
Home > Other > Malicious > Page 14
Malicious Page 14

by Alex Grayson

  “Hey.” Zayden leans over and kisses Rylee on the temple when she slides up next to him. “Everything good?”

  “Yep.” She pops her lips. “What are you guys making? It smells amazing.”

  “Cheesy scrambled eggs, toast, and Oliver is finishing up the bacon now. He wouldn’t let me cook it.”

  “I knew I kept you around for a reason,” she says to Oliver’s back. I watch his head turn, a lopsided smile on his face.

  “I told him his bacon making skills are seriously lacking.” He chuckles when Zayden tosses up a middle finger in his direction.

  “No offense, babe.” Rylee turns back to Z.

  “You say that, but with the way you two are dogging on my cooking skills, I gotta admit, I’m a little offended.”

  “There are other things you’re good at. Really, really good at.” She gives him a sexy little grin.

  “Don’t go stroking his ego, sis. He doesn’t need that head of his getting any bigger,” Oliver interjects, his gaze sliding to mine for a brief moment when I step into the doorway of the kitchen and lean my shoulder against the frame, watching the three of them. He gives me a sweet smile, one that has my heart doing funny things inside my chest.

  “Yeah, because you’re one to talk,” Zayden bites back, jarring Oliver when he reaches out and punches him in the bicep.

  “Why do you always resort to violence.” Oliver rubs his arm dramatically. “Rylee, you need to get your man in check.”

  “Me?” She laughs. “He’s your best friend. You get him in check.”

  “V, a little help here.” Oliver looks back to me.

  “Sorry, you three are on your own.” I hold my hands up.

  “Do you guys need any help?” Rylee chimes in, looking around the kitchen.

  “Nope.” Zayden shakes his head. “As soon as Oliver is done with the bacon, breakfast will be ready.”

  My stomach doubles over a little at the thought of eating. I know I need to. Hell, I even want to. But my body does not cooperate anymore. I eat. I feel sick. I usually end up puking. It’s an endless cycle. One that I wish I could break. I’m just not sure how. I know I need help. I know that this whole thing has spiraled way out of control, but right now, I don’t want to think about any of that. I just want to enjoy this. Laughing with my friends. Basking in the glow that Oliver has left me with. Embracing the giddiness I feel when his eyes lock with mine as he turns to deposit bacon onto the plates already filled with eggs and toast.

  It’s nothing that I expected, and yet oddly, it feels right.

  And for now, that’s enough.


  “Finally, you answer.” My mom’s voice comes through the line seconds after I press the phone to my ear.

  “Hi, Mom. Sorry. I meant to call you back last night after I left the gym, but I got, um, sidetracked.”

  “Too busy to call your poor mom and check in?” she asks. “It’s been what, four days since I’ve heard from you?” The way she says it you would think it was more like four months.

  “I know. I’m bogged down with schoolwork and have been picking up some extra shifts at work. I promise I’m not intentionally avoiding you.”

  “I was starting to think maybe you were.” I can hear the teasing tone of her voice and know she’s only giving me a hard time. “How’s everything? How’s school?”

  “School is good. Work is good. Everything is really good.” I smile when the thought of Oliver fills my mind.

  I’ve thought of nothing but him since he left earlier today. I half expected him to stay, but shortly after breakfast he announced he needed to head back to his dorm to study for an exam he has in one of his afternoon classes. I’m surprised by how disappointed I felt in that moment.

  Not that I could have spent the whole day with him anyway. I had two afternoon classes, and now I’m heading to the coffee shop for my shift. I’m glad I have things to do. The last thing I want is to sit around obsessing over a man who, up until a few short days ago, I couldn’t stand the sight of.

  “I’m actually heading to work right now.” I slide on my jacket, balancing my phone between my shoulder and my ear.

  I love that I can walk to work. It makes the whole commuting thing so much easier.

  “Oh, well, I can let you go.”

  “No, that’s okay. We can talk as I walk. It’ll make the trip go faster,” I tell her, locking the door of my apartment before heading down the empty hallway. “How’s everything with you? Dad good?”

  “Yep. We’re both doing good. Dad has decided to tear up the flooring in the main room and redo it by himself. And right before Christmas, no less.” I can hear the aggravation in her tone. “You should see the house right now. I swear that man is like a tornado. Tools everywhere. Dust on everything. I can’t even walk into the family room. It looks like a war zone.”

  “Uh oh.” I laugh, knowing exactly what she’s dealing with. Every so often my father gets a wild hair to do some kind of renovation and it never, and I mean never, goes according to plan. You would think that one of these days he’d get smart and hire someone to do the work, but no, he’s way too stubborn for that.

  “I told him if he didn’t have it finished by Friday I was going to move in with you until he’s done.”

  “And how did that go over?” I step out into the chilly air, snuggling further into my jacket.

  “He told me to have fun.”

  I bark out a laugh.

  “Of course he did.”

  “So, I was trying to figure out the schedule for the holidays this year. When is your school break again?”

  “The seventeenth until January sixth, I think.”

  “That’s perfect. I can’t wait to have you home for two whole weeks.”

  “Uh, Mom. I wasn’t planning on staying at the house my entire break,” I tell her gently, hoping she doesn’t lose her mind. Being her only child, she’s been having a hard time since I moved out.

  “Oh.” I can hear the disappointment in her voice. “How long were you planning on staying?”

  “Actually, I wasn’t. I’ll be there for Christmas dinner, and I’ll probably stay the night Christmas Eve, but other than that, I was planning on staying home.”

  “Well, I can’t say I’m happy to hear this, but I guess I understand. You’re an adult now.” She tries to mask her emotion with understanding. “What about Rylee? Do you think you can convince her to come for Christmas dinner? Dad and I would love to see her.”

  “Depending on when it is, I’m sure I can convince her to tag along.”

  “Wonderful.” Her mood seems to improve slightly. My parents love Rylee. She’s always been like a second daughter to them. Since we were kids, there’s barely been a family function she hasn’t been a part of, and the same for me with her family. “If there’s anyone else you’d like to bring…” she trails off, dropping a not so subtle hint.

  “There isn’t,” I tell her flatly.

  “Well, if there is, you’re welcome to bring them.”

  My mom has a bad habit of trying to pry into my love life, or lack thereof. And while normally I’m an open book, for the most part, I have absolutely no intention of telling her a single thing about Oliver until I know for sure what, if anything, this is.

  He claims we’re an us now, and while I like the sound of it, I’m not quite so sure yet.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” I appease her the best I can.

  “Okay. Well, I won’t keep you. You’re probably at work already.”

  “Just walking in the front door.” I push my way inside the warm, bustling coffee shop. Even though it’s six in the evening, there’s not one single table open. Product of being blocks from campus.

  “Okay then. You’ll call me tomorrow?”

  “I’ll try,” I promise.

  “I love you, my sweet girl.”

  “Love you too, Mom.” I end the call, waving to Rylee, who’s already behind the counter. Her shift started two hours ago, which means
she’ll get to leave about halfway through my shift. Lucky. I love working here, but I hate closing.

  Shoving my phone into my bag, I head toward the back of the shop to get my apron and nametag, ready to get the next four hours over with so that I can go home and climb into my bed. I’m so exhausted I feel like I’m running on fumes.

  I have Oliver to thank for that.

  A smile touches my lips at the thought of him.

  In fact, every time he crosses my mind, which has been a lot today, I find myself overtaken with childlike excitement. I honestly don’t know what happened last night, but I’m starting to think he slipped me some kind of love potion or something.

  That’s the only thing that explains the way I feel. The only thing that makes me feel even remotely better. Because the alternative—that I’m actually falling for him—is too much for my mind to process right now.

  Love potion…. Yep, we’re going to go with that.



  My lips curl into a sneer as I swipe my finger across the screen and ignore the call. Pulling my key card from my wallet, I tap it against the black box and the outer door to my dorm building unlocks. I do the same to the inner door. The lobby is empty except for Tommy, one of the dorm monitors, who sits behind the visitor check-in desk.

  “How’s it going, Oliver?” he calls as I walk past him.

  “Same shit.”

  “You going to the party this Friday?”

  “Nah. Not this time.”

  Forgoing the elevators, I push open the door to the stairwell and climb four flights. My phone rings again as I enter my dorm, but once again, I ignore it. My mother’s called several times since yesterday. I’ve got no desire to talk to the lying, cheating bitch. I will eventually, but for now, she can kiss my ass. I’ve got nothing to say to her. Or rather, I’ve got nothing nice to say to her.

  Kicking my door closed behind me, I drop my phone, wallet, and keys on the nightstand then grab my Physics book. Fucking homework. I hate to do it, but it’s a necessary evil if I want to get out from under my father’s thumb.

  I’d much rather study at Savannah’s house, but she kicked me out. Claiming the only studying I’d get done was how to fuck her into the mattress. I left with the promise that I’d come back later tonight. Now I understand Z’s need to be up Rylee’s ass all the time. I never thought I’d admit this, but the woman has me wrapped around her pretty little finger.

  Sitting in my desk chair, I kick my feet up on the mattress and crack open the book. I’ve read no more than one page before there’s a knock on my door. With a sigh, I toss the book on the bed and go see what fucker is interrupting me.

  I’m surprised when I pull it open and see my father on the other side. His hands are stuffed in his pockets and he’s scowling at a couple of guys who have their heads together, talking quietly a few doors down.

  “What are you doing here?”

  I stand in the doorway, not bothering to invite him inside. It doesn’t matter. He barrels his way past me.

  “Does the Dean know there are kids dealing drugs in the fucking hallways of this place?” he asks angrily.

  “I don’t know, and I don’t really give a fuck what the Dean knows. It’s not my business to inform him.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I glare at him. “Now, I’ll ask again. What are you doing here?”

  He assesses the pile of dirty clothes I have on the floor in the corner before he turns to face me.

  “I had business close by and figured I’d come check in on you.”

  I snort. “Sure. And I’m Elvis fucking Presley. How about you try again, old man.”

  He glowers. “And how about you lose the attitude for one goddamn minute? Jesus Christ, Oliver.” He rakes his fingers through his hair. “Can we not have a civilized conversation for once?”

  I keep my mouth shut. Is it possible to have a civilized conversation with my father? For anyone else, yes, it is. With me? Fuck no. Because I no longer put up with his bullshit. I’m done being his mental punching bag. I have been for years. That’s why we don’t get along.

  He sighs and kicks the desk chair around to take a seat. I don’t move from my spot as he leans with his elbows on his knees. After a moment, he finally breaks the silence.

  “Your mother called,” he says quietly, staring off into space.

  “What in the hell did she want?”

  “Said she’s been trying to call you. She got worried because you haven’t been answering.”

  I grunt and plop down on my bed. “She sure as hell wasn’t worried when she wasn’t answering my calls. Nor was she worried when she moved across the country without telling me.”

  “I told her I’d check in with you.”

  “Well, you can tell her I’ll call her when I damn well please. She can fucking stew for a while.”

  Leaning back in the chair, he laces his fingers over his stomach and regards me. “How have you been?”

  “Just peachy.”

  “Rylee told Evelyn that you’ve been seeing her friend, Savannah.” He lifts a brow. “How’s that going?”

  Rylee needs to learn to keep her big mouth shut. I don’t tell my father shit about my life for a reason. Mainly because it’s not his concern, and he’s never been curious before.

  “It’s fine,” I bite out. “Why the curiosity about my life now? You’ve never wanted to know before.”

  Two lines form between his eyes. “That’s not true, Oliver.”

  Rolling my eyes, I look back at him with an eat shit look. “That’s bullshit, and you and I both know it. You don’t give two fucks about my life unless it directly affects you.”


  I get up from the bed and stalk over to the door. Yanking it open, I glare at him. “I’ve got to study, so if that’s all you wanted, it’s time for you to go. Tell my mother to back off. I’ll call her whenever.”

  He regards me for a moment, his frown still in place, before he slowly gets up from the chair and approaches me. He stops in the doorway.

  “I know things haven’t been good between us for years, Oliver, and I know some of it’s my fault.”

  I snort.

  “Fine,” he sighs, “most of it’s my fault. I’d like for that to change. I’ve been a shitty father to you, and for that, I’m sorry. But I’ve never not cared.”

  I stare off, not acknowledging his request. He’s going to have to work a hell of a lot harder than that to get past all of the shit he’s done for the last eighteen years.

  With a defeated sigh, he turns and leaves. I slam the door shut behind him so hard the walls rattle.

  A couple of hours later, I rap my knuckles against the door and wait. When it’s pulled open and Savannah appears, I waste no time yanking her to my chest. My mouth plunders hers in a heated kiss that I’d like to continue in the bedroom. Unfortunately, we’re interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I glare at my stepsister over Savannah’s shoulder.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be at Zayden’s tonight?”

  “Yep, but our plans changed. Zayden’s coming here instead. So you’re stuck with us.” Her lips quirk up. “Sorry.” She pauses. “Not sorry.”

  “Bitch,” I mutter.

  With a laugh, she walks off into the kitchen.

  Savannah pinches my side. “Be nice.”

  Something jabs me in the back. “Move your ass,” Z rumbles behind me.

  Stepping out of his way, I turn and find him with his hands full of Chinese food containers and a six pack of beer. Before he can walk away, I snag a couple beers by their necks.

  “Appreciate it, man.”

  “Thanks for the help, asshole,” he says, stalking off toward the kitchen.

  “So much for having a night to ourselves,” I grumble.

  Savannah laughs and grabs one of the beers. “Poor baby.”

  I palm her ass and bury my face in her neck. “We can always see who screams the loudest.”

  She steps back and pok
es me in the chest. “We are not doing that. Get that shit out of your head.” Her eyes narrow before she turns and walks away.

  With a chuckle, I follow behind her. I was just joking.

  Sort of.

  In the kitchen, Zayden and Rylee are unloading cartons of Chinese food onto the counter.

  “Thank fuck you got food,” I remark, going to a cabinet and grabbing some paper plates for everyone. “I’m starving.”

  “You’re always starving.”

  I flick the end of Rylee’s ponytail as I pass by her to go to the counter where the food sits. “That’s cause I’m a growing boy.”

  “You got the boy part right,” Z jests.

  I chuck a packet of soy sauce at his head.

  Grabbing two plates, I set them down in front of me and glance at Savannah.

  “You want Lo Mein or rice?”

  “Actually.” She sidles up next to me and presses a kiss to my cheek. “While you three eat, I’m going to grab a shower.”

  Before she can walk off, I grab her wrist. “You’re not eating?”

  “I already ate.”

  “When?” Rylee asks, snagging an eggroll and dropping it on her plate before facing her friend.

  “While you were taking a shower.”

  “Why though?” Rylee frowns. “You knew Zayden was picking up Chinese. It’s your favorite.”

  Savannah’s eyes slide away from Rylee. “I’m just not in the mood for Chinese.”


  “Can you stop grilling me?” Savannah erupts, her eyes flaring with anger. She takes a deep breath. “I ate while you were in the shower. It’s not a big deal. Jesus,” she mutters. “Now, if it’s alright with you, I’m gonna go take a shower.”

  Before anyone can say anything else, she turns and stomps off toward the bathroom. Rylee, Zayden, and I all look at each other. Rylee’s brows are pinched down.

  “I’m worried about her,” she says quietly, as if nervous that Savannah may overhear her.


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