Pearl's Possession

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Pearl's Possession Page 3

by Lee Savino

  When the knock came at the door, I leapt to open it. But when I saw Cash, my Monday regular, standing in the hall, I froze.

  "Pearl," he greeted me, and pushed inside, giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek. I pasted a smile to my face even though my stomach roiled with mixed feelings. I was glad to see Cash, but that meant Orion was not here, and he never missed a Thursday. Something was wrong.

  "Are you all right?" Cash was watching me closely. He was a smart man, and didn't miss much.

  "I'm sorry." I apologized because he had paid for my time, and my agony over missing one of my regulars was not his concern. "I expected you on Monday. I thought there must be some mistake."

  He sat down on the bed and patted his knee. "Come here."

  I went, and settled into the position I knew well. He often sat me on his lap and lectured before turning me over his knee to spank my bottom. After a few months of seeing each other, he didn't need a reason to discipline me; my enjoyment of it was reason enough, but he always thought up some slight so the spanking felt 'fair'.

  "Am I in trouble, sir?" I asked, keeping my voice light and high, like a schoolgirl getting chastised by a stern teacher. We could play that game for hours, and had, but tonight he seemed serious.

  "Not at all, my dear. I simply want to ask you something."

  It felt good to be in the circle of his arms, especially since I was still overcoming the shock.

  "Do you enjoy your time with me, Pearl?"

  I put my arms around his neck. "Very much, Mr. Cash."

  His lips twitched at my tone and use of his title. He knew I was still playing our game. "Would you like it to continue, even if it was not here at the Red Petticoat?"

  What was he talking about? "Where would it be?"

  "At my home."

  I was stunned. I jerked in his arms, remembering too late that he was a client and I shouldn't insult him. "Maybe," I said in my coy voice.

  "Pearl, I'm being serious. I'd like to bring you to my home in the mountains, where we can be together and I can take care of you."

  "You mean, live together, like we're married?"

  He nodded. "Perhaps even get married if that's all right with you. Make it official."

  My throat was dry. This was probably every girl's dream, to be propositioned by a handsome man who wanted to marry her. But I had been married before. Things started out nicely, but then I was accused of being too lusty, and desiring other men, then of cheating.

  "I don't know..." I said in a normal, if shaking, voice. "I like it here with—" I was going to say "with all my men." But I shouldn't reveal my wanton desires. I must always act the innocent, even when performing the most deliciously dirty acts. Men want virgins, even when they're lying with whores.

  "I know it'll be hard for you to leave the Red Petticoat and Madame Jewel, and all your friends. But, Pearl, I've never met anyone like you. And I had to ask if you'd do me the honor of being my wife."

  I looked into his dark eyes, willing myself not to cry. This was everything I wanted, but didn't deserve. I couldn't say yes; it would break my heart, but I would not survive another marriage and rejection. I was not fit to be a wife. I would be unhappy and he would hate me.

  "Did she say yes?" A cheeky voice came from the door. Relief poured through me as I recognized it. I couldn't help myself, I jumped to my feet and flew to the beautiful blond man. Orion was smaller than my other regulars, but he was still bigger than me. I hugged him, pulling his head down for a kiss. I could feel his cock poking me, and could barely refrain from stroking it.

  "I thought something happened, and you were gone," I half sobbed.

  "It's all right, pretty Pearl. I'm right here."

  My eyes were wet as I turned back to Cash, who was still sitting on the bed. He didn't look upset; instead, he had a smile on his bearded face.

  "I'm sorry," I wiped my eyes. "There must be some mistake."

  "It's all right," Orion repeated, and Cash reiterated. "There's no mistake."

  "What? But how?"

  Orion guided me to the bed and back to Cash's lap. The young blond sat close and draped my legs over his.

  "Do you remember the night you were tied up and blindfolded to pleasure many men?"

  "You mean five men," I said, and Cash blinked at me, then exchanged a glance with Orion. They weren't fighting over me; they must know each other. "And yes, that was my first night here." Realization dawned. "You were there?"

  "We both were."

  "And I," said a voice from the door. It was Brock. Again, I couldn't help myself, I slid off the two men's laps and raced into his arms.

  "Hello, lass." He picked me up and twirled me around. "Miss me?"

  "Yes," I said, and kissed him. He hadn't shaved in a few days and his bristled chin scraped my face. My nipples hardened; I loved the prickly feeling of his stubble when he worshiped my breasts.

  Then I remembered that I was supposed to be working tonight, and now there were three of them. "Are we having another party?"

  Orion and Brock chuckled, and Cash smiled. "Not quite. We're hoping you will join us at our home, where we can celebrate as many nights as we like."

  "I don't understand." I looked from one face to another. "Cash, you want to marry me?"

  "Not just him. Me too," Orion put it.

  "And me."

  "And me," a fourth said at the door. It was Samson. He lumbered in and picked me right up out of Brock's arms, kissing me silly. As usual, my hands went up to play with his long hair. "I couldn't wait any longer," Samson growled to the other three. "I had to see her."

  All the men were smiling.

  "So what do you think, lassie?" Brock asked. "Will you marry Cash, and by proxy, the rest of us?"

  I gasped. "I can't marry four men."

  "Five," Jonas walked in, and stooped to kiss my head. "Punch?" he offered me a glass. "It may make the decision easier." He smirked a little and helped me tip the drink down my throat. It was fruit juice and alcohol, sweet and heady. A few more glasses of those, and the decision would be a lot easier. But my head didn't need any help; it was already swimming. The room was quite crowded with all five of these men, even with Samson sitting down and cradling me on his lap. Jonas and Orion strutted away, going to the scarves and touching them knowingly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw them take the colorful scraps down and put them in their pockets.

  Cash and Brock bent to my eye level. "Sweetheart, we don't have to marry if you don't want to," Cash said. "I offered because I know that's what's expected when a man approaches a woman to take her to his home."

  "To marry five men?" I squeaked. "That's not expected." Samson's laugh rumbled like an earthquake under me.

  "You don't have to marry us, lass," Brock grinned. "Just come live with us."

  "Live with all of you?"

  "Live with us, lie with us, love us," Jonas said, and Orion elbowed him into silence.

  "We have a big house in the Sierras. We all work the land, and have no need for a bevy of nagging brides. But we all want a soft woman to sate our needs. And you're the one we want," Cash said.

  "Aye," Brock nodded, and all the men agreed in unison. It was intimidating, how their minds were all made up. They were all decided. All but me.

  "But you won't be jealous?"

  "Of getting to share such a beautiful bride? Not at all," Jonas said.

  "We share everything," Orion added. "The land, the work—"

  "And now you," Samson said. His big fingers cupped my face. "Please say yes, Pearl. We all want you to."

  "But… what about Madame Jewel?"

  "What about her? She'll let you go. Especially with the hefty bride price we've paid after all these months, to be with you."

  "Did ye like seeing us every week? Sometimes double?" Brock asked.

  "You never visited twice in one week," I pointed out, and all the men laughed.

  Jonas and Orion slapped the Scot on the back. "She's angry with you, Brocky boy. You might have to
make it up to her."

  "Is that true, Pearl? Did you want me to come more often?"

  Looking into my Scottish man's hazel eyes, my nipples were as tight as pebbles. I wasn't supposed to desire my clients, or at least, not admit it. But I did. And not just my body and my hungry pussy. I wanted them, body, mind and soul.

  Biting my lip, I nodded. I couldn't miss the happiness on all of their faces at my response.

  "Think of this, then, lass. When ye are with us, we will all spend the night. Together."

  "In one bed?"

  "One big bed that fits three comfortably. We have some bunks, as our work is long and we take shifts," Cash explained.

  "But we will all spend time with you at night," Samson said.

  "And morning, or whenever the mood takes us," Jonas added. His tanned face was lit with excitement. I swallowed hard, shifting on Samson's lap. I could feel his giant cock pressing against his pants, into my soft bottom, and if I looked around, it was impossible to miss the fact that all my men were aroused. They desired me, even with all them in the room together. I realized that the party we'd had together had been an experiment, but also was their desired way of life.

  I understood. I wanted it too.

  But I couldn't have it. Women weren't supposed to want sexual pleasure this much, or desire so many men. It was already bad enough that I worked as a gem in a brothel. I couldn't want five men!

  Except I did.

  "But, what will people think?"

  "Who cares, lass?"

  "We're in the West, there's a thousand men for every woman. Why not share one between us?"

  "We live far away from anyone. No one has to know. Whether we have the minister tie you to one of us or none of us, we'll make sure you and our children inherit."

  I went cold all the way through. There was something I hadn't told them, something that no one but me and my ex-husband knew—although I'm sure that scoundrel had made it clear to everyone in my hometown why he was getting rid of me.

  "I can't marry you. Ever. Ever, ever." I said vehemently, and started to push away from Samson.

  "Why not?" Cash asked, and I just shook my head.


  "I'm sorry," I said, stumbling to the middle of the room. And then I began to cry.

  My men moved immediately. Brock wrapped me in his arms, picking me up and taking me to the bed. Despite my refusal, I clung to him, sobbing as if my heart was breaking. It was. Instead of setting me down, he lay back onto the pillows and positioned me between his legs.

  "Turn around, lassie. Cash wants to give you something."

  I let Brock turn me so I was seated on his lap like he was a living, breathing chair—one with a hard protuberance nudging my bottom. Cash bent over me, cupping my face in his strong hands and laying a tender kiss on them. He kissed my lips and my cheeks, my forehead and then eyes. Nestled in Brock's arms, basking in the touch of my most reserved lover, I was no longer crying.

  "You want to marry us, you do," Cash said. "You're just afraid. So we're going to ease your fears. You only need to relax and let go."

  "Will you trust us, Pearl?" Samson sat opposite Cash on the other side of me, and squeezed my knee with his big hand.

  "Yes." My reply was immediate, but then I frowned.

  "Do you want us to tie you up, Pearl?" Jonas produced the scarves.

  "Not now," Orion said, but Cash questioned me.

  "Would that help you? To feel like you have no choice?"

  "I'm not supposed to feel this way," I admitted.

  "Feel what way, sweetheart?" Cash probed. He cocked his head with mock severity. "Answer me, or I'll spank you."

  The threat, even in jest (not that I ever minded a spanking) helped me bare my heart. "I want you," I whispered. Admitting it was hard, even though it was obvious from my actions that I did.

  "Good," Brock murmured into my hair. "We want you too."

  "It's wrong." I bit my lip.

  "It's not naughty or wrong," Cash lectured, resting his hand on my other knee. "In fact, I think you need to be rewarded for being a good girl, and telling us your honest feelings." He nodded to Jonas and the tanned young man didn't need further encouragement. Easing me forward, he pulled my arms behind me and secured them loosely.

  "Does that feel comfortable, lass?" Brock asked.

  I nodded. My fingers were down by my bum, and if I moved I could stroke Brock's hardness through his pants. Wriggling a little, I did so, and was rewarded with the sound of his breath catching.

  Orion's face lit up when he saw how the position thrust my breasts forward.

  "What do we have here?" He tugged the corset down a little and started nibbling on the curves of my chest like they were luscious fruits.

  I was soon sighing happily, stroking Brock and offering myself to Orion's mouth.

  "Time for your reward," Cash said, and Samson took Orion's place before me. He spread my legs, then lay right down between them on his back. "Sit on my face, Pearl," he said, and when I hesitated, all the men moved me into position.

  Orion returned to kissing my neck and breasts. "I love this," he said, tugging on the corset, and then my nipples in turn.

  I smiled and started to tell him I wore it for him, but Samson sucked on my center, hard, and my train of thought transformed into a desperate gasp.

  "Samson found Pearl's pearl," Jonas smirked.

  The giant kept on probing me with his tongue, the sensation such that I could barely breathe.

  Orion's fingers pinched my nipples lightly and I was no longer in the room, or in my body, but flying with the angels.

  Only Cash's voice penetrated. "There you are, Pearl. You're a good girl. Claim your reward." As usual, it didn't take long for my body to obey his command.

  I must have collapsed backwards because the next thing I knew, I was lying nestled in someone's arms and Samson was rising to his knees on the bed, wiping his mouth.

  I closed my eyes and let the voices of my men fade in and out.

  "Next time she cums, she needs a plug in her ass," Jonas said and the others murmured agreement. There were hands stroking up and down my body, my bare legs and arms, claiming me. I knew that I needed to wake up and see to their pleasure, but in the aftermath of my emotional outburst it felt good just to be held.

  "We're going to train you to please us, lass. Does that sound good?" Brock asked. It was his chest under my cheek.

  I smiled and cuddled closer.

  "Sleep now, Pearlie," Orion said. Someone held a drink to my lips and Cash instructed me to finish it. The punch tasted good, but the alcohol hit me hard. Darkness rolled over me and I slept.

  Chapter Three

  I woke to a rocking, shaking room. My eyes opened and saw Samson next to me.

  "Hello." His big face broke into a grin.

  "Samson? What are you doing here?" He'd never spent the night before.

  "Drew straws to see who would stay with you. I won." Craning his head, he called, "She's awake."

  That's when I realized I was lying on a mass of soft blankets and cushions with a canopy over my head. Samson and I were lying side by side in the soft bed, him still dressed, me wrapped in a robe. Someone had loosened my corset.

  The curtains above us parted and Brock stuck his dark head in. More light streamed in and I winced, putting my hand up to protect my sleep-ridden eyes.

  "Hello, lassie, how are you feeling?"

  "I'm all right," I croaked. He reached for something and then climbed into the bed with us. I sat up, recognizing the rocking motion of the room. I was in the back of the wagon.

  They'd taken me from the Red Petticoat.

  "What's happening?" I gasped as soon as I could find my voice. My mouth still tasted of the sticky sweet punch they'd had given me. I'd been drugged. "What have you done?"

  "It's all right, Pearl," Cash called from beyond the curtain. He stayed at the front, so I guessed he was driving.

  The back of the canopy parted a little, letting
in blue sky and a glimpse of Orion and Jonas, both riding horses behind us.

  As much as I knew these men, I didn't know them. I hadn't even seen them outside of the Red Petticoat's walls.

  And they'd said they wanted to marry me! All of them!

  Would they force me? Would they bend me to their wills, taking me as a bride without my consent? That could only lead to one thing—they would tire of me, and find out my secret shame, and cast me out.

  My mind reeled even as my gaze darted from face to familiar face.

  "Shhh, lassie," Brock crooned, offering a water canteen. He held it while I drank and then lay down on the other side of me.

  I realized I was lying on a soft bed cocooned between two men, my men. It was a dream come true, and it was a nightmare.

  "Where are you taking me?"

  "Just up the mountain, to our house."

  I froze. I would be out of town, away from Jewel and Gabriel and all my friends. Isolated with men I barely knew. I hadn't realized how much I relied on the safety of the Red Petticoat until it was stripped away.

  "Shhh, it's all right," Samson's big hands stroked down my body. Automatically my body relaxed under his touch, but I tossed my head to look at Brock.

  "You need to take me back."

  "We will," Brock said. "All we ask is you spend the day with us. A few hours of your time. I promise, once it's done, if it's what you truly want, we'll let you go."

  I looked from one to the other. They wanted me, so they'd taken me, simple as that. How easy would it be for them to take what they wanted from me again and again?

  "We know you're scared, Pearl, but we won't force ye to do anything ye dinnae want to. If ye see our house and decide ye don't like it, we'll take you back."

  Brock's soothing voice along with Samson's pleading look made me want to trust them

  "Of course," Cash called from the front. "You'll have to truly convince us you don't want us."

  "That might not be easy to do," Brock chuckled, even as Samson's big hand drifted down from my shoulder and brushed against my ample chest. Immediately my nipples hardened, and the two men in the back of the wagon with me shared a glance I didn't like one bit.


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