Ruthless: A Dark College Romance (Somerset University Book 1)

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Ruthless: A Dark College Romance (Somerset University Book 1) Page 25

by Ruby Vincent

  “Tell me the name of the fifth person, and keep this in mind, we’ll be paying King, Brandon, and Finn a visit tonight too. I have a feeling they’re going to be very forthcoming. If the name they give us doesn’t match yours, we’ll be coming back here for another chat. Nod if you understand.”

  He bobbed his head so hard he smacked it against the dresser.

  I signaled for Ryder to remove the gag. “What’s his name?”

  “Logan Bilius,” he sobbed. “I swear, I’m not lying. Don’t do it again—”

  My eyes narrowed. “Logan? You mean the cupcake bitch? Val and Sof’s friend?!” The first hint of my rage broke through. “Why would he do this? Was it his idea? And why”—I fisted his collar—“would you try to protect him?”

  “Because he’s my cousin!”

  The boys and I exchanged a look. The picture was only getting murkier. Val said that Logan was a friend and that he had a crush on Sofia. Why would he and his cousin do this? Was it their plan the whole time?

  “Why did you target Sofia and attack Val?” I asked.

  “We did it for the money! We know how fucking rich Sofia Richards is and we knew where she was almost every night, all alone. We were going to grab her, snatch her money and jewelry, take some naked pictures of her, and then let her go. I swear!”

  “Why the pictures?”

  Shawn threw his head back. “Please,” he begged. “Please, let me go.”

  I reached for his ring finger.

  “No! No, okay! We took the pictures to blackmail her parents.”

  “What? Her parents?”

  He nodded hard. “We were going to send them the pictures and demand two hundred grand to keep them from getting out. Forty thousand for each of us. Sofia was supposed to be alone. We tried to get the other girl out of there, but Sofia left instead.”

  Shawn slumped in on himself. Maverick and Ryder held him up as another sobbing fit wracked his body.

  “We c-couldn’t wait,” Shawn said. “We were running out of time. There was no one around, so we decided to grab your girlfriend and just keep her out of the way. We figured Sofia would come back and think she went to the bathroom or something.”

  As he spoke, I heard what Valentina did and the different way he pronounced Sofia.

  Good job, baby. You got us here. Now we’ll get you justice.

  “But then she kicked over the stand and everything went wrong. While we had her, I thought why not get some money for her pictures too? Then we could grab Sofia walking back.” He swung around to Ryder. “That’s it. That’s the truth, I promise. Make him stop!”

  Ryder laughed. It was a harsh, chilling sound. “Don’t look at me, Dimov. Ezra is the nice one. You should have heard what I wanted to do to you.”

  “You know, I don’t think that is it,” I said as he started crying again. “Why would Logan want to do this to Sofia in the first place? And why did you say you were running out of time?”

  Shawn’s jaw worked. It took him a minute to reply. “Logan’s parents cut him off. They’d been fighting all semester, but when he got home, it blew up. They said they weren’t paying for Somerset. Tuition, housing, nothing. Then they threw him out.

  “He wanted to stay with me, but my mom took her sister’s side and closed the door in his face. He was desperate. Logan killed himself for four years to get into Somerset University. He needed to get his hands on twenty thousand dollars by the tuition deadline, and he asked me to help.”

  “By attacking Sofia and blackmailing her mom and sick dad,” Maverick said. “Why? Because he knew she had money?”

  “Because she was a stuck-up bitch!” he cried. “Lording her money over everyone. She gets herself a fancy dorm and fills it with big screens, silk sheets, and Persian rugs while her mansion sits twenty minutes—”

  Searing fury swarmed my senses. I dove for his finger.

  “Wait, no,” he screamed. “That’s what Logan said, not me. I didn’t even know her. It’s what he said.”

  “What else did he say?” I forced through my teeth.

  He yanked at Jaxson’s hold. “Don’t break it, please!”

  I raised my hands and indicated for him to speak.

  “He said that she led him on,” he continued after a minute. “She made him nip at her heels like a puppy, but she was never going to date him because he wasn’t rich or famous enough. His words,” Shawn stressed. “Logan said her parents would pay whatever we wanted to protect their princess. After they coughed up the money, we’d sell the pictures online for even more.

  “There are sick freaks out there willing to pay serious money for rape porn, and I mean the real thing. But I wasn’t going to let it go that far.” He peered into my eyes. “I told them we’d just strip her and take pics of her tied up and held down. That’s it.”

  I bared my teeth. “You think that makes you some kind of hero?” I hissed. “Because you drew the line at rape? But one of you did attempt to rape Valentina. Hudson caught him on top of her with his dick out.”

  I encircled his ring and pinky finger. “Which one of you was it?”

  “He attempted to...?” The blood drained from his face. “That’s not true. We left Logan with your girlfriend and he’s not that. He would never.”

  I bent his fingers back inch by inch. “Are you calling Valentina a liar?”

  “No,” he said quickly. “I just— I— He’s my fucking cousin. I know him. He wouldn’t—”

  I laughed mirthlessly. “You know him? Did you know he would lose his shit over being rejected? Did you know he’d try to solve his problems by assaulting innocent women? Did you know he was a sociopathic piece of garbage? If you did, you can’t be surprised to hear he took it further.”

  Shawn’s weak chin quivered under the force on his fingers. I hadn’t broken them, but I wanted to.

  “I don’t understand why you went along with him, Dimov,” I said. “It seems like you’re all sick freaks. Who would do this to a woman for some money?”

  “It wasn’t for the money. I was giving Logan my cut.” A tear dripped on my hand. “I did it because he’s family. He needed my help and I didn’t see another way. Logan was going to end up on the street. Lose everything he worked for, while trust-fund princesses and manicured douchebags skated through Somerset and then were handed careers by their parents.

  “I knew it was wrong, but you do what you have to do to protect your f-family.” His voice cracked on a sob. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  Something stirred in me as he sniveled. I gazed at Shawn Dimov—broken, bruised, soul in shreds—and I finally realized what I needed to do.

  “Shut up,” Jaxson snapped. “Let’s finish this. Tell us what you did with the pictures.”

  I looked at Maverick and he immediately went to the computer. He’d delete every trace of their existence.

  “Nothing,” Shawn said. He looked from me to Maverick. “The whole plan was fucked. We left to get Sofia and then Logan called me and said Valentina got away. He told me the police wouldn’t be far behind and we needed to get back to our dorms. He sent me the pictures and ordered me to wait until after he saw Valentina and Sofia again and made sure they didn’t suspect us.”

  “For your life,” Ryder said, “you better not have sold them.”

  “I didn’t,” he rushed out. “I didn’t do anything with them. I just hid them on my computer. Logan left, so I did—”

  “Whoa.” I held up a hand. “What do you mean he left?”

  “The day after, he texted me saying it was all too much and he was dropping out of school.” He sniffed. “I haven’t seen or spoke to him since.”

  “If you’re lying—”

  “Check my phone,” he yelled. “I’ve been calling and texting and he hasn’t answered. Check!”

  I rose and walked over to the bedside table. I typed in the password Shawn recited and opened his messages.

  Logan: I can’t do this anymore. I’m dropping out. Don’t look for me. I want to s
tart over.

  Shawn: You’re dropping out after everything? Why?

  Shawn: Logan, call me back.

  Shawn: I just want to know you’re okay. You don’t have money or a place to live. Do you want me to sell the stuff? I’ll send you the cash.

  I didn’t have to ask what “the stuff” was.

  Shawn: Logan?

  There were more messages, but none came from Logan.

  “It looks like Logan ran,” I told the guys.

  “We’ll find him,” said Ryder.

  “That we will,” I agreed. I crouched before Dimov and tossed the phone in his lap. “Listen very carefully because this is what happens now,” I began. “You don’t go to school here anymore. Tomorrow, you’re going to pack your shit, get in your car, and drive as far as you can get until you hit ocean, and then keep driving.”

  I leaned in, getting so close his bulging, terrified eyes filled my vision. “If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you.” I grasped his jaw and pulled him closer still. “Now, I’m going to repeat that just in case you thought it was an exaggeration or an idle threat. Look into my eyes and understand... I will kill you.”

  Trembling in my hold, Shawn didn’t speak.

  “Fuck,” Jaxson suddenly cursed.

  I glanced down. A dark, growing stain spread through his pants.

  Releasing him, I got to my feet. “Maverick, it is done?”

  “The pictures are gone. It’s done.”

  “Then let’s go. There are a few more guys we have to visit.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Valentina was beautiful always, but there was something about her in sleep. Her growing chestnut hair fell over her cheek and tickled her lips. I ached to brush it back, but I didn’t want to wake her. None of us did.

  Maverick, Jaxson, Ryder, and I stood over Adam’s bed, watching them both sleep. The sight of them cuddled tightly and Adam’s arm splayed over Val’s neck soothed us. It had been a long night. So long, it was nearly morning. Orange-purplish light peeked through the superhero curtains, reminding us time relentlessly marched on.

  We paid King Paxton, Brandon Kollie, and Finn Joseph a visit. We left them with broken bones, bloody faces, and an order to be gone in twenty-four hours, but they were alive.

  “From now on, Val has guards with her whenever she leaves the house,” I whispered.

  “Already done,” Ryder replied.

  “And give Jacob a raise.”

  He cracked a smile. “Already done.”

  “Good.” I gazed at Valentina and said, “There’s only one thing left to do... and I need your help.”

  “Anything,” they said at once.

  “Let’s go outside.”

  After the door shut behind us, I spoke. “Brian owes money to a drug cartel.”

  Jaxson’s jaw dropped. “What the fuck?”

  I told them everything. I started with the initiation and ended on my conversation with Brian.

  “He wants me to stay out of it,” I said, “but he’s basically in hiding. He’s cut off from his family, lying to Mom, out of a job, and watching his life flush down the toilet. I can’t sit by when I know I can help him. We’re family and it’s what you do. Not that psycho, twisted loyalty shit that Dimov spouted, but the real thing.” My gaze drifted to Adam’s door. “Honest, selfless sacrifice for the people you care about.”

  I looked at the guys. “You know I wouldn’t ask this if—”

  “You know you don’t have to ask,” Ryder cut in. “Tell us what to do.”

  I might’ve hugged the guy if that was our thing. I might do it anyway.

  “I have fifty thousand in my account. With what Brian lost at the table and interest, he owes over three hundred grand. I need to pull the rest of the money together before the guy sells his house and everything he owns.”

  “I’ve got about sixty thousand,” Maverick chimed in. “There’s more in my trust fund, but I’m assuming we’re not telling anyone about this.”

  I shook my head. “Not until it’s done.”

  “I have seventy-five in my personal account,” Ryder said.

  “Guys, stop,” said Jaxson. “You think our parents won’t notice if we zero out our balances? This won’t work.”

  “We don’t have a choice,” I said.

  “Yes, we do. I’ll sell the Ferrari.”

  “What? You can’t,” I said automatically.

  He snorted. “Yes, I can. A one-point-four-million-dollar car selling with a million knocked off. It’ll go fast. I’ll just tell Dad I wrecked it.” Jaxson strode off. “I’ll start looking for a buyer,” he called over his shoulder.

  I was speechless. There were the brothers we were given and the brothers we chose. I chose well.

  “Thank you, Jaxson. You can have my car until I buy you another one.”

  He waved as he disappeared into his room.

  “All right, Maverick,” I continued. “We need to contact the Sons of Slaughter to tell them I have their money and where to get it. My brother’s proven he’s hackable, so look for someone named Roman. He was Brian’s copilot and the one who got him in bed with the SOS.”

  “Got it.”

  Ryder clapped my shoulder. “We’re going to handle this, Ezra. It’s what we do.”

  THAT NIGHT, VAL AND I gazed at each other across the pillow.

  “You promise?”

  “I promise, Val,” I said. “We roughed them up a little and strongly impressed upon them that they should change schools. In a couple weeks, the police are going to get a tip about a few things we planted on their computers. They’ll be the sick fucks who paid for photos they shouldn’t have. Those men will go to jail, Val. They won’t hurt Sofia or anyone else again.” I brushed the hair from her cheek. “Did we do good?”

  A soft smile graced her lips. “Good is relative in this situation, but yes. Thank you.”

  “There is just one more,” I continued. “Logan. It’s only a matter of time before we track him down.”

  “Let’s talk about something else,” she said. “What did you and Adam get up to while I was at the Sally house? Also, how was dinner with your dad?”

  He blew out a breath. “Dinner was weird. Mom and Dad insisted on sitting next to each other and every time I looked away, their heads were together and they were laughing about something. Adam and I had a long talk about it after they left.”

  “Ezra, you have to stop using our son as a therapist,” she said, giggling.

  I stilled. “Did you just say...?”

  “Our son.” She flashed me a teasing smile. “Yes, I did. Got a problem with it?”

  “No, I don’t.” I captured her lips in a sweet, slow kiss. Our tongues entangled, drawing soft moans from us both.

  “I love you,” I whispered. “I love our son. And our family. I would do anything for you guys.”

  She caressed my cheek. “And we would do anything for you.”

  THE TWO WEEKS I WAITED for Jaxson to sell his car were the longest of my life. He was right about it being snapped up quickly. The problem was the buyer rode in on a mix of elated and suspicious about the great deal. He insisted on checking, re-checking, and then checking the car again. Then he called cops to make sure it wasn’t stolen.

  “My dad almost picked up that call from the police,” Jaxson griped. The four of us were in Ryder’s room gathered in his sitting area. “But we’re good. The money transferred into my account this morning.”

  “And I found the SOS,” said Maverick. “Roman’s not stupid. He covered his tracks pretty well. In the end, I had to get in by cloning Brian’s phone number and tricking him into clicking a link in the text. It got the spy program into his phone, emails, social media, all of it.” He shrugged. “I figured Brian’s ignoring calls from him, so Roman can’t out us.”

  I leaned forward in my seat. “What did you get?”

  “Like I said, he’s smart. He doesn’t directly mention drugs or anything illegal, but there was one th
ing that was suspicious.” Maverick turned his computer around. “He regularly texts this person named Dax and their messages are odd. ‘I’m on my way to Belize. I’ll bring you back a mug’ or ‘I couldn’t find the chocolates you like. I’ll get them the next time I’m in Costa Rica.’”

  “What’s odd about that?” I asked.

  He motioned at the screen. “It’s all they talk about. Hundreds of messages about souvenirs and what country he’s flying in or out of.”

  “That’s their code for the drugs.”

  “Gotta be. Dax is one of the SOS and this is his number. He’s who we’ll contact to arrange the meet.”

  “With this.” Ryder reached into his pocket and took out a cellphone. “Jacob got it for me, but he doesn’t know why I need it. The phone’s completely untraceable. Obviously, we can’t let them know you’re the son of a billionaire investigative reporter.”

  “I got this, guys. Don’t worry.”

  “We,” Jaxson said. “Get that through your head, playboy. You’re not meeting this guy alone.”

  I put my hands up in surrender. “Trust me, I’m not interested in being alone in a dark alley with a guy who calls himself a son of slaughter. I’ll take the backup.”

  “No darkness or alleys,” Maverick said. “Have him meet you between classes on campus. There’ll be too many people around to risk trying anything.”

  “There’s also campus security,” Ryder added. “We can’t have my security team there since they report to Mom, but at least there’ll be someone out patrolling.”

  “We’ve got our bases covered, gentlemen,” I said. “All that’s left is to arrange the meet.”

  “Not quite,” said Maverick. “What about Val?”

  “She’s dealing with a lot right now,” I said. “She only goes to campus for class and she hasn’t been by the Sally house in weeks. I won’t have her worrying about me on top of it. After it’s taken care of, I’ll tell her everything.”

  “She’s going to be pissed,” Jaxson stated. “Our girl’s about to tear you three new assholes.”


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