Needing Her

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Needing Her Page 13

by Annabelle Love

  “Wow…” The exclamation came from Kelly, and I snapped out of my daze to push myself to my feet. Training my gaze on the youngest of the four sisters even as I held the eldest tightly to my chest, I took heavy breaths in a partially successful attempt to calm myself. “You really said she’s your sugar momma…”

  “What’s so wrong with that?” Awkwardness surged towards me from the crowd in powerful waves, but I relaxed at the knowledge that my father had left for now. Before me, Kelly shrugged, her eyes slipping to Hailey, and I frowned deeply. My heart slammed against her cheek, but she didn’t seem to mind as she tilted her head to catch my gaze.

  “He’ll find out eventually. He’s not going to just leave.” Shaking my head at Hailey’s grumble, I blocked out the invading certainty of her words. It didn’t matter when my father came back; it didn’t matter when he found out about Antonya. Now, I had a weapon to fight with that he couldn’t counter.

  Now, I had something to fight for.

  Chapter 25


  “That really just happened…” Relief and surprise mixed in my tightened abdomen when conversation resumed fairly quickly, and I cracked a smirk at the dazed look in Anthony’s eye. Pride swirled within the confines of my ribs, and my hands slithered around his waist to hold him to me. “You did beautifully, Anthony—I’m really proud of you.”

  “That was awful… this wasn’t the impression I wanted your family to have.” Even as he grumbled, Anthony’s face broke out into a wide smile, and my smirk morphed into a broad grin. “If you ever tell me to shut up again, I’ll crack my hand over your ass.”

  Big, greedy hands dipped down to squeeze my ass cheeks in promise, and a giggle flew from my lips. I only nodded firmly, and I glanced over at Kelly to find her watching us with a serene smile. Of all of us, she was the most mellow, but it didn’t take long for Marissa to come hopping over, red-faced with merriment. Against my chest, Anthony stiffened, and I held my breath as my sister took a huge breath before flinging her arms around us to cry with laughter.

  “I cannot believe you did that! I thought you were gonna punch him in the face! Oh, oh my God, I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it!” Sputtering through heavy pauses of mirth, Marissa held my shoulder in one tight grip and Anthony’s in another, and I felt his chest shutter in relief. “This is the best. I love drama.”

  “I apologize, Marissa, if I had any inkling at all that he’d just barge in—” Waving Anthony off, Marissa leaned back on her low heels to grin brightly at him, and I stepped out of his arms to smooth the front of my dress.

  “No, no! You’re fine. Believe me, this is nothing new. Every year, something happens. Last year, H and Mom got into a fist fight, and the year before that, Tracy’s water broke, and the year before that, H and I spent the day in the hospital with my husband when he broke his big toe kicking a soccer ball.” Nudging Anthony with her elbow, Marissa tossed him a wink as she leaned in to continue in a lower voice. “I’m glad you didn’t punch him, though. You did good. It’s all about learning to deal with triggers, right.”

  “Yeah… thanks, Marissa.” Patting her lightly on the shoulder, Anthony radiated discomfort, and my sister only nodded before walking off back to the cabana by the pool. The atmosphere lightened considerably as the seconds ticked by, and he spent that moment looking around at the utter disinterest of the party before turning to me. “Is Antonya okay? What did Tracy say?”

  “She’s asleep—the kids are watching a movie… Anthony, it wasn’t going to affect her, anyway. It’s okay.” Anthony’s worry was adorable, and he nodded curtly as apprehension swirled in his eyes. “Really, it’s not a big deal. If your father showed up, that means the P.I. isn’t involved anymore. He can harass and make a scene anywhere he wants, but things have changed in the past decade, you know. He might be wealthy, but he’s a legacy. You said it yourself—no one has dealt with him since you took over because he always made you go in his place. You’re the one with influence. You can screw him over with just a few phone calls.”

  “I didn’t think of it like that.” Anthony’s confession caused affection to stick to my ribs like tar, and I lifted myself onto the toes of my low heels to kiss his lips. Once again, his hands wrapped around my waist, and he squeezed lightly before sighing into my mouth. “You’re so good to me, babe.”

  “I am, aren’t I?” Faux arrogance laced my tone, and I leaned back to take a deep breath as Anthony bared his straight, clean teeth at me. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

  Taking Anthony’s hand in mine, I led him across the yard to the cabana where my sisters were chatting up a few of their friends. Relief flooded my chest at the relaxed air that filled my lungs, and, suddenly, I was feeling much better about this party. Anthony wasn’t like an animal at a zoo to be ogled and fawned over, and any intention of doing that had been wiped clean by what had just happened.

  The unexpected windfall of confrontation was immediately apparent, and Kelly’s boyfriend’s cousin stuck out his hand for a shake without any strings attached. Standing off to the side a bit, I watched through narrowed eyes as Anthony shook the offered palm, and Tyler grinned as he introduced himself.

  “You’re not worried that Anthony’s father will try to take your job?” Coming up next to me, Marissa posed her concerns lightly, but I shook my head. Only a few feet away, Anthony and Tyler engaged in a conversation about cars, and I reached to rub the back of my neck underneath my hair before opening my mouth.

  “One problem at a time… I’d like to think that George will vouch for me. It’s not like anyone cares about one grumpy, old man with a grudge… but I’ll think about it when the time comes.” Creeping worry slithered into the deep crevices of my brain, and I took a hard breath and held it in an attempt to air out my skull. “Why did you tell him Mom and I got into a fist fight? She didn’t actually manage to hit me, and she left when I shoved my potato salad in her face.”

  “Who cares about the details? You know, Hailey, it’s not a bad thing to fudge the truth a little in a situation like that. Anthony needed the boost of knowing worse had happened.

  Besides, if you didn’t shove your plate in her face, she would’ve gotten at least one hit on you, and that’s close enough to a fist fight for me. Since we’re on the subject, when are you going to tell him about Dad?”

  Furrowing my brows deeply, I clenched my jaw tight in an effort not to frown that failed miserably.

  “I will… he asked about it on the way here…” Low and rough, my declaration only earned me a sharp look, and Marissa scoffed harshly. Crossing my arms under my bust, I stiffened at the ache that shot across my ribs and down my back, but it only added to the darkening clouds that hung over my head.

  “You should’ve told him already, H. Look at what just happened. Anthony looked ready to literally kill his dad… in fact, he never doesn’t look like that when the old man is brought up. It’s not healthy, and he needs help. I get it… you and him won’t make the mistakes our parents made, but that doesn’t mean it won’t eat him up.”

  “I know that, Marissa.” My irritated snap pulled a hot sigh from my lungs, and I glanced around to make sure Anthony hadn’t heard me. An easy-going smile graced his face, and he seemed fully immersed in his conversation that I’d lost track of. “I know that, and—more importantly—he knows that. Just give him some time. A lot of stuff is happening, but he’s not neglecting himself yet.”

  My sisters didn’t know that Anthony had gone to therapy successfully the past ten months, and I wasn’t going to tell them. It wasn’t any of their business—it wasn’t even my story to tell. True, Anthony hadn’t talked about resuming therapy, but that was going to change with today’s upsetting event. He’d handled the sudden appearance of his father much better than I could’ve ever hoped, but he must’ve realized it wasn’t an isolated incident.

  “If you say so… him and Tyler seem to be hitting it off real well.” Marissa’s observation only drew my attention
to another of Anthony’s problems, and my frown finally broke through.

  Anthony had no friends. Being lonely was just as traumatic as being in an abusive relationship, whether paternal, platonic, or romantic. Marissa had been adamant that he come to this party for largely that reason.

  He’s got a girlfriend, a kid, and a nice home life.

  Now, he just needs a social life.

  It was hard to remember just how often Anthony was tethered to my apartment and the immediate, surrounding areas. Thinking hard-on it, I couldn’t even find a single instance in which he did something fun. His life revolved around Antonya, and he was neck-deep in his own revelation.

  Just because your life revolves around Antonya doesn’t mean it consists only of her.

  The irony sent chills down my spine, but hope blossomed in my chest when Anthony’s deep, low laughter tickled my ears.

  “Yeah… they’d get along well, I think.” Nodding absently at Marissa’s thoughtful words, I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focus on the here and now.

  Chapter 26


  Nerves tingled in my fingertips as I rode the elevator up with Hailey by my side and Antonya in my arms, and I stared at my own, pensive expression from under furrowed brows. I hadn’t been so apprehensive for a business meeting since I was 12, but my daughter’s feather-like weight in the crook of my elbow kept my mind from running away from me.

  “You’re cute, Anthony.” Drawing my attention away from my golden reflection, Hailey gently raked her fingers through Antonya’s tuft of hair as she smiled at me. Serenity radiated from her, and I soaked it up greedily with a deep, hard inhalation. “I thought you’d be in your element. You’ve done this forever.”

  “This is different.”

  Oh, fuck was it different.

  My low growl only widened Hailey’s smile, and she rubbed my arm over my shirt soothingly. Holding my breath, I closed my eyes briefly to relish this moment of intimacy in a stupid, small elevator. There was one reason and one reason only that I couldn’t seem to find that emotionless place inside me.

  Mark was going to be at this meeting.

  After everything that had gone on during the cookout-slash-anniversary party on Saturday—only three days ago—Hailey and I wanted to get the jump on my father. She’d asked George to hold a meeting, so we could explain what was going on; we wouldn’t jeopardize her career any more than it had been. Not only would Mark be there as a character supporter, but many of the higher-ups, and even the CEO of Slander’s. I still don’t know how George had managed that, but I assumed he dropped my name.

  Hailey had been right about that, at least; I still had influence in the business world. There was no reason not to milk it.

  A shrill ping pulled me from my thoughts, and I blinked hard as my heart thundered hard in its cage. Slowly, the elevator doors pulled open, and the cubical farm that was Hailey’s sprawling workplace came into view. Row after row of partitions separated employees hard at work, and I inhaled deeply before following Hailey off the elevator.

  Maybe not so unsurprisingly, no one indulged their curiosity as we skirted the farm beyond a passing glance. If Hailey was any indication, this company only hired the best of the best. Even so, the nagging in my gut told me there’d be plenty of gossiping going on during lunch.

  The closer we came to the glass wall separating the farm and the meeting office, the straighter my back and shoulders became. My mind cleared, body easing into the comfort of a scenario I’d experienced more times than I cared to count. Glancing down at Antonya’s sleeping face, resolved solidified into a dense ball in my chest that slowed my heart rate.

  Glancing over the bodies milling around the long, freshly polished table, I clenched and released my jaw as thought after thought eased into my mind’s eye. Hailey pushed open the glass door, and the light conversation that had been going on stopped as all eyes turned to us. George’s rotund form waddled towards us, and he broke the second-long silence as his face broke out into a smile directed towards the both of us.

  “Hailey! Mr. Richards! And this must be the elusive Antonya.” He didn’t try to touch or get too close to my daughter, but George’s eyes lit up with the glee of a man that loved children. “There’ll be time to gawk over her later. Let me introduce you all.”

  Getting right to business, George went about doing just as he’d said, and I shook hands even as my attention stuck to the man at the back of the group and off to the right. Mark watched me with razor precision, and the hairs on my arms stood up underneath my button down as he scanned me through narrowed eyes. Stepping up with confidence as heavy and thick as a brick, he stared me down while George’s introduction drone in my ears.

  I didn’t look away, and the appraising glint in Mark’s eye glittered brightly before he stuck out his hand. His gaze slid to Antonya as we shook hands harder than necessary, and he nodded curtly, wordlessly, before stepping back.

  “Alright, now that that’s taken care of, let’s get down to business.” Carefully hiding the relief that surged through me, I took a seat at the front of the table, and Hailey sat to my right. Rocking Antonya habitually, back and forth, I couldn’t stop the sigh that rushed from my nose. Hailey placed her hand on my thigh under the table before George spoke up again, and I sent her a quick, grateful smile. “So, this is a meeting to discuss any possible backlash from personal altercations with your father… Is there any context you can give us to help explain the situation?”

  Answering the questions was easy, but we knew it would be; the uncertainty of the situation all stemmed from whether or not the higher-ups would simply fire Hailey or not. She wanted to work; she loved this company, and she was great at what she did.

  Knowing looks went around the table as I explained the situation with my father, and my surety over this route solidified. Clearly, his antics weren’t unknown to these powerful business controllers, and as I fell silent, the CEO—a woman named Eliza Slanders—leaned forward to prop her clasped hands on the table top.

  “I’m glad you decided to come to us… I’m very aware of Mr. Richards’ controlling nature and quick temper. There isn’t a person here that hasn’t heard stories of it. Slanders is a nationwide company, and we haven’t been in danger of being ruined since 1944… however… your personal problems shouldn’t spill over to endanger anyone, Mr. Richards. Understand this—I get it. Your father is a foolish, spoilt child in the best of circumstances, but I won’t guarantee Ms. Montgomery her job because you can’t contain him. You had options you should’ve explored before taking such a radical course of action to prevent this from happening.”

  Sucking in a sharp breath, I only nodded curtly as Slanders stared at me levelly for a long moment that stiffened my muscles. She was easily as old as my father, and I couldn’t help but respect her even as she scolded me. In total control, she turned her gaze to Hailey, and the hand on my thigh flexed as heat seeped through my suit pants.

  “Again, I appreciate the forewarning. I’ve gone through your trainer grades and reports, Ms. Montgomery, and there’s no doubt that you’re an asset to this company. As with Mr. Richards, you cannot allow your personal problems to cascade into the work environment. You’re not as indispensable as you may think you are. That may change in the future, but in this moment, you’re a trainer—nothing more. Taking all of this into consideration, including your personal references, I’ve decided that you can continue on for now. Depending on the intensity of the blowback from this, I’ll decide how we proceed personally.”

  “Thank you! Thank you so much—I promise to work to avoid this from ever happening again, Mrs. Slanders.” Hailey’s voice shook, a barely noticeable tremor, and her hand left my thigh as she stood up hastily. “Thank you.”

  She bowed shallowly, a little awkwardly, before sinking back into her seat, and I smiled at the relief that colored her face a pale pink. Across the length of the table, Slanders’ eyes flickered to mine, and I clenched my jaw before nodding fi
rmly. Her intention behind this decision became immediately clear, and I could do nothing but appreciate it.

  Slanders wanted any sort of business relationship with me that she could get without ruining her own integrity. This was the smartest way to play. Providing rental cars, trucks, and many other types of vehicles was all well and good, but she had plans.

  I’m entrenched in the most elegant, smooth mastery of blackmail ever.

  Tearing my eyes off Slanders’, I leaned back in my seat to glance at my daughter’s peaceful expression. The tension that had raced through my veins eased up, and I smiled as the conversation resumed around me.

  “If you ask me, I think this isn’t such a bad idea. Being a company that hasn’t had a run-in with Richards sort of makes us an outcast. I might even be willing to bet that we’d benefit from one of his tantrums. At least we’d get some free publicity—he’d make sure of that.” George’s spin on the situation was, if nothing else, unique and unexpected, and I rocked my daughter absently as the actual employees of Slanders delved into conversation.

  Taking this moment in secret to grab Hailey’s hand under the table, I rocked my daughter quietly. Squeezing my palm, relieved achievement radiated from Hailey like a heater on high, and she cast me a slight smile that shone in her eyes. Rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb, I ignored the eyes burning into the side of my face from the other end of the table.

  The meeting took all of an hour, and everyone filed out in a fairly good mood—everyone but Mark. Standing between his chair and the table, he only stared at me through fierce eyes, and I passed off Antonya to Hailey. She didn’t protest, quietly taking our daughter and exiting the room, and the silence dragging in her wake bore down on my chest. My heart pounded hard, and blood beat against my eardrums as self-degradation swamped the thin space between my skull and my brain.

  “Don’t let that happen again.” Hard, low, Mark’s command caused goosebumps to wash down my entire body at the sharp threat that edged it. Clenching my jaw, I could only nod as guilt clawed at the back of my throat. Downright glaring at me, he slowly shuffled towards the door before finally dropping my gaze.


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