A Shade of Vampire 9

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A Shade of Vampire 9 Page 10

by Bella Forrest

  Mona reached out and touched my shoulder, “Don’t worry about it,” she said.

  I stared at her and wondered what she meant as she walked away, hurrying everyone into forming a circle. I looked around at the new vampires and werewolves, wondering what each of their stories were, and how they came to stumble through that gate along with Kiev and Mona.

  Kiev had remained silent all this time. I felt his eyes on me constantly. And despite Anna’s reassurances, it still felt wrong to allow him back on the island. I wasn’t sure that my father would ever forgive me for it.

  It was too late now for second thoughts though. Mona stood in the center of all of us and a few seconds later, we were all lost in a whirl of colors.

  Chapter 27: Corrine

  “You!” I gasped, staring at Kiev.

  In that moment, I even forgot the relief of seeing Ben, Anna, and her child again. The vampire consumed my mind as I stared at him. As if he was sucking the oxygen out of the air, I could barely breathe.

  Even as Anna rushed forward and wrapped her arms around me, I couldn’t take my eyes off the vampire.

  “I’m going to find Kyle,” Anna said and hurried off with her baby.

  Ben left the crowd and walked toward me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  “Anna trusts Kiev,” he said. “I don’t know why exactly, but she says he helped her. Both Kiev and this witch, Mona, brought her back to us.”

  I looked from the blonde witch to Kiev. The witch walked forward and held out her hand to me. “Corrine?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

  I nodded weakly.

  “My name is Mona,” she said. “We’ve come from the supernatural realm. It’s a long story, but we happened upon Anna. Kiev… he wanted to return her. We don’t intend to stay long, but we’d like to find our feet. A few days would be appreciated.”

  I was speechless. Kiev wanting to return Anna to us? It was as though this was a different vampire standing before me.

  I also couldn’t help but smirk at their assumption that The Shade would be a good place to find their feet. “The island is expecting an attack at any moment. Even if we trusted you enough to let you stay here for a short while, I doubt finding your feet is what you’ll do. It’s dangerous here—”

  “What attack?”

  I heaved a sigh, clasping a palm to my forehead. Where do I even start? “There are two islands not far away from here. Islands that we didn’t even know existed until recently. They are populated by vampires and controlled by a witch more powerful than any I’ve ever witnessed. I believe she must be a black witch. We fear she wants to take over The Shade, take control of our supply of humans—”

  Mona’s mouth fell open and she looked up at Kiev. “Do you know the name of this witch?”


  Mona’s eyes darkened.

  “You know this witch?” I asked.

  “I don’t know her personally, but I know what she is… because I am a witch of the same breed.”

  I stared at her. I still barely knew anything about this witch, but right now, I didn’t need to. Through all the dark thoughts my mind had been drowning in came a bolt of hope.

  Maybe not all black witches are evil.

  It could have been that Kiev and this witch had some sinister ulterior motive for returning Anna to us, but I couldn’t think about that right now. They were already here on the island, after all. I just had to hope that they didn’t wish us harm. So far at least, they’d shown no signs of it.

  “You were strong enough to penetrate our defenses,” I said quickly, reaching out and clutching Mona’s shoulder. “Since you’re of Annora’s kind, are you as powerful as her?”

  She frowned. “Yes, I believe so.”

  I gripped her tighter. “Then will you help us fight? You can stay with us on this island as long as you want if you agree to help us to secure it from that witch.”

  She paused, glancing at Kiev once again. I tried to read his expression, but it was stoic as ever.

  “Yes,” she said finally, turning back to me. “I believe I can help with that.”

  Chapter 28: Rose

  News spread quickly around the island about Anna and her baby’s return and Kiev Novalic’s arrival. I hurried to the Port and as soon as I caught sight of Ben, standing by a crowd of vampires and werewolves, I rushed forward and wrapped my arms around him.

  “I was so worried about you,” I gasped.

  He loosened my hands around his neck and scowled at me.

  “And what about you, huh? You couldn’t have told me that you were going to run away with Eli? You knew how much I wanted to go help our parents.”

  I sighed, thoughts of what our parents could be going through now piercing through my chest. “Ben, I didn’t have time. And I didn’t want to risk you not allowing me to go too.”

  “What happened to Mom and Dad?” he demanded.

  “I… I don’t know. There was a power cut and then it was as if the witch’s influence over that island disappeared for a few moments. Mom and Dad… They could have come with us, but they chose to stay behind to try to find Anna. And now…” My voice broke as I swallowed back the lump in my throat. “I don’t know where they are now.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?“ he asked, gripping my arms.

  “Ben,” I said, tears threatening to spill from my eyes again, “I mean I don’t know. We left behind Ibrahim, Grandpa, and Zinnia too. They didn’t make it out in time.”

  Ben let go of me and swore.

  I looked around at all the strangers who’d just appeared on our island. Seeking distraction from the pain of speculating what our parents could be going through now, I asked, “Who are all these people?”

  Ben didn’t answer as he rubbed his face with his hands.

  Abby approached and laid a hand on Ben’s arm. She looked at me worriedly. I knew how attached she was to my parents too, after all the years they’d looked out for her.

  “That witch has said she will help secure this island from Annora,” Abby said. Ben looked up. She offered us both a small smile. “I have a feeling Mona might be able to help us get your parents and the others back too.”

  Ben stared at Abby for several moments. I could practically sense his brain whirring. He looked around the clearing.

  “Where is Mona?” he asked Abby.

  “She’s left with Corrine for the Sanctuary,” she replied. “They don’t want to be disturbed now. They’ve gone to discuss with the other witches…”

  Ben grunted in frustration. Then his eyes shot toward a tall green-eyed vampire. I gasped. “That’s Kiev? I thought he had red eyes.”

  Abby shrugged. “He did.”

  Ben began walking toward the vampire. I followed my brother. He was looking too hot-tempered for comfort.

  He stopped in front of Kiev, who returned his gaze steadily. “Look,” Ben said, “I don’t know why you brought Anna back to us. I can only assume it’s to try to make amends for the despicable things you’ve done to us in the past.” His eyes narrowed on Kiev. “But now, if you’re to stay with us, not only must your witch protect us from Annora—you must also agree to help rescue our parents.”

  A deathly silence fell as Kiev and my brother stared each other down. They were both almost equal in height, Kiev being slightly taller. Kiev’s breathing was steady, though his jaw twitched at the mention of our parents.

  Finally, Kiev spoke. His voice rumbled as he glowered at my brother. “You’re as arrogant as your father, I see. Let me make one thing clear, Novak.” Kiev averted his eyes from my brother momentarily. I shivered as they roamed me. “We don’t have to do anything. You’re at our mercy now. If we wanted to, we could ravage this island, suck you and every other human dry and feed your remains to the sharks.”

  Ben clenched his jaw, but his eyes continued to blaze into the vampire’s. I was impressed by his courage. Though of course, he was a Novak. If there was one thing we were known for, it was fortitude. “Then why
don’t you?”

  What is he doing? Despite my brother’s confidence, I couldn’t help but feel afraid for him. He was still only human. Deliberately provoking this monster seemed foolish.

  Kiev reached out and gripped Ben’s collar, pulling him closer to him so that their faces were barely an inch apart. Kiev’s whole body heaved intensely.

  “What makes you think that I won’t?”

  Ben pulled at Kiev’s hands, but of course he was no match for his strength.

  “Kiev!” A young female vampire emerged from the crowd who had gathered to watch the standoff. Black hair flowed down her back and her eyes were green—the same shade as Kiev’s. She didn’t look much older than me, and I realized that our features were similar. She reached for Kiev’s hands, still gripping Ben, and tugged on them.

  Kiev’s eyes bored into Ben’s for several moments longer before he released him. Glancing at me once again, Kiev turned on his heel and disappeared into the crowd.

  The young woman looked at both of us apologetically. “Don’t mind my brother,” she said.

  Ben and I stared at her in disbelief. “Your brother?” Ben stuttered.

  Kiev has siblings?

  She smiled. “Yes, Kiev is my brother. And so is Erik.” She turned around and pointed to another tall vampire standing in the crowd. Erik resembled Kiev so much I wondered why I hadn’t spotted it before, with his strong jawline and dark features. The only thing different about him was his brown eyes.

  “My name is Helina.” She fixed her eyes on Ben, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Look, Ben,” she said. “I don’t know you. And I don’t know everything that Kiev has done to you and your family in the past. Truth be told, I’d rather not know. God knows most of Kiev’s life is still a mystery even to Erik and I. But I assure you one thing. Kiev is not the man he was.” She paused, looking at both of us earnestly. There was a warmth in her eyes that I couldn’t understand given that we were strangers to her. “He wouldn’t have brought Anna all the way back here if he wasn’t trying to make amends for something. And you have no idea how much trouble and sacrifice we went through to do that. So please, try not to make this more difficult for him than it already is. I can see how he struggles with this.”

  That made Ben fall silent. Neither of us could deny how grateful we were to have Anna back. A smile broke out on my face just thinking about the tears of joy that would be in Kyle’s eyes right now as he was reunited with his wife. As he met his new baby boy for the first time.

  Clearly, Kiev still had a monstrous temper, but perhaps a part of him really had changed.

  “So will you help us get our parents back?” I asked.

  Helina paused, then nodded slowly. “I think that Kiev and Mona will agree to help you. But given how much he despises your father… watch your tone.”

  Erik had approached by now. He stood beside Helina, looking at the two of us, curiosity in his eyes. He held out his hand to each of us and we shook it.

  Helina reached out and touched my shoulder. She looked at my face, apparently scrutinizing me. Though I wasn’t sure what for. “It seems that you don’t know,” she said finally, looking from me to my brother.

  “Know what?” Ben asked.

  “That we’re family.”

  “What?” I blurted. Ben’s face contorted with disbelief.

  “You heard right,” Erik said, a smile creeping onto his lips.

  “Your father and aunt are our distant cousins,” Helina explained.

  Ben and I stared at each other, both sharing the same shocked expression.

  “Another reason why Kiev wanted at least some semblance of reconciliation,” Helina said.

  My mind reeled. I wondered if my parents even knew about this. They certainly had never mentioned it to us.

  While Ben and I were still letting this statement sink in, another vampire approached. He too had dark features—deep brown hair, warm brown eyes. But he didn’t look like a Novalic and when he spoke, it was with a distinct Italian accent. “You are Derek Novak’s children?”

  Ben and I nodded. “Who are you?” I asked.

  “My name is Matteo Borgia. My sister, Natalie… she knew your father well.”

  Natalie Borgia. The name rang a bell.

  “Natalie Borgia,” Ben repeated, following my own train of thought. “She used to be a diplomat among vampires…”

  I stared at Ben. I understood why his voice had trailed off, and why he now looked so dumbstruck as he stared at Matteo.

  If what our parents had told us was true, Kiev Novalic had murdered Natalie Borgia. He’d tortured her in front of a crowd—right here by the Port, in fact—and then he’d ripped her heart out.

  So to see Matteo seemingly one of Kiev’s comrades, or at least traveling companions, was utterly bewildering.

  Matteo cleared his throat. Perhaps he noticed how awkwardly we were looking at him, but he didn’t offer any explanation.

  Perhaps he doesn’t know Kiev killed Natalie?

  I wasn’t given much time to ponder it, however, before Ben and I were distracted by heavy breathing behind us. We both turned.

  Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any more far-fetched, it did.

  I gasped. Looming over us was the most hideous creature I’d ever seen in my life. His body was tall and wide, and his skin was a muddy brown, rough like leather. Two small tusks grew out of his bottom jaw. His nose was squashed and small like a button, and his bulging eyes were a bright mustard yellow.

  “What the—?”

  “Brett,” the creature grunted, its face splitting into a clumsy grin as it held out a fat hand.

  It took me a few moments to realize that it had just informed me of its name. Brett? This thing must be male.

  I shook his hand gingerly, afraid that he might crush my bones, but he was surprisingly gentle with me. Though he left my palm sticky with grease. I discreetly wiped my hand against the back of my jeans.

  “Brett’s an ogre,” Helina explained, patting the monster on the arm.

  Brett shook Ben’s hand too. I noticed my brother also reaching for his jeans after the ogre had released him.

  “And I’m Saira.” A deep, gravely voice came from our right. Ben and I turned to see a werewolf approaching. She had a shaggy brown mane and beady grey eyes. “Matteo and I are the original founders of this crew.”

  Crew, huh? She makes them sound like pirates.

  I looked around at the other members of Saira and Matteo’s “crew”. Brett was the only ogre among them. “Where have you all come from?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “From the supernatural realm,” Matteo said.

  “How did this… crew come about?” I asked.

  “We’re an odd bunch, aren’t we?” Matteo said, smiling. “We are all outcasts there. Pirates. We banded together to form a group over the years.”

  “Where do you actually live?” Ben asked.

  “We did have an island of our own, but, well… that’s a long story. We were forced to leave. Right now, we have no home. Though that will change soon. Once we return, Mona will help us secure a new island. We don’t intend to stay here long.”

  Pirates? Outcasts? Outcast from where?

  His answers had raised a dozen more questions in my mind, but his last sentence distracted me from them. Mona. A sinking feeling filled the pit of my stomach on hearing that they weren’t planning to stay long. We needed that witch here desperately, whether we trusted her or not.

  Just as I was thinking about Mona, she reappeared in the clearing, Corrine at her side. Corrine’s face was pale.

  “I’ve secured the island,” Mona said, looking around at everyone. She approached us and, looking around at the crowd, fixed her eyes on Erik. “Where’s Kiev?”

  “He went to, uh, cool off,” Erik replied. “I’ll go find him. He won’t have gone far.” He sped off.

  The witch was about to follow after him when Ben gripped her arm.

  “Wait,” he said, looking fr
om her to Corrine. “What will you do now that you’ve secured the island? Our parents—”

  Mona raised a hand for Ben’s silence and nodded. “Corrine already requested this of us. I’m going to discuss it now with Kiev. Our original plan was to drop off Anna here and perhaps stay here a few days since some of our people are injured from our struggle to get here. But I’ll talk to him.”

  Ben let go of her and she vanished. Our eyes fell on Corrine.

  “So she’s definitely secured this island?” Ben asked.

  Corrine nodded.

  “And she can leave this island without it being affected?”

  “So she claims,” Corrine said.

  We all knew how powerful Annora was by now. To believe that Mona was powerful enough to put a force field around this place that would stand against her even in Mona’s absence was definitely a stretch of faith.

  * * *

  Mona returned with Erik and Kiev about half an hour later. We watched as they emerged from the bushes across the clearing. It unnerved me to think about this vampire roaming so freely around our island.

  Kiev stepped forward in front of Mona and his brother, and stopped a few feet away from Ben and I. He glared at Ben. This vampire seemed to be so unpredictable, I wasn’t sure what he was about to do. I found myself holding my breath.

  But then he nodded curtly. “We’ll help you, boy.”

  Ben breathed out and nodded back.

  Then Kiev’s eyes settled on me. His gaze was so intense, it was hard to hold. It reminded me of my father’s.

  It was eerie to feel those eyes on me. Those eyes that had once looked upon the destruction of our family. Eyes that we were now looking to for help.

  Something stirred in me as I forced myself to look back at him. I thought I would see evil. But I didn’t. More than anything, I saw need. Hunger. Pain.

  I wondered then if he might be doing all this more for himself, to help relieve the burden of guilt he had carried upon his shoulders all these years, rather than out of the goodness of his heart.

  In any case, it didn’t matter.


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