Training Little Abby (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 5)

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Training Little Abby (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 5) Page 5

by Becca Little

  “Is she moving in?” I walked down to the bottom of the stairs and my eyes scanned the array of suitcases.

  “I am, dear.” She extended a hand towards me as she walked. “My name is Ms. Hattie Davenport.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I shook her hand and found it firm. She was much stronger than I was, even though she was quite older than me.

  “Likewise, Ms. Davenport.” I replied with a smile.

  “Oh, just call me Ms. Hattie, dear.” She shook my hand and turned to the butler. “Would you be a dear and take my suitcases to my room?”

  “I thought she was just stopping by to help me.” I turned to Mr. Addison as she followed the butler upstairs.

  “She does what she wants.” He shrugged. “She feels she would be better served to live here and help you prepare.”

  “I’m either that bad, or she’s that good.” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Probably a little of both.” He started up the stairs behind them.


  The next day, I woke up to find Ms. Hattie buzzing around the house getting everything set up. She turned my room into a study-library-school and then some books arrived via courier. Ms. Hattie brought them into my makeshift schoolroom and started making notes. The entrance exams were clearly a big deal for her, but they seemed like a waste of time for me. I was already guaranteed a spot, or so Mr. Addison had relayed.

  “You will have two months to prepare.” Ms. Hattie opened a book and pushed it over to me. “Finish this book today and I’ll quiz you tomorrow.”

  “A whole book in one day?” I flipped through the pages with my eyes skimming the rather complex material.

  “We need to get through the material so we can get started on the practice tests.” She put her hands on her hips. “You work on that, dear, and I’m going to fix a bit of tea.”

  Between the long days that became a blur of textbooks and pop quizzes, I learned more about Ms. Hattie. She had been a professor at an Ivy League university at one point, and she knew the original owners of the house. She seemed to be exceptionally fond of a nephew or cousin of the original owner, but it was hard to follow her wild stories at times. One thing was sure—Ms. Hattie was a silver-haired fox and she had a bite when I didn’t do what she asked.

  “We’ll need to work through the weekend.” She picked up a couple of books. “There’s no way you’ll make it otherwise.”

  “Seriously?” My head dropped against my chest. “I’m so tired.”

  “You’ll work hard!” Her hand slammed down on the table, causing me to bolt upright in place. “Mr. Addison is giving you an incredible gift and you will not disrespect his generosity!”

  “Sorry!” I stammered out as I pulled a book close and tried to focus.

  As I went through the subjects Ms. Hattie was well versed in—which included pretty much everything—I found out how little I learned in high school. I barely paid attention class, so it was not a major development, and it wasn’t like I had really been practicing complex algebra or proper punctuation while waiting tables and sending text messages to my friends. The girl that was just happy to get out the doors of her high school with a diploma was putting actual effort into her future. It was a strange feeling.

  I felt like I was making decent progress, but Ms. Hattie always wanted more. The days ran together to the point I hardly knew what day it was when I cracked a book with my tired eyes running through paragraphs or numbers. I tried to be cheerful and pleasant, but everything was spinning in my head.

  Math rules and English rules were getting mixed up in my head. I was sure I would be dividing by commas and trying to find the square root of a semicolon before it was done. Mrs. Hattie seriously did want me to study seven days a week, but I was sure I needed to rest at least on the weekend. I gave in the first three weekends, but when the fourth one came, my body was exhausted. I refused to do any work and she left in a huff. A short while later, Mr. Addison was knocking at my door…

  “Abby, please open your door.” He said calmly.

  “Okay.” I opened the door and walked back to my bed, plopping down into a seated position. He walked over and took a seat on the edge.

  “Tell me what happened.” His words were rather kind and compassionate. I hoped he would at least listen to what I said and give me a little bit of a break from the endless drain of learning and studying. My brain felt like mush.

  “Mr. Addison, I just can’t do this seven days a week. My brain is turning to jelly, and I can’t concentrate anymore. I need a break!” I gave him the very best version of my pleading, hoping that he would understand.

  “You realize you’re only going to get one shot at this right? If you don’t pass the placement exam, you will not get into the school. My influence got you an opportunity to take the test, but if you don’t pass it, there is nothing I can do.” He furrowed his brow together and I could tell he wasn’t happy. “I work seven days a week and sometimes I work twelve-hour days.”

  I realized that my case didn’t have much merit against that kind of work ethic. It sounded pretty damn foolish. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”

  “Now, we’re going to have to discuss your attitude towards Ms. Hattie. She said that you often roll your eyes at her, and every time she asks you to do something you huff, puff and complain before you finally get around to it.” His brow remained furrowed and he folded his arms.

  “Guilty…” I had to force myself not to roll my eyes. I had been giving Ms. Hattie a hard time as the weeks wore on, but it was because I felt so overworked.

  “I’ll admit, I expected better from you.” His voice grew flat as he glared at me.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll do better.” I nodded and pursed my lips as I let out a sigh. I had to get the fog out of my mind and concentrate.

  “Well, I think I was pretty clear when you moved in here that I would not tolerate that kind of behavior. You are here to get an education, and to do that, you must listen to Ms. Hattie. Come over here.” He motioned with his hand.

  “For what?” I asked. I was only separated from him by a few feet, so I don’t know why he needed me closer.

  “I told you what the consequences of your actions would be.” He motioned for me again.

  “You can’t be serious?” My eyes got wide as it sank in that he was about to give me a spanking.

  “It isn’t up for negotiation. We need to memorialize this conversation and I want you to have something to think about the next time you consider disrespecting someone or not following directions.” He motioned a third time. “Trust me, Abby; you do not want me to have to ask you to come over here again.”

  His words cut into me like daggers. I found myself compelled to obey. I moved closer and he took me the wrist, guiding me across his knee. Once I was flat on his lap, he dug underneath my dress and started to lift it up. Any hope of having a little bit of protection was shattered the second it was completely pushed off my bottom and my panties were pulled down to my knees. No man had ever seen me in that state of undress that wasn’t related to me. I immediately felt ashamed and humiliated at the thought of him staring at my bare bottom.

  His touch caused me to flinch and cringe when his hand was placed flat on my bottom. He was a lot taller than me, and his hands were so wide and long that they stretched across one whole side of my bottom. I was always a smaller girl, and that wasn’t going to do me any favors across his knee. I hoped he would go easy on me since it was my very first time, but when his hand came down hard for the first smack, that hope evaporated as fast as my dignity.

  I bounced up and could feel the breeze against my outer labia. His hand came down again and I couldn’t help but bounce right back up and expose myself again. I threw a hand back to block the pain and conceal my private area.

  “Abby, this is the first time you have been over my knee, so I will forgive you for putting your hand back here, but I would advise you not to ever do it again. You are to take your spanking like a young lady who unde
rstands what she did was wrong and is willing to accept her punishment.” He said flatly. I pulled my hand away and folded my hands together in front of me.

  “Yes sir.” I tried to calm my nerves and my fear.

  It was what I agreed to, and although I didn’t feel like it was warranted, I had no choice to accept it if I wanted to remain in his house.

  Once my hand was out of the way, he started to bring his hand down hard and fast. My bottom immediately started to sting as he swapped between smacking my right side, my left side, and directly in the middle. I instantly felt like a naughty little girl across my Daddy’s knee. Memories of those moments came back—memories I hadn’t even thought about in years. The few times I got them from him before he passed, they made my bottom sting just like it was stinging under Mr. Addison’s firm hand.

  The sound of his hand cracking against my tender flesh was quickly followed by another and another. I would hear the sound, feel the impact, and then before his hand landed again, the stinging sensation would quickly come on. After a few dozen smacks, the stinging sensation simply remained constant and each smack intensified it. I couldn’t believe I was being spanked as an adult, and I couldn’t believe how much it made me feel just like a disobedient child. After he had spanked me until my whole bottom was sting, he paused and readjusted me. I had started to slip off his knee.

  “Ow! Ouch! Mr. Addison, I promise I’ll be a better student!” I said as I squirmed against his grip.

  “I’m sure you will make a lot of promises before I’m done with you, but you will still go to bed this evening with no supper and a bright red bottom.” He said firmly as his hand started again.

  “No supper!?” I felt my heart sink. I didn’t realize food deprivation was part of the deal.

  “Naughty girls who don’t appreciate the things they are given have to do without.” He said quickly as his hand snapped against my bottom.

  His hand seemed to pick up the intensity as he started spanking my sore bottom again. Instead of one smack, I got two in the exact same spot before he moved on to the other side, and when he got to the middle of my bottom he landed three in a row. The new pattern and the increased intensity made me squeal and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. After a few dozen more smacks, I had tears streaming down my face and I was forced to grip the bed spread just to keep from putting my hand behind me again.

  As his hand continued to come down, I knew that I was absolutely done being disobedient. I was going to be a perfect girl, the best damn student I could be, and an absolute angel. If I would have somehow reached that realization earlier in the day, my bottom could have been spared the bright red surface it had when he was done with me. His hand finally slowed and he gave me a few really hard smacks to finish me off. He released his grip and let me stand up.

  “Put your hands on your head, and stand in the corner.” He motioned to the corner.

  “Yes sir…” I hobbled over with tears still streaming down my face and sobs in my throat. I placed my hands firmly on my head and shoved my nose as far in the corner as I could.

  I stayed in the corner as he instructed and it wasn’t long until I heard things being moved into the room. I was scared to even look, but my curiosity was quickly getting the best of me. I finally forced myself to take a glance and I saw a table, along with folded cloth and a metal pole with a bag attached. I had no idea what was going on. Plastic was unfolded and placed on the bed, and then Mr. Addison left the room.

  I tried to focus on the items without leaving the corner, but the angle was difficult. I quickly put my nose back in the corner when I heard the door opening again, and then heard it lock. Mr. Addison came to the corner and took me by the arm. He half walked, half dragged me back to the bed and pointed at the plastic which was on the bed.

  “On your knees, right there…” He tapped the plastic and pushed me towards it.

  “Why? What are you going to do?” I looked at the items in confusion. I didn’t recognize them, but the bag with a long tube looked scary.

  “I am going to give you an enema.” He said as if it was the most natural thing on earth. I knew what they were, but I didn’t really understand it much.

  “Please, Mr. Addison. I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll do anything you want me to do, I swear!” I said quickly.

  “You said you were having trouble concentrating. I’m going to teach you how to concentrate.” He pushed me over the bed and then put on a pair of rubber gloves.

  I started crying again as he spread my legs and poked around on my asshole with his gloved finger. I thought the spanking was humiliating, but what he was doing to me was a lot more humiliating than anything I had ever experienced in my life. I felt the nozzle of the tube being forced into my anus and I gripped the bed sheets. It hurt, especially when he moved it back and forth to get it in deeper. Once it was pushed in further, he I heard the bag being filled with some form of liquid.

  I had an overwhelming sense of dread and fear for a second, and then I felt the liquid moving into me. It was warm, but then it started to sting. I tried to stand, but Mr. Addison held me by the neck. I was too afraid to test him, and I had agreed to accept any punishment he saw fit to give me, so I tried to remain calm and brave while the fluid filled me. I don’t know how much went in, but by the time it was all inside, I felt my stomach and bowels cramping to the point I had to use the bathroom immediately. Mr. Addison pulled the tube free and held his finger to my anus.

  “If any of this leaks out, you will be sorry.” He walked away and picked something up. I heard a scraping sound and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw a long cane in his hand.

  “Mr. Addison, no! Please don’t cane me!” I started to sob uncontrollably. “What do you want from me?”

  “What I want is a nice, obedient young lady who does exactly what I tell her to do. What I don’t want is a lazy child that is afraid of hard work. You need to learn that when you don’t work hard, there are serious consequences.” He leveled the cane against my bottom. “Of course, you’re always free to leave. I’ve only put down one semester’s worth of tuition at this point, so you would only owe me a few thousand dollars.”

  “A few thousand dollars!? I haven’t even gotten into school yet!” I felt my heart beating in my throat as I realized I was already indebted to him.

  “The contract was binding the moment you signed it. I did my part and I sent the school the money as I promised I would. If you choose not to uphold your end of the contract, it is certainly your choice, but I would have expected better from your father’s daughter.” His words stung. My father was a good man, and he was right. He would have upheld his end of the contract, but he would have probably read it better…

  “No, I will uphold my end.” I gripped the bed and prepared. My stomach was cramping extensively and I could feel rumbling throughout my body.

  “Good.” The cane came down across my bottom and I nearly screamed. The enema was almost lost the second it hit, but I managed to retain it.

  “Oh! Ow!” I whimpered and sniffled.

  “You will only receive six—if you hold your enema that is.” He placed the cane against my bottom and delivered the second one.

  “Ah! Ouch!” I gripped the sheets tighter, but held the enema.

  Being caned while holding the enema was one of the worst experiences of my life, but I managed to do exactly as he commanded. My head was spinning and swirling while my bottom ached and my intestines churned. After it was done, he allowed me to go into the bathroom and release the liquid, but he watched from the doorway.

  I literally cried as the liquid rushed out of my body. Once it was done, my anus stung and burned. I didn’t even want to ask what devilish concoction he had put inside of me. It was probably better if I didn’t know. Once it was all gone, I did feel a tremendous sense of relief. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. My bottom was bright red and there were six perfectly placed marks across it from the cane. He didn’t break the skin at all, which was a
serious fear I had when he said I would be receiving the cane. He had shown me some manner of compassion at least.

  “Okay, back to the bed.” He pulled the plastic off and tossed a cloth down.

  “What now Mr. Addison? Please, haven’t I been punished enough?” I whimpered as he took me by the arm and placed me on my back.

  “This isn’t going to hurt; it is just something for you to think about.” He said as he picked up a piece of rolled plastic. As he unfolded it, I realized it was a diaper!

  “Wait, I’m not a baby!” I looked up at him and I’m sure I had a look of confusion etched on my face.

  “I want you to think about that tonight. You will wear this until morning, and I will be back to remove it. You are not to use the bathroom unless you go inside this diaper, is that understood?” He tucked it under my bottom. The pillowed fabric scraped against my bottom and stung.

  “Please, Mr. Addison. This is cruel!” I pushed tears from my eyes.

  “My methods may be a little strange, but I assure you they are quite effective and curbing misbehavior.” He fastened the diaper on me and started removing the items from the room.

  After all the items he brought had been taken from the room, he locked my bathroom door with a key and then I heard the main door to my room being locked. I wouldn’t be able to use the bathroom or leave even if I wanted to without making a fuss. Laying there in bed with the diaper on, a sore bottom, and cramped insides made me examine my life.

  Did I really want to live in a household filled with those things? Would I be better on the streets alone? Mr. Addison had seemed so nice and compassionate, but if that was the way he treated me for a minor offense, I couldn’t imagine what would happen if I really messed up. It occurred to me as I lay there that I would do absolutely anything to avoid being punished again, which meant the punishment he did give me was the most effective one I had ever had.

  I would have done anything he asked that moment, without even a second thought, just to avoid seeing his cane again. I rolled over to my side and let that thought linger as I went to sleep. My bottom stung and burned, especially with the uncomfortable fabric inside the diaper rubbing against the raised cane marks. It took a little bit, but the hunger finally let me find the comfort of the night.


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