jon’s best efforts to comfort her. Kathy was overcome by an acute sense of injustice, a violation by God. It was true in the most bitter way he could think. God did not do things without reason, but at times like these it was difficult to understand God’s decision to take this man’s life away so abruptly.

  “Father could you get me some water?” Kathy’s voice was faltering. She fell blindly into one of the waiting room chairs. She placed her hand on her head, obviously overcome by what was beyond those doors waiting for her. She was not alone in this, a young girl was seated in a chair just behind them grieving in her own way over a lost loved one.

  “Of course.” Father Jon could not help but take notice of the young lady. She was all alone and looked completely lost. He felt it was his duty to comfort this lost soul so he walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder. “May I offer you any help?”

  The young girl looked up at Father Jon, her hair all a mess and teary eyed. “No… I…” Her voice trailed off.

  Such a terrible burden to bear at such a young age. “Are you all alone my child?”

  “I… yes. I came here with my father but…” Something had frightened this girl, petrified by some event that had taken place earlier.

  “Is there someone I can call to come be with you?”

  “My mother is on her way…” She was clearly overwhelmed.

  “Well, I’ll be right here if you need anything.” Father Jon looked down the hallway and saw the vending machine nestled in the corner near the end. He placed his hand in his jacket pocket and explored for some change, running his fingers ov
er some coins. Father Jon withdrew a few dollars in change from his pocket. He went over to the vending machine and deposited the change into the slot. Two dollars seemed like a lot to pay for a bottle of water in a hospital. Some greedy, impure soul taking advantage of people in a time of sorrow and suffering seemed very wrong to him. He pressed the button and the machine rendered a bottle of water. Father Jon could not walk away without getting that young girl a bottle of her own so he deposited two more dollars into the machine, and pressed the button once more.

  Father Jon walked back to Kathy and handed her the bottle of water. She unscrewed the top off the bottle and took a drink.

  “Thank you Father.” Kathy took another sip and put the top back on. Kathy tried to stand upright, but it was as if the burden was too much for her. Gravity had her pinned down in that chair. Kathy extended her hand, looking for assistance to get on her feet. Father Jon strained to help her to her feet.

  “No need to thank me.” Kathy’s weight was enough to put a strain on his shoulder, it felt like it had become unhinged from the socket. “Shall we head in?”

  “I would like to say good-bye to my brother alone.” Kathy must have found some courage or faith. Stability had returned to her voice. Without another word Kathy opened the door to the morgue and headed into the room. A nurse awaited her inside the room, as the door closed behind her, Father Jon felt unsettled. He couldn’t explain it, but it was as if something malevolent rested in that room. Unable to shake that feeling, he placed his hand over the cross that hung around his neck hoping that it would help ease his mind. Still something deep inside that room was emitting a malicious feeling. He was being drawn into the morgue. Without realizing it, the bottle of water that he had held in his hand slipped from his grasp and the loud thump of the water bottle on the floor jolted him back into the room.

  The bottle of water rolled over and found its way to the young girl. She bent over and picked it up. “You dropped your water.” She held the bottle in his direction.

  “I got that for you my child.” Her voice startled Father Jon. He didn’t expect to hear her voice.

  “Please, call me Tina.” She had the delicate, frightened look of a startled child. “My father is in that room.”


  Sweat began to roll down Byron’s forehead. The antibiotics had not kicked in yet and his fever was beginning to overcome him. The bite on his arm sent a pounding, throbbing pain up his arm and it seemed to radiate all the way to his brain. A large reddish blue bruise formed all around the bite, tiny dark red veins seemed to spread from the interior of the bite mark. He sat alone at the kitchen table with a full plate of food shoved to the side. He had no desire to eat as his stomach seemed to ferment pain. The virus he contracted from that deranged man was causing his blood to boil and bubble as it pumped through his body.

  The sickness was spreading through him like a mad bull, causing damage and destruction throughout his body as it ran its way from his arm. His arm felt almost paralyzed, and his chest was starting to go numb as the virus began to suppress his movement. His breathing had become more and more laboured as the night had went on. He did not know if he should try and get some rest, maybe he would feel better in the morning once the meds have had a chance to combat the virus, or should he head back to the hospital? He was in no condition to drive, the virus had left him in a weakened state and it was spreading through his body like a house on fire.

  The lights were on at Frank’s cabin. Byron decided it would be best to ask his friend for a lift into town, driving in his condition would be too dangerous. The thought of walking over to Frank’s seemed like it would be an arduous and gruelling task in its own accord. If he was going to do this it was seeming more and more like it was now or never. The virus was taxing his body and he did not have enough to pay the toll. Getting over to Frank’s would be easier said than done. The throbbing pain from the bite was causing so much anguish he was not sure he could tolerate it much longer. It was as if his mind was being secluded from his body. He could feel the pain but he seemed to have very little control over his body. He wanted to stand up and walk over to Frank’s, but his legs did not seem to want to cooperate.

  With immense effort Byron found his way to his feet, but an immediate murkiness clouded his mind and darkness was the last thing he saw as his muscles gave way and he succumbed to the virus. His body crumbled into a heap on the kitchen floor. His pulse rate halted to a stop as the virus found its way into his heart. Finally the virus was carried by the blood and into the brain, feeding it to the virus. His life ceased to exist abruptly. It was not without lengthy suffering and immense pain, but without warning the crucial functions of his body were interrupted. As the virus consumed his brain he was left in complete silence. Nothing that was part of Byron remained. There was only one thing left now.

  A deadly impulse to feed.


  Ethan was not sure how much distance he had put between himself and his pursuers. They had chased him relentlessly to the entrance of the mine. He exited the mine and did not stop for anything. Ethan could see the blur of light from the flashlight, but was unsure if they had seen him. He jumped an old picket fence and darted around the corner of a shed, trying to catch his breath.

  His heart jumped into his throat as he saw the beam of light just beyond the fence. He desperately covered his mouth, trying to mask the sound of his heavy breathing.

  “Did you see which way he went?”

  “No. Maybe he went the other way?”

  “I told you we should have split up.”

  “Well you double back, I’ll keep going. We’ll search every house if we have to.”

  The man with the flashlight continued down the road. Ethan could hear the other man cursing under his breath. Suddenly Ethan could hear the man walk towards the fence. The fence creaked as the man gave it a kick. “I’m going back to get more men!” He shouted out down the road.

  “Fine, whatever! Just make sure this place is secure.”

  Ethan was frozen in place, held steady by the grip of fear. It seemed like an eternity had passed before he found the courage to move. Ethan made his way over to the backdoor and tried the doorknob. As he slowly turned the knob, the door creaked open. Ethan needed to find a place to hide. Maybe the owner of the house would be able to help him. He would call the police and hide here until they arrived.


  Ethan tried not to call out too loud. The house was pitch dark and the air smelt wrong, it reminded him of the decaying smell in the forest. Ethan slowly made his way through what seemed like the kitchen towards the front of the house. Moonlight entered the room from the giant front window in the living room. Ethan was terrified by what he saw.

  A man stood in the dim moonlight, grinning lewdly, it was almost like his lips were missing, his teeth seemed to be protruding from his gums. A dark drool dripping out of his mouth. A gaping wound on his chest spilt a bloody mess all over his white undershirt.


  The man’s head jolted to the sound of Ethan’s voice.

  “Sir, are you okay?”

  The injured man shot Ethan an emotionless glare. Sunken, milky white eyes set deep in his pale skin seemed be rapidly twitching.

  The man started to awkwardly stumble towards Ethan.

  “Sir, stay back!”

  The man’s jaw snapped as he shuffled towards Ethan. The injured man moved like a decrepit, decaying old man. As he got closer he reached out his arms in an effort to grab a hold of Ethan. The scent of Ethan seemed to enrage the man. A horrible moan left his vocal chords as he closed the distance, salivating uncontrollably.

  “Stay away!” Ethan shouted at the man.

  As he dragged his foot forward the injured man tripped on the corner of the couch, crashing face first into the old wooden floor. Instantly, his neck craned up to look at Ethan. The sound of his neck bones cracking as he moved his neck was making Ethan sick.

  “Get away from me!” Ethan
screamed as he backed away. Without thinking Ethan ran out the back door. The door made a loud bang as it crashed into the wall. Ethan ran towards the fence, jumping over it without looking.


  Ethan stood in the middle of the road, staring at the barrel of a gun pointed at his chest.

  “Help!” Ethan cried out. “There’s some kind of monster in that house.” Ethan pointed at the house.

  “We know.” The man raised the gun and pulled the trigger.


  “I took care of the problem. Let’s make sure this area is secure. He said he saw one of the zombies, we must have missed a few. Mr. Purchase will be furious if he shows up and they are still lurking around,” The man said as he stood over Ethan. “Damn it, I got brains on my shoes.” Ethan’s brains had exploded out of the back of his skull and spilled all over the road. The man raised the gun and headed towards the house to take care of the stray zombie.

  Chapter 23

  The Hospital

  Drew couldn’t believe that his partner, Officer Sean Brake, was sitting in his car waiting for him to get ready. Drew had missed the call that Sasha made calling all officers to the hospital. Drew was embarrassed because the young girl he had just slept with had to do the walk of shame in front of Sean. Sean had kept his indiscretions a secret from his wife, but Drew was supposed to be on duty. If Sean wanted to, he could report Drew for using company time to carry out his affairs.

  Drew hauled his uniform on, wishing he had time for a shower. Drew left the motel room and walked over to the squad car. As he lowered himself into the passenger seat he could feel Sean’s eyes burning a hole into his skull.

  “You know you’re going to get yourself caught!” Sean scolded Drew. “Is it really worth throwing it all away for… how old was she?”


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