One Night with a Millionaire (Daring Divorcees)

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One Night with a Millionaire (Daring Divorcees) Page 6

by Shannyn Schroeder

  His driver pulled up to the curb, and Miles swung the door open. Miles started to climb out, but Tess met him.

  “I’m so sorry. I had no idea, and I’m going to kill Evelyn when I see her.”

  Miles turned to Dave. “Stay here for a minute.” Then he stepped on the curb and took Tess’s hand. “Hi.” He bent and kissed her cheek, which seemed to startle her, but she didn’t pull away.

  “Hi,” she said with a soft smile.

  “Now. What are you apologizing for? And who is Evelyn?”

  “Evelyn is my friend—right now that might be former friend—who suggested this restaurant, which I am completely underdressed for. What she also failed to mention is that they don’t take reservations for lunch and there’s an hour wait right now.”

  Miles swallowed his laugh. “How much time do you have?”

  She checked her phone. “An hour and a half.”

  “Plenty of time. Did you drive here?”

  “Yes. I’m at a meter down the block. But I can’t sit here all afternoon. I have another job to get to before the kids get out of camp.”

  “Is your spot paid for two hours?”

  She nodded.

  “Excellent. Get in.” He opened the car door for her.

  She stared at it.

  “We’ll travel together for lunch. I’ll get you back here in plenty of time.”

  She licked her lips, which had his blood racing, and then pointed at his suit. “I’m not dressed to go to a fancy restaurant.”

  “You look fine, Tess. Get in the car.”

  She slid in, and he sat beside her.

  Dave looked over his shoulder. “Where to, Mr. Prescott?”

  Miles smiled. Dave only called him Mr. Prescott when someone else rode in the car. Miles laid a hand on Tess’s leg. “I live close. I can have lunch delivered within thirty minutes and there’s no dress code. Would that be okay?”

  She stared into his eyes, and he hoped she would agree. He didn’t want to be around other people right now, but he didn’t want to postpone their date, either.

  “As soon as we get there, you can text your friend the address.”

  Her breath quickened, and she nodded.

  “Take me home, Dave,” Miles said as he opened the app on his phone to order food. “Preference for lunch?”

  “I’m not picky. Whatever you want.”

  He placed an order with the Italian restaurant near his condo. They knew him, and he tipped well, so his food always arrived fast. After placing the order, he settled back in his seat, but Tess still sat stiffly. He took her hand again. “If you’re uncomfortable, we can go somewhere else. I just had a run-in with my siblings at work and I’m not in the mood to deal with people if I can avoid it.”

  Her shoulders relaxed. “We can do this some other time. It’s okay.”

  “No,” he answered quickly. “I don’t want to cancel and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. I’d like to spend time with you. You set the pace for what happens between us.”

  She smiled and winked. “That’s good because I like to be in charge.”

  Her saucy attitude pulled a laugh from him that he didn’t think possible.

  “Want to talk about it?” she asked.


  “Whatever happened at work. Remember, I’m a nurse, so by nature, I’m an excellent listener.”

  Miles shook his head. “I’m not even sure, really. My sister wants to start a charitable foundation in my dad’s name, and she wants me to run it.”

  “That sounds exciting.”

  It should be exciting, and part of him knew it. “She broached the subject with me last week. I’ve been thinking about it. Today, they ambushed me and told me I either take the position, or lose my job.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “My sister really wants this, and instead of waiting for my answer, she got my mom on board.”

  “That’s a bad thing?”

  Miles knew he sounded like a spoiled child, but he wasn’t sure how to explain the situation. “None of it is bad. My sister’s idea is good. But my brother was in the meeting, and we butt heads. He puts me on the defensive, and I don’t like it.”

  The car pulled to a stop, and Miles glanced out the window. “This is our stop. You ready?”

  “I hope the food you ordered is good. I’m famished.”

  Miles opened the door and held out a hand to help her from the car. The short ride with her, talking about the issues with his family, had helped. She truly was a good listener. He couldn’t recall another woman having this effect on him. Relaxed and excited all at once.

  Getting to know this intriguing woman was the best decision he’d made in a while.

  Chapter Six

  Nervous flutters filled Tess’s stomach, so she had no idea why she was talking about being hungry. Miles held her hand and led her into a gorgeous modern building as the car pulled away. What the heck was she doing going into a man’s house? A man who had a driver and lived in a condo like this?

  At the front door, Miles stopped. “You want to text your friend?”

  “I will. Thanks.”

  He unlocked the door but still held her hand. Tess didn’t know why she found that charming, but she did. He didn’t say anything as they stepped into the elevator. The silence continued until they walked to his condo.

  He opened his door, and Tess took in the view. The floor plan was open concept and sunlight filled the space. Everything was meticulous and beautiful, and she realized how little she belonged there. She’d never been in such a luxurious home. Hell, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been in such a clean house.

  “Home sweet home,” Miles said, tugging her hand. “Still okay?”

  Tess nodded.

  Miles stepped in front of her and lowered his face until they were eye to eye. “If something’s bothering you, we can go out for lunch.”

  “No. You already ordered food. Nothing’s wrong. I was taking in how beautiful your condo is.” It wasn’t a total lie. The space was gorgeous. It just made her feel inadequate.

  “Let me give you the grand tour. Living room,” he said as he swept his arm out. “On the other side of that counter is the kitchen, a room I rarely use.”

  She laughed at his silliness. The floor plan allowed her to fully see both the living room and kitchen from the front door.

  “My bedroom’s upstairs.” He winked at her.


  He smiled and pointed. “Around the corner from the kitchen. Unless you’d like to go upstairs.”

  Tess rolled her eyes and gave him a playful look. Miles was a huge flirt, and she loved it. She followed his directions to the bathroom and waited for the nervousness to subside while washing her hands. She didn’t even know why butterflies were taking over her stomach. This might be her first date with Miles, but a date should be easier to navigate than having sex for the first time, and that had been remarkable.

  She dried her hands on a plush, unstained towel and fixed her ponytail. She should’ve put more effort into this date. Miles was used to hanging around glamorous people. She pressed her lips together. This is who I am. Miles would either like her or not.

  Satisfied with her pep talk, she retraced her steps to the living room where Miles was opening enough containers of food to feed a village.

  “I was about to send a search party,” he said.

  “Everyone knows the first time a woman is in your bathroom, she’s gonna snoop,” she joked.

  He nodded as though she were serious. “Then you should’ve taken the bathroom upstairs.”

  She had a reason for not using that bathroom, and she had a feeling he knew exactly why. But she said, “That would be a little too obvious. Some of us like to be subtle. Besides, maybe I’m saving that for when I want to search your underwear drawer.”

  The glint in his eyes and the grin on his face as he came nearer made his intentions clear. Tess momentarily thought of backin
g away, but her body overrode her brain and instead she stepped forward.

  Miles stopped short of actual contact, but she felt his touch all over. Something about the way he looked at her, like he was hanging on her every word and couldn’t get enough, gave her a rush. So much of her time and focus was always on others, usually children, that she was out of practice being the focus of attention.

  His gaze dipped to her lips and then farther down. Her body tingled, begging for his touch.

  “Hungry?” he asked.

  She licked her lips and nodded. He began to turn toward the food, but Tess grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Their bodies collided, and her heart thundered. She was damn hungry for this. She wanted to taste him.

  Although she’d only had him the one night, his proximity prompted a craving. She wanted to act on it, so she did. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to his gently, a slight shift for access. Miles needed no further direction. His tongue entered her mouth and toyed with hers. He encircled her with his arms and held her flush against him.

  They stood together for long moments, exploring each other’s mouths, hands pulling, grasping, caressing. Having sex with Miles had not been her intention when she’d accepted his invitation, but now that was all she could think about. His erection grew against her, and her underwear was damp.

  Miles pulled away first, breathing heavily. “Damn. I didn’t expect that.”

  Tess wiped at her lips, her fingers a little shaky. “Neither did I. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  He brushed a loose lock of hair away from her face. “I get the impression you weren’t thinking, which is what made it so freaking hot. Every time we’ve talked since that night, you’ve been trying to rationalize why we can’t do this. But just now, your body made one hell of an argument for the pro column.”

  “You’re right, Miles, but I’m at a loss. I’ve dated very little since my divorce and when I did, it was usually disastrous. I don’t know how to do this.”

  With a hand on her hip, he pulled her close enough to grind against her, the hard ridge of his dick making her want to strip. “Trust me, you know how to do this.”

  She rolled her eyes again. “I wasn’t talking about sex. After the gala, there’s obviously no question we’re compatible, but I don’t know how to fit a relationship into my life. I refuse to bring random men into the lives of my kids. I won’t upset their stability.”

  “Not asking you to.” He lowered his head and nibbled on her neck, causing her brain to fog. “Let’s see where things go.”

  Could she do this? Tess tried to focus, but Miles’s tongue was doing amazing things to her erogenous zones, and she was melting into a puddle.

  Miles pulled away again, releasing her hip, and Tess swayed toward him, seeking more of his touch.

  “Here’s the deal, Tess. I want you. I want to strip you down and take you right here. But if you don’t want to, I respect that. Lunch is on the table waiting for us.”

  He put the decision squarely on her, because she was the one with the reservations. She looked into his warm brown lust-filled eyes. She wanted this, too, but was that enough? Nina’s words from earlier came back. So what if Miles wasn’t her forever guy? She didn’t need a forever guy, and Miles would do quite nicely for right now.

  “I think if we hurry, we can have both.”

  His grin turned a little wicked. “Please tell me the nakedness comes before lunch.”

  “Well, we should work up an appetite, right?”

  “I like the way you think.” He kissed her again, hard and deep, while tugging at her shirt. His hands skated under the cotton, and he leaned his forehead against hers. “So we’re doing this?”

  Tess smiled. “We’re doing this.” She paused and stepped back. “Upstairs.”


  Miles led Tess up to his bedroom. He pulled the curtains open, allowing sunlight to flood the room. She toed off her gym shoes and crossed her arms in front of her to peel away her T-shirt. His mouth watered at the sight.

  This was what he needed to put his family out of his head. Their ambush and expectations didn’t touch him here. Following her lead, he kicked off his shoes. He draped his jacket over the chair and loosened his tie. By the time he got his shirt unbuttoned, Tess was down to her underwear.

  She turned her hand over in the air. “Get a move on. You’re taking too long.”

  “Sorry. Next time I’ll be more efficient. I’ll pick you up in my boxers.”

  She smiled. “I’d like to see that.” She stepped closer, tugged at his waistband to undo his belt, and made quick work of the button. His shirt joined the jacket as Tess lowered her body to push his pants to the floor.

  As he stepped out of the pants, she stood, trailing her fingers along his thighs and then his abdomen. His muscles flinched and flexed under her touch. Grabbing her arms, he pulled her to his mouth. “Come here.”

  With his lips on hers, he guided her to the bed. He pushed her down gently to the mattress, and she scooted back, making room for him. Much like she had done to him, he allowed his hands to wander up her legs. At her panties, he tugged at the waistband, so she lifted her hips for him to remove them.

  He thought he was going to continue up her body, but the sight of her bared to him was far too tempting. He smelled her arousal, making his own desire pulsate through his entire body. Stretching out, he slid his hands under her ass and gave her cheeks a squeeze. Then he brought her pussy to his mouth. Using his tongue and lips, he teased her and stroked her until she moaned like he knew she would.

  It was low, as if she’d tried to trap the sound in her throat. He pressed on, wanting her to let go. Her heels sought purchase on the edge of the bed, and she raised her hips to him, chasing his moving tongue. He looked up over her soft body to see her face.

  Eyes closed, mouth slightly open, head thrown back, Tess was fully in the moment, even if she refused to let the world know. He lapped at her and pressed against her clit until she ground herself against him and grabbed his head to hold him in place as she came.

  He caressed her thighs and her ass as she came back to him. When her feet slid from the edge of the mattress, he reached for a condom.

  “Oh, God that was good.”

  “It’ll get better.”

  With an arm thrown over her eyes, she said, “Don’t know if that’s possible.”

  Settling himself over her, he brushed her arm aside to look into her eyes. “Are you challenging me?” Now that was a challenge he would gladly rise to.

  “Not really.”

  “I think you were.” He slid into her, and her breath caught. When he was fully seated inside her body, cradled in her wet warmth, he kissed the side of her neck in all the places that had caused her breathlessness downstairs. “This is better,” he whispered.

  The moment provided him with the escape he needed. One where he could be himself, lost in pleasure. He peeled back the cups of Tess’s bra and sucked hard on her nipple, drawing another quiet moan. Her nails scraped against his back.

  “We’re all alone, you know. Fully insulated walls.”

  “Huh?” she asked, her gasp urging him to move faster.

  “You’re so quiet. Let go. Be loud. Scream if you want.”

  She laughed quietly. “I’m not a loud person in general. And for a lot of years, I’ve needed to be quiet.”

  The soft reminder of her kids and her ex-husband could’ve ruined the moment, but Miles wasn’t going to go there. “So now’s your chance.” He thrust deeper, lifting her hips up. “Let it out. I want to hear you scream.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not a screamer.”

  He paused his thrusts and smoothed her hair from her face. “You are no disappointment.”

  Curling her legs around him, she pumped her hips and grinned. “Good to know.”

  For whatever reason, Miles had the urge to make her pleasure his number one priority. Whether she screamed or not didn’t matter. He wanted her to come so ha
rd she couldn’t say no to seeing him again. He played with her body until she was squirming and writhing and moaning his name along with God’s.

  When her body gripped him, he couldn’t hold out any more. Her muscles pulsed and pulled him, and he was lost. For long moments after, he barely held his weight above her. The contact of their bodies had them connected in every way possible. And he had no desire to move.

  Then Tess laughed. It was deep and low and a little dirty. When he pushed up to look into her eyes, her entire face was lit with her smile.

  “I stand corrected. That was fucking amazing.”

  Miles no longer cared about what had happened at the office or what his family expected. Seeing that look on Tess’s face, knowing he’d put it there, was enough for him. “Glad to be of service.”

  Her face sobered. “I didn’t mean it like that. I mean, you had a good time, too, didn’t you?”

  “Are you kidding? I won’t be thinking about anything else until I can see you again. Servicing your incredible body, making you laugh like that? It’s pretty fucking hot. I wish you could stay so we could do it all over again.”

  He lowered and kissed her, licking the seam of her lips. She sighed into his mouth, and he captured her breath.

  “I really do have to go,” she whispered.

  He closed his eyes, dreading having to remove himself from her warmth. Her pussy, her mouth, her smiling eyes. He knew the minute he pulled away, he’d lose them all. “When can I see you again?”

  Her eyes looked sad. “I don’t know, Miles. I told you—”

  “You told me you didn’t have any time, but we made time today.”

  She smiled again. “I’m really glad we did.”

  “Then tell me when we can meet again.”

  “For this?”

  “For whatever you want.”

  She licked her lips again, so he pulled out of her and rolled off before he was tempted to keep her in his bed.

  “I’ll check my calendar when we get downstairs.”

  He’d take it. If he had his way, he’d have his own color-coded regular appointment on her schedule. He rose and disposed of the condom. Pointing to the bathroom, he said, “Snoop away. I’ll go set up lunch.”


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