Taylor's Geek Charming

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Taylor's Geek Charming Page 3

by Angela Franklin

  “Whatever.” She huffed. “But you’re buying.” She stomped off toward the desk.

  “That was the plan. A guy always pays for his girl’s meal.” Chad informed her, following her to the door. Good thing he wasn’t following too close. She spun around and narrowed her eyes.

  “I’m not your girl.” She glared at him.

  “Whatever you say gorgeous, just remember I don’t share.” Chad smiled and took a step closer.

  “Not a problem, since I’m not yours.” She shrugged.

  “We should probably get to the diner if we want a table, but we could always bring it back here and eat.” Chad shrugged. He knew she was trying to put space between them.

  Taylor spun around and opened the door gesturing for him to go first. It only worked because she had to lock up. He made sure to wait for her on the side walk. He could tell she was thinking too hard, her jaw was set, and her lips were a set in firm line. When she went to walk past him, he took her hand in his. She tried to pull away, but he refused to release her.

  “I never agreed to this.” She snapped at him.

  “You will.” He said arrogantly. She wanted to run back in the library, but she knew he wouldn’t let her.

  “You never asked me out.” She huffed as she began walking.

  “After what you said to Tray, I think it’s better to show not ask,” He gave her a lopsided when she jerked him to a stop.

  “I didn’t do anything to him.” She snipped at him.

  “Baby, you turned him down flat, not that I’m complaining.” Chad watched her look away quickly, as if she were collecting her thoughts.

  “You don’t understand. We have watched all of our friends’ pair up. It gets lonely being on the outside. Tray only asked because he’s tired of being alone. And don’t call me baby.” She narrowed her eyes on the last bit.

  “He was serious.” He told her honestly. He should really keep his mouth shut, but if she did want to be with Tray she deserved to know he meant it.

  “He might be serious about wanting a relationship, but not with me. I love him, but not in that way.” She shook her head.

  “Okay, let’s get lunch, kitten.” He smiled when she glared at him again.

  “Seriously, do you not know my name? I am not a kitten.” She snapped trying to pull away again.

  “I know your name Taylor.” He growled letting her hear the desire in his voice. “You have a sweet innocent look that makes me want to cuddle you, but you have claws you aren’t afraid to use.”

  “I am not innocent.” She glared at him.

  “Trust me, I know. Now, would you like lunch?” He asked tugging her hand.

  “Don’t call me kitten.” She told him.

  “Okay.” He held back a laugh.

  He had never been big on pet names, but just the thought of her brought several to mind. He would find one she liked, and use others to wind her up. When he opened the door to the diner, she tried to move her hand so he couldn’t hold it. That was fine, he wrapped his arm around her. She glared up at him, but he gave her a bemused grin. Her claws were showing.

  “Hi y’all. You eating here?” Susie asked walking over to them. Sometimes she got food and took it back to the library so she could catch up on work. With the computer down, she couldn’t do anything.

  “Yes, please.” Chad answered politely.

  “Such manners, follow me.” Susie turned taking them to a booth in the back. Taylor snorted at his so-called manners. He pushed Taylor ahead of him, and kept a hand on her back as they walked. Susie was old enough to be their mother, and she was basically a mom to Kara.

  “Kara will be over in a second. Y’all want some tea?” Susie asked as they sat in the booth.

  “Yes, please.” Taylor smiled at her.

  Chad’s phone dinged and he pulled it out. Looking down, he saw a text from Sophia. He opened it and smiled, don’t forget my pic, was all it said. When he looked up, Taylor glanced down quickly. She was curious. He stretched his leg out so it leaned against hers. She looked up, but he shrugged. He had never been touchy-feely with anyone but Sophia, but with Taylor it was different. With Sophia, it was just comfortable and casual. With Taylor, it was like he needed to touch her to make sure she was safe and close.

  “It’s Sophia. She wants to see a picture of you.” Chad had taken one when she was on the couch, but would take another if she let him. Taylor’s gaze jerked up to meet his.

  “Why?” She scrunched her nose up. Her glasses wiggled, and he figured she had forgotten she was wearing them again.

  “She said it’s only fair since you saw a picture of her.” Chad shrugged.

  “Oh, um. I guess she’s right.” Taylor shrugged.

  “Ready?” He asked holding up his phone.

  “Now?” She looked around.

  “Sure, why not?” He smiled at her.

  “We are in a diner.” Taylor gave him a duh look.

  “It’s just for Soph. She won’t care where I take it.” Chad promised.

  “Fine.” She huffed, and gave him a fake smile.

  “What were you reading at the library?” He wanted a real smile.

  She started telling him about the romance book, and her face lit up and her smile was genuine. He snapped the picture, then glanced down at it. She stopped talking and he looked up. He had gotten lost in the beauty of the picture and hadn’t been listening.

  “Is something wrong?” She asked glaring at his phone.

  ‘No, just let me send this to Soph.” He said sending a quick text.

  “Can I see it?” Taylor looked like she dreaded it.

  “Sure.” Chad handed her the phone.

  “That isn’t the picture I posed for.” She narrowed her eyes.

  “Wow, great picture.” Kara said coming up to the table.

  “Isn’t she beautiful.” Chad beamed.

  “Um, thanks.” Taylor nudged his leg under the table in warning.

  “Absolutely, do you know what you want?” Kara had a big smile on her face. Taylor gave her order, and he asked for the same. He didn’t even know what she ordered.

  “Chad.” She put the phone in his hand. “I didn’t pose for this one either.” She raised a brow at him.

  “That’s my favorite. You are so gorgeous. I had to take it when I found you reading.” He was proud of himself for thinking to take the picture. His phone buzzed, he pulled it out and he looked down at it.

  “It’s Soph.” He said opening it, then he handed it to her. “I think I found your nick name.” He smiled. Wow, she’s a goddess, the message read.

  “Don’t you dare.” She glared at him as she handed his phone back, and he texted Sophia back.

  Chad: She won’t let me call her that.

  Sophia: Seriously, you’re going to scare her off.

  Chad: I won’t let that happen.

  Sophia: Don’t be creepy.

  Chad: She already saw the other picture I took.

  Sophia: Send to me.

  Chad: She’s just perfect. (picture attached)

  Sophia: She is, but be careful or you will spook her.

  Chad: It will be fine.

  Sophia: I mean it.

  Chad: I will call you later.

  When he looked up, Taylor was glaring at him. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and her lips were a firm line. He wanted to take another picture, but figured she might kill him if he did. He looked around, but didn’t see anything off.

  “What’s wrong, beautiful?” He said reaching for her hand. She uncrossed her arms and put her hands in her lap to keep him from her.

  “Why did you drag me here if you were going to be on your phone the whole time?” She looked like she was grinding her teeth. Chad got up from the booth and slid in beside her.

  “I didn’t mean to. Sophia was trying to warn me to be careful.” He put his arm around her.

  “She doesn’t like me? She doesn’t even know me.” Taylor said indignantly.

  “She does like yo
u, she doesn’t want me to scare you off.” Chad tried to reassure her, but she huffed. “Seriously, here.” He handed her his phone so she could see the texts.

  “Your conversations are none of my business.” She pushed the phone away without looking at it.

  “I have nothing to hide from you.” He said and took his phone back, then pushed the call button on the top of the screen and hit speaker.

  “Tell me you haven’t already screwed up.” Sophia dead panned.

  “Yep.” He said, his eyes locked on Taylor.

  “I told you not to spook her.” Sophia was annoyed, he could tell.

  “I know, but right now, she isn’t happy about me being on the phone.” Chad held the phone so that it was between them.

  “So… you thought it was a good idea to call me? You’re an idiot.” Sophia huffed.

  “She wouldn’t read the messages, so can you please tell her what you said.” Chad placed a hand on the back of her head to keep her from turning away.

  “Fine, put it on speaker, or have her call me.” Sophia huffed.

  “You’ve been on speaker.” He told her.

  “Oh, hey Taylor, sorry to meet like this.” Sophia said.

  “Hey, there is really no need for this.” Taylor bit her lip, she was mortified by this conversation. His eyes focused on the flesh she had trapped.

  “Of course, there is. Men are idiots. I told him to be careful not to spook you. I love Chad, but he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to women.” Sophia laughed. He saw Taylor’s eyes narrow.

  “Great, Soph, now she thinks I’m a man whore.” He released her head, this just got worse.

  “What? I mean you aren’t good at dating?” Sophia clarified.

  “Jeez, never mind. You are making it worse.” Chad couldn’t believe how spectacularly this had back fired.

  “I just mean that you don’t date much. What’s it been like a year or two.” Sophia babbled on.

  “Soph, stop.” He pleaded.

  “No, if she wants to see a man whore, she should meet Jackson. I swear I might have to neuter my brother.” Heaven help him, this couldn’t get any worse.

  “Leave Jackson alone.” Chad mumbled shaking his head. He knew if he wasn’t blocking her, Taylor would have already left.

  “It’s true, I gave him my apartment so he would quit bringing them around.” Sophia huffed.

  “You gave him your apartment so you have more alone time with Tanner.” Chad told her. He heard a snicker and assumed it was Sophia.

  “Well, can’t blame a girl for wanting her man.” Sophia replied and Taylor’s laughter filled the air. He looked over at her. She had her head thrown back, and her smile lit up the whole diner.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered.

  “Awe.” Sophia said on the phone.

  “Thanks.” Taylor mumbled looking away. He hadn’t meant to say it out loud.

  “Soph, I gotta go, our food is coming.” Chad told her seeing Kara coming their way.

  “Oh, you’re on a date?” Sophia asked.

  “No.” Taylor said quickly.

  “Something like that.” Chad smiled.

  “Then she’s right, get off the phone idiot.” Sophia said and hung up.

  “Alright guys, y’all enjoy.” Kara sat their food down and walked away.

  He pulled his arm away so he could eat, but he wiggled closer so that his leg was against hers. They ate in silence, but he wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Calling Sophia may have been a mistake. Taylor had been slipping away, but he was determined not to let it happen. He knew she was everything he could ever want or need, but he had to convince her. He had a feeling backing down was the wrong way to go.

  Chad was sure that Sophia and Taylor would get along great, but from now on, he would only call her when he was alone, or Taylor approved it. He didn’t want to screw this up.

  Chapter 4

  Taylor didn’t mind people being on their cell phones, but it had annoyed her because Chad had dragged her here, then spent so much time on the phone. If he had wanted to spend time with her, then why stay glued to the phone. She had no idea what was going on, but she wasn’t going to let him run over her. She ate her meal in silence. She was trying to pretend Chad wasn’t there, but he kept moving his leg, making it rub against hers. She had tried to move away, but he had her against the wall again.

  “Do y’all want any dessert?” Kara asked checking on them.

  “Do you want anything, sweetness?” Chad asked is with a boyish grin. That look may work on other girls, but not on her.

  “No, thanks, pumpkin.” She glared back at him. He had the nerve to laugh at her.

  “Wow, you two have a nice day.” Kara shook her head, then laid the bill on their table.

  “Ready to head back?” Chad asked her.

  “Yep.” When he didn’t get up, she frowned up at him. “What are you waiting for?”

  “Just enjoying the company.” He smiled, then slide out of the booth.

  Taylor shook her head, following him to the counter where he paid. As they walked out, he kept her hand in his. The simple touch confused her, it made her nervous but she felt relaxed at the same time. This man could hurt her so easily. She wanted what her friends had, but they all seemed to be an equal footing with their guys. Each couple had started off a bit rocky, so maybe this was how it was supposed to feel. Chad didn’t talk on the way to the library and she started to wonder if he was already changing his mind.

  “Hey, Chad, do you want to go out tonight?” A voice said behind them, she tried to pull away from him.

  “No, thanks. I’m with Taylor.” Chad responded tightening his grip on her.

  “You don’t have to waste your time. I am happy to go out with you.” The voice said condescendingly, and Taylor finally looked up. It was Miss Jenkins. She had her hand on Chad’s arm and she was trying to rub her breast against his arm. Taylor felt the anger bubble up.

  “I said…” Chad started, but Taylor was done being quiet.

  “Are you really so desperate that you are willing to throw yourself at a guy in the middle of the street? He said no, but I guess the fact he is holding my hand means you have every right to try harder.” Taylor snapped, still trying to get away from him.

  “He is only being polite to the fat girl. Why would he want you, when he could be with me?” Miss Jenkins sneered pressing closer.

  “I have no idea. If you can convince him to let me go, you can have him. I have been trying to pull away since you showed up, but he just holds on tighter.” Taylor said trying to tug at her hand again.

  “I have no idea who you are, but I want nothing to do with you. I suggest you leave us alone now.” Chad said pulling Taylor against him. Being the new person in town, everyone knew who he was.

  “Come find me when you’re done with her. She won’t be able to keep you for long.” Miss Jenkins winked.

  “You mean like Callie couldn’t keep Chase.” Taylor said remembering how she had tried to split them up.

  “I could have had him if she hadn’t gotten pregnant.” Miss Jenkins snorted.

  “Really?” A deep voice said behind Miss Jenkins. Taylor looked up to see Chase behind her. “I remember telling you I would take you to court if you didn’t stop talking about my family.”

  “Oh please, I’m talking to Taylor.” Miss Jenkins huffed.

  “Who is like a sister to me, so you need to go.” Chase said quickly.

  “I am here to see Chad, you have no claim over him.” Miss Jenkins thought she was winning.

  “He seems content holding on to Taylor, but let’s see.” Chase said, then looked at Chad. “Do you have any interest in her?” He pointed to Miss Jenkins.

  “Absolutely not.” Chad shook his head.

  “It’s time for you to go.” Chase said, they watched Miss Jenkins stomp away.

  “Thanks, Chase.” Taylor was relieved that was over.

  “Anytime, Taylor. Wh
y don’t you introduce me to your guy?” Chase said turning back to Chad.

  “He’s not…” Taylor started, but Chad cut her off.

  “I’m Chad. I just moved to town, and I started my own business working on computers.” He said holding his hand out.

  “Luke mentioned you. Are you bringing Taylor tomorrow to the cook out?” Chase said shaking his hand.

  “That’s the plan.” Chad said. He pulled her closer, and wrapped his arm around her.

  “I am going by myself.” Taylor told them both.

  “The women here are great, but they can be stubborn.” Chase smiled at her.

  “I noticed, but she’s just so perfect for me.” Chad squeezed her tighter.

  “I need to get back to the ranch. I left Callie with the twins.” Chase said, then hugged her before he left.

  Taylor wasn’t in the mood to deal with any of this anymore. She pulled away and walked up to the library. She held the door for Chad, then locked it behind them. Without looking at him, she went back to the couch and the book she had been reading. She knew she couldn’t hold his attention long, but it had still hurt to have her face rubbed in it. She began to read, allowing the book to carry her away.

  Taylor dozed off while reading. Her dreams were filled with deep blue eyes that threatened to drown her. Her dream was so vivid it felt like he was touching her. She snuggled into the warm hand against her cheek.

  “Wake up, Angel.” His deep voice whispered. Why couldn’t she even dream that she could keep Chad. In her dream he had dropped her hand like a hot potato and walked away with Miss Jenkins. “Taylor.” He said louder and she blinked her eyes open and looked up at him.

  “I’m sorry. I fell asleep.” She whispered sleepily.

  “It’s fine, but I need you to try the computer.” Chad smiled at her.

  “Oh, of course.” She said as she stretched up.

  “Did you have a good nap?” He said pulling her close as he helped her up.

  “Um, yeah.” She looked up at him dazed. He wrapped both arms around her, and she leaned her head on his chest.

  “Let me make you dinner tonight.” He said rubbing his hand up her spine.

  “No.” Taylor jerked back. She hadn’t even realized what she had done until she felt his voice rumble in his chest.


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