"Is it true that we ride to Agpur, sahib?" Badan Hazari, coming toreport the troop ready for the march, lingered to ask the question.
"It is true. See to it that we take our place in the procession on theright of the elephant bearing the Rajah's body. Prince Sher Singh willride on the left, but on no account are his followers to be permittedto surround the corpse."
"It is an order, sahib. But they say that the man Sher Singh desiresto dissuade your honour from going to Agpur, and that he has given youmuch abuse."
"Evil heart, evil tongue, Sirdar-ji. Yet I go to Agpur, though I wouldhave bidden you and the troop return to Darwan, had I not known thatthis would be to insult you."
The Granthi made a horrified gesture of aversion. "Black indeed wouldour faces be!" he said. "Trust me, sahib, there will be a greatkilling before your slaves go down before the onslaught of the Agpurimongrels. But is your honour well advised in remaining here until themarch begins?"
"I am at the Rani's disposal, and must wait for any orders she ispleased to give. But send hither Mohammed Jan with some food, for I amnot minded to eat what is prepared in this camp."
"Your honour is wise," said Badan Hazari, and before long the servantarrived, carrying a tray, and escorted by two stalwart troopers.Gerrard ate and drank eagerly, for he had taken nothing since rising,and it would be necessary to scrutinise all food and drink verycarefully for poison during the next two or three days. Havingdismissed Mohammed Jan, he summoned to a conference Rukn-ud-din, theofficer second in command of the Rajah's bodyguard, since old SarfarazKhan was evidently not to be trusted. With this man he arranged thatthe litters containing the Rani and her son and the other inmates ofthe zenana should follow immediately after the elephant carrying thecorpse, surrounded by the guards, so that Gerrard and his men, in theirstation on the right of the animal, would be continuously in touch withthem, and either party would be ready to help the other in case ofemergency. Then, having taken all the precautions he could think of,he could only wait patiently until the worst heat of the day was over,and the time came for the start. His reflections were not particularlypleasant as he mounted his horse at last. Sher Singh had no doubtspent the intervening hours in strengthening his hold on the court andthe troops by means of lavish promises, which the Englishman durst notemulate as yet, since his power to fulfil them would depend upon hisgaining a peaceful and undisturbed entrance to the palace. BadanHazari and the officer of the bodyguard had carried out theirinstructions most dexterously, and Sher Singh appeared resigned to hisinferior position, but there was obvious resentment among the rest ofthe troops at the impudence of the Feringhee in putting himselfforward. When their numbers were reinforced by the notoriously violentmob of Agpur, they would easily overwhelm the little force ofRanjitgarh troopers and the guards loyal to the Rani. The situationwas practically hopeless, since safety hung upon the very slenderthread of Sher Singh's judgment. Would his self-interest prompt him toavoid at all costs bringing down upon himself British vengeance, or tosnatch the immediate advantage of wiping out all his opponents at oneblow, and taking the consequences? Since this was the course likely tocommend itself to the people of Agpur, there could be little doubt howhe would decide. Yet Gerrard had no choice, if he was to keep hispromise to Partab Singh at all. Had he taken the road to Darwan withhis escort, he might eventually have returned at the head of largerforces, but it would have been to find that the Rani had been druggedand hurried to the funeral pyre, and that Kharrak Singh had "died ofgrief"--little likely as the vivacious youngster appeared to succumb tosuch a fate.
The heat of the day was by no means over, though it was late in theafternoon, and actual bodily discomfort almost blotted out thought asGerrard rode on through the dust, the landscape ahead one blindingglare of trembling, moving lines. He was on the sunny side of theelephant, and on the other Sher Singh seemed to find shade enough tostimulate his inventive faculties. At any rate, he was talking loudlyto his friends, and the words which Gerrard overheard occasionallyassured him that they were devising unpleasant experiences for him.Beside him the great beast swung patiently along, and behind came thezenana litters, their golden draperies covered by way of mourning withcoarse cotton cloth, so as to shut out every possible breath of air.The towers and minarets of Agpur began at last to grow visible throughthe wavering haze, and Gerrard realised that a grove of treessurrounding a saint's tomb, which they were approaching, would be thescene of a halt to rearrange the procession and enable it to enter thecity with proper dignity. There might even be troops waiting there,summoned by Sher Singh when he found himself worsted in the moralcombat, and in that case the struggle would take place immediately, andcould have but one result. Gerrard felt that he really did not muchmind how soon it came, but he roused himself angrily from the lethargywhich was creeping over him, and called up Badan Hazari and Rukn-ud-dinto acquaint them with his intention of seizing the tomb if there wasany sign of hostilities, and getting the corpse and the women into thecourtyard, where the guard might close the gates and defend them for atime. Even as he spoke, the outlines of the trees became clearer, andhe saw that there were certainly mounted men waiting under theirshadow. He was turning to give the order which would have sent BadanHazari and half his men to drive Sher Singh from the other side of theelephant, and turned the stately procession into a wild rush for thetomb, when it struck him that one of the men under the trees wore thecurtained forage-cap of a European. Hardly able to believe his eyes,he rode forward a little, and as he did so. Bob Charteris,comparatively cool and apparently quite comfortable, came out fromunder the trees to meet him. Gerrard had no words of greeting atcommand.
"How many men have you?" he asked hoarsely.
"Only fifty here, but the rest of my forces are behind, and theRanjitgarh army is behind them," said Charteris easily. Sher Singh hadridden up in obvious alarm, and Charteris bowed to him. "I ride with asmall escort, Prince, to show the last tokens of respect to yourfather, but as I was saying to my friend, I have not only my Darwanis,but the Ranjitgarh army behind me."
"But what should the Ranjitgarh army be doing in Agpur?" demanded SherSingh.
"Why, it is not exactly in Agpur territory, but merely ready to enterit, in case Colonel Antony does not receive every day satisfactoryreports from my friend here and myself."
"Does Antni Sahib not trust me, that he thus blackens the face of hismost faithful slave?" cried Sher Singh.
"Ah, you should not have left Darwan without replying to my messages,you know," said Charteris. Sher Singh's self-assertion collapsed.
"I have acted foolishly," he said. "For doing wrong I am rightlypunished. The gracious rebuke of Antni Sahib I lay upon my foreheadand my eyes, and submit."
"Such wisdom is only what was expected from you, Prince."
"And the heaven-born messenger of Antni Sahib"--pursued Sher Singhfeverishly--"him I receive with honour, and place his foot upon myhead, but to the man Jirad I have nothing to say, nor will I hear aword from his mouth."
"Now you are foolish again," said Charteris gravely. "If LieutenantGerrard is good enough to entrust his commands to me, I will conveythem to you, but that is a matter in which he decides and you obey. Isee you are making a short halt here, and I may be able to wait uponyou with instructions before long." Sher Singh moved aside, with adistinctly unamiable expression of countenance, and Charteris turnedback to Gerrard.
"Why, Hal, what's the matter, old boy? Didn't I maintain yourauthority strongly enough to please you?"
"You seem to have worked a miracle," said Gerrard feebly, "but I'm abit done up--couldn't see how you did it."
"A rest and something cool to drink is what you want," said Charteris,half helping, half pulling him off his horse. "Lie down here and takethis. I give you fair warning, Master Gerrard, you ain't going to dieon my hands and leave me to settle with this hornet's nest you havestirred up here--not if I know it."
Gerrard obeyed meekly, and lay still until the trees and Charteris andthe horses and the troopers had ceased whirling and wavering before hiseyes. Then he sat up. "Bob, what was it you told Sher Singh? How canit have happened?"
"Bounce, all bounce!" said Charteris sadly. "At least, my Darwanis arecertainly behind me, but a jolly good way behind; and as to Antony, ifhe is on the move, it's solely in response to my urgent entreaties,which he is highly unlikely to regard with favour."
"Anyhow, you seem to have got me out of a very nasty fix."
"Such was my intention. But you wish it hadn't fallen to me to get youout? Never mind, old boy; I wish it hadn't been you to be got out."
"Oh, nonsense! You know I'm uncommon obliged to you, my dear fellow.But did you fly here? It can't possibly be my message this morningthat brought you."
"Lie down like a decent Christian and don't talk, and I'll tell you allabout it. You don't seem to realise that you have had a preciousnarrow escape of sunstroke. Well, you don't need me to tell you that Ihave been keeping a vigilant eye on your proceedings for some time,with a shrewd suspicion that the air of the very high circles in whichyou were moving would not be good for your health. I felt so more thanever when my spies brought me word that Sher Singh was sneaking throughmy territory, evidently bound for Agpur. I sent him my salaams and apolite invitation to pay me a visit, but he had made himself scarcejust in time. Then I thought it well to take the liberty of opening aletter of Antony's to you, as we agreed I should do in case ofemergency, and when I found him cautioning you against any interferencein the question of the Agpur succession, and talking of theextraordinary moderation of the claim advanced by the elder son, Idecided it was time to move. So I set out to meet you on your way tothe frontier, ostensibly to make arrangements for receiving the Rajahproperly. This morning the people in the village where we halted forthe night were full of the Rajah's death. As usual, nothing would makethem say how they knew of it, but they were firm on the fact, so I sawthe plot was thickening. Then, as we rode, we came across yourmessenger, and it was clear that the fat was in the fire already. Isent him on at once, with letters to my fellows in Darwan, and to tryand open Antony's eyes, and made straight for this _tope_ to interceptyou."
"And to save all our lives," said Gerrard. "My dear Bob, how can Ithank you?"
"Don't want to be thanked," growled Charteris. "If you don't know fromyour own feelings how I hated doing it, you ought to, that's all.Never mind, you'll do something of the same sort for me one day, andthen I shall have the crow over you. And now just give me some idea ofthe state of affairs. Keep your silly head quiet, can't you? I didn'ttell you to get up. Well, put your back against the tree, if you_must_ sit up. Who killer Cock Robin--that is to say, Partab Singh?"
"Either Sher Singh or some emissary of his."
"Not openly, then?"
"No, in the night. The wound was so small that it escaped notice atfirst. I charged Sher Singh with the murder on suspicion merely. Hemay not know that the truth has been discovered."
"Never show your teeth unless you can bite," said Charterissententiously. "What does the opposition party consist of?"
"Little Kharrak Singh and his mother, whom Sher Singh wishes to becomesuttee."
Charteris whistled. "And which is more important--to bring home theRajah's death to Sher Singh, or to save the Rani?"
"For Kharrak Singh's sake, to save his mother, undoubtedly. But nowyou are here, I hope to do both."
"We shall see about that. I gather from what you said in your letterlast week that you know where to lay hands upon a sum of moneysufficient to secure the loyalty of the army?"
"Yes, but to get at it I must be inside the palace enclosure, and eventhen I shall need your help."
"On the whole, my young friend,"--Charteris's voice was didactic in theextreme,--"you seem to me to have contrived to surround yourself withthe materials for a very pretty row. Be thankful that you have at handthe services of a person of experience and knowledge of theworld--myself, sir,"--with a resounding thump on his chest,--"toextricate you from a situation of uncommon difficulty and delicacy forone so young. You place yourself unreservedly in my hands?"
"Not a bit of it!" said Gerrard, struggling up, only to be pressed downagain by Charteris's grip upon his shoulders.
"My dear Hal, you do. There's no other course open to you. Sher Singhhas the big battalions, and though I admire your design of capturingAgpur with no weapons but cool cheek and shaky promises, I have a meanobjection to adding my bones to the heap that would be the result. Itis eminently a case for negociation, and here is the negociator. Youstay where you are, and get ready to ride into Agpur to-night, 'pridein your port, defiance in your eye,' while I try my blandishments uponthat nasty uncertain beggar, Sher Singh."
Gerrard obeyed perforce, for the effort to stand had brought back thefeeling of giddiness, and Charteris clanked off among the trees.Presently Badan Hazari came very quietly, and peered round a trunk tosee whether his commander was awake. Gerrard called to him.
"Heaven-born!" said the Granthi, saluting. "I have ventured to disturbthe repose of your honour at the request of Komadan Rukn-ud-din."
Gerrard started. "Bring him here," he said. "What is it?"
"They are trying to corrupt the guard, sahib," and Rukn-ud-dinconfirmed the assertion. Since the halt, old Sarfaraz Khan had been inand out among the men, making them lavish offers if they would forsakethe Rani and come over to the side of Sher Singh.
"What has he offered them?" asked Gerrard.
"The plunder of the _tosha khana_[1] in the palace, sahib."
"And that is all he has to offer, and they must share it with the wholearmy? Tell them that in Kharrak Singh Rajah's name I promise them sucha reward for their fidelity that they would pass by the _tosha khana_with contempt if it were thrown open to them."
The Mohammedan's eyes glittered. "How shall I make them believe sowonderful a thing, sahib?"
"I cannot speak more particularly here. But you may give them my wordit is so."
"The word of the Presence will be amply sufficient." Rukn-ud-dinsalaamed and withdrew on leave being given, while Badan Hazari lingeredto report that the corpse and the women were halted in the courtyard ofthe tomb, according to his orders, and that the guard, though evidentlydisturbed in mind by Sher Singh's overtures, had so far faithfullyprevented him and his followers from entering. That they would nowremain loyal to the Rani there was no doubt, and Gerrard waited withsomething more of hopefulness for Charteris's return. He came at last,and sat down on the rug which had been spread for his friend.
"We shall have to be moving soon," he remarked casually. "The news hasreached the city, and the mourners are coming out. The funeral willtake place in the morning."
"But you have forgotten--the murder!" gasped Gerrard.
"I have forgotten nothing, but things are settled in the approveddiplomatic style, by concessions on both sides. There is just abouttime to tell you--but of course you understand that you are the movingspirit throughout; I am merely your mouthpiece. Sher Singh consentsthat there shall be no suttee, and you agree not to interfere with thefuneral--in other words, to make no inquiry into the cause of theRajah's death."
"In other words, to condone an atrocious crime."
"My dear Hal, what did you propose doing? If you were thinking oflaying violent hands on the corpse--but that would be absurd. TheBrahmins would tear us to pieces with their bare hands. You know weshould defile it and bring indelible disgrace on Kharrak Singh if weeven approached too near. A post-mortem? Who do you suggest shouldperform it? Moraes is about the figure for the job, ain't he? Show alittle common-sense."
"If the thing is so impossible, why should Sher Singh make an importantconcession to avoid it?"
"Because it would raise nasty rumours if we made the attempt, andgetting rid of us would prejudice him with Antony. Remember, you haveno evidence. If Partab Singh was murdered, who
is going to prove thatSher Singh did it? You secure an important advantage at the cost ofgiving up the right to make a gigantic fool of yourself."
"But who is to see that Sher Singh keeps his word and does not arrangea suttee?"
"You and I, of course. We attend the funeral, naturally, with all oursowars, to show due honour to the deceased. By the bye, that remindsme, we should be rather an easy prey after firing the volleys. Thefront rank had better load with ball, and reserve their fire, and onlythe rear rank fire with blank. In the smoke and noise it won't benoticed that only half the men have fired, and we shan't be defencelessif Sher Singh takes it into his head to let the army loose on us."
"But you seem to be allowing Sher Singh to take the lead in all thefuneral arrangements, which is exactly the matter in dispute."
"To be sure. There comes in the second concession. We, with thebodyguard and our own men, are to occupy the palace enclosure to-night,and watch over the safety of the corpse and the women, in return forallowing Sher Singh to walk next to young Kharrak Singh in theprocession, and guide his hand when he fires the pile. Why thatlowering brow? The possession of the palace is all-important to you,ain't it?"
"Yes, and even more now than when you left me. But to concede SherSingh's claim----"
"My good Hal, the man is next heir. If anything happens to theyoungster, he must be Rajah, there's no one else. You may be thankfulhe don't claim to mount the _gaddi_ at once. But since he is contentto stand aside, and has contrived to gull Antony into taking hispart----"
"That's merely temporary, Bob, believe me. When the Colonel learns thescoundrel's real character, he will withdraw his support in disgust."
"I'm none so sure of that. Remember his fatal predilection for blacksheep. What about his handing over Bala to Tika Singh, after hehimself had exhausted all the resources of the English language infinding suitably opprobrious epithets for him? The Bala people hatedhim, too, whereas I gather that the Agpuris have no particular dislikefor Sher Singh."
"Nor to any one that will bribe them," said Gerrard bitterly. "Youthink Antony will make him Regent, then I."
"It would be in accordance with the usual custom, wouldn't it? Isuppose the next heir wishes to look after his prospective dominions,but I'll own it always seems to me uncommon hard on the reigning child.However, for the present, Sher Singh acknowledges the Rani as soleRegent, and consents to refer the difference between you and himself toAntony and the Ranjitgarh Durbar. How could poor old Partab Singh everhave thought of making you Regent? If Antony don't treat you to apretty wigging on the score of it, I'll eat my hat."
"It was a kind of fixed idea of his, though I told him over and overagain it was impossible."
"Well, if it had been me, hanged if I wouldn't have taken the job, asthe wigging is bound to come anyhow. A man might do a good deal whilethe runners were going to Ranjitgarh and back. But as Antony willprobably punish your misdeeds by sentencing you to stay on here andkeep the peace between the rival Regents, it's just as well you didn'tmake yourself impossible by accepting. Can't say I envy you thebillet."
"I am almost inclined to ask you to shoot me through the head and putme out of my misery," remarked Gerrard.
"Oh, cheer up! We may all be shot down in a heap to-morrow, you know,in spite of my powers of persuasion. But I don't fancy you will,somehow. Sher Singh asked me very mysteriously whether you knew thesecret of the entrance to his father's private treasury. Not knowing Icouldn't say, but I can be mysterious too, and I told him there weresome things that couldn't be spoken about. He seemed to take that asan affirmative, and I think he felt that to shut you up there to feedon gold was about the only thing that would fit the case. But, by theway, how is it that he leaves the palace to you to-night, if hebelieves you know the secret?"
"He don't know it himself. I am the only living creature that does,now, and you are the only living creature that I may reveal it to."
"An honour likely to be associated with sudden and painful death--eh?But I'm game. And as your principal duty in connection with thetreasury will probably be to pay out of it Sher Singh's allowance asfixed by the Ranjitgarh Durbar, I don't fancy you'll enjoy a bed ofroses."
[1] Treasury.
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