No Promises

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No Promises Page 7

by N. Raines

"Oof!" she cried, nearly bouncing off his broad chest. He quickly steadied her and skimmed his hands down her shoulders to hold her tenderly. The expression on his face was one of gratitude and relief.

  He sighed. "Thank God."

  Bewilderment found her at a loss for words. "You…what're you doing down here?"

  His mouth quirked in a small, embarrassed smile. "I was about to make a liar of myself and my noble words. Thanks for saving me from that."

  Her fears transformed into tiny balloons of joy, turning her whole body light. She touched his shapely, so kissable lips with her finger. "My pleasure."

  He kissed the finger, teased it with his tongue. Sam's knees wobbled when he nipped it, and her core turned warm and melty. As she sagged into him, his arms enfolded her and her head rested on his chest, where she felt the steady thump of his heartbeat.

  His breath was warm, tickling her ear. "Come upstairs with me?"

  She sighed. "Yes."

  The stairs were narrow, but somehow they managed the climb, kissing all the way. When Sam almost lost her footing, Rick caught her and saved her from going down hard. Once they reached the loft, they couldn't stop touching each other.

  She slid her hands over the soft, worn cotton of his T-shirt, loving the breadth of his shoulders, the strength of his biceps. As her hands wandered, her lips followed their own path. She trailed kisses across his chest while he nuzzled her neck, his hot, moist breath sending shivers through her. Her nipples beaded to tight points, and her legs felt as wobbly as custard.

  When she slipped her fingers under his shirt, eager for the feel of his naked flesh, she gasped. His skin was so warm and supple. So alive. She bunched the material of his shirt, tugging it up his torso. She'd seen his bare chest only once, and now her mouth watered at the prospect of seeing it again. "Take it off," she pleaded. "Please?"

  His dark eyes were hot with want. He snatched a hard, hungry kiss from her before he whipped off the shirt and tossed it aside. Where it landed, Sam had no clue. Nor did she care. She was transfixed by the sight of Rick's beautiful body.

  Touching him was like touching a living work of art. Sam gave her fingers free license to drift across his abs, up his muscled chest. She felt the quiver of his flesh, heard his quick intake of breath as she circled his dark nipple. Felt his powerful embrace as she traced his areola with her tongue.

  "God." He kissed her again, his lips as soft as a whisper.

  He sank to his narrow bed and patted the mattress, an invitation to sit beside him. Before she could get her hands on him again, he eased her own shirt up her middle. "Your turn." He grinned. "Fair's fair, after all."

  The butterflies that had been fluttering in her middle earlier were back in force, and they brought all their friends with them. Sam swallowed hard. It wasn't so much she was scared for him to see her naked. She was definitely a member of the itty-bitty titty committee, but he already knew that. He wouldn't expect a centerfold.

  And it wasn't that she didn't want to sleep with him. Hell, she was so hot for him she was practically combusting. But there was something he didn't know. Something she was scared to tell him.

  The proverbial angel and devil perched on her shoulders. Say something! the angel hissed in her ear. You've got to tell him.

  The little red devil poked her with his pitchfork. You do that, he won't want you anymore.

  Yes, he will. He's not that kind of guy.

  You'll scare him off, the devil hissed. He won't want that kind of responsibility.

  It's not fair to him, halo-head murmured. You have to tell him the truth.

  Nuh-uh. Not when she was inches from a hot, half-naked man who wanted to sex her. No way would she risk messing this up. Sam shrugged the angel off her shoulder and down he tumbled, ass over halo.

  The devil pumped his fist. "Yeah!" Then he melted away.

  Rick whisked off her shirt and drew back, wide-eyed at the sight of her bra. Sheer, ice blue, trimmed with lace. Yeah, no one would guess from her normal schlumpy attire, but underneath the T-shirts and jeans, Sam loved her some sexy lingerie.

  He traced the scallops of lace at the tops of her breasts. "Pretty." The corner of his mouth hitched up. "But I bet you're even prettier without it."

  He reached behind her to unfasten the bra while she peppered kisses along his throat and jaw. Then he drew back and gazed as the garment came away, the straps sliding down her arms. A tiny, cowardly part of Sam wanted to quail and cover her breasts, but her braver self rallied. The heat and admiration in his eyes made her proud. Womanly. She inhaled deeply and drew back her shoulders. Her nipples tightened into hard buds under his gaze. They ached. If only he'd stroke them, play with her. Her core pulsed. She needed him to touch her now.

  And thankfully, he did. She shivered as his roughened fingertips teased her nipples. The heat and suction of his mouth when he took one between his lips had her arching against him, scrabbling her hands through his hair.

  As amazing as it felt, she grew hungry for more of his kisses. Tugging gently at his scalp, she urged his face up to hers. Rick eased her back onto the thin mattress, against the lumpy pillow, as he rained kisses on her forehead, cheeks, eyelids, and lips. She returned his kisses frantically. Finally, their lips collided and clung.

  Tender kisses turned bolder as they explored each other's mouths, as their tongues stroked and caressed playfully, then purposefully. While they kissed, Rick unzipped her jeans and worked them down her thighs. Their mouths broke apart long enough for her to wriggle out of the jeans and kick them away. She was left naked now but for the panties that matched her bra. Panties so sheer they revealed the dark thatch of hair at the crux of her thighs. She blushed as he stared at her and bucked when his fingers trailed over the leg band. She held her breath as he brushed the silky panel between her legs. Could he feel how damp it was?

  Heat suffused her chest and belly and traveled downward, concentrating between her thighs. Rick's lips followed the flush rising on her skin. He kissed down her sternum, dipped to her ribs, across her concave belly. He circled her belly button with his tongue, then trailed a warm, wet path along her hip.

  Sam's heart thundered, and her throat filled with emotion when he pressed his face to the juncture of her thigh and nuzzled her there, inhaling her scent. A tiny orgasm quivered through her. When he pulled back, Rick's expression was taut, his eyes hooded. He hooked his fingers in her panties and drew them down her legs, staring in her eyes the entire time.

  Then he stood, shucked off his pants. When he adjusted the hard bulge distending the front of his boxer briefs, Sam's hands curled. She wanted to be the one touching him. "Come here," she murmured, and when he complied, she stroked him through the soft cotton, feeling each bump and ridge. He covered her hand with his, guiding her. "Oh. Yeah. Feels so good."

  He stopped her, then stepped back and peeled off his briefs. When his cock sprang free, Sam was transfixed. The only word that came to mind was wow. Not because he was so huge, because how would she know? Not because she had some lame thought like it won't fit, because of course it would. She was simply overwhelmed with this man's beauty and the fact that he wanted to be with her.


  He scooped up his pants, extracted his wallet, and pulled a packet from within. Grinning, he flashed it at her. "We're gonna need this."

  "Do they go out of date? Hope it's still good," she replied.

  "Hell yeah. It hasn't been in there that long."

  "And you said you're not a player," she teased. But she wasn't complaining. She was glad he had some protection.

  "Not a player. Just ever hopeful." He waggled his heavy brows. "I've only got the one, though. We'll have to make this good."

  "It will be." No matter what happened. Just being with him was a fantasy come true. She wanted to make the most of it, indulge in every naughty thought she'd ever had.

  He palmed the condom, then eased next to her on the narrow mattress. "Sorry, tight squeeze."

  Fine with her. A pe
rfect excuse to slide her arm around his neck, press him close. Feel his heartbeat. "That's cool. We'll manage."

  Minutes passed, minutes of kisses and caresses, playing and teasing, whispers and gasps and moans. Sam shifted and squirmed as Rick played with her breasts, alternating between gentle strokes and firm tugs at nipples. He kept her off balance, unsure what to expect next. He moved down her torso, dropping whisper-soft kisses along her shoulders, around her nipples, across her belly.

  When his hand slipped between her thighs, Sam opened. Her skin bloomed with heat; her belly grew taut as his fingers moved easily through her slickness. She was almost embarrassed by how wet she was, but that was good, right? And Rick didn't seem to mind. He played with her a bit, tickling and circling, yet always zoning back in on the cluster of nerves at her center. She curled her hips, moving into his touch. Need concentrated in her core, need winding tighter and tighter until at last it uncoiled like a spring. Shimmers of pleasure coursed through her in waves while white sparks crackled behind her eyes. Bliss.

  Her eyelids fluttered open a little later as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Rick smiled down at her, his gaze tender. "You good?"

  She felt too languid to speak. "Mm-hmm."

  He traced his finger down her cheek. "You ready for more?"

  Instantly she was alert. While she'd been in nirvana, he'd put on the condom and was ready to rock and roll. She shifted her hips and widened her thighs to make him welcome. "Yes."

  He knelt between her legs and she tensed, expecting him to take his pleasure quickly. It was only fair, since she'd already come. But he surprised her by teasing his fingers down her torso, stroking and playing. Working her up again. When he lowered his mouth to hers, she never wanted the kiss to end.

  At last he pulled back and snugged her hips close as his hard cock prodded her entrance. Their gazes locked and Sam's chest filled with an overwhelming sense of trust and connection. He felt it too; she was sure.

  Still, it hurt. She tried not to move as he pushed inside her, but she couldn't hide her sharp intake of breath, her wince of pain.

  All at once Rick went still. Sam wanted to cry in frustration. She dug her fingers into his biceps, afraid he'd pull away.

  His eyes popped wide in shock. A moment later his features softened in an expression of concern and confusion. "Sam. Tell me the truth. Have you ever done this before?"

  Crap. She felt like such a loser. Her eyes stung with stupid tears of embarrassment. "Please don't stop."

  His shoulders sagged. His face went blank. "You haven't."

  "I want to now." She curled her fingers around his forearms. "Please don't make me feel stupid."

  He groaned. "Oh, baby. It is so not stupid." He swooped down to steal a kiss. When he pulled back, uncertainty flashed across his face. "Are you sure?"

  "Yes. Yes!" Which was a little better than screaming, Do it, already! She'd already waited too long. If she didn't do it now, when would she have the chance again? And where would she ever find a partner as hot as Rick?

  Thank God, he didn't disappoint her. He pushed forward, inch by inch, filling her, and while it hurt some, it also felt…sort of strange. Well, duh, Sam.

  Rick was deep inside her now. His jaw was clenched, his eyes narrowed to slits. "You okay?"

  "Yeah." She shifted experimentally, and he moaned again. She felt stretched, very full. Uncomfortable. Her eyes filled with tears, but not of pain. She was really doing this. With Rick.

  "Good." He pushed the word through gritted teeth. "I've got to move now."

  "Yes." She tried to wriggle closer.

  He held her hips and withdrew a bit, then thrust forward. "Let me know if it hurts."

  "Uh-huh." She barely absorbed his warning. Her thoughts whirled. Only one thing resounded. She wasn't a virgin anymore. She was having sex.

  Sex with a gorgeous guy any woman would want to be with. A guy who was sweet and caring. Who wanted to make it good for her. Who was making it good. She'd never forget this night, no matter what.

  His movements, tentative at first, soon grew more assured. "Ah. Not gonna last. You feel so good, babe."

  His praise filled her with warmth. Each time he pressed forward, she curled her hips to meet him. She could only stare at his face, at the way his lips pressed tight and his eyelids closed as he strove for his own climax. Wanting to help him, wanting him to come, she grabbed his hips. "Yes. Come on."

  He went still, deep inside her, his arms trembling as he came. Moments later, his mouth fell slack. Then, as he blinked at her, his mouth curved into a soft, relaxed smile. "Man. So good."

  He withdrew and sank beside her on the narrow mattress. It was a tight squeeze, but Sam didn't mind. They exchanged moist kisses, their limbs entangled.

  "Where you going?" she asked sleepily when he slipped off the bed.

  "Just taking care of the rubber."

  He disappeared into the tiny bathroom. Though he was only gone a minute, she missed him and welcomed him back with a smile and hug. Her heartbeat stuttered at his serious expression.

  "Are you happy?"

  She couldn't imagine being happier. "Oh, yes."

  "And you feel all right?"

  It was sweet, his concern for her. "If I felt any better, I'd be floating around the room." She snickered, imagining herself bobbing in the air like a helium balloon.

  He gave her a little smile. "Good."

  Sam sighed, snuggling her head to his chest. People joked that guys only wanted sleep after sex, but she found her own eyes closing.

  He murmured in her ear. "Can I ask you something?"

  She was so deliciously sleepy she barely heard the question. "Hmm? Sure."

  "How come you've never done it before?"

  Oh. That question. Sam was suddenly alert. Her eyes shot open.

  "Were you, like, saving yourself or something?"

  Saving herself. How do you save something no one wants in the first place? She floundered for an explanation that wouldn't make her sound pathetic, like a total loser. She settled on the truth. "It wasn't hard. Nobody offered."

  "What?" Lifting her chin, he frowned as though he suspected she was fibbing. "Seriously?"

  She tried not to meet his eyes as her face grew hot. "Come on. Guys want sexy chicks with big boobs and long hair. Hotties they can parade on their arms, not flat-chested girls with no booty."

  He palmed her butt. "I like your booty."

  She snuggled closer to him, enjoying the naughty feel of his hands on her. "That's one, then. Thanks."

  "No, really. Didn't you ever like a guy enough to…you know, make the offer?"

  Sam stiffened. Should she tell him about Cody? No, that would only make her seem more pitiful. "I was one of the guys for so long that they never saw me as a possible girlfriend."

  She'd sidestepped his question, but to her relief he didn't pursue it. Jeez, it wasn't that big a deal, was it? She was starting to feel positively freakish. "You know, there are a few of us still out there in the wilds. We virgins aren't exactly an endangered species." Vinegar laced her tone.

  He puffed his chest in a parody of manly pride, clowning with her. "Well, you can't say I haven't done my part."

  "Yeah." She tweaked his chest hair. "This former virgin says you the man all right."

  He kissed her shoulder, sending chills through her. "Seriously, though. I'm, uh, I'm…"

  "Honored?" It was her turn to clown. She put on her most queenly attitude, looking down her nose at him. "Well, you should be." Time to change the subject. He'd questioned her; it was only fair that she get to ask him a few things.

  Rick stroked her hair, petting it the way he would a cat's fur. She traced her fingers over the tattoo on his left forearm. His skin was smooth now; the scabs were gone. "No Promises. What's that for?"

  His mouth flattened and his hand went still.

  Good job, Sam. Way to kill the mood. Her insides shriveled as the silence stretched.

  "Because promises are stupid."
He bit the words off angrily. Angry at who, though? At what? "We have no control, so why pretend we do?"

  His words were a spark that lit dry tinder in her. "That's not true."

  He rolled to his back. She clung to him to keep from falling off the narrow mattress. "Sure it is. We're just little specks of dust in a great big universe. Nothing we do really matters."

  How could he think that when his job was about intervening, helping people, saving lives? "You don't really believe that."

  He gave a brief laugh. "Oh no?"

  She propped herself up his chest, stared down at him intently. "You wouldn't be a paramedic if you really felt that way."

  His face turned impassive. "You don't know anything about my job."

  The chill in his eyes gave her goose bumps, but she held her ground. "Okay. Maybe not. But I can't just say, 'Oh well, can't control the outcome, too bad.' I'm always going to try my best and have faith."

  His lips twisted in a bitter smirk. "Have faith. Good for you."

  "I'm serious," Sam persisted. "Where would Pop be if I just gave up, didn't try to look out for him?"

  His gaze pinned her. "Where would you be?"

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "I mean, who are you really doing it for? Him or you?"

  Pepper-hot anger spiked through Sam. What the hell was he getting at? She struggled to free herself from his arms.

  He held her tight. "Shh, never mind. Don't listen to me. I'm an asshole." He kissed the top of her head. "I don't want to fight."

  She stopped wriggling and sank against him. "No. Me neither."

  He frowned. "How'd we get on this topic, anyway?"

  Your tattoo. My big mouth. Sam kept silent this time. She must be crazy, asking Rick a bunch of nosy-ass questions, then starting an argument when she didn't like his answers. Plenty of girls would love to be in her place and wouldn't mess it up the way she almost had.

  She laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. Ba-rum. Ba-rum. It was a strong heart. And a caring one. She'd seen him with the cats at Shankey's. How tenderly he'd held the last kitten they'd found. Why did he want to act so hard?

  Chill, Sam. It's just a tattoo. What's the big deal? Why does it have to mean anything?


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