Double Plush Velvet BBW Romance (Velvet Series)

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Double Plush Velvet BBW Romance (Velvet Series) Page 7

by Leanore Elliott

  “Is this just your truck? I mean, are you the only one who ever drives it?”

  Wrinkling his brow at a question that must have seemed like it came from nowhere, he shrugged. “Yeah, why? You wanna see my license and registration now?” he joked.

  “No, but I need to know if Travis ever drives it.”

  At the mention of his brother, his whole demeanor seemed to change. “No, he has his own vehicle and he can drive it to hell for all I—” He shook his head.

  Bren let out a big breath. “Okay, well I have my own confession to tell then.”

  At the announcement, he looked pained.

  “I sort of, maybe…like—? Well, I stalked you too, I guess?”

  Looking stunned, he tilted his hat back.

  “Sometimes, when you left the diner, I would sneak out just to watch you get into this truck.”


  She nodded. “But, well…you can see why I’m having a tough time here, don’t you?”

  Trevor nodded and looked out through the windshield. “You mean you couldn’t figure out just who you may have been stalking?”

  “Yes!” she answered. “I also don’t want to drive you away because of that selfish brother of yours.”

  “Well, truth be told, he said something selfish about you, back at the garage just now.”

  Bren gulped and stared at him.

  “He said you had the hots for him first and…”

  Bren gasped, as his voice faded away. “Well, seeing how I was stalking you in this very truck more than once? I’m not so sure that it wasn’t you I had the hots for all along anyhow, but I dang well know who it is I want now!”

  “Are you sure?”

  Nodding her head, she grabbed his hands. “See this?” She looked down at his large warm palm.

  Gazing down at her grip, Trevor looked puzzled.

  “You have hands that show how hard you’ve worked all your life.”

  He shook his head at her while looking bewildered.

  Bren turned his hand over. “There are tiny scars all along your fingers here on your left hand.” She lowered her lips and kissed his scarred knuckles just like she’d promised herself. “And see this here?” She pointed at the long scar on his right palm. “I’ll just bet this came from a rope burn when you were wrangling calves at brandin’ time.”

  Sitting still, he looked stunned.

  “Now, just to be clear, I’ve never held your brother’s hands like this, but I noticed he has smooth, soft looking hands.”

  He remained mute as he stared hard at her face.

  “Also?” She reached up, threading her fingers under his hat and through his silky dark hair. “You have curly, wavy hair and he has straight hair.”

  Trevor did look surprised.

  “One other thing and you gotta promise not to get a big ego.”

  He tugged his hat back down and gave her one of those teasing winks. “With you around, it’s already getting so huge that I may just pop!”

  Bren laughed as she continued, “Well, you’re more built than him, like he slumps when he is standing, while you stand with your back straight. He seems to have muscles, but they seem to be superficial and not as refined as yours.”

  Trevor stared hard at her as she spoke.

  “Now, I don’t know what the heck happened between you, him and that Vikki person, but I want you to know that I’ll never get confused again!” There, she did it! She gave him both barrels and she laid her cards out for him to see.

  He nodded, though he still looked a little dazed at her succinct knowledge of so many small details.

  Feeling good now that she cleared the air about mixing the two men up, she gave him one of her wickedest winks. “So, why don’t ya come on up to my apartment with me, big boy…” she added in her best Mae West voice.

  Grinning, he gave her a salute. “Well, you won’t have to ask me twice, Miss Plush!” He got out of the truck and rushed around the front. Opening the heavy truck door for her, he grabbed her up and swung her out. He swiveled around and slammed it shut with a kick of his cowboy boot.

  Giggling, she was startled when he didn’t put her down right away. “Um, Trevor?”

  “Yes?” He was still smiling as he made his way through the entrance.

  “You do realize that it’s two flights up to my apartment, right?”

  “So?” He gazed down at her face. “It’s also a million miles to heaven and yet I’m there!”

  At his sweet romantic words, Bren’s heart hammered in her chest while she wondered what her neighbors would think about some hunky man carrying her all the way to her door. Ah hell, it’s about time I finally gave them something naughty to talk about. “Well, then I do have another odd question,” she added, as he was already halfway up the second flight.

  Halting his jaunty steps, he stared down at her face, and he looked a little anxious. “Yeah?”

  Biting her lip, a hundred good, wild momma lines danced in her head, begging to be said, but she figured she’d now make up some of her own. “Um, do you like to take your rose scented bubble baths with or without wearing your cowboy hat?”

  Trevor lifted his head, as he seemed to think about the answer very carefully. “Well, Miss Plush, I don’t know if we should be taking a bubble bath on our first date and all.”

  This answer wasn’t what she expected or what she’d hoped to hear and she felt that tilting downhill feeling again.

  “Seeing as to how I’ve never even brought you roses or fed you M&M’s yet.” He gazed down at her while his cobalt eyes sparkled from beneath that dusty cowboy hat.

  A very big lump formed in her throat as she gazed up at the cowboy who she now knew for sure would star in more than just her dreams.

  “But maybe, I could just owe you a mighty truckload of roses and I do have a possibly melted pack of M&M’s in my pocket?”

  Bren suddenly knew for sure that she’d been mightily mistaken before. This? Right here—right now? Was the finest breathless moment of her life, like none other before. “Well, Mister Sweet Cheeks, we’d best hurry up. If they’re in your hot pockets? They might all just melt without me!”

  At her comical answer, Trevor let out a huge laugh as he rushed up the rest of the steps to her apartment door.


  Leanore got one of those epiphanies with this story. It’s happened before and that means the second in this series has already started and should be out in a very short time. I am hoping this series will strike a chord, make you hope for the bigger gal, laugh and be entertained. After all, my momma always said, sex and laughter do go very well together, but I always wondered which was more important?

  Look for Leanore’s 16 other Erotic/Erotica genre books at Amazon:




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