My Immortal Cowboy (Hell's Cowboys Book 1)

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My Immortal Cowboy (Hell's Cowboys Book 1) Page 12

by Victoria Zak

  Slowly, RC lifted his head and gazed at her like she’d lost her mind. “I’m not leaving you alone. You need me.”

  Something snapped inside her. She sprang up and pulled the IV from her arm. “I need you? Look what you’ve done to me.” Charlee flew to her feet and stalked him, instinctively her fangs extended. “Get out!” She tossed the IV stand aside. “I don’t ever want to see you again!”

  RC grabbed her arms and tugged her against his body. His amber eyes glared into hers and she felt the intensity swirling behind them. “I’m going to ignore your last words, because I know you really don’t mean it. Charlee, I’ll give you some time to adjust, but don’t think for one minute that this is over.” RC released her arms and walked out the door.

  “Fuck you!” Charlee screamed at the door as it shut. Finding the nearest thing to take her aggression out on, she tipped over a chair sitting in the corner. She whipped around and flung the bedside metal table over, shattering red-topped tubes on the floor. In a flash, she turned her fury to the hospital bed, tipping it over.

  The shit-storm stopped when there was nothing left for her to destroy. Her chest heaved as she took in the room, shocked at the wreckage she’d left behind. Shocked that she now possessed such strength. She ran her fingers through her hair. Her heart shattered and she dropped to her knees, crying into her hands.

  Time passed by, but how long Charlee didn’t know. A blonde woman walked in the room, breaking her daze. “Charlee.” She approached with caution. “I’m Thana.” She knelt next to her and wrapped her arm around Charlee’s shoulder, cloaking her in comfort.

  Charlee leaned into the woman’s embrace and broke down.

  “Shhh.” Thana stroked Charlee’s hair. “If it helps, I understand what you’re going through. I was robbed of my human life. I get it, you’re pissed. But an immortal life isn’t so bad.”

  Charlee sucked in a shaky breath. “He promised to protect me.” She swatted at a tear.

  “I know, sweetie,” Thana reassured her. “Hey, let’s get you out of here. You can stay with me.”

  Slowly, Thana helped Charlee to her feet.

  Through a sleep fog, Charlee woke up in a dark bedroom, buried under a billowy blanket. She couldn’t remember how she got here, too bad she couldn’t say that about the nightmare that had just happened.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” Thana walked in, holding two towels and clothes. “Thought you might want to shower when you’re feeling up to it.”

  Charlee sat up and yawned. “A shower sounds amazing. Thank you.”

  “No problem.” Thana smiled and laid the items on the bed. “I wasn’t sure about your size but I think these will fit.” She held up a pair of yoga pants.

  “Looks like heaven to me.” Charlee half-smiled.

  “The bathroom is right there.” She pointed behind her. “When you’re done, we have some things to go over. Okay?”

  “Sure.” Charlee stepped out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

  Charlee rinsed the dried blood off her stomach. She was surprised that neither a wound nor a scar remained from the wreckage. No, her wounds weren’t on the surface, they ran soul deep. She glanced down her body, watching the suds run down her legs, revealing that her once tanned skin was now lighter. She flexed her calf and noticed the defined muscle. At least she still had her dancer’s leg tone.

  She shut off the water, grabbed a towel, and dried off. She slid the shower curtain open and froze. As she looked in the mirror her reflection stared back at her. She wringed her hair through her hands. “Holy shit.” She could see her reflection. Well, that was one vampire myth debunked.

  She stepped out of the shower mesmerized by the view. She turned her head from side to side, examining the changes. Her eyes were a more vibrant blue. Her cheekbones were more predominant. Awkwardly curious, she lifted her top lip and checked her canines. The ends were slightly sharper, but they weren’t any longer. As she felt the tips a surge of emotions fled through her. Though she felt like the same woman as when she was human, the creature staring back at her was foreign. Who am I and who will I become?

  Tearing herself away from the dreadful image, she walked out of the bathroom and over to the bed to dress. She slipped on a pair of gray yoga pants and a black tank-top Thana had lent her. A small striped case filled with toiletries sat on the vanity. Taking out a brush, she ran it through her hair and admired her new features. She had to admit…she was a beautiful monster.

  A week had passed or maybe two, Charlee wasn’t keeping track. She found herself slipping further into don’t-give-a-fuck territory. She’d binge watched all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, until she was down to her last quart of ice cream. Yep, vampires liked the sweet stuff. Pushing up from the couch, she shuffled into the kitchen to throw out the double chocolate, killer brownie ice cream tub.

  Her demons came alive at night, wreaking havoc. She’d paced the floors into the early morning, resisting the urge to feed. There was still a human side embedded in her that just couldn’t allow her to drink another’s blood. Call it morals, call it a death wish, she wasn’t going there. Between sleep deprivation, being weak from not eating, and a certain cowboy waltzing in and out of her thoughts, she was exhausted.

  Returning to the couch, she sat down in a huff, surfing the channels. Station after station and crap after crap. She shut the T.V. off and tossed the remote on the table. Her stomach tightened, a familiar sensation that was growing harder to avoid. She doubled over, breathing through the pain.

  “Hungry, aren’t ya?” Thana walked out of her bedroom fastening her hoop earrings.

  “I’ll be fine,” Charlee bit out through clenched teeth.

  Thana stepped in front of her with her hands on her hips. “You can’t live off of ice cream alone. It’s time you fed.”

  The pain dulled and Charlee relaxed into the couch. “I can’t.”

  Thana sat down next to her. “Let me call a donor. Roman has several humans working for him who donate their blood. Once you eat you’ll feel a lot better. Then Selene and I are taking you out.”

  “Wait…what? I’m not going anywhere.”

  Thana grabbed her cell from her back pocket and punched in a number on speed dial.

  Charlee leaned over, looking over Thana’s shoulder. “What are you doing?”

  “Ordering take out.” Thana winked.

  “Please… no…I—” She reached for the phone, attempting to end the call.

  Hi, Max.” Thana swatted Charlee’s hand away. “I need a favor.”

  What the hell was she doing?

  “Can you stop by my place first?” Thana asked.

  Her new self’s needs outnumbered her human morals, and her heart pounded wildly at the idea that she’d finally feed and soothe the ache of hunger.

  “Thanks, Max.” Thana ended the call.

  “You have about fifteen minutes before delivery.” Thana stood and made her way into the kitchen. Charlee followed.

  “What if I… you know, kill him by accident?” Charlee nervously asked.

  Thana laughed. “You won’t. Max is very good at what he does and has fed a few baby vamps. He’ll take good care of you.”

  Charlee shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  “Look sweetie, you gotta shit or get off the pot. You a vampire now, deal with it.” Thana studied Charlee for a moment. “Have you looked in the mirror lately?”

  Charlee did a look over at her baggy sweats and tee-shirt. “Guess it’s been a while.”

  “Exactly. You’re a stunning woman, Charlee, more so now that you’re a vampire. Snap out of this funk and live your life. Sure you have a lot to learn, but you have friends who are willing to help. This isn’t the time for foolish pride.”

  Something within those words hit home and Charlee saw where Thana was coming from. She needed to start living again.

  “Once you’ve fed and get out of this room, you’ll feel better.”

  “Fine, but where are we going?”
  “Well, Val has reopened the D&D.”

  “Absolutely not,” Charlee protested. “I used to work there. People would notice me and my—”

  Thana stepped in front of her. “Sweetie, no one will ever know unless you tell them.”

  “But Val would want to know why I haven’t been at work.”

  “Trust me, Val and Vin know what’s going down,” Thana snorted.

  “Are you saying…?” Charlee cupped her mouth and her eyes widened.

  “Not vampire, but demons.”


  “You didn’t know? D&D is home to a lot of dhampir and vampires. Well, I guess you wouldn’t. They keep a low profile.”

  Shocked to the core that she’d been working in a vampire bar, and her boss and his brother were, she swallowed hard, demons, Charlee’s new world just got real.

  A knock at the door pulled her out of fucked up and crazy land. It had to be Max.

  “Hey, darlin’.” Thana kissed his cheek and invited him in. “This is my friend Charlee.”

  “Hi, Max.” He offered his hand.

  Charlee rubbed her sweaty palm down her pants before she shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.” Maybe, maybe not. “So, um, where do we start?”

  “Your bedroom if you want privacy or we can do it right here.” Max pointed to the couch.

  “No, my bedroom is right over there.” She nodded across the room.

  Charlee followed Max and paused at the threshold, hesitant to walk inside. I don’t know if I can do this.

  Max had removed his shirt and was ready to be bitten. Instantly, her eyes went to his throat, where a thick vein ran along the side of his neck. Her mouth watered, and she swallowed past the itchy grit.

  “It’s okay.” He took her hand and moved her to the bed. “I’m a pro.” He winked.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.”

  She wished she had that much confidence in herself, but she was terrified. She exhaled, her inner cheerleader shouted loud and clear, encouraging her to move forward.

  She climbed in and lay on her side, facing Max as he lay down next to her.

  “I’m all yours, baby.” Max leaned back, resting his head on the pillow behind him.

  Again her eyes went straight to his neck. She reached over and traced the pulsing lifeline down to his collarbone. It throbbed beneath her touch, and his skin was soft. A different scent mixed in with the air; he smelled so sweet. Acting on pure instinct, she leaned in and licked up the vein to his jawline. The old Charlee wouldn’t stand for this. Hell, the old Charlee couldn’t give anyone a lap dance.

  Her stomach knotted as the first ping of pain hit her. She was famished and all she could think about was his blood. Her gums stiffened and she felt her canines descend. Her resolve broke and she nipped his neck.

  “That’s it, baby,” Max moaned.

  Her mouth widened and she clamped down on his neck. Blood ran across her tongue and she swallowed. As the hunger intensified, she fisted a handful of Max’s hair and pushed his head further to the side, giving her more access to his vein. Not being able to control the flow, blood spilled from the corners of her mouth as she sucked harder.

  A sudden high hit her veins, easing the pain in her gut. The strong sexual tension that went along with the bloodlust was building. She closed her eyes and all she could think about was RC. Him lying next to her. His neck she was drinking from. She pressed her body against Max’s to ease the ache between her thighs. Her body was no longer hers as she surrendered to the animalistic need. “RC,” she whispered against his neck.

  “Whoa, let’s take a breather,” Max warned. “We don’t want to go there. We just met.”

  Charlee’s eyes shot open and she lifted her head. “I’m sorry.” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “It’s okay. Let’s take five. Okay?”

  Charlee quickly distanced herself from Max. “I think you should leave.”

  “It’s perfectly natural to have those kinds of urges. Are you sure you want me to leave?”

  “Yes. I’m fine now. I just can’t go on.” Charlee stood and handed Max his shirt. “Thank you for…you know…” She pointed at his neck.

  “My pleasure.” Max tugged his shirt over his head. “If you need me again, just call.”

  “I will.” She smiled as she walked him out.

  She shut the door behind him and walked over to the couch. She plopped down with her head in her hands. How was she supposed to live a life without her cowboy? Her heart would ache for eternity.


  RC cursed under his breath as he entered the D&D. “I knew you fuckers were up to somethin’.”

  Tibbs grabbed his shoulder and gave it a shake. “You would never have come if I’d told you where we were going.”

  And this was true. If RC wasn’t on shift, he was sulking or drowning himself in the bottle. It dulled the pain in his chest, but did nothing for the hole embedded in his heart. He’d given Charlee the space she needed, and it was driving him mad. Charlee needed him, or did she?

  RC thought that as soon as she’d cooled off, she’d come around and would have called. However, she hadn’t. Three weeks and not a word. Was it really over?

  Kit and RC shouldered their way through the crowd, Tibbs leading the way. “Hey, look who’s here,” Tibbs called over his shoulder to RC, and tipped his chin towards a table.

  RC glanced over Tibbs’ shoulder and saw three women sitting at the table, two blondes and a brunette. He didn’t need to see her face; he felt her. Charlee. Their eyes locked from across the room, and suddenly time stood still. It was as if the crowd had disappeared and they were the only two left in the club. He couldn’t breathe.

  Charlee broke their stare first and looked down at her beer bottle, picking at the label.

  As soon as RC could breathe again, his blood boiled. It wasn’t by chance that they happen to be at the D&D at the same time.

  “Asshole!” RC called out over the loud music. “You knew she was going to be here, didn’t you?”

  “Yep.” In true Tibbs fashion he flashed his pearly whites.

  “When are you going to butt out of my business?”

  “When you stop being an ass,” Tibbs said, “and go get your girl.”

  RC stood with his hands gripping his hips, avoiding the urge to haul off and punch him square in the jaw. He glared at Tibbs. “I’ll be at the bar.”


  He held up his hand, shut the hell up understood. He turned and headed to the bar.

  RC flagged down the bartender and ordered a double shot of whiskey. One drink and he was out of here. There was no need to stay any longer. He knew to leave when the party was over.

  Seeing Charlee hurt like hell, yet he wasn’t apologizing anytime soon for having Selene turn her. He’d stand firm on his decision with or without her approval. Yes, it was a selfish act. Yes, he knew better than to interfere with fate; however sometimes fate needed a kick in the ass.

  The past few weeks he’d gone through the could have, should have, scenarios that tortured him, until he passed out drunk. But he couldn’t wash away the truth that he’d failed her once again, and that alone was a burden he’d carry to the grave. I should have stayed away.

  RC slammed his drink back, then reached into his back pocket for his wallet.

  “So I see you were tricked too.”

  RC froze as Charlee’s voice washed over him like a soothing balm. Hell, he’d missed her. “Yep,” he said nonchalantly as he laid a twenty-dollar bill on the table, avoiding even a glance in her direction.

  “Tibbs and Kit are over at the table. Come join us?” Charlee asked.

  “Nah, just payin’ for my drink. Then I’ll be on my way.” RC stuffed his wallet back into his pocket.

  “Okay, I deserve the cold shoulder, cowboy. I said some hurtful words.”


  “I didn’t mean it.”

-huh.” RC began to stand, but stopped as he felt her hand on his arm.

  “Please look at me.”

  RC closed his eyes and inhaled; her magnolia scent was still there. His foolish pride told him to leave and make her hurt the same way she’d hurt him, but he couldn’t. He sat down facing her, and looked into her blue eyes. He was defenseless.

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice shook. “Please forgive me.”

  RC took her head in his hands, rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs. “I was worried that I’d lost you, Charlee girl.” He leaned in and kissed her lips lightly. “Can you forgive me?”

  Charlee nodded. “We’re even.” She stood and wrapped her arms around his neck. He grabbed her ass, pulling her closer.

  “I’ve missed you like crazy, girl.” He nuzzled her neck.

  Charlee took a step back, lustful eyes pinned to his. “V.I.P?”

  “I thought Texas didn’t do lap dances,” he teased.

  “Charlee does.” She winked. “And I’m not talking about a lap dance.”

  RC hopped down from the bar stool. “Make up sex, great idea.” He claimed her lips again. “You lead the way.”

  Charlee smiled up at him and caressed his face. “I love you, RC Reid.”

  He bent down and threw her over his shoulder, then took off toward the stairs leading to V.I.P.

  “RC,” she giggled. “I have two legs.”

  “I know but nothing is getting in the way of what I want to do to you.” He swatted her ass.

  As they made their way through the herds of dancing people, they passed the table where Thana, Tibbs, Selene and Kit were sitting.

  Tibbs whistled out. “Ride em’ cowboy.”

  RC shot back the one-finger salute.

  Finally, they made it upstairs. RC rounded the corner to a long hallway where private booths with purple curtains for doors lined the wall. He took the nearest open curtain and went inside. He placed Charlee on her feet, claiming her lips. He trailed hot kisses down her neck and between her breasts, ripping the buttons off her shirt as he continued south. He tugged her bra straps from her shoulders, exposing her breasts, then he sucked a nipple into his mouth. He couldn’t get her naked fast enough. There was no holding back this time. He dropped to his knees, kissing along her waist while working on her zipper. The thought of tasting her drove him crazy with desire. He peeled her jeans off and threw them aside. Next he stripped off her panties. He cupped her pussy and tenderly squeezed, still kissing his way down her body. When he couldn’t reach any further, he hooked her leg over his shoulder and looked up at Charlee. He paused. If there was ever a moment to forever commit to memory, it was right now. The way Charlee looked at him rendered him speechless. The passion and love shone through those blue eyes of hers and it melted RC’s heart.


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