Three Is A Crowd

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Three Is A Crowd Page 5

by Chenell Parker

  “Divorce! Damn Cat. I didn’t know it was that bad. And I can’t believe that he made you sign a prenup,” Jersi gasped.

  “He sure did and my young, dumb ass did it with no questions asked. See, Blake wouldn’t have even come at you on no dumb shit like that. Your family got way more money than them, so there would have been no need. But for bitches like me and Mariah, who came from nothing, they want us to walk away with what we came in with.”

  “Do you think she signed a prenup too?” Jersi asked.

  “I don’t think, I know she did. It’s all good though. I’m way smarter than they gave me credit for. I got enough saved to make sure I’m straight for a while. I been stacking my chips on his ass. He owes me for seven years of mediocre sex and misery,” Cat said.

  “Girl, shut up,” Jersi laughed.

  “My mama told me not to marry him just because I was pregnant but I didn’t listen. People have babies out of wedlock all the time. Hell, my mama and daddy didn’t get married until I was eight. I was the flower girl at their damn wedding,” Cat acknowledged.

  “That be Eva with all that. That’s why I popped my pills faithfully honey. I wasn’t letting nobody force me down the aisle before I was ready,” Jersi said.

  “And I don’t blame you. BJ and I were not ready to get married and that’s why we’re both unhappy. We weren’t in love then and we’re not in love now. And that bitch Mariah can play it off all she wants to, but I know she’s miserable too. She be acting like her life with Blake is so perfect but I don’t buy it. Eva can’t stand her ass and she doesn’t even try to hide it. You know they wanted you and Blake to be together,” Cat replied.

  “I’m so happy that I didn’t make that mistake. If it was that easy for him to cheat on me with her then he wasn’t the man for me anyway,” Jersi shrugged.

  “That nigga still loves you too. He’s always talking to BJ about you,” Cat admitted.

  “Fuck Blake! Getting over him was the best thing that ever happened to me,” Jersi fumed.

  “His wife be trying to be my friend but I ain’t got nothing for her. I don’t need nobody going back and repeating the shit that I say,” Cat replied.

  “So, about your boo. Are you planning to be with him once you and BJ split up?” Jersi asked.

  “Girl, he wants to but I don’t know about all that. I might need some time to figure shit out before I jump right into something else. He’s easy to talk to and that’s what I really like about him. Maybe we’ll just take it slow and see what happens,” Cat shrugged right as Jersi’s mother walked into the kitchen.

  “Thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate it,” Dena smiled.

  “Go sit down ma, we got it. I know you’re tired from baking and making sure that everything was done right,” Jersi replied.

  “You have no idea how right you are. I’m just coming to bring the desserts out,” Dena said.

  “We got it Mrs. B. Go relax,” Cat said.

  “Honey, you don’t have to tell me twice. I’ll send Dray back here to help. That’s if he can pull himself away from that lil girl,” Dena said as she walked away shaking her head.

  It was as if Dray pulled names out of a hat during holiday time. He would show up with a woman on Thanksgiving and be on the arm of a man for Christmas or vice versa. He was like a skilled actor and he played his parts very well.

  “I just love your brother. He’s always the same every time I see him. He’s true to himself and doesn’t give a fuck about how nobody else feels about it,” Cat commented.

  “That’s how we were taught to be. My parents never cared about what anybody had to say about them either and they still don’t,” Jersi acknowledged.

  “Maybe they need to rub some of that off on their best friends,” Cat said speaking of her husband’s parents.

  “That’s not a trait that can be taught. Either you got it or you don’t,” Jersi said right as the swinging doors to the kitchen flew open.

  “Do y’all need some help?” Mariah asked when she walked in and looked at them.

  “We got it, but thanks,” Cat replied quickly.

  “Oh, well, Mrs. B told me to come in and help y’all bring out all the desserts,” Mariah countered.

  “Here you go,” Jersi said as she handed her one of the cakes that her mother baked.

  She knew that her mother would never have asked Mariah to help her with anything. More than likely she volunteered her services but they weren’t needed.

  “You can bring it out since you’re already holding it. I’ll just grab another one,” Mariah replied. Jersi had her fucked up if she thought she was about to take orders from her. She didn’t give a fuck if she was in their house.

  “What’s the difference?” Jersi asked with a confused frown.

  “I got it friend. I’ll bring it out for you,” Cat said as she grabbed the cake from Jersi and walked away.

  “Do you have a problem with me Jersi?” Mariah asked, shocking Jersi with her question.

  “Excuse me?” Jersi countered, taken aback by what she was saying.

  “Look, we’re not cool and we never will be. That’s already been established. But lets face it, our families are good friends and have been for many years. I’m sure being around me bothers you and the feeling is mutual. But for the sake of everyone involved, we need to be women about this and at least try to get along. Blake is not my boyfriend. He’s my husband and that will never change. You and Cat ignoring me all the time won’t make me go away,” Mariah rambled.

  “Is this a joke?” Jersi laughed as she looked around like she was waiting for someone to jump out with cameras pointed at them.

  “Do you see the slightest hint of humor on my face?” Mariah countered, making Jersi’s smile drop.

  “No, but my fist will be if you don’t get the fuck on. The nerve of you to come at me on some bullshit just because I don’t fuck with you. Why would I after what you did? You need to be happy that I let you make it at all,” Jersi fumed.

  “I can’t believe that you’re still bitter after all these years,” Mariah chuckled.

  “Bitter for what sweetie? Your husband be checking for me. You should be thankful that the feelings are one sided. I would have had you losing sleep a long time ago if they weren’t.”

  “I get it, I live the life that you thought would be yours. But things happen and people fall out of love every day,” Mariah noted.

  “Maybe you should be having this talk with your husband. I fell out of love with him a long time ago. Can he honestly say the same?” Jersi asked.

  “Don’t flatter yourself sweetheart. Blake is very happy at home. And it couldn’t have been all that deep with y’all anyway. One blowjob was all it took to make him forget about you,” Mariah noted.

  “I’m sure it’ll take even less to make him remember me though. Make no mistake about it boo, you’re happy with Blake because I let you be. We can take it there if you really want to though. And stop talking like you’re a big dog. You don’t even posses the skills to get out there and find your own man,” Jersi argued.

  “Why should I when you and your sister do such a great job of picking them out for me?” Mariah winked as she grabbed a cake from the counter and walked away.

  Jersi was livid for more reasons than one. She did what her mother told her to do and she didn’t interfere in Blake’s marriage. She tried to be mature about it even though she wanted to lay hands on them both. She was cordial with him and his wife but that wasn’t enough for Mariah. She obviously didn’t know Jersi but she was about to get schooled real quick.

  “What’s up Jersi? You good?” Cat asked when she walked back into the kitchen and saw Jersi standing there staring at nothing.

  “Yeah but why did that bitch Mariah just come for me. In my mama’s kitchen at that,” Jersi said like she was still baffled by it all.

  “I knew that bitch was back here too long. Your mama had me out there cutting cake and I missed it. What happened?” Cat asked.

>   “She really tried me,” Jersi chuckled sarcastically right before she ran the entire story down to her.

  Cat stood there and listened with her mouth hung open in shock. The nerve of Mariah to be in her feelings after she went after somebody else’s man. Blake told her husband all about how Mariah had approached him. He should have turned her down so he was just as guilty as she was.

  “Her stupid ass better be happy that you don’t want him,” Cat replied angrily once Jersi finished talking.

  “I didn’t want him before but I do now,” Jersi smirked.

  “Bitch, no you don’t. If I don’t know nothing else, I know that you don’t want no parts of Blake anymore,” Cat replied.

  “We know that but they don’t have to. You know the old saying. One is lonely, two is company and three is a crowd. I’m about to show that bitch just how crowded her marriage can be,” Jersi swore.

  “Alright now bitch and I’m here for it all,” Cat replied as she and Jersi carried the rest of the desserts out to the front.

  Mariah was all smiles as they talked and enjoyed the cakes that Dena had baked. Jersi’s mind took her back to the time when she had first learned about her and Blake’s affair. All the sleepless nights and tears she shed could no longer go unpunished. Getting Blake to fall in love with her again would be nothing, especially since he never stopped loving her at all. Mariah started something and Jersi was ready to finish it.

  “I hate that bitch!” Talena fumed when Jersi finished telling her and Ariel about her altercation with Mariah.

  They were at the hookah bar vaping and enjoying their drinks. Talena was pissed when she learned about some of the things that Mariah said to her sister. That bitch was bold and she just kept proving just how much she really didn’t give a fuck.

  “I just couldn’t believe how the bitch came at me. Like, I haven’t tried to interfere in her and Blake’s marriage once. He’s always telling people that he still loves me but I never even entertained that shit,” Jersi replied.

  “He sure is because he’s always saying it to me,” Talena acknowledged.

  “Forget her and Blake. That’s just her guilty conscience getting to her. She know she was wrong for what she did,” Ariel spoke up.

  “Yeah, but I got something for that hoe. I was unbothered and she should have left me that way. Now, all bets are off. Christmas can’t get here fast enough. I’m about to be the best gift that her husband ever unwrapped,” Jersi replied.

  “Who’s doing Christmas this year?” Talena asked.

  “It’s his parents’ turn to host it and I’m happy. My mama goes overboard when she does Christmas at her house. Halloween had barely passed and she started putting her stuff up,” Jersi replied.

  Dena was so extra for Christmas. She had spent thousands of dollars over the years buying decorations for the inside of her house. Even their bathrooms were transformed into a winter wonderland. She had about eight trees in their huge house and they were all decorated differently.

  “So, you have to go by his people?” Talena asked.

  “Yep and I can’t wait,” Jersi replied as she sipped her drink.

  “I don’t know Jersi. Playing with people’s feelings is serious. I would rather you beat Mariah’s ass than to insert yourself into her marriage,” Ariel spoke up.

  “Fuck that! She inserted herself into their relationship first. That’s the whole problem now. That hoe gets too many passes,” Talena fumed.

  “We all know how you feel about Mariah, so I don’t expect you to agree with me. That’s not even you though Jersi. Mariah is a bitch and I know she makes you want to go there with her. I just don’t have a good feeling about it,” Ariel tried to reason.

  “Fuck your feelings Ariel! You’re not the one who was wronged by her. Do you sis. Make that hoe feel the same pain that she’s always inflicting on others,” Talena fumed.

  “Okay, I did my part as your best friend and cousin. I won’t say anything else about it,” Ariel said.

  “Thanks. We appreciate you for shutting the fuck up,” Talena snapped.

  Ariel got on her nerves with all that peaceful shit. Her man was a boring nerd and so was she. She had never encountered a bitch like Mariah before, so she needed to stay out of it. Talena knew firsthand how Jersi felt but she was sure that her sister felt even worse. After all, Blake had married the bitch and had kids with her. Mariah hit the jackpot with Blake and it would kill her if she lost him.

  “I understand what you’re saying Ariel but I’m really not trying to hear it right now. That bitch decided to check me in my mama’s house and that was just unacceptable to me,” Jersi said.

  “Exactly. Hoes can’t deal when you start treating them the same way they treat you. That bitch needs a taste of her own medicine, period,” Talena replied.

  “I agree but I just can’t see myself fucking Blake again. I’m not even attracted to him like that no more,” Jersi frowned.

  “That’s the only way this is going to work Jersi. It’s not an affair if sex ain’t involved,” Talena pointed out.

  “I’m good as long as he doesn’t expect me to suck his dick. I have to really be feeling a nigga to go down on him and I’m not feeling Blake at all. I’ll abort the whole mission before I do that,” Jersi said as she scrunched up her face in disgust.

  “Maybe you should just abort the mission anyway,” Ariel replied.

  “And maybe you should just shut the fuck up!” Talena snapped.

  “Fuck you Talena. You’re just as selfish as Mariah is. You only want Jersi to get her back for taking Damien from you. This ain’t even about Blake,” Ariel said calling her cousin out.

  “Y’all chill out. We’re supposed to be relaxing, not arguing,” Jersi said before her sister could even reply.

  She wasn’t dumb and she knew exactly why Talena wanted her to mess around with Blake so badly. Truthfully, it didn’t matter what anybody wanted because her mind was already made up.

  After spending another hour in the bar, the three of them left to go grab a bite to eat. They couldn’t decide on what they wanted, so Jersi chose to go to Acme Oyster House since she was driving. They were seated as soon as they got there and their orders were placed a short time later.

  “They must have a party or something over there,” Talena said as she looked to an area where a lot of men were seated.

  They all had on matching shirts and they were loud as hell. Talena’s eyes were glued to their area, probably trying to see who she was going to flirt with. After Damien, she never did get into another serious relationship. It wasn’t that she didn’t try. She just had major trust issues and she ran everybody off.

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” Jersi said as she got up and walked away.

  She had three drinks at the hookah bar and her bladder was feelings the effects of them all. Once she was done, she washed her hands and fluffed out her hair. As soon a she was leaving the bathroom, Carter sent her a text asking if he could come over. Jersi had her head down texting when she ran right into someone. Her phone fell from her hands and she cringed just thinking about it hitting the hard concrete floor. Her iPhone screen was always cracking and she was tired of getting it repaired. Thankfully, the collision never happened and it was caught in midair.

  “Looks like I’ve come to your rescue once again,” someone said as they handed her the phone.

  Jersi looked up into the smiling face of the same man who had saved her from killing herself in Whole Foods right before Thanksgiving. He had on one of the same shirts as the noisy men who were in the section next to theirs. That body was sick and it was fucked up that his face didn’t match. Granted, he wasn’t unbearably bad to look at but she would have to pass.

  “Thank you so much. You’re a real life saver,” Jersi smiled in gratitude.

  “No thanks needed. Just being a gentleman,” he replied.

  “Can I buy you a drink or something? I feel like I owe you for always helping me,” Jersi offered.

�Thanks for offering but I’m good. I’m here with my frat brothers and we’ve all had enough to drink,” he replied.

  “Okay, well thanks again,” Jersi smiled as she walked away.

  As soon as she got back to the table, the waitress came out with their food. She had light conversation with her sister and cousin as they ate. Thankfully, Talena and Ariel were done arguing for a while. Lately, that seemed to be all that they did. Talena was so used to telling Ariel anything and she was fed up with it. Ariel started clapping back and it had been that way for a while.


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