Death's Twilight

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Death's Twilight Page 8

by A. J. Leavens


  Dressed in her leotard, Hotaru Kogame, Beta 0256773 walked into the gym. They had set the equipment up exactly like she had asked. It had taken her almost two weeks to convince her instructor that this routine would help her in delivering Letters. Even after convincing him, her instructor had to get permission from their superior before allowing Hotaru to attempt this crazy feat. It had taken the College staff almost two hours to position each piece of equipment to Hotaru's exacting specifications.

  She adjusted her leotard, and walked to her starting place at the far end of the floor exercise mat. She looked quickly around to make sure no one was watching, and then closed her eyes, seeking her mental center.  After three deep breaths, Hotaru took off in a fast sprint toward the center of the mat, diving forward into a round off followed by three back flips.

  Her impressive momentum carried her onto the adjacent springboard, where she flew high over the horse, executing several twists and turns in the air. As gravity took hold and she began to fall, she extended her arms forward to grab the bar on the high side of the uneven bars.

  Hotaru's body carried her into a series of four full rotations over the bar, and as she slowed down, she began a full routine, including changes from bar to bar while rotating, turning handstands, and a Korbut Flip, from the high to low bar, where she did two more full rotations.

  At the zenith of the second rotation, she tucked her knees to her chest, and then thrust her feet straight out in front of her, creating tremendous momentum. As she swung under the bar and headed for the top again, she released and flew across a short distance to a stand-alone high bar.

  The high bar, traditionally a men's only apparatus, merely served as a stepping-stone for Hotaru. Using full rotations to gain velocity, she once again flung herself through the air. Her body shot in a feet first beeline to the last piece of equipment she had set up for herself. The two rings stood still as a final challenge in this ultimate routine.

  With all the momentum she had built, the biggest challenge she had now was to keep the ring apparatus stable. Her hands found the rings, and gripping them tightly, she allowed her body to go limp. She hung as dead weight, and brought her breathing under control as the apparatus swung slowly to a stop.

  Summoning all the reserves she had, she pulled herself up, bringing her hands to waist level. Her shoulder muscles bulged and rippled from the strain, and she exhaled slowly as she lowered herself into the Iron Cross.

  Recognized as one of the most difficult skills on the rings, the Iron Cross stood as a symbol of sheer strength.  Despite her athleticism, Hotaru clenched her teeth as she fought both her tired muscles and gravity to hold the position in this final challenge. As the pain in her muscles increased, Hotaru slowed her breathing, and once again found her mental center, all the while counting mentally in her head. She had ten seconds left to go.

  Breathe in. Nine.

  Breathe out. Eight.

  Breathe in. Seven.

  Breathe out. Six.

  Breathe in. Five.

  Breathe out. Four.

  Breathe in. Three.

  Breathe out. Two.

  Breathe in. One.

  She lowered her arms, sending her legs into motion. She did one final handstand on the rings, a testament to her mental control, and then executed a quadruple somersault dismount, landing solidly on the mat below.

  As the final sounds of her landing echoed in the gymnasium, she took two deep breaths and smiled. She had done it! She bent grasping her towel, and began to dab at her forehead. The sound of applause stopped her dead in her tracks. She spun around to see the source of the applause. It was her instructor. She bowed in respect.

  "Lao Shi! What are you doing here?"

  "You have no need to fear me, Beta 0256773. I was here only to make sure you did not injure yourself. Instead, you have amazed me."

  "Thank you, Lao Shi. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do it, but I could not reach my potential without trying."

  "And so you have succeeded. As with all of your studies, you continue to excel. You will make a fine Alpha one day, 0256773." It was as close to enthusiastic praise as she would ever get.

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