The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others Page 11

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  Aimee replied, “Good morning back.”

  “Good run?”

  “Yep. I've gotten my workout up to about eight miles now. I wanna run a marathon next spring.”

  “Sweetheart, that's great. How's the ankle doing with that much running?”

  “It's fine. Occasionally I have to ice it after, but it doesn't hurt much considering I'm running about forty miles a week.”

  Dad exclaimed, “Forty miles a week?! Dang, girl, you're really logging some miles.”

  “Yeah, I'm really working on getting in shape enough to at least finish the marathon without dying.”

  Hannah popped in, “Mike, I don't think you'll run a marathon, but how about we train to do a 5K?”

  “Yeah, Dad, that's a super idea. You could handle a 5K with a few months of training.”

  “Yeah, right. First weaken me with healthy food, then knock me off with running!” he complained.

  “No, Mike,” Hannah added, “I'm doing this with you, so we'll both get healthy.”

  Aimee grinned. It looked like Hannah was either going to whip Dad in shape...or he would go down fighting. It didn't look like he had a choice.

  “Dad, just do it. I don't think you wanna go through another heart attack, do you?”

  “Hell no!” he sparked back. “Living through that was a second chance to get healthy, and I know I might not get a third chance if I have another one.”

  “So be good and be healthy, okay?”

  Dad nodded. “I plan on it.”

  Later they huddled around the television watching the Bears lose their first game of the season. Dad screamed at the TV most of the game, while Hannah reminded him about keeping his blood pressure under control. Aimee cringed when the game was over. She knew Dylan wouldn't be in a great mood when she talked to him later. Aimee wasn't looking forward to their phone call.

  Shortly before midnight, her phone lit up with DT on the screen. Aimee grabbed the phone and answered it as sweetly as possible. She planned to soften the blow of the loss by being as supportive as possible, and listen to him rant and rave.

  Aimee began, “Hey, sweetheart, hard day at the office?”

  “Yeah, it was rough,” he answered. “We really screwed up, and next week we're gonna pay for it at practice.”

  “I'm really sorry. You're right. I should have been there for you.”

  Dylan chuckled. “See, I told you we needed you in the stands for good luck.”

  Great, a laugh. Maybe he won't be bummed tomorrow when we're together. He takes football so seriously, she thought.

  “Well, anyway, we can't slip again,” he continued more seriously. “I hate it, but I think our time together next week isn't gonna amount to much...”

  Aimee interrupted, “What about tomorrow?”

  “We're still on for tomorrow. I'll be by around three, if you'll be back by then.”

  “Heck yes,” she quickly responded. “I'll be back by two.”

  “Okay, let's say two then.”

  She could tell Dylan was spent. Losing was hard. Aimee wanted him to know she was there for him no matter what. She needed to plan something special for their time together.

  “Dylan, I'll let you go. You sound really tired. See you tomorrow.”

  Dylan answered, “Yeah, I'm whipped. See you tomorrow.”

  Aimee put the phone on the bed. No “I love you's” were exchanged, but she knew how he felt. She sighed and turned off the bed lamp. Tomorrow will be a better day, she decided.

  Aimee hadn't been to church in a while, and going with Dad and Hannah uplifted her spirits. A new side of Dad was evident. Eating better. No drinking. Starting to exercise. And even going to church. Dad was a new person. A much happier person. She prayed he would continue his transformation.

  After the service, Aimee bid Dad and Hannah good-bye and promised to come back as soon as possible. She also had to promise she wouldn't tell James and Sacha about their news. That was going to be hard. Aimee knew James would pump her for information when she got home.

  She pulled into the apartment's parking lot at 1:45. Dylan was waiting in his FJ. Aimee jumped out of her car at the same time he popped out of his FJ. They flew into each other's arms and despite being in front of the whole world, they made out for a good minute before both came up for air.

  “Wow!” Dylan started, “I really missed making out with you.”

  Aimee added, “And I've missed making love, too.”

  Dylan laughed. “Well, how about we do something about that.”

  “I think that's a great idea,” she answered.

  “Ian and Sacha home?”

  “I think so. Their cars are here, but I don't really care.” Aimee grabbed Dylan's hand, pulling him towards the apartment.

  Dylan stopped her before Aimee stuck the key into the lock. He casually said, “You know, if we lived together, I wouldn't have to leave, and we wouldn't worry about James and Sacha.”

  She couldn't believe what he suggested. “Dylan, you live in the dorms. We can't live together.”

  “I don't have to stay in the dorms. I can live off campus after this quarter. What do you think?”

  Aimee didn't answer. Dad certainly couldn't disapprove because he and Hannah were living together. James and Sacha would be elated to get their apartment back. And Dylan's mom and stepdad were crazy about her. The only person she worried about was Dylan's father. She knew he had concerns about them even dating. He thought Aimee negatively affected Dylan's performance on the field. Living together wouldn't go over very well with him. Finally Aimee asked, “What would your dad think?”

  “My dad?” Dylan replied surprised. “What does he have to do with us living together?”

  “Dylan, you know your dad doesn't really like me. He thinks I interfere with your career plans.”

  Dylan scoffed. “I don't care what Dad thinks. If he doesn't like us living together, that's his problem.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked. “I mean, I don't want to be an issue for you with your family, or for your place on the team.”

  “Aimee,” Dylan started, “I really miss seeing you everyday. If we're living together, no matter how crazy our schedules are, we at least get to wake up together every morning.”

  Aimee smiled. She loved waking up with Dylan. “Well, if you really don't think it will be a problem for you, I have to say yes. Let's do it.”

  Dylan exclaimed, “Really?!”

  “Really. I miss you so much.”

  “Damn, woman, I didn't think you would say yes this easily. I had a long speech rehearsed to persuade you.”

  “Well save it. You might have to use it with your parents.”

  “And what about Mike?” Dylan asked. “Am I gonna be on his shitlist if we move in together?”

  “He better not have an issue with it.”

  “Dang, aren't you gutsy! I thought all dads had an issue with their daughters shacking up with their boyfriends. You don't think he'll care? You know, I get along with Mike and I'd rather keep it that way.”

  Aimee answered, “He'd be a little two-faced preaching about me living with you.”

  “Two-faced? What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Well, I had a little surprise this weekend.”

  Dylan figured it out before she could tell him. “No kidding?” he asked. “Are you serious? Mike and Dr. Morris?”

  She nodded. “Yep. Dad and Dr. Morris. And not only did she move in with Dad, they're engaged.”

  “No way!” exclaimed Dylan. “Man, who would have thought Dr. Morris and your dad would get married.”

  “Yeah, well, they're tying the knot the day before Thanksgiving,” she paused, then finished with a frown, “...and we're not invited.”

  “What!?” Dylan looked shocked. “How can you not be invited?”

  “They're flying to Las Vegas and going to one of those cheesy wedding chapels, then honeymooning there. So, we kinda got left out of the plans.”

  “Wow. Hmm...” Dyl
an paused while he pondered the news. “Well, I think it'll be good for Mike.”

  Aimee reluctantly had to agree. She knew Dad was going to be lonely with her and James gone. They had always been there to keep him company until now. But then again, they were his flesh and blood, well at least James. You expect your children to grow up and leave. A wife should, hopefully, be there for a life time. “Yeah, I hope,” Aimee answered while she stuck the key in the lock. Before she opened the door Aimee added, “But don't say anything to James or Sacha. They don't know yet. Dad wants to break the news.”

  “Sure thing. I won't ruin Mike's fun.”

  Sacha was washing dishes, and James was in their bedroom. Aimee greeted Sacha, and before Sacha could stop either of them to visit, Aimee seized Dylan's hand and pulled him to her bedroom, shut the door, and locked it.

  Dylan snickered. “Well, that was a tad bit rude, and kinda obvious.”

  Aimee threw down the backpack, kicked off her shoes, and replied, “I don't care.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and attached her lips to his in one second. It took them another thirty seconds to rip each other's clothes off and land on top of the bed.

  Dylan broke off just long enough to say, “Promise me you'll always be like this. Just for me. Okay?”

  “I'm only yours,” she replied breathless.

  “Hmm, I love that,” Dylan said before he continued grazing his lips down her shoulders. The rest of the afternoon was perfect. Just like their first day in Paris, they didn't make it out of bed.

  Chapter 8 Trouble Brewing

  “James,” Aimee started while she moved glasses from the dishwasher into the cabinet.

  “Huh?” he responded, not taking his head out of his physics book.

  “I know it's a month away, but what are you and Sach doing for Thanksgiving?”

  “I don't know. Since Dad and Hannah won't be home, I guess we'll either stay here or go to Sach's aunt and uncle's in Salem. Why?”

  “I'm just wondering. Dylan's gotta be up in Portland for the game, so I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.”

  “Did Dad mess up your holiday plans?”

  “Kinda, but I understand. It's hard for him to take off when he has jobs going. He gives his crew off all four days at Thanksgiving, so I guess it's the best time for him and Hannah to get away.”

  “Well, I for one, would have liked to have had a chance to be at the ceremony to watch the old man take the plunge. How about you?”

  “It would have been nice,” she answered slightly annoyed. “All I can say is you and Sacha better not elope and leave out your family.”

  James scoffed. “I don't think that'll happen. Tina's choppin' at the bit for her baby girl to have a big wedding.”

  Aimee laughed. “You think she'll make it another couple of years until you both graduate?”

  “I don't know. I just know she and Sacha have already started planning. I hope all of our family can make it out to LA.”

  “LA?!” exclaimed Aimee.

  “Yeah, LA. We wanted to get married here in Oregon, but Tina insists we have the ceremony in LA where most of Sacha's family lives.”

  “Oooh,” Aimee commented. “Sounds like you don't really have a say-so in it, do you?”

  “Nope,” he answered, then flipped a page. “But whatever makes Sacha happy is okay with me.”

  James was too easy going to get out of sorts about stuff like where he was going to get married, or have Thanksgiving dinner, or even being left out of Dad's wedding. Aimee wished she could just go with the flow like he did, but she didn't have total control over her life, and she hated the feeling of not knowing what unforeseen event was next, or when it would happen. Somehow she had managed to avoid running into Joseph since their first surprise encounter in Eugene, and she hadn't been sent on a mission in a couple weeks. She figured she was due one or the other...or worse, both.

  Aimee flipped off the kitchen light and started into the living room. “Well, I guess I'll just stay here for Thanksgiving, so if y'all decide to stay, Sach and I can cook, and you can watch football all day.”

  “That's cool,” he answered without looking up from his textbook.

  Aimee started to sit down on the couch, but her cell phone vibrated in her back pocket. She whipped it out. DT was on the screen. Instantly, she had it to her ear and greeted Dylan while she stepped out to the front porch.

  “Hey babe,” she answered, “whatcha doing?”

  “I needed a break from studying. You know I was thinking about Thanksgiving.”

  Aimee chuckled. “James and I were just talking about that. I guess I'm staying here with them since you'll be gone, and Dad and Hannah will be in Las Vegas.”

  “Well, I've got a great idea. I was thinking you could go to Portland with Mom and Paul. They're actually staying at Dad's place, and you can stay there, too. Mom and Gretchen are doing dinner on Thursday, then everyone is going to the game on Friday. Dad keeps about a dozen season tickets every year. You'll be surrounded by a bunch of obnoxious West Columbia alumni, but you, Mom, and Paul can outshout them while we kick their team's ass.”

  Aimee didn't answer fast enough. She loved the idea of going to Dylan's game on Friday, but she wasn't sure it was a good idea to stay at his dad's, especially since Greg didn't like her.

  “So, what do you think?” he asked.

  She paused, then answered, “Uh, I don't know.”

  “Aimee, don't you wanna come watch the game? You know you bring us good luck when you're there.”

  Darn, I have to answer. And I can't say no, Aimee thought. Dylan had pulled out his favorite tactic to get her to say yes; she was the Bear's good luck charm.

  “So, the Bears are gonna win just because I'm there?”

  He replied convincingly, “Yep.”

  “And what about your dad?

  Taken back, Dylan asked, “Dad? What about him?”

  “You think it's a good idea for me to stay at his house? I just don't wanna create any problems for you and your family, especially when everyone is enjoying the holiday and...”

  Before she could finish, Dylan interrupted, “That's ridiculous. I love you. You're my girlfriend, and someday we'll be married, so he either is gonna get over this insane need to control every aspect of my life, or...” He stopped suddenly. His tone was tense. Aimee had obviously hit a nerve. After a few seconds he continued. “Ughhh!” he growled. “You don't know how hard it is being Mr. Greg Townsend's son. But this is one thing that he's not gonna run or ruin. Who I plan on spending the rest of my life with is none of his damn business, and I'll...”

  Aimee couldn't stand Dylan anguishing over this. She jumped in, “Dylan, it's okay. I'm a big girl. I can handle your dad. Before our time together is over, he'll be so happy I'm your girlfriend, he'll want us to come visit all of the time.”

  Dylan settled down. “Wow, you're amazing. I think you might just bowl over my old man with your charm.”

  “I'm gonna try my best,” she assured him.

  “So, that's a yes, you'll go to my dad's, and then the game the next day?”

  “Yep, it's a yes. I'll go so I can cheer the Bears on to victory.”

  Dylan chuckled. “Cool. Well, I guess I better get back to studying. I'll call you in the morning. Sleep tight, sweetheart.”

  “You, too. I love you.”

  Dylan replied, “Love you more.”

  The weeks seemed to fly by even faster in college. It was almost the end of October. Aimee hadn't had a lot of time to socialize with anyone, except the couple of hours with Ashley a few weeks earlier and an occasional call with Chels. What little time after school and work she had left over was dedicated to Dylan. While she trained, Aimee had met a couple girls, Sarah and Lynn, who also were serious runners. Both of them went to UC, and they were a couple. Aimee hadn't ever known anyone who was gay when she was at East Medford, but she imagined there were people there who were, but just didn't feel comfortable letting the whole world know, or perhaps it just
didn’t matter to her who was into who. Sarah and Lynn were totally cool, and she enjoyed running and talking with them. The three of them were out early one morning getting in a run together. Sarah and Lynn started chatting about a party they were throwing on Saturday at their place.

  Sarah said to Lynn in between labored breaths, “Hey...don't let me go by and pick up...uh...some pumpkins later. ...We need carve them...tomorrow.”

  Lynn answered, also panting, “Okay...we still need...uh...a few more decorations.”

  Aimee popped in, “Sounds like y'all...are having”

  Sarah answered, “ about you and...Dylan...come? It's a costume party...but you... don't have to...dress up, if you...don't want to.”

  “Yeah, we haven't...gotten Dylan,” Lynn added. “It's fun. Lot's of....people are coming.”

  A Halloween party. Aimee never liked going trick-or-treating as a kid, but Chelsea loved creating themed costumes for them to wear, so she really didn't have a choice. And she and Dylan hadn't gone out to a party since the barbecue at his friends' house, and that was a disaster.

  Aimee started to answer, “ sounds like fun, but...”

  “No buts....” Lynn said. “We haven't got to meet...this star boyfriend of you're coming...right?”

  “Yeah, gotta come....” Sarah chimed in. “And don't's a mixed party...most of our friends are...straight.”

  Aimee hadn't thought of that being a problem. It was just she didn't want a repeat of the last party they went to, but she really wanted to do something fun. College life, so far, hadn't been very exciting.

  “Sure....” she began, “I'll check with...Dylan...but I'm sure we'll be come by...since it's after the game.”

  “Great!” Sarah and Lynn answered together.

  After the run, Aimee went back to the apartment, showered, dressed, ate a bowl of cereal, and took off for class. Dylan called just as she pulled into student parking.

  “Hey, good morning,” Aimee greeted after getting the phone to her ear.


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