Double Plush Velvet BBW Romance (Velvet Series)

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Double Plush Velvet BBW Romance (Velvet Series) Page 5

by Leanore Elliott

  He looked at her burned finger and released a heavy sigh. “Now why did you go and hurt yourself?”

  Bren shook her head and floundered for an answer, because it wasn’t like she’d done it on purpose.

  “First off?” He spoke as he blew lightly onto her finger, and then switched to nuzzling her neck. “I want to apologize.”

  Bren’s body tingled all over at the warmth from his breath on her skin. She’d never received an apology like this one before.

  “For acting like an ass before.”

  “It’s ok---”

  “No, it’s not okay.” He placed a hot kiss onto her neck.

  This hunky cowboy was almost too much to take while his hands were all over her and his hot mouth was busy caressing her skin. Bren knew her panties were now thoroughly soaked. “Well, the truth is, I did come out here chasing Travis,” she admitted in a small voice.

  His whole body stiffened beneath her.

  “But was he ever the wrong man!” Bren tried to explain. She decided right then and there, to shoot this big fat white elephant in the room good and dead.

  Trevor released her and stood up.

  Desperate to convince him, she turned to face him. “Just listen, okay?”

  He looked upset but gave a silent nod.

  “I wondered at first, why he suddenly seemed sexier and more—friendly.” She gulped at his hard expression. “Then, I noticed how you looked me in the eyes when you talked.”

  Crossing his arms over his wide chest, he seemed to be listening to her speech.

  “Then? You smelled so fucking good!” She looked into his blue eyes. “I did wonder why I never noticed the cotton candy before.”

  Looking puzzled by the remark, he dropped his arms and took a step closer.

  “I realized that he had the looks that turned me on.”

  At the admission, Trevor made fists at his sides.

  “But he didn’t have a warm personality like you do. So sexy and sweet. So---”

  He grabbed her arms.

  Continuing with her explanation while fighting to ignore the heat from his hands, she kept talking. “I—I saw the differences then. He is so self absorbed, while you are so open and kind.”

  “Stop,” he ordered.

  “No, I won’t,” she whispered while knowing she just had to climb out of this greasy jar effect that seemed to keep him doubtful all the time. “You think your brother is who I’m after, and that is just not true. I will never regret following him out here though, because I found you!”

  He blinked his eyes at her pledging words.

  Now that was a speech! Her heart pounded in her chest. Knowing that this might just be the defining double-barreled moment that would make or break this quest of getting her man, Bren was shaking all over.

  “Why are you shaking?” He gazed down at her body.

  “Because of you—“ she answered honestly. “I shake whenever you look at me, I guess?”

  A smile spread out on his lips. “Really?”

  “I’ve been trying so hard to hide it. You know? To act cool and all?”

  His expression looked tender again, as he chuckled and yanked her closer. Her breasts smashed so sweetly up against his broad chest. “Okay, so your list of differences does pass for sure.”

  Bren lay her face onto his neck. “Really?”

  “I was gonna take it slow, but…”

  But? Bren screamed in her mind. Just take it fast and I will hang on for dear life.

  Abrupt like, he reached down, tugging at her shirt, pulling it up and over her head.

  Bren was gasping, as she didn’t expect this. Oh yes, she had wanted this, but never thought it would happen so soon. She hoped with a wince that the flour from her blouse didn’t flake off and drift all around them.

  Tossing the flour-dusted shirt to the floor, he lowered his hands to her jeans. “That is, if you’re willing?”

  Willing? Oh, my God! I am, but am I able? She giggled with a nervous titter.

  At her funny mirth-filled noise, he paused.

  Adjusting her expression to serious, she lowered her shaking fingers to her jeans and unbuttoned them.

  He grabbed the jean material and finished tugging them down.

  Okay, here is where I may just get my heart broken. What is he going to think of my pudgy—?

  Trevor then yanked her jeans clean off her body while he raised her up.

  He’s peeling my clothes off like I was a banana! But I know a Chiquita never had it so dammed good! Bren held her breath and willed her heart to keep steady.

  Swinging her around like she was a saddle over his shoulder, he sat her down onto the wooden table. He then scooted her back.

  Ill at ease while up on a table like this, all exposed in broad daylight with all of her imperfections glaring, Bren trembled a little. Suddenly, she finally knew what her mom had meant about always shaving to keep your lady-like swing going.

  With him looking at her, she swallowed heavily. She did feel like a main course now, like she was going to be a—

  Lowering his lips to her tummy, he gave her skin there a warm swipe with his tongue.

  —feast. Her thoughts ran wild. Oh, wow!

  He chuckled and tugged her panties away. “I’ve wanted to taste your velvety skin for a long while now.”

  She was surprised by that admission but she was distracted with trying to seem composed and couldn’t think about it much. Bren knew her juices were evident all over those ruined cotton underwear and she didn’t want him to know she was that hot for him.

  Studying her face, he then swung his gaze down to the panties he held in his fist. He raised them up and saw the telltale moisture smeared on the cotton material.

  Bren was mortified as she sat shivering on the table.

  Trevor looked up and saw her expression. “You’re not alone.” He dropped the panties and unbuttoned his fly.

  Bren gulped heavily as she watched. Oh my, am I really watching this hot cowboy stripping for me? Bren Plush—you have hit the hard cowboy jackpot!

  Unzipping, the large bulge in his briefs was evident. Pulling his cock free of the material, it sprung up rigid and erect.

  She let out a little squeak at just the size and beauty of him. “Oh!” she gasped out and scooted back with a start.

  He looked startled by her reaction, then he threw his head back and laughed.

  Awed, she bit at her lip and stared down at his awesome package.

  “Look closer.” Trevor was still chuckling as he spoke.

  Hesitant, she gulped again; if I get any closer, I may just explode! But she couldn’t help it, she lowered her greedy gaze.

  A little bit of pre-cum was oozing from the tip of his wonderfully erect and delicious looking cock.

  “Oh…” She sighed and her gaze shot up to his face.

  “Yep, it works both ways, beautiful.”

  Beautiful? Bren sucked in a stunned breath.

  Her expression must have showed pure astonishment, as Trevor grabbed her face with both hands. “That’s right, you’re fucking gorgeous, and you turn me on like no other woman I’ve seen!”

  Astounded, she looked into his sky colored eyes. “Really?” she asked with a shitload of doubt in her tone.

  “I guess I will just have to show you.” He winked at her and tugged his jeans off.

  Bren openly gaped. I thought he would be awesomely built, but this? He was hotter than butter on popcorn!

  Trevor stood up and took off his tee shirt. He had muscular thighs while his tummy was hard and ribbed with washboard looking abs.

  Her mouth watered at just the thought of what that delicious tummy would taste like. Bren swiped her lip with her tongue. Reaching up, she placed two fingers onto her mouth. I hope my drool isn’t showing!

  Wearing a nervous expression, he watched her face.

  During this glorious peep show, she realized that she badly wanted to see that great ass which had been hidden by his jean pockets all day,
while she dreamed she was those very pockets. Somehow, her earlier fear was overwhelmed by her want for this hard-bodied cowboy. “I do like the front of you, but would you mind turning around?”

  Trevor looked startled, and then he laughed. “You have to let me finish what I planned first and I need to ask you for a favor too.”

  Disappointment rushed through her at the fact that she wasn’t going to get a peek at the tight butt but she was a bit relived too. After all, he hadn’t even really touched her yet and she didn’t know how much more excitement she could hold before she climaxed like a fool. “A favor?” she repeated breathlessly. I would probably walk buck naked across Death Valley if you asked me to!

  “Please try to keep that velvety looking tongue in your mouth, okay?”

  Puzzled by the odd request, she looked into his gaze. “What?”

  He shook his head with amusement. “I can’t take the sight of too many swipes of that velvety looking tongue, because I may just attack you for it.”

  Oh, attack, attack! Batting her eyes, Bren wondered if she should pinch herself. She reached over to her forearm and did just that. “Oww!”

  Trevor looked confused now. “What the…?”

  Bren swallowed nervously again. “I was just checking?”

  He raised his gaze to her face and laughed again. “I never met a woman that made me laugh so much.”

  The compliment felt good, but she didn’t want to be his comedian, she wanted to be more than just a laugh. Unable to help herself, she thought about what his brother had said and she knew this was the Popsicle flavor she craved for sure. She stared at that smooth chest and licked her lips again.

  “I warned you!” he seethed and grabbed her arms, laying her back onto the table.

  Bren was startled and her body tingled all over with an almost fevered anticipation. A cold bit of what felt like metal touched her chest. Her anticipation turned into confusion as she raised her head a little to see he was using a small steak knife to cut the center of her bra. Oh, my God, could he do anything sexier? I will just bet it gets even hotter before this cowboy is through. Her mind reeled as she felt like one of those girls in a romance book and he was actually looking at her like she was one of those hot babes.

  Pop. The material gave way and her breasts bounced free.

  “Oh…” he breathed out.

  Bren was terrified by his reaction. She had big boobs that she was certain were too pudgy and she was self-conscious about it.

  The seemingly entranced cowboy climbed up onto the table. Carefully, as if she might be some kind of breakable china, Trevor straddled her body with his nude form. He looked as if he was the one in awe, as he lowered his mouth to one of her hardened buds. “This will be probably more than I can take…” His warm mouth latched on and he sucked on it.

  “Ahh.” Bren thought she might come right then, as her body became a live electric wire. Could a person really self-combust?

  With a low moan in his throat, he nibbled her nipple with his teeth.

  Her body jumped and twitched helplessly. I’m gonna go off like a Chinese firecracker in just a few seconds! She swore she could even hear her nerves popping in reaction to his blazing mouth.

  Trevor raised his passion tinged gaze. “God, you have the most perfect breasts I’ve ever—tasted.”

  Shocked again, Bren thought for a second that maybe she was at home in her apartment after all. Yeah, that was it. She was reading this in a book and maybe just dreaming herself into this entire fantasy. That explains it. This had to be a fantasy!

  Latching onto her other nipple, he moaned loudly again.

  The feeling was simply supreme, an ecstasy she’d certainly never felt before, and the sexy man moan just took her breath away. “Oh, please don’t,” she pleaded softly.

  He raised his head. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, it’s just that I---”

  He smiled at her and lowered his hand to her labia. “Open up for me, sweet Miss Plush.”

  Her panting grew even more rapid. There! That proves it! This is all a dream. But I am so gonna enjoy it! She spread her thighs.

  With a slow, sensuous rhythm, Trevor stroked her clit with his warm fingers.

  It was the most glorious feeling. Like being tortured with pleasure and the adrenaline rushed through her body. Pure, fiery heat spread along her legs all the way up to her face. “I can’t handle it!” she whispered. “I mean it, I can’t.”

  Removing his finger with a sigh, he lay his warm body over hers. “What am I doing wrong?”

  Bren was so enjoying the feel of that sleek skin rubbing along hers, but couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Wrong?”

  “Maybe you weren’t ready and I rushed this?”

  I’ve been waiting for something like this my entire dull life. At the very mistaken conclusion he’d come up with, she started to laugh.

  Trevor jerked his head back and he looked hurt.

  Startled, Bren grabbed his face. “You are doing it all right.” She pulled his head down. “Too right! I was asking for mercy, because I can’t—might not be able to make it through much more.”

  He looked into her eyes. “Oh, that’s what you meant?”

  At his sweet, tender expression, Bren’s heart just somehow bulged in her chest. He seemed to want to please her so much and the worry was etched onto his handsome face. As the feelings his expression brought sank in, a fear rose up so big inside her, she thought she might hyperventilate.

  The fantasy-dream feeling almost skidded to a shuddering halt. “Oh, God. You could break my heart!” The realization crashed over her, like a tidal wave covering a town. “I thought I was brave, I thought I could be like—?” Her words came out in a fear-filled rush. “— that I could go after what I wanted for once.” Tears formed in her eyes. “But…” Her breathing came in panicked gasps.

  Looking troubled by her confession, he became very quiet.

  She stared at his face and felt dumb for the admittance and like she really messed up. “I wish I hadn’t said that.”

  Trevor looked serious as he gazed into her eyes. “I feel the same way.”

  Bren scoffed, “Yeah, right!”

  “Yeah, why couldn’t you break my heart too?”

  She was baffled. “No way—a guy like you?”

  “It could happen, you know? Hell, no one is perfect and maybe you just think I’m all this Mister wonderful stuff and then one day, you’ll think, hell, he isn’t all that much!”

  Bren was shocked to her core. A man who looked, sounded, and acted like he does? He felt the same insecurities underneath that she did?

  He gave her a shy looking smile. “I wanted to just take your breath away, you know? Bring you here and strip you down. Then, I was going to get very fancy and eat fried chicken from your sweet, luscious body. But I want you so much that I just can’t wait.” He wrapped his arms around her and plunged his hard cock into her very wet pussy.

  “Oh!” she shouted with the glorious intrusion.

  Plunging deeper, he continued to pound into her. “Does this hurt?” He gave her that dazzling smile.

  Bren was panting and writhing beneath him. She could feel that glorious cock of his caressing her insides like a hard smooth tool of pleasure. He’s taking my breath away, all right! She was so wet she could hear his pumping into her. “Oh God, Trevor, yes, hurt me some more!”

  Holding her closer, he plunged into her faster and faster. “I’m glad to hear that, because it’s killing me!”

  Her body coiled from the heated friction and the way he seemed to keep hitting her newly found g-spot. She trembled with an absolutely overwhelming ecstasy, like a leaf rattling in the wind. “Oh, ahh.” She was having the biggest orgasm of her life and it did happen as sudden as she’d thought it would. “Oh, I’ve never—had, I—” she gasped and her body arched in glorious, unbelievable pleasure. This was an incredible thing for Bren; she’d never felt anything like it before in all her life.

Trevor’s body grew rigid as well, as he moaned low in his throat. “Mmm, my sweet Plush, we’re coming together so well!”

  She was gasping for air. “Yes, y-yes—we are!”

  He smothered her mouth with his and he tasted so wonderful. Just like cotton candy! She giggled with exhilaration while being joined with him in all the right places. Reaching lower, she grabbed those firm ass cheeks liked she’d wanted to do all damn day and with an excited relish, she squeezed them hard. “The topper of it all!”

  “Oh, and it hurt so good!” He chuckled.

  They both laughed breathlessly.


  Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.

  They moved to the chair and Bren was still shivering from just the feel of his skin touching hers. The whole thing was just incredible. Her previous nightly fantasies about this became pale visions that poofed to nothing as she hung onto the hot cowboy. Her body had never felt so thoroughly pounded before. She reached for the beer and took a thirsty swig.

  Holding her in his naked lap, he watched her drink a huge gulp. “Thirsty, are we?”

  She peeked one eye at him and lowered the bottle with a smack of her lips. “You are some kind of man, you know that?”

  He chuckled and reached down, tweaking her nipples with his fingers. “I have yet to begin, sweet woman.”

  Bren set the bottle down.

  “I figure we can now play more, seeing as we couldn’t contain ourselves before?” He gave her one of his blue-eyed winks.

  Her throat had swelled up at the feeling from his skilled fingers.

  “I am gonna do all the things I’ve been thinking about ever since I first saw you.”

  Her head was spinning and her body was throbbing as just the word do whirled around in her foggy mind.

  “That day when I first saw you? You know, when I ordered fried chicken at the diner? I had hoped you were single.” He lowered his lips to her neck.

  This new information came like a drenching cold rain along her body as Bren froze. “What?”

  He raised his head, immediately noticing her stunned expression.


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