Isaac's Decision

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by Ruth Ann Nordin

  Isaac’s Decision

  Ruth Ann Nordin

  This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and also represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher.

  Isaac’s Decision

  All Rights Reserved.

  Copyright 2012 Ruth Ann Nordin


  Cover Photo images Dreamstime. All rights reserved – used with permission.

  Cover Photo images Shutterstock. All rights reserved – used with permission.

  Cover Photo images All rights reserved – used with permission.

  Cover made by Bonnie Steffens.

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without expressed written consent of the publisher/author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Ruth Ann Nordin Books

  Dedicated to Dorothy Paula Freda, my writing soul mate and friend. Thank you for everything!

  Thank you Bonnie Steffens for making this cover!

  Chapter One

  Omaha, Nebraska

  Mid-January 1893

  Stay away from the Craftsman girl.

  Isaac Larson heard it often enough, but being in a one-room schoolhouse two seats away from her made it difficult to think of anything else. Emily Craftsman was beautiful. Her dark curls fell to the middle of her back. She wore a light blue ribbon so her hair wouldn’t get in her eyes which were the loveliest shade of green he’d even seen. Green eyes framed in thick lashes. Green eyes that twinkled whenever she laughed. Green eyes that were hard to look away from whenever she looked at him.

  Then there was the rest of her. He tried not to think too much about the soft curves which her dress couldn’t hide, even though she was covered from her neck to her ankles. It seemed that ever since he turned seventeen last August, he’d been more aware of the physical beauty of young women, and Emily grabbed his attention far more than the others.

  He forced his attention back to the math equation he was working on to determine the optimal crop of corn to plant depending on the perimeters he used. Shifting in his chair, he was only half aware of the sixteen-year-old teacher giving a reading lesson to the younger students at the front of the crowded room.

  It didn’t do any good to waste his attention on Emily. She was forbidden. Besides, it wasn’t like she didn’t have young men ready to court her if she’d only give them the chance. He didn’t even understand why she still attended school. She was also seventeen—older than him by four months. Her close friend, Alice, got engaged and decided she wouldn’t go to school anymore. And yet, Emily ignored the young men in favor of school, even though it made her the oldest female in the room.

  Isaac rubbed his eyes. Forget Emily. Taking a deep breath, he held his chalk over the slate and worked on the equation.


  Looking up from the equation, he saw that the teacher had stopped her lesson. “Yes, Miss Connealy?”

  She adjusted her thin-rimmed glasses. “The wood is here.”

  He glanced out the window and saw that Ben Connealy was driving his sleigh full of lumber up to the schoolhouse. Setting down his chalk, he nodded and went to the hooks lining the wall where he grabbed his coat. After he slipped it on, he left the building, keeping to the path shoveled from the fresh layer of snow that covered the ground.

  Ben pulled back the reins and the geldings stopped. “Getting low on firewood?”

  “We’re not too bad yet, but the teacher tends to panic when the stack is half-full,” Isaac replied as he approached the sleigh.

  Ben laughed. “That’s my sister. I don’t think there’s anything that doesn’t worry her.”

  “I reckon some people are born that way.”

  “I suppose.”

  Isaac grinned as he lifted an armful of logs. “You want to come in for some coffee to warm up?”

  “Nah. I’m fine. I got plenty of coal for the foot warmer. Besides, it’s not as bad as it was this morning.”

  “I can’t argue with that. I almost didn’t come to school today.”

  “This is your last year, isn’t it?”


  “Are you sure you’d rather farm than go into the lumber industry? I could use someone strong to help with the business.”

  Isaac shook his head. “When I turn twenty-one, I’m getting a hundred and sixty acres to farm.”

  “You’re not twenty-one yet. Why don’t you work in lumber until then?”

  He shrugged. “Just not interested. I’ll stay at my pa’s farm and help out until I can apply for the land.”

  Ben sighed. “You sure are stubborn.”

  “Me? You’re the one who keeps asking the same question over and over.”

  “It’s your fault. My sister keeps saying you’re her best pupil. Maybe if you weren’t so good at your studies, I wouldn’t want you working for me.”

  Isaac suspected his teacher had another reason for wanting her brother to hire him but decided to keep his thoughts to himself. “Thanks for the wood.”

  “Tell my sister I’ll come by with more later this week so she doesn’t have to worry the schoolhouse will freeze over.”

  “I will.”

  Isaac stepped away from the sleigh as Ben urged the horses toward the path that would take him back to town. Juggling the logs in his arms, Isaac opened the door and entered the schoolhouse. He quietly made his way to the potbelly stove since he didn’t wish to disrupt the teacher as she continued her lesson. He set the logs into the pile already in the box and added a couple of them to the stove to keep the room warm.

  As he returned to the hooks at the back of the room, he tried not to look in Emily’s direction, but such a thing was easier said than done. Emily glanced up from the book she was reading and his eyes met hers. She brushed her hair from her shoulder and smiled at him. His heart leapt into his throat. Emily had the kind of smile that could render a man helpless.

  Stay away from the Craftsman girl.

  Clearing his throat, he looked away from her and focused on taking off his coat. He didn’t dare glance in her direction when he could feel the heat of her gaze upon him. His fingers fumbled on the buttons of his coat, and he could only pray she didn’t notice how nervous she made him.

  What was she still doing at school anyway? It was bearable to have her in the same small schoolhouse while they were growing up because his friends were also there. But now they were gone, leaving his sister Rachel as the only other student closest to his age—and she was thirteen.

  Well, this year would be his last. He only had to deal with Emily being in close proximity to him for a little longer and then he wouldn’t have to see her again, except for the occasional run-ins when they happened to be in downtown Omaha at the same time, something which rarely happened.

  After he finally managed to unbutton his coat, he hung it up and returned to his desk. As he sat down, he realized Emily was watching him. It took all of his willpower not to give in to temptation to look directly at her. His gaze shifted to the front of the room where Eva offered him a smile before she answered one of the student’s questions.

  Lowering his head, he returned to the slate and finished the equation. This was turning into one awkward year. A couple more months and it’d all be over. Then he could put Emily and Eva behind him and move on with his life. Just a little longer. He could do it.


  Emily bit into her sa
ndwich despite her lack of appetite. It was halfway into the school day and, once again, Isaac Larson was doing everything he could to ignore her. Just as he’d been ignoring her for the past three years. On the few occasions where they were paired up to work together, he rushed through the project, and if she tried to talk to him about something other than the assignment, he’d give a short answer and turn the topic right back to their work.

  And now, as she sat at the back of the room where the oldest students were supposed to sit, he sat with his brothers and sisters to eat his lunch. This was ridiculous. A year ago, he’d sit with Clayton and Wiley at the back of the room. Maybe if Alice was still going to school, lunch wouldn’t be so awkward. Granted, she could sit with the other students, but they ranged from six to thirteen. What did she have in common with children? She was now a young woman who was ready to get married and have children. So why would she think of children as friends?

  Her gaze went to Isaac who was showing his brother how to solve a problem he’d been working on before lunch. She glanced at the teacher and saw that Eva was smiling at Isaac. Emily narrowed her eyes. Didn’t Eva understand she couldn’t be a teacher and let a man court her?

  Emily didn’t know the specifics of the extra schooling Eva took to qualify as their teacher, but Emily knew that teaching wasn’t something she wanted to do. Ever since she was a little girl, Emily knew she’d be a wife and mother. She’d only held on for an extra year of schooling because Isaac decided to. She thought with Alice, Wiley and Clayton out of the way, Isaac would finally pay attention to her. But it wasn’t turning out that way. He was spending his time with his siblings, and Eva had no desire to pair Emily with Isaac to work on a project like the teacher the previous year did.

  The whole thing was frustrating Emily to no end. She couldn’t think of a single thing she’d done to upset him. Sure, she’d had her not-so-ladylike moments when they were younger and she proved she could beat most of the boys in a race or competed in their silly games to see who could throw a ball the farthest. It wasn’t necessarily the goal that appealed to her. She just wanted to prove that she could do everything they could. But when she turned fourteen, she decided she’d put aside her tomboy ways and act more like a lady. She figured Isaac might notice her if she did. But he didn’t.

  With a sigh, she put her half-eaten sandwich away. For a moment, she entertained the notion of throwing it at Isaac’s head. Sure, he’d be upset, but at least he’d pay attention to her!

  The only consolation she had was that Isaac didn’t seem to care for Eva. That, at least, gave her some time to think of what she might do to get Isaac to get to know her. If she could do that, then he’d realize she wasn’t as bad as he apparently thought she was.

  Not knowing what else to do, she decided to pick up her book and read where she left off. As funny as it seemed, she hid the cover by wrapping it in brown paper. It was a dime novel. Worse, it was a romance. She’d die of embarrassment if anyone caught her reading one. She was known for being a serious student, and serious students didn’t waste time on such fluff. No. She was expected to continue reading books lauded by the teachers as being appropriate literature, and every teacher somehow managed to find the most boring books imaginable.

  Emily was just glad Eva Connealy didn’t insist on finding out what she was reading. It was during school hours where Emily would read the romances and pretend she was the heroine and Isaac was the hero. As she flipped to the page where she left off before lunch, she glanced at Isaac again. Anyone could tell a Larson from a mile away, especially the males in that family. Their blond hair, slender builds, and facial features were similar. The women didn’t always have blond hair, but it seemed that the men did. She wondered if her son would have blond hair. She sighed. At the rate things were going, having a son wasn’t going to happen.

  What would it take to break through Isaac’s wall? Obviously, coming to school wasn’t doing the trick. There had to be something she could do to get him to pay attention to her. The problem was, she needed to find out what that something was.


  That night after supper, Isaac was ready to head out to feed the animals in the barn when his father called out to him from where he sat in the parlor with Adam and Jacob. Isaac stood by the front door and waited for his father while he buttoned his coat.

  “I’ll help you with your game when I get back,” his father told Jacob, motioning to the checker board.

  Isaac slipped his gloves on in time for his father to leave the parlor and grab his coat from the coat tree by the door. “I’ll help with the chores tonight.”

  “Alright.” Isaac waited for him to put on his coat before he opened the front door and stepped outside. His father followed him, and he shut the door. “What is it, Pa?”

  As they walked down the porch steps, his father said, “You’ll be eighteen soon.”

  He laughed. “That’s all the way in August. You make it sound like I’m turning eighteen next month.”

  “I’ll blink and you’ll be eighteen. Trust me, son. The older you get, the faster time flies. I know you’re tired of your ma saying it seems like yesterday when you were born, but it’s true. When you get to be my age, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.”

  “So, you’re coming out here with me to talk about the good old days when I was a kid?”

  “No. I want to talk to you about getting you a house.”

  “A house?” Isaac hadn’t expected this.

  His father followed him into the barn and handed him a pitchfork before he took another one for himself. “When I married your mother, I had a sod house. Do you remember what living in a sod house was like?”

  “A little bit.”

  “Well, when we finally built the house we’re in now, your mother was excited. Sure, she never complained about that sod house, but it’s not an ideal place for a woman and children.”

  Isaac poked his pitchfork into the hay pile, thinking he knew where this conversation was going. “I reckon it isn’t.”

  “You’re about to finish your schooling, and you’ll need to get a place of your own with land you can tend to. It’s time you spread your wings and became a man. I don’t want you to have to start out in a sod house like I had to. I want you to have a good, sturdy house so when you get married, you can take your bride to a home that isn’t crawling with bugs and snakes.”

  Isaac shoved his forkful of hay into the trough and waited for his father to continue.

  “I saved aside the money to buy the lumber, and your uncles will help us build you a house,” his father said as he enthusiastically tossed his portion of hay into the trough.

  “That’s awfully nice of you, Pa.”

  “It’s nothing. You’ve always been a good boy and worked hard around here. I know you’ll take good care of your own farm. And you don’t have to worry about getting land. I’ll get that worked out for you.”

  Surprised, Isaac nodded, wondering if he was truly ready to own his own farm. On paper, he knew what it took to run one, but he couldn’t stop feeling as if he wasn’t. After all, he expected to be twenty-one when he got one. “Pa?” he slowly asked.

  “What is it, son?”

  “When you started your farm, did you feel ready?”

  “No. I don’t think anyone ever feels ready when they start out on their own, but we all got to start sometime.” His father threw another forkful of hay into the trough and glanced at him. “Do you have your eye on any young ladies?”

  Forcing aside the image of Emily’s smile, he shook his head. “There’s no one I’m interested in courting.”

  “Well, there are young ladies your age to choose from. Maybe you aren’t looking in the right places.”

  “Maybe,” he muttered, wishing he was interested in someone—anyone—other than Emily. It would make things a lot easier.

  “Are any of the ladies of marrying age still attending school?”


  His father frowned. “
Isn’t Emily Craftsman still going there?”

  Isaac sighed. Why couldn’t his father drop the subject already? “Yes, but she spends all her time reading books.”

  “You don’t talk to her, do you?”

  “No, of course not.”

  Relaxing, he nodded. “Good. It’s important you marry someone from a good family.” He patted him on the shoulder before he turned back to toss more hay into the trough.

  Glad the conversation was over, Isaac resumed his part of the chores.

  Chapter Two

  On Saturday, Emily sat in Bertha Wilhem’s parlor while Bertha made alterations to Alice Reed’s wedding gown. For a moment, Emily entertained the fantasy that it was her on the stool while Bertha tweaked on her dress. Of course, the fantasy would be incomplete without Isaac, and that brought a whole new set of images to her mind. Images of Isaac smiling at her, holding her hand, kissing her cheek…


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