by Colin Tudge
cooperative feeding 261–2
Copernicia 149
Corchorus 214
Cordia 238
coriander 228
cork 85–6, 415
cork oaks 85, 197, 198, 391
Cornaceae 228–30
Cornales 228–30
Cornus 228
corolla 123
Corylus 202, 206
Corypha 151
Cotinus 223
Cotoneaster 189
cotton 126, 213
cotyledons 48, 415
Coula 165
Coupeia 322–3
Comatari 234
Couroupita 237, 326
Cowen, D V 214–15, 216, 240
cow’s-tail pine 104
cox’s orange pippin 26, 188–9
cranesbills 168
Crataegus 189, 409
creationism 50–51, 53–4
creeping willow 177
Crematogaster 182
creosote bush 171
cricket bats 177
Crisp, Mike 290
Cryptomeria 110
cucumbers 168
Cucurbitaceae 57
Cucurbitales 168
cultivar 415
Cunoniaceae 179
Cupressaceae 100, 101, 104–12
Cupressocyparis 107
Cupressus 105, 106–7
currants 408
custard apples 131
cyanobacteria 258–9, 370–71, 410
Cycadales 77–8
cycads 77–8, 83
Cydonia 189
Cyperaceae 153
Cyperus 153
cypresses 105–7
cyptic species 336
cytokinins 268, 271–2
Dacrydium 119
daffodils 143
daisy family 126
Dalbergia 40, 185
dandelions 126
danta 214
Darwin, Charles 28, 29, 50, 52–4, 67, 268–9
Darwin, Francis 268–9
date plum 230
Datura 237–8
Davidia 228
dawn redwood 110–11
daylength 274
day-neutral plants 275, 415
deal 116
deciduous trees 357, 415
defoliator moth 351
degame 239
Dehra Dun Forestry Research Institute 185, 192–3, 245, 345, 393
dendrochronology 85
Dendrogene 399–400
deoxyribonucleic acid see DNA
development, human 366–9
dicots 48, 128
dicotyledon 415
Didiereaceae 162–3
differentiation 415
dioecious 125, 177, 416
Dioscerales 143
Diospyros 230–31
diploidy 22, 23–4, 416
Dipsicales 228
Dipterocarpaceae 218–19
dipterocarps 126, 218–19, 278
Dipterocarpus 218
Dipteronia 225, 226
Dipteryx 343–345
divergence 56
diversity, genetic 281
division 58, 416
DNA 416
as classification tool 34, 57
development and function 63, 66, 67
elements in 252
rate of change 333, 335–6, 399
Dobzhansky, Theodosius 59, 295, 300–301
docks 160
dodo 348–9
dogwoods 228
domain 58
Donoghue, Michael 291
dormancy 274, 416
double coconut 149, 150
double fertilizatiom 123, 126, 416
downy birch 205
Dracaena 142, 144
dragon trees 144
Drimys 135
Dryobalanops 218
Dryobalanus 219
Dunlop, John 173
durian 218
Durio 218
Dutch elm disease 191, 350–51
Dyera 240
age of 51
cooling of 301–2
eastern black walnut 207
eastern white pine 199
Ebenaceae 230–31
ebony 230–31
ecology 416
ecosystems 416
eco-tourism 394
ecotypes 278
egg fruit 231
ekki tree 179
El Niño 371–2
Elaeis 146, 149
elder 228
elements 251–2
elephant’s ear 186
elms 190–91, 350–51, 390
EMBRAPA 35, 389, 394–5, 399
emergent trees 234
emu bushes 242
endemics 278–9
Endiandra 133
Endophragma 222
Endothia 200
supply of 253
from trees 384
in tropics 293–4
Engelhardtia 208
English oak 197
Ensete 155
Enterolobium 86, 186
enzymes 416
Ephedra 80
epiphytes 86, 164, 376, 416–17
Equisetum 74
Eremophila 242
Erica 233
Ericaceae 233–4
Ericales 230–37
Eriobotrya 189
Erythrophleum 187
Eschweilera 234
essential oils 354–5
ethylene 268, 272–3, 417
eucalypts 175, 209–13, 278, 280, 290, 392, 393
Eucalyptus 209–13
eudicots 129, 158
eukaryotes 66–7, 417
Euonymous 171
Euphorbiaceae 172
euphyllophytes 74
European ash 242–3
European beech 199
European fan palm 145, 151
European Forest Genetic Resources Programme 178
Euterpe 148
evaporation 255, 256
evening primrose 209
evolution 51–3, 61–77, 417
exotics 392–3
Fabaceae 180, 259, 260, 355–6
Fabales 180–87
Fagaceae 55, 56–7, 196–202
Fagales 168, 195–208
Fagara 221
Fagus 196, 198–200
Falcatifolium 118
false acacia 186
family 58, 417
Farjon, Alijos 96, 97–8, 100, 107, 118, 120
farming 367
Fatsia 125
Federov, A. A. 296
ferns 74
fertilization 417
fibres, from palms 150
Ficus 192–3, 194
field maple 225
figs 161, 192, 329–37
fig-wasps 330–41
filberts 206
fires 376–9
and aspens 307
in Cerrado 378
and conifers 111, 113, 315–16
and eucalypts 86, 210
and human activity 377–8
fire-climax species 106
firethorn 189
Fisher, R. A. 295
fishtail palm 151
Fitzroya 105, 107
Flacourtiaceae 178
flame-of-the-forest 243
flavones 355–6
flies 214–15, 324
Flindersia 220
floods 313–5, 381–3
flowering plants, origin 126–8
flowering quince 189
flowering strategies 18–9, 32–3, 153–4, 326, 328–9
flowers 122–6, 148–9, 417
folklore 187, 215
Food Animals Initiative 391
food from trees 387–90
Forestry Stewardship Council 397
forestry 37–8, 278, 399–401
forsythias 242
Fortunella 220
fossils 281–2
foxgloves 241
foxtail palm 151
Fragraea 241
ani 240–41
Frankia 189, 202, 259, 260
frankincense 220
Franklin tree 233
Franklinia 233
Fraxinus 126, 242–3
freeloaders 320, 337, 417
freijo 238
Fritz, Emanuel 298
fruits 126, 417
development 270–71
of Fagaceae 196
of fuchsias 209
of Lecythidaceae 234–5
of palms 149
primitive 128
fungi 58, 90, 97, 174, 182, 260–61
Fuschia 39, 209
gaboon 220
Galapagos 287
gall wasps 340–41
gallery forest 278, 378
game theory 418
gametes 418
gametophytes 70, 76, 418
Garcinia 179
Gardenia 238
garlic fruit 165
Garryales 228
gene pool 418
genes 418
generation spans 294
genetic drift 296–7, 418
genomes 418
genotypes 418
Gentianaceae 241
Gentianales 238–40
gentians 241
genus 47, 58, 418
Geraniales 168
Gesneriaceae 242
gherkins 168
giant fishtail palm 146
giant sequoia 110
gibberellins 268, 271
ginger 155
Gingko 78–9
Ginkgoales 78
giraffes 183
global cooling 372
global dimming 373
global warming 360, 366, 371–81
Glyptostrobus 110, 112
Gmelina 244
Gnetales 80
Gnetum 80
golden pine 160–61
Gondwana 104, 117, 161, 215, 286, 288–9, 289–91
Goodyear, Charles 173
Gossypiospermum 178
Gossypium 213
Gould, Stephen Jay 61
gourds 168
grades 105, 419
grain, of timber 89
Gramineae 153
grand fir 115
grapefruit 220
grapes 168
grass trees 144
grasses 140, 153
Greek names 42–4, 49
Green Belt Movement 402–4
greenheart 134
greenhouse gases 302
Green Wood Resources 178
Grevillea robusta 160
Grossulariaceae 408
groundsel 126
growth of trees 83–4, 140, 266–7, 294
growth rings 84–5
Guaiacum 171
guava 209
Guayale 173
gum trees 209–13
gutta-percha 231–2
Gymnacranthera 132
gymnosperms 419
habitat 419
hackberry 191
Hakea 160
hallucinogens 132
Halocarpus 119
hamamelids 195
Hamilton, W D 300, 319
Hamamelidaceae 168–70, 409
Hamamelis 168–70
handkerchief tree 227
haploidy 22, 25, 419
hardwood 419
Hawaii 287
hawthorn 189, 409
hazelnuts 388
hazels 202, 206
heartwood 84, 88–9, 419
heating of flowers 131
hedges 189, 205
Heliconia 155
hemlocks 116–17
hemp 194
Henning, Willi 55–6
herbaria 406, 419
Heritiera 215
Herre, Edward 332, 334, 338
heterotrophs 253, 261
Hevea 172–6
hexaploidy 24, 419
Heywood, V. H. 163
Hibiscus 213
hickories 199, 207, 388
Hill, Robert 290
Hippocastanaceae 225, 226
Hirtella 322–3
hog plum 165
holly 246, 247
hollyhocks 213
holm oak 197
homologous chromosomes 420
homologous features 49–50, 54–6, 419
homology 49–50, 419
honeysuckle 228
Hooker, Joseph 201
hop-hornbeam 202, 206
Hopkins, Helen 329
Hopkins, Mike 35, 36, 38, 406
hops 195
hormones 267–3, 420
hornbeams 199, 202, 205–6
hornworts 69
horopito tree 357
horse chestnuts 226
horsetails 74
host 420
Hosta 143
houseleeks 168
Hovenia 190
Humulus 194
Hutton, James 51
hybrids 21–2, 184, 212, 420
Hydrangaceae 409
hydrangeas 408–9
hydrogen 252
Hylurgopinus 191
Hypsipyla 221
ice ages 19, 287–8, 292, 301–2, 303–5
icebox effect 303
ice-cream bean 187
identification of trees 21, 32–8
idigbo 209
Ilex 246
Illiciaceae 129
Illicium 129
imbuia 133
inbreeding 133, 420
Indian bean tree 243
Indian jujube 190
Indian laurel 209
Indian silver-grey wood 209
inflorescences 420
Inga 187
insecticides 353
insects 322–7, 354, 359
Instia 185
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 371
International Monetary Fund 396
introductions 174, 183
iodine 252
irises 143
iroko 191
iron 252
ironwood 202, 205–6, 232
isolation, reproductive 297, 305
ivory palm 149–50
jack pine 306, 309–12
jackfruit 191
Janzen, Daniel 297
Japanese cedar 110
Jaracanda 243
Jatrophus 172
jelutong 240
jimsonweed 237–8
Jubaea 149
Judas tree 186
Judd, Walter S 163, 168, 178, 195, 196, 202, 230, 238
Juglandaceae 206–8
Juglans 206–7
juglone 207
Juniperus 99, 105, 107–8
Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de 48, 128, 132
juvenile leaves 211
kahikatea 390, 41, 118–19
Kanashiro, Milton 399
kapok trees 126, 217
kapur 219
katsura tree 170
kauri 2, 39, 41, 101–2
Khaya 222
Kigelia 243
king palm 151
kingdoms 49, 57–8, 420
Kirkia 219
Knightia 160
koalas 355
Koelreuteria 225
kokoon tree 172
Kokoona 172
kotukutuku 39, 209
krabak 219
k-strategy 18–9
kumquat 220
Kyoto Protocol 373
Labiatae 244
Laburnum 186
lac insect 190
Lagarostrobus 119
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 34, 48, 51
Lamiaceae 244
Lamiales 241–246
land, invasion of 69–72
land bridges 291–2
Landolphia 173
landraces 26
Languncularia 209
Lantana 166, 244
Larix 115–16
Larrea 171
latex 172–3, 231, 240
Latin names 42–4, 49
Latvia 397–8
Laurales 132–4
Laurasia 104, 112, 286
Laurus nobilis 133
lawson cypress 106
Le Breton 393
leaf blight 174
leaf litter 379
leaves 33, 140, 148–9, 254
Lecythidaceae 38, 234–7
Lecythis 235–7
legumes 180, 259, 260, 355–6, 420
Leguminosae 126, 180
Leigh, Egbert 343
lemon verbena 244
lemons 220
lenga 201
lenticels 85, 264, 265, 420
Lepdothamnus 119
Lepidodendron 73, 83
Leucaena 184–5
Lesculenta 184
leyland cypress 107
lianas 421
lichens 262
life, emergence 63–5
lightning 258
lightwood 179
lignin 72, 421
lignotubers 210
lignum vitae 86, 171
lilacs 242
Lilliales 142–3
limba 209
lime (citrus) 220, 359
lime (tree) 214
limonoids 354
lindens 214
Linnaeus, Carl 48–9, 51
Linnean classification 421
Lippia 244
Liquidambar 170, 409
Liriodendron 40, 130–31
Litchi 225
Lithocarpus 196, 198
Litsea 133
live oak 197
liverworts 69
Livistona 151
local names 38–40
lodgepole pine 306
Lodoicea 149, 150
Logiaceae 241
London plane 22, 86
longbows 134
long-day plants 275, 421
Lophira 179
loquat 189
Loranthaceae 164
Lovoa 222
Lumnitzera 209
lychee 225
lycophytes 73–4
Lythraceae 208–9
Lythrum 209
Maathai, Wangari 402–4
Macadamia 160
macadamia nut 388
macronutrients 252, 421
Madagascar 162, 278, 287
Madagascar periwinkle 240
madrones 234
magnesium 252
Magnolia 127, 130, 199
Magnoliaceae 130–31
Magnoliales 130–32
mahogany 37, 38, 221–2, 298–9, 351
mahogany shoot-borer 221
maize 387
Major Oak 1–2
makore 232
Malhi, Yadvinder 375
Malighiales 172–9
Mallees 211
mallows 213
Maloideae 409
Malpighiaceae 179
Malus 26, 188–9
Malva 213
Malvaceae 213–14, 218
Malvales 156, 195, 213–19
mamey sapote 231
mammals 327–9, 343–5, 353
Mammillaria 163
Manaus 173–4
mandarins 220
manganese 252
mangeao 133
Mangifera 224
mango 224
mangosteen 179
mangroves 262–5
and Avicenniaceae 242
and Combretaceae 209
ecological role 176–7, 262–3
pollination 125, 320
and saltwater 263, 264
Manihot 172
manilkara zapota 231
manioc 172
Maori names 39
maples 161, 225–6, 357, 388
Maracaibo boxwood 178
Markham, Clement 174
marrows 168
mastic 232
matai 39, 41, 119
maté 246
mateiros 35
may tree 189
Maynard Smith, John 68