
Home > Nonfiction > OnlyIfItPleases > Page 16
OnlyIfItPleases Page 16

by Unknown

  Chuck had been right. That had been the thing that had set her off. “A hard limit is always to be respected by any true Dom. I’m going to try to get another place in the city anyway. I’m not sure—that this place isn’t too far out really.”

  An odd look crossed her face, as if she were disappointed in his answer, even though it was exactly what she’d asked for. It wasn’t the entire truth. He knew he would still love to use the place. But if she wanted it off the table, it was off the table. He would find a place eventually. In the meantime, he expected a relationship with Vanessa would be highly distracting. Her fiery defense had actually increased his respect for her. She was going to give him the occasional run for his money, and she’d let him know when he was pushing her too far. It made her safer to play with.

  “Thank you,” she said at last. “Hard limit, that’s a good way to put it.”

  “Anything else?” Keeping his hands off her was requiring a great deal of restraint, but he’d do it for as long as he had to.

  “Not unless it pleases you, Master Hart.”

  “In that case, I want you to show me that you followed my instruction for this evening.”

  “Oh, I was ready promptly at seven, Master Hart.” Her eyes danced and he had a feeling she knew exactly what he meant.

  “Show me,” he said.

  She bit her lip and reached down to the hem of her dress. “It’s not the prettiest part of my body,” she said.

  “I disagree.”

  She pulled the dress up until he could see she had, indeed, followed directions. And more, she had shaved. Perhaps she had kept it up since they’d parted, or she’d done it anew for the date. It didn’t matter, although her skin would become more acclimated if she made it a regular habit. He made a mental note to leave instructions. It’d been a long time since he’d had a long-term sub, and he wasn’t used to it.

  “Beautiful.” He cupped her mound then moved forward, sandwiching his arm between them as he pulled her to him. He kissed her deeply, his gaze drifting down to where her café au lait breasts were seemingly offered up to him. She kissed him back with a hunger that astonished him and demanded his full attention.

  He slid his hand between her legs and she parted them for him, giving him full access. Her sex was swollen and wet. He remembered what she’d said about being frustrated all week. It was time to help her out with that.

  He slipped two fingers inside her and then started pushing her back, walking her out of the foyer into the living room, toward the velvet and mahogany sofa. She moved back awkwardly, but he was there to hold her. He wasn’t going to leave her pussy unfilled for any longer than necessary. Only once they got right next to the sofa did he take his fingers out.

  “Watch,” he said. On second thought, maybe he would give her a little tease. But it was only because the velvet looked hard to clean, and there was a strip of it covering the sofa’s arm. “And display.”

  She did as directed. It wasn’t nearly as revealing with clothes on, and her dress slipped to cover her pussy again. She watched him as he stripped off his shirt, taking no longer than necessary. She seemed to like the view, but he wasn’t in a mood to keep her waiting. Once he’d gotten the shirt off he draped it over the arm of the sofa, grabbed her hips and spun her around.

  “Huh?” she asked, startled.

  “Bend over. It’s time to do something about that frustration.” He unzipped his pants and rolled a condom over his hard-on.

  She did as directed, spreading her legs. The dress rode up her legs and he helped it, tugging it up over her bottom while she wiggled. Her pussy beckoned, but so did her ass. He wanted both.

  He positioned his cock at the entrance to her sex and pushed forward enough to lodge the head inside. She pushed back and he put his hand firmly on her back. “No. I’m in charge. Wait for it and it will be good. I promise.”

  He slid his fingers, still slick from being in her pussy, along the crack of her ass until they reached her tight rear hole. Then he slid his middle finger against the pucker, lubricating it just a bit.

  “You’re too big for me there,” she protested. Her ass was clenched, unwilling to permit an invader or perhaps just too tense to.

  He could almost certainly fit if they worked at it, but he agreed with her instead. “Probably. But we can work on that over time. Train you, until you can take my cock.” Not exactly an engagement but an indication that he was committed to more than just one night with her. A down payment on making her understand he wasn’t after her for her house.

  Indeed, her head twitched and she started to look around at him. Her ass loosened with the distraction though and he took advantage, pushing his slick middle finger inside.


  “Now you can slide back onto my cock.”

  She pushed back, moving her stomach downward at the same time. Clearly she wanted to do so without having his finger any farther inside, and he was happy enough to oblige for the moment. Her pussy fit him like a fist, and felt ten times as good, even through a condom.

  “Good girl,” he said. He thrust inside her, filling her on every stroke in. He felt her loosen, making it easier, but the fit was still delightfully snug. What were the odds that the perfect submissive also had the perfect pussy? I’m a lucky man. And now to make sure she’s a lucky woman.

  Soon she was moving her hips in rhythm, with just a hint of gyration subtly altering the sensation on his cock. She didn’t strike him as horribly experienced, but he suspected she paid a great deal of attention to every partner she’d ever made love to, watching to see what worked best. Probably paying more attention to his pleasure than hers. That could be lovely, but wasn’t what he wanted now.

  He wrapped his other arm around her waist and rested his finger on her clit. She gave a little gasp when he touched her there. Ah yes, that was definitely the missing element. “Tell me when you’re close. Ask for permission before coming.” He was pretty sure he would be able to tell, but he was looking forward to hearing her ask. The idea of it made him twitch inside her, a reminder that he’d have to hold back his own pleasure.

  She didn’t make him hold on long. “Please. Let me come.”

  “Not yet. But soon. I’ll say when.” He lightened the touch on her clit to barely a tickle to help her hold on.

  She moaned and he thought he could hear her teeth grind for a moment. But then she said, ever so softly, “Only when it pleases you, Master.”

  The words made his cock swell. But it wasn’t his own orgasm he was waiting for. He slid his index finger into her ass a little farther. She grunted. He pressed on, feeling her warmth, pressing against his cock through the narrow wall that separated the two channels.

  When his finger was all the way, he pressed hard on her clit and thrust himself balls-deep into her warm, wet pussy. “Come now!”

  She screamed, the sound raw and primal as if it had been forced out from her very core. Her pussy rippled even as her ass squeezed his finger tight. Her body shuddered beneath him, the gold dress catching the light in different ways as she shook.

  He kept fucking her hard. As soon as her ass unclenched again he moved his finger as well, pushing it in and out in rhythm with his cock. He was rewarded by a series of aftershocks, each one threatening to make his cock explode. He had no intention of cheating her out of a single one of them, so he held on, although his balls were tight and he could feel the cum waiting to surge up his shaft.

  The last one undid him, however. The way she looked back at him, with wonder and amazement in her eyes, her face shining with sweat, pushed him onward. Her pussy clamped down on him and his orgasm hit him violently. He sank himself into her all the way, holding her mound to keep himself there while he ejaculated again and again.

  “Oh. My. God,” she said.

  “Yeah.” He wasn’t ready for much more of a speech. She collapsed over the arm of the sofa, her breasts squished lightly against the velvet cushions, her face turned to the side as she caught her breath

  Slowly he slid his finger out. With his other hand, he gripped the base of the condom. “Worth the wait?” he asked softly. He was pretty sure he knew the answer.

  “I’m damned if I say yes,” she said.

  “But I don’t think you have it in you to be dishonest with your Master.” Yeah, he felt like claiming the title.

  She twisted to look at him, her eyes wide. And then she shook her head. “No. I don’t. I will never intentionally lie to you, Master.”

  “So. Was it worth the wait?”

  “Damn you. Yes.”

  He grinned and slowly pulled out of her. He pulled her upright. Turning her in his arms, he kissed her, whispering, “Good girl,” between kisses. A sweet smile played on her lips.

  He let her catch her breath while he moved down her neck. She wasn’t the only one who needed more oxygen. Her sighs and soft moans were music to his ears, and he monitored them for signs she had recovered. When he was satisfied, he let her go, staying just a moment with his hands a few inches from her in case she needed him to catch her. She was thrown off balance for a moment, but she didn’t start to fall. She looked at him with the questioning eyes of a submissive, wondering what was coming next.

  He took a step back. “Display, Vanessa.”

  It took her a moment, and then she moved her hands behind her neck and stood straighter. She’d gotten it down to perfect the week before, but now her legs were closer and her back curved forward. He was tempted to let it go. He didn’t really feel like correcting her. But that would be an injustice to both of them in the long run. He wouldn’t be so lazy with any other sub, why be so with one he intended to keep? To keep. It was a distracting thought.

  He disposed of the condom first in the kitchen trashcan first, giving her a chance to adjust on her own. When he came back she hadn’t moved. He moved to her side and straightened her posture. He tapped the inside of her thighs and she shuffled her legs. Practice could make her perfect, and perhaps he’d tell her to practice during the week. Would she like that? Would she rebel at that? He smiled. The uncertainty, oddly, was appealing. He wanted to explore her, to find out, to be surprised. That surprised him in and of itself. He’d always been in control, and had always placed himself in position to know the answers. And I’m going to know all the answers about you, Vanessa.

  Her eyes were turned, even as she kept her face forward, and she was looking at him. She raised her eyebrows, just a little, making him aware she’d noticed his reverie.

  “Beautiful, Vanessa. We’ll keep working on this. Kneel.”

  She sank to her knees, wincing slightly but only for a moment at the hard floor.

  “Kneel open.”

  She spread her legs, but looked down as if she didn’t want to meet his eyes while exposed. He tilted her chin up. “Always proud, Vanessa. If you have your mindset right, your body will follow. You are not kneeling because you are weak, but because you are strong enough to seek what you need. Not because you are my lesser, but because this is the way we choose to dance. You are proud of me and what I am to you, just as I am proud of you.” Maybe it was pushy to tell her to be proud of him, but he’d been called worse than pushy.

  She straightened her back and stared up at him with deep-brown eyes that held a smoldering intensity. He met her gaze. Maybe it was good she still had the dress on, because his eyes would surely wander if she were naked, and she might think he was looking away.

  “That’s it,” he told her.

  “I am proud of you.” She said it like a challenge.

  “I can see that.”

  She relaxed back onto her heels a little, smiling as if she’d won something. He thought she had, but that didn’t mean they were done. “Display,” he said.

  She was startled, but scrambled to her feet to obey.

  “Yes, Master.” The phrase could be submission, or a simple mantra to help her obey when she didn’t want to. He suspected from the slight groan it was a little of both. Again, he wanted to let it go. But he wasn’t going to.

  He cupped her chin and said, “And how do you say yes to me?”

  Her eyes widened. He thought she was going to spit at him for a moment. And then, suddenly she murmured, in the sweetest voice he’d ever heard, “Only if it pleases you, Master.”

  “Good girl. May I use a cushion from the couch and put it on the floor to make kneeling more comfortable?”

  “No—um, not unless it pleases you, Master. They’re horrible to clean. There’s a pillow in my room we could use.”

  He smiled. “Go get it.”

  She scampered. He watched her ass as she headed up the stairs, wondering why every motion of her delighted him. She glanced back, saw him watching and giggled just before she disappeared from sight.

  When she came back down, he put her through the positions again. With each transition she got softer, more fluid. The simple ritual of it seemed to give her peace. The blush in her cheeks when asked for “presentation” was beautiful. In that position, the dress was inadequate to cover her, and he couldn’t resist tracing a finger along her pink folds.

  She gave a little moan that sucked him in further. He wasn’t used to a sub manipulating him, but then he didn’t think Vanessa was trying to. Her sounds were honest. Her arousal was honest too. Her labia were puffy and ripe. And wet. He wanted to sink his fingers into her, even though that wasn’t part of his plan at all. I’m training her, dammit.

  He brushed his thumb over her clit as he thrust his fingers inside, covering them with her honey. He could, he realized, make her come again if he wanted to. He looked into her eyes and knew that she was thinking the same thing. Slowly, deliberately, he withdrew his fingers. Watching her, he licked his fingers clean, savoring every taste. She stared, fascinated, seemingly torn between being turned-on by what he was doing and wanting to have him touch her.

  Despite the deviation from his plan, he had her right where he wanted her, on the erotic edge. “A wonderful appetizer,” he said.

  “Want the main course?” She spread her legs a little wider.

  “Oh, we definitely need dinner. Stand, please.”

  She stared at him in horror. “That’s cruel.” But then her tummy rumbled loud enough for both of them to hear.

  “I intend to feed all your hungers, Vanessa. Every single last one.”

  Chapter Eleven

  There was no place close to eat, but twenty minutes of driving later they sat down in a diner halfway between Annapolis and DC. Vanessa had never been there, and it looked like a dive, but inside she supposed it was neat enough, just not shiny. The waitress actually chewed gum while she worked, and Vanessa half expected her to snap it. They sat down at a booth and Vanessa was feeling increasingly doubtful until the waitress brought them some fries as an “appetizer”. They were by far the best fries she’d ever had.

  “These,” Vanessa told Hart, “are bad for you.”

  “These,” Hart said, “are delicious. Like you. Maybe you’re bad for me too.”

  Me, bad for him? His voice was light and teasing, and she realized she shouldn’t take offense but she didn’t know how to respond. The silence extended, making it more awkward. Then finally she just shook her head. “Only if it pleases you, Master.”

  “Oh, you please me a lot. Bunches. With ketchup on top.”

  “I like mayo.”

  “These ones are best with just a little vinegar,” he said, glancing down at the fries.

  “Would you like some more vinegar in your relationship, Master? I could be more difficult if I worked at it. For you.”

  He laughed. “You’re just right as you are.”

  “Or could be, with a little training?”

  “We train because it’s fun. Because it makes you wet.”

  She bit her lip. She wanted to deny it, but that was pointless. “Maybe that’s just vinegar.”

  “Doesn’t taste the same.” He licked his lips.

  “Neither do you,” she said, licking her lips even mor
e deliberately. Then she picked up one of the thick hand-cut fries and slipped it slowly and suggestively into her mouth. She wasn’t sure what came over her. She’d always behaved in restaurants and public places. But Hart made her feel profoundly sexual. This is what I was looking for in BDSM. And even though we’re just eating food and not doing anything kinky, I’m finding it with him.

  He leaned back and watched with a big grin on his face that let her know he was thinking exactly what she was trying to get him to think, which made her blush.

  The waitress brought two thick juicy hamburgers that were impossible to eat neatly, or even suggestively. Maybe if they’d been hot dogs she’d have given it a go. They ate and talked, talked and ate. He didn’t make any attempt to order her to do anything, but the erotic tension of their power exchange somehow pervaded, making every taste, from the tang of the mustard to the savor of the dripping burger, a little more intense. When he reached out to stroke the side of her cheek lightly, it felt like he’d electrified her whole skin. The glances he gave her were smoldering hot.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I think they’re going to throw us out for indecency.”

  He shook his head. “Nope. There’s no law against nipples pebbling against your dress. Maybe you’re just cold.”

  She looked down, knowing what she’d see. “Oh god.” She put her arm across her chest. She’d felt her peaks tingle before, but now that he’d drawn attention to them they ached. She supposed they weren’t indecently obvious, but there was no doubt they were making an impression.

  “I think you know,” he said slowly, “that you’re not allowed to do that.”

  She glared, but she did know. She dropped her hand. He gazed frankly at her breasts, not even making a pretense of doing otherwise. She wanted to cover them again, or turn away or hide. She knew that wasn’t what he wanted.


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