Irreplaceable (Harmony)

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Irreplaceable (Harmony) Page 22

by Angela Graham

  I watched his back rise and fall with each deep breath before he turned back to face me. In an eerily calm voice, he asked, “How much did you spend on that new outfit for last night? The fancy lingerie? The lovely wax job that only ended the evening early?” Slowly, he walked back toward me.

  “What about your hair and makeup—did you pay for that, as well? Spend money to impress a man you already have enchanted? You didn’t need that shit, Cassandra. You’re gorgeous without it, and I’d have preferred you in something you already owned. Or, if you were truly looking to seduce me, you could have opened the door nude rather than draining the remainder of your bank account.”

  He stopped directly in front of me, staring down into my eyes that were filled with humiliation at how irresponsibly I’d acted with the last of my money.

  “Answer me. Is that why you’re down to twenty dollars?” he hissed.

  Embarrassment consumed me. My head fell forward and I was unable to even look at him any longer, but from the corner of my eyes that were cast on his expensive black shoes, I caught him moving his hand to his suit jacket. I glanced up to see him pull his wallet from the inside pocket and grab a handful of cash.

  “I don’t want your money. Don’t you understand?” I told him in a weak, defeated breath.

  “You think I don’t know that?” With a frustrated groan, he grabbed my hand, stuffing the cash into it, pleading with me. “Please, Cassandra, see my side of this.”

  “You need to see mine. I need the money from the bank, and borrowing it from you is… complicated. And we have enough complications.”

  I set the money on Mr. Jefferson’s desk when Logan refused to take it back.

  “That we do. If you won’t take the cash, fine.”

  A triumphant smile began to crack over my tight lips until he shoved the cash back into his wallet and added, “But I’m not allowing you to risk a loan. Go home. The money you need will be deposited into your account by the time you get there.”

  “No!” I wanted to stomp my foot. This was going nowhere. I stormed past him and threw open the door. “Mr. Jefferson!” I called for the man staring dumbly at the grey carpet, waiting outside his own office.

  He didn’t make a move or even respond, but instead stared past me to Logan. I slammed the door shut again and turned back, glaring at the man in front of me who was working my last nerve. Why couldn’t he let me do this one thing?

  “If you are determined to take out a loan, then we’ll compromise: let me cosign for you instead of using your house for collateral.”

  Was he serious?

  I huffed out a laugh. “Cosign? I’m not an unemployed teenager looking to buy her first car, Logan. I’m a grown woman.”

  He leaned in and whispered, “Believe me, sweetheart, that’s no secret to me.” He pulled back, a deviant smirk tempting his lips. “Either I cosign, or I’ll inform Mr. Jefferson’s superiors that if they proceed with your loan, I’ll be forced to end all business with this bank.”

  “You’re kidding!” My jaw fell open, completely appalled at the length he’d go to.

  “I never joke about finances. Now what will it be?” He knew he left me with no choice, and the twinkle in his eye rubbed it in.

  I wanted nothing more than to escape that room and find another bank for help, but it wasn’t worth all the trouble. “Fine, cosign the damn loan.”

  “Fantastic. Now go home, and I’ll have Mr. Jefferson draw up the papers for me to bring by later for you to sign.” His hand landed on the small of my back to lead me to the door.

  “What? No, I’m staying. I haven’t told him how much money I need.”

  “How much?”

  “I was hoping for five or ten.”

  “That’s all, ten thousand dollars?” He let out an arrogant snort, and I wanted to reach out and slap the smug grin off his face.

  “Yes, to most people who aren’t egotistical asses, that’s a lot of money.” I planted my hands on my hips, narrowing my eyes.

  “Forgive me. It’s just frustrating that most women I’ve met would be asking for that amount for a new handbag and would eagerly accept cash from me at their first chance. You astonish me, sweetheart.” His fingers swiped the tendril of hair that at some point had fallen over my eyes.

  I flushed. He must’ve dated a lot of gold diggers. I shouldn’t have been surprised.

  “Material items won’t make me happy, so your money has never mattered to me.”

  “Yes, which is one of the many reasons why I love you.”

  “Logan, don’t.” I whispered my plea. I couldn’t hear that, and he knew it.

  He tugged my stiff arms from my hips and held them against him.

  “Shhh, go home. I’ll have the loan drawn up and bring it by in the morning.”

  “All right,” I relented in a ghostly whisper. There was no winning this.

  He leaned in and placed a kiss to my cheek. “Don’t forget the package for Jax. Remember: in his hands. The last thing I need is for Natasha to get ahold of it. He knows you’re coming. I messaged him earlier.”

  I nodded and walked out, giving Mr. Jefferson a pitiful goodbye in the process.

  A text chirped my phone to life the minute I pulled into my driveway, and I couldn’t help but smile as I read it.

  You are a stubborn and enigmatic woman, Miss Clarke!

  I smiled to myself again, rereading Logan’s words.

  Not as stubborn as you, Mr. West!

  I dumped the phone in my bag and stepped out of my car to find Jax’s flashy convertible parked in Logan’s driveway. The envelope was hidden at the bottom of my purse. I didn’t know what was in it, but felt it was safer to keep it on me.

  Buttoning my coat, I trudged across my yard through the melting snow and cut through the bushes to Logan’s yard. When I reached the front door, I rang the doorbell.

  “Come in!”

  It sounded like Jax, and Logan had said he was expecting me, so I opened the unlocked door and strolled right in. I didn’t see Oliver anywhere, so I assumed he was still out with Julia and Natasha. I figured Jax was probably playing video games, or whatever else nineteen-year-old boys did.

  “Hey, Logan asked me to give this to you,” I called out, following the muffled voices to the kitchen.

  “Harder! Damn it, Jax, Harder!”

  “Like that, baby?” a needy growl answered, its voice forceful, freezing me in place as my gaze hit upon Jax pistoning his hips into the lean body of a redhead bent over Logan’s granite countertop.

  “Oh my God!” I jumped back, whirling around, and slapped my hand over my eyes.

  “Hey, Cassie!” he panted. “Logan said you had the instructions for me.”

  He was not serious! Time to leave.

  I threw the envelope down on the counter, and caught it slide to the floor from the corner of my eye.

  Crap. Logan said it was important.

  Assuming Jax had the decency to cover himself, or at least cease and desist, I ran forward and snatched it up from the floor, holding my hands over the side of my face, blocking my eyes when I heard the mystery girl cry out.

  “Yes! Like that! Don’t stop!”

  Oh, for the love of God.

  “Here, take it!” I demanded, holding my hand out in front of me, my mouth pursed, with my other hand still shielding my closed eyes as backup.

  I heard Jax chuckle, and then felt the envelope being removed from my grasp.

  “You’re a pig, Jax. And you, miss, should have a little more respect for yourself!” I yelled as I stomped out of the room.

  “I thought you said she was coming to watch,” the hussy said.

  “Guess not.” Jax chuckled louder.

  The woman must not have minded my judging, based on the breathless moan that followed.

  I slammed the front door shut behind me as I heard Jax yell, “Come on, Cassie! Don’t be mad! It was just a joke!”

  Mad did not even begin to describe my emotions. I was furious and emb
arrassed for the girl who, from the glance I had of her, looked no older than eighteen.

  My phone fumbled through my fingers as I pulled it out and hit Logan’s number.

  “Cassandra, what a surprise. Are you calling about the loan? Because it’s—”

  “No, I’m calling to let you know the next time you need a favor, ask someone else!”

  “What happened? Did Jax say something to you?” His voice was ice.

  “No, but that was because he was too busy screwing some bimbo! And by the way, don’t ever expect me to eat anything served off your kitchen countertop!” I hung up and tore open my front door, storming inside.

  It was past five so I called Hilary, hoping she was home from school and not out with Caleb already. I needed someone to vent to about what I’d just witnessed. I shouldn’t have been surprised when the girl couldn’t stop laughing about Jax’s little rendezvous. Other than asking if I’d seen anything noteworthy, which I hadn’t, she thought I was overreacting.

  The more time I had to cool down and think about it, maybe I was, but Jax could’ve at least stopped his thrusts for a moment. The girl, whoever she was, had no shame. I had no idea where the West men found their sluts, but I hated to think they all came from Harmony.

  “He’s young and just trying to get a rise out of you,” Hilary said through her laughter.

  “Well, it worked.”

  “So, enough about the younger neighbor. I’m still waiting to hear how the date went with the older one—you know, the guy you spent all yesterday getting ready to blow away with the night of his life. Was it as good as you hoped?”

  “Things didn’t exactly go as planned,” I answered, sinking further into my couch.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because he figured out my vagina was waxed raw. Not really the night I had planned.”

  “Didn’t she give you some balm? Shit, I totally forgot about that.”

  “Yes, I had the damn balm. It doesn’t matter, I’m over it and don’t really want to talk about it at the moment.”

  “All right, later. And hey,” she said, her voice rising, “Tell Jax I said hi next time.” She laughed. “He’s cute.”

  “I’ll be sure to let Caleb know you think so.”

  “Oh shush, Caleb’s perfect and all mine. He has nothing to worry about, but I have to say, Jax has created quite a stir with some of the younger teachers at school. They look forward to the days he picks Oliver up from school. The guy’s as charming as his big brother, from what I hear.”

  “Lovely.” I rolled my eyes. “Bye.”

  She chuckled. “Bye.”

  I settled into the couch, my legs stretched over the cushions, with Scout on my lap I closed my eyes and let the day’s events clear away.

  The doorbell awoke me what felt like minutes later, but the sun setting through the window told a different story. Annoyed my time home was resulting in far too many naps, I sighed, setting Scout on the floor as I stood.

  After a refreshing yawn and wakening stretch, I strolled to the door, unsure whom to expect. Logan had said he’d be over in the morning. Surprised, I was met with a red-faced Jax.

  “Hey, Cassie. I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I knew you were stopping by and should have made sure I was finished fucking her by th—ahhh, SHIT!”

  My eyes widened at his pain-laden scream as Logan stepped out from the side, grabbing Jax’s arm and twisting it around his back.

  Jax hissed in agony and muttered, “I’m sorry, okay? Really sorry, and it won’t happen again, ever. I was just screwing around.”

  “And?” Logan hissed in his ear.

  “And the countertop is being sterilized by professionals first thing in the morning.” Jax let out a heaving breath when Logan released him.

  “Damn, dude, you got it bad for her,” Jax grumbled, shaking out his arm.

  “It’s fine, Jax. I’m over it,” I said, hiding my smile.

  “See? I knew she was a cool chick.” Jax chuckled to Logan, than turned back to me. “It really was a douchebag move, but what can I say?” His shoulders rose. “You’re fucking hot, and the idea of you watching turned me on.”

  Logan reached out, but Jax was already halfway down the driveway. I’d never seen anyone move so fast.

  “Let him go,” I laughed, watching Jax turn back and wink. “I’m over it. Besides, I think he only did it to get under your skin.”

  “Well, it worked. You shouldn’t have had to witness him…with some girl.” His hand reached up, kneading the back of his neck, his jaw set tight.

  It was sweet seeing him so upset, defending my honor. I opened the door for him to enter and headed into the kitchen.

  “I should expect it by now when I go over there. How many times did I interrupt you?”

  His jaw clenched impossibly tighter, lips set in a firm line. “That was unfortunate, but a long time ago.” He stood beside me as I slid into a chair.

  “Only a few months back.”

  “Cassandra, it feels like another lifetime, and one I’d rather not bring up again.”

  “Whatever. I thought you were going to bring the papers in the morning,” I said, motioning to the folder in his hands.

  “I changed my mind.”

  “All right. I don’t see why I had to deliver something to him if you were going to see him anyway.”

  Logan took a breath, his expression suddenly bordering on irritated. “I needed him to do me a favor this afternoon—one that he has assured me went off without a hitch, but we shall see.”

  “Okay.” I replied. Elusive, much? “So the loan was approved with no issues?”

  “Of course.” He smiled with an authoritative confidence only he could pull off so effortlessly. “You need to sign next to every X.” He pulled the documents out of the envelope, setting them on the table and handing me a pen.

  “Oliver wasn’t home, I hope,” I said after a few minutes, eyeing the contract. I couldn’t imagine Jax being that irresponsible.

  “No, he was still out, thankfully, or Jax would have gotten it a lot worse from me.” He pulled up a chair and sat beside me. “Here,” he said, pointing to the first X awaiting my signature.

  “I need to finish reading it first,” I replied, pushing his hand away.

  “You don’t trust me?” His soft eyes drew me in when I glanced up, but the smile on his lips brought out a need to lean over and kiss him. He was so sexy when he was playful.

  “For all I know, these are papers signing my soul over to you.”

  “I tried, but it turns out the bank isn’t into selling souls.” He chuckled and smoothed back my hair that had fallen, creating a curtain between us.

  I read through the first document and shot my head up when I saw the amount of the loan.

  “I said ten thousand!”

  “And I felt it wasn’t enough.”

  “Logan, I’m not signing this!” I pushed the papers back to him and set the pen down.

  “It’s only five thousand more than you requested. Now sign.” He pushed the papers back at me.

  “What if I can’t afford the monthly payment due to that extra five grand?” I was not giving in this time.

  “Then I’ll pay it for you.”

  “No,” I sighed, reading down further. To my surprise, the payment wasn’t bad at all, and I wasn’t about to ask how he got it so low. “What’s this?” I tapped my finger on the line below it.

  “Part of the arrangement as cosigner.”

  I read it again, making sure I was understanding it clearly, then looked up to meet his firm gaze. “If I don’t pay it by the first of every month, it will be drawn from your account and paid in full?”

  “Yes,” he said, as though it was nothing.

  “I’m not going to win this, am I?”

  “No. Now sign.” His lip curled up.

  Beautiful, infuriating ass!

  “Fine,” I grumbled, signing my name. “But if you pay this off, I am still paying you back, with inte
rest, just like I plan to do for those medical bills.”

  “I would expect nothing less.”

  A grin grew over my lips as I looked up at him, extending the pen back to him. “Good.”

  I stood and handed him the papers. “Thank you for your help—not that I needed it—but to be honest,” I said, looking down awkwardly, “I was terrified of using this house to secure the loan. I mean, I know I could have made the payments, but…”

  “But things happen, and it’s how good people lose what they’ve worked their lives for. This is your home. I’ll never let you lose it.”

  He cradled my chin and lifted my face to meet his eyes. I didn’t fight him when he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. It felt good, comforting, short and sweet—just enough to leave me craving more.

  “You should go,” I murmured before stepping back as I cleared my throat, searching for my voice. “Or stay—”

  “Soon, Cassandra.”

  With that, he walked out, leaving me reeling. I couldn’t go much longer without him. All I could do now was head in for my second cold shower of the day.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I smiled, peeling myself from the couch when a knock sounded at the front door. Luke was right on time, which was great, because I was starving. He promised to bring pizza and wine while I took care of the movies. The plan to spend Valentine’s at home, without romance, was exactly what I needed.

  When I opened the door, I was instead met with a bouquet of red roses and a cocky smile that did not belong to Luke. My face fell, confused.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” Logan said, placing the flowers in my hands and leaning in for a quick kiss to my surprised cheek. He was dressed in light faded jeans, and his wool coat was open, revealing a casual black V-neck T-shirt.

  “Um…happy Valentine’s Day to you too, but why are you here?” My face had to have shown how surprised I was to see him. “I told you I already have plans tonight…with Luke.”

  “Yes, I remember, but I thought I’d stop by on the off chance that he canceled.”


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