Training Little Abby (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 5)

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Training Little Abby (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 5) Page 13

by Becca Little

  “You’re so tight…” He said as he struggled to move faster.

  “Do you like it, Daddy?” I asked as he drove his cock deep.

  “I love it…” He pulled his cock to the tip and drove it again. “I really love it.”

  Hearing him say that made me tingle even more. A normal sized man would not have found my pussy so tight and perfect for their cock, but he was far from a normal sized man. I felt like a human glove fitted around his ridges and the veins of his enormous dick. After several more minutes of slowly pulling himself to the tip of my labia and then driving his cock deep, he was able to really pick up the momentum. I was still tight around him, but he stretched me out enough that he could fuck me with no pause. His cock slammed into my pussy like a jackhammer, but it landed on my g-spot every time, so I didn’t mind the speed. I could feel him tightening and he moaned almost as much as I did. I loved a verbal man who showed me just how much they were enjoying the experience. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled himself closer. He kissed my lips and circled my tongue with his as he continued to drive his cock into my hot, hungry cunt.

  “You’re going to make Daddy cum inside you…” He closed his eyes and sighed as his cock pulsated.

  “Don’t stop. I want to feel your cum.” I was afraid he would pull out, so I moved my hands down to his hips and held on as tight as I could.

  My body quickly spiraled out of control against his thrusting. I chewed my lip and gritted my teeth, then it released. I could feel my pussy tightening around him, which made his thrusts harder, and more intense. I thought the orgasm he gave me upstairs was phenomenal, but it didn’t compare to the one he pulled out of my with his cock. I felt like a cannon going off over and over as he drove himself into me and made me cum. The tightness seemed to excite him even more and I could feel the same level of intensity from him and the look of pure bliss was etched on his face. He finally drove his cock in deep and I felt the impact of his cum. It was warm and even though he had already ejaculated once, it was still a large volume of cum. I moaned against him and tightened my pussy until he was completely milked. He finally pulled his cock to the edge of my pussy and wiped the last trails of semen against my labia before standing and picking his clothes up off the floor.

  “You are incredible…” He shook his head. “I wish I could stay with you forever.”

  “You can. Don’t go.” I begged as I sat up. “Just stay out of sight and nobody will know you’re here. My job provides at least enough money for us to get by…” I knew it was a pipe dream, but I was willing to do anything.

  “I need vindication. I know this may be a waste of time, but I have to see her father. I need him to see that I’m no longer the man he hates.” He finished putting his clothes on and picked up my car keys.

  “Wait…” I stood up and took his hand. “Let me go see him.”

  “What? No. This is something I have to do.” He pulled his hand away.

  “No it isn’t. The second he sees you, he is going to freak out. He won’t know if you’re there to kill him or talk to him, and he may not take that chance. What if he’s carrying a gun? He knows you escaped from prison, and if I was the person who put you there, I would not leave home without protection.” I was surprised at how rational I was, but there was so much clarity after our experiences.

  “Maybe you’re right…” He sighed and shook his head.

  “Let me do this. He doesn’t know me, and he won’t have any idea who I am.” I felt myself developing a quick backbone. I reached for the keys and he didn’t stop me from taking them. “Give me his address.”

  I typed it into my cell phone and walked to my car. I half expected him to rush out behind me and try to stop me from doing it, so I nearly ran to it once I got out of the house. I drove to his ex-girlfriend’s house and put my hands on the wheel. There was no car in the driveway, so I assume he hadn’t gotten home from work yet. The clock on my phone said it was four twenty two, and John said he got off around four thirty—apparently he had inquired about the shift time at the company under the guise of seeking employment. He had certainly done his research. I waited until nearly five o’clock when I saw a car approaching. When it turned into the driveway, I opened my door and started towards him. He stepped out of his car and saw me approaching. His eyes focused and he tilted his head. John’s plan would have failed; I knew that was I walked across the grass towards him. The driveway was too long, and he could have run inside his house before John got near him. There would have been no words between them unless the old man wanted them.

  “Excuse me sir, can I talk to you for a second.” I tried to be as polite as possible.

  “I don’t want to buy anything, miss. Thank you.” He started towards his house.

  “It is about John Wayne Williams.” There was no reason to hide it. It froze him in his tracks and he turned around.

  “What did you say?” He squinted his eyes and glared at me. “Are you a reporter? I gave the only statement I am going to give to the local news. I don’t have anything else to add.”

  “That isn’t why I’m here. I’m not a reporter.” I finally closed the distance between us and could look into his eyes as we spoke.

  “Okay, what the hell do you want?” His distrust was evident.

  “Your daughter lied. You made her lie. How can you live with yourself? That poor man has been rotting away in jail for ten years because you didn’t want him dating your daughter. You know they were in love, and you killed that for your own selfishness.” I couldn’t believe the harsh words coming out of my mouth. It certainly wasn’t what I thought I would say.

  “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, miss. What was your name again?” His hand drifted to a cell phone at his waist.

  “I didn’t give my name.” I said with an edge to my voice. “You need to make this right. He has no interest in your daughter. Her lies killed any chance of love between them. He just wants to put this behind him and live his life with the freedom he deserves.”

  “Oh I get it now. You’re some deranged fan. Get the hell off my property before I call the police.” He pointed towards the street.

  “I’m not a reporter, but I can certainly write a story. I’ll tell this whole thing in all the graphic details you want to forget. If you think it was bad after the trial, you haven’t seen anything yet. This story will never die—I’ll publish a new one online every week detailing every lie your daughter told.” I felt myself shaking as I threatened him. Who was I? What the hell was happening to me? I wasn’t that kind of person…

  “And I’ll sue you. You don’t come to my house and threaten me. Wait a second…” He tilted his head. “You know where he is. He sent you here, didn’t he? You stay right there.” He started dialing on his phone. “Let’s see what the police have to say about this.”

  “Put the phone down.” I slapped it out of his hand and then his hand went into his pants. He pulled a gun—I was right. He was carrying a firearm.

  “I should shoot you where you stand, but I’m not a monster like John Wayne Williams. You don’t know what you’re talking about. My daughter was an innocent little girl and he took everything from her. She was supposed to go to college and have a good life.” He picked up his phone. “If you think I’m going to let the man who stole that away from her out of prison, you’re as crazy as he is.”

  I stood there in silence while he dialed. The gun was focused on me, and I was frozen in fear. Within a few minutes, the police were there and I was being placed in handcuffs. They quickly got a warrant for my house, and although I wasn’t there to see it, I knew they were taking him into custody. They questioned me for nearly three hours, and finally decided I was telling the truth—or at least they believed my version of the truth. I told them that he showed up at my house, tied me up, and after I heard his story, I felt like he had been wronged. I told them that I wanted to talk with his ex-girlfriends father and find out if he was telling me the truth before I call
ed the police. They were suspicious, but there was nothing they could charge me with. I wasn’t harboring him in any way, and I had the marks on my wrist to prove I had been tied up. They labeled me a delusional woman who got in over her head and sent me home.

  The press harassed me for a little while, but eventually the news died down. The people at work wanted to know everything, but I could only provide vague details. I just told them that the stories were true, and I had gotten a little compassionate for Johnny Hottie. None of them really blamed me. Most of them said they would have done the same thing—and a whole lot more. The things they described were a little laughable since I had done a lot more with him than they fantasized about. Then, the most incredible thing happened. I turned on the news one morning before work and the news anchor was talking about John. I turned up the volume and sat down in front of the television to figure out why he was back in the news again. The governor had pardoned him! I couldn’t believe my ears or my eyes. The news story detailed how his escape had caught the governor’s attention, and he looked at the case again. He talked with those who testified and decided a pardon was in order.

  I grabbed my keys and drove nearly ninety miles an hour to the prison. The news story said he would be released later that day, and I had to be there. When I got to the prison, I realized I was there a bit early. I had no idea when he would be released exactly, but I sat patiently and waited for him. After watching the door open and close a dozen times, I finally saw him. I pushed my car door open, and then I saw another door near me do the same. Before I could step out of my car, a woman ran towards him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. I blinked as tears filled my eyes—it was her. It was the ex-girlfriend who put him in prison. He held her close and I felt sick to my stomach. I drove home with my vision so clouded with tears and sorrow that I almost wrecked several times. I immediately went inside and bawled on the couch for nearly an hour. Everything I had heard from him was a lie…

  It was later that evening and I was beyond drunk when a knock came at my front door. I wanted to scream for them to go away—I assumed it was a reporter who wanted to know how I felt about the man who held me hostage getting pardoned. I stumbled across the room and peeked through the door to see John staring back at me. My pulse raged and my anger flourished as I threw open the door and stared at him. He smiled and waved, but then I could tell he noticed my state. My eyes were rimmed red and swollen from the crying. He reached for the screen door and I shook my head. I didn’t want more of his lies, and I had no idea why he was even there. I didn’t need his pity.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “Jillian… What’s wrong? I came here as soon as I could…” He looked at me with a look of utter confusion.

  “After you fucked your ex-girlfriend, I’m sure!” I reached to slam the door.

  “Jillian, please let me come inside. I need to talk to you.” He had those same ice blue eyes which melted me before, but I felt immune to them. I guess I was a true masochist, because I did open the door and let him in.

  “I was there today. I came to pick you up, and I saw you with her.” I snapped at him as he walked inside.

  “Oh…” He hung his head.

  “Yeah. Oh!” I stomped towards the couch and sat down.

  “I’m sorry you saw that, but it wasn’t what you think. I didn’t leave with her, and I certainly didn’t fuck her. Your visit to her father left a mark, apparently. He couldn’t have his daughter recant her testimony or admit she was lying, so he called in a favor. His company donates a lot of money to political campaigns. You did it… You got me out of prison.” He sat down across from me.

  “I put you back in her arms. Great!” I lit a cigarette and glared at him.

  “You didn’t put me back in her arms. I’m sure that is what she thought when she came to see me, but I told that crazy bitch to pound sand.” He leaned forward. “I don’t want her—you’re the only person I’ve thought about since they took me back to prison.”

  The look on his face told me that he wasn’t lying. I stabbed out my cigarette and moved over to sit beside him. He took me in his arms and kissed me with more passion than I had ever been kissed before. It was hard to imagine that I had fallen in love with a man that only spent one day with me, but I knew that I had. After a few short weeks together, we decided that we needed to move. The story was local originally, but it made the national news after his pardon. I had a little money saved up, so we took a trip to let things die down. He grew his hair longer and let his beard grow out. I went from blonde to red, and cropped my hair a lot shorter than it was before. We changed our names in Ohio, and settled down in a small town where it was unlikely anyone would know who we were. We built a new life and put everything from the past behind us—well everything except my need to be my Daddy’s little girl.




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