Haunted Hideout: Paranormal Suspense (The Haunted Ones Book 1)

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Haunted Hideout: Paranormal Suspense (The Haunted Ones Book 1) Page 20

by Dorey, Michelle

  At the sound of the trunk lid banging shut I turned and watched Lawrence, my heavy suitcase stretching his arm as he marched forward. The butterflies in my stomach took flight when I followed him up the steps to the imposing entry.

  He pinned me with his steely eyes before turning the gleaming brass handle of the door. “It’s just three-thirty. Your grandmother needs to rest at four o’clock. Mind you don’t keep her from that schedule. She’ll join you at six for a cocktail before dinner, which is at seven, sharp.”

  My head jerked back and I stared at him. I wasn’t even in the door and the orders were being barked at me. “Fine. I’m kind of tired anyway. I could stand a rest myself.” It was the truth, and I wasn’t letting him have the last word.

  Inside the house, I paused looking at the spacious hallway and the wide staircase which curved around to the second floor. The entire foyer was airy, going up to the ceiling on the second floor. A row of golden wood spindles before the expanse of the upstairs gallery gleamed in the light of the chandelier hanging down from the high ceiling above.

  At a clatter to my right, I turned and for the first time saw my grandmother. With a hand clasping a black cane with a carved ivory handle, she stood with her chin high; her posture perfect and straight. My eyes opened wide. It was like staring into a mirror, except this version of me was like, a hundred years older! The same dark blue eyes, the nose thin and straight above a mouth which curved up in the corners. But it was her cheekbones that dominated her sculpted face, high and defined even in the soft lines of her skin. She smiled and it was like the sun coming out from behind a cloud.

  “Keira.” Her hand rose to swipe a tear from her eye. “You are even lovelier in person.” Her gait was stiff and slow as she walked toward me.

  “Grandmother.” My voice was flat. This was the woman who’d never bothered to meet me before this. If she expected me to rush over and gush, she had another think coming.

  “Would you like some tea or lemonade, Pamela, before I take Keira’s bags up?” Lawrence set the suitcase on the floor and stepped over to her side, placing her hand in the crook of his arm.

  The expression in her face as she looked up at him was warm before turning her gaze once more on me. “Keira? Would you care for anything after your long trip?”

  “Just a glass of water. Thanks.” I was starving and parched but there was no way I was going to ask for anything more.

  Grandmother turned back to Lawrence and smiled. “Would you mind bringing a ham and cheese sandwich and a soda for Keira, dear? I’ll have a glass of iced tea. We’ll have it in the sunroom.” She patted his arm and then watched him leave, a smile still playing on her lips.” It faded a little when she turned to me. “Come along. I’m looking forward to a chat with you.” She winked. “I’ve waited a long time for that, don’t you think?”

  She adjusted the high neck of her ruby silk tunic and turned. Her cane tapped lightly on the dark hardwood as she walked past the set of stairs to the back of the house.

  I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders before following in her wake. If she had expected me to be all warm and gushing, she was mistaken. In fact, it was more puzzling than ever, why I was even there. Sure she was old but she could get around and she had Lawrence. I stepped up beside her and glanced over, noting the white hair, perfectly coiffed in a loose French roll, the ruby earrings swaying gently against her translucent skin.

  “Mom told me you haven’t been well, Grandmother.” She looked fine to me, even if she moved as slow as a turtle.

  “I’m well enough, thanks. “ She stepped through the open doorway into a bright room which was a lush jungle. Chest-high green plants formed a wall, while above the sun beamed warmth through the glass dome. In the center of the space were high-backed wicker chairs and a small glass table. She eased down into the closest one and sat back.

  I took my time, gazing out the glass at an expanse of lawn which flowed down to the lake, where a short dock jutted out. Beds of roses, and what looked like a vegetable garden, marked the boundary of the property on each side.

  “It’s gorgeous, isn’t it? You don’t get this kind of privacy and peace in many places. I’ve lived all over the world, from Scotland to Singapore.” She smiled up at me and her eyes sparkled brightly as she leaned forward and patted the seat next to her. “Sit down and tell me about yourself, dear.”

  For a moment I was tongue-tied. Where would I start? She was a perfect stranger to me, even if she was my grandmother. I took a seat and perched forward, resting my hands on the table. “I’m a Libra. Born October sixth at one twelve in the morning. I like going out partying with my friends and I hate peas.”

  Her eyes narrowed but she chuckled. “Not to mention you’re a total smart-ass and you’ve tried your hand at social work, photography, and yes... your latest whim was acting.”

  I sat back and folded my arms over my chest, glaring at her. If this was going to be another lecture—

  “You also love animals. Dogs in particular. But they shy away from you when you come near. You always drop coins in a beggar’s hand and you have to watch every calorie you eat. You actually tend to obsess over your hips, truth be told, but you’d rather stick pins in your eyes than exercise.” Her eyebrows bobbed. “That rhymes. Pretty good for an old doll, right?”

  My mouth fell open. “How do you know these things? Did Mom tell you?” But in truth, the part about giving coins to the homeless was something I never told anyone about. You cancel the karma, if you do that.

  “Exactly. When it comes to charity, never let the right hand know what the left is doing. I’ve done my share of handouts too, Keira.” She reached for my hand and pried it from my chest, clasping it tightly.

  I was still trying to make sense of her statement. It was as if she read my mind. She held my hand in both of hers, smiling over at me. It was the oddest sensation. My fingers tingled and a sense of calm seeped into my bones.

  “You haven’t found your calling yet, Keira. That’s something I hope will change after you’ve been here a while.” She turned when Lawrence appeared in the doorway, a tray of food and glasses in his spotted hands. He focused on my grandmother holding my hand and the smile on his lips vanished.

  Grandmother sat back and patted my wrist before her hands dropped to the table. “Thank you, dear. What would I do without you dear Lawrence?” She smiled up at him as he set the sandwich and glasses down.

  When he left, I took the linen napkin and spread it on my lap. “Which brings me to the question, Grandmother...” I looked over at her. “Why am I here? You have Lawrence and to be honest, you look pretty healthy. Mom and Dad made it sound like you were dying or something.”

  She took a sip of her iced tea and then set it down softly. “What you really want to know is why this is the first time, you’ve ever met me. Isn’t that so?”

  I nodded and then bit into the sandwich, waiting for her answer. Once more, she’d hit the nail right on the head. It hadn’t been a money issue, since she was obviously doing pretty well.

  “It’s the same reason I sent your mother away to attend boarding school when she was nine. The nature of my work...” She looked down at her drink for a few moments. “Let’s just say, it was for her protection and with you... the need was even greater.” Her eyes were soft gazing at me. “I was there the day you were born. I held you and I knew right away how special you really are.”

  “I don’t understand. Protection from who? And why? Who were you protecting me from?” I pushed the plate containing the other part of my sandwich away. Suddenly, my appetite was gone. Either she was making this up... the delusions of an old woman or everything was a sham. Growing up in New York, my life had been pretty normal. Loving parents, a nice home, school. And this woman was making it sound like I was in the witness protection program.

  She had to be senile. But what about Mom? She’d sent her away to boarding school and for sure Grandmother had been a lot younger. Maybe she was some kind of paranoid

  “Let me assure you I’m totally sane.” She got up and wandered over to the wall of tropical plants, plucking dead leaves away and straightening the arrangement. Her face was set and she took a deep breath. “You’ll just have to trust me on this, Keira. It’s a lot to take in and I don’t want to overwhelm you with detail.”

  “But Grandmother! You uprooted me from my home! You owe me some kind of an explanation!” I clasped the sides of the chair, trying to keep from jumping up and shaking her! This was so unfair to be banished to another country with some bullshit story about protecting me.

  “And you will get that explanation... in time.” She wandered over and her fingers stroked my cheek as she gazed down at me. “Such a feisty girl. That’s good. But Keira, I wish you’d call me Nana. Grandmother sounds so formal and cold. I want us to be close.”

  I huffed a sigh. There was nothing worse than having to wait... being treated like a child. It was a hook to keep me there. I just knew it. And I’d be damned if I was going to call her Nana. This whole situation was so manipulative. I forced a small smile. “You don’t like Grandmother? How about GM, instead? It’s less formal and much more appropriate than ‘Nana’. As you said, we need to get to know each other before you’ve earned that title.”

  Her face broke into a wide grin and the crow’s feet at her eyes became deeper. “It’s a deal.” Her hand went to the wispy hair at the back of her head and she fluffed it, preening as she took a seat again. “I kind of like that. “GM. It’ll work.”

  Whatever. I craned my neck, gazing around at my surroundings. “This is a pretty posh place for just you and that Lawrence guy.”

  She looked at me evenly. “It’s paid for. As is the trust fund that has supported your family all your life—well before you were born, I might add.”

  She answered the question before I had it completely formulated in my head. This old gal was pretty quick-witted, that was for sure. “So GM, how did you make so much money?” I pulled the plate back, deciding to finish the sandwich. My stomach was growling and Lawrence made a mean ham and cheese.

  “I played the stock market. It was like taking candy from a baby. Then I traveled the world, meeting royalty and the elites in all the major centers.” She bobbed her eyes at me. “Jet setters and A-listers. I didn’t do too bad for a kid from Oklahoma, raised on a farm.” She snorted and laughed. “You think you like to party? Keira, I’ve done it all!”

  Lawrence appeared in the doorway and pointed at the gold wristwatch on his arm. His gaze centered on my grandmother.

  “All right. I know, it’s time.” She turned to me and smiled. “Make yourself at home. Lawrence will show you around after he tucks me in. You’ll want the Internet password and such.” She got to her feet and ambled over to take his arm. “I’ve arranged for you to move into the top floor. It’s actually a self-contained apartment although I expect you to have dinner with me at seven each night. I’m eager for us to get to know each other.”

  With that she left, leaving a scent of roses in her wake. It was at that moment the sun disappeared behind a gray cloud and raindrops splattered the glass dome above me. I looked over at a plant nestled in the dark green foliage; a white cusp-shaped flower. It was familiar, yet odd.

  When I went to get up, a wave of dizziness washed through me and I sunk down once more. Looking around at the mini greenhouse with the rain streaking the glass, the oddest sensation filled my very core. I’d been here before. Even the crust of the sandwich on the plate... I’d already experienced all of this, from the rain pelting the glass to the lushness of the foliage, the air warm and humid, with a sweet earthy smell.

  But that couldn’t be! I’d never ever been in a solarium like this, surrounded by tropical plants. Yet, I knew in my bones that I had! Was this a deja vu experience? I’d read about it but this was the first I’d ever experienced it. As well as making my knees turn to rubber, it was disorienting.


  I DECIDED TO STAY PUT until Lawrence returned. Even though GM had said to make myself at home, it was still weird to be there. She was my grandmother, my own flesh and blood yet she was a stranger and this was her turf.

  The fact that when she’d left, I’d had that spell of déjà vu wasn’t lost on me either. It had been a day. From getting up early to that white-knuckled flight and throwing up almost the whole way... it was probably normal to feel disoriented. Hell, I was even in a foreign country! I finished the Coke and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths.

  One thing that hadn’t come up in the conversation with my grandmother was how long she expected me to stay there. It was too long a way to come for a short visit and my parents had made it abundantly clear there was no place in their home for me anymore. And the fact that GM had an apartment set up in her home... well, that didn’t bode well for a quick visit either.

  Plus what was all this talk about protection? Mom and Dad had never once tried to shelter me from going where I wanted or doing anything I chose. Surely, if they had felt threatened they would have limited me a bit more? None of this made much sense. Yet, GM was a sharp old lady. If I didn’t know any better, there’d been times I could have sworn she was reading my mind.


  I jumped in my seat and my eyes flew open. Lawrence stood across from me, reaching for the empty glasses. There was a glint in his eyes. “Are you ready for me to show you the rest of the house, specifically your quarters?”

  “Yes.” I tossed the napkin onto the table. “The sandwich was good. Thanks.”

  “Would you mind bringing your plate? We might as well start with the kitchen.”

  My eyes flashed to his and I paused for a beat. At home, I wouldn’t have thought anything of clearing my dishes away but we didn’t have a butler or whatever it was that Lawrence did. It was clear he worked for GM but his butler service didn’t extend to me. “Sure.” I forced a casual smile and picked up the napkin and plate. If he was trying to get under my skin, I wasn’t going to show him it was working.

  I followed him from the room and through the corridor under the main set of stairs. He veered to the right and pushed a door open with his shoulder. When I entered the kitchen it was a total surprise. Even though the house was an antique with high ceilings and dark wooden baseboards which were almost a foot high, this room was the height of modern living with stainless steel appliances and polished granite countertops. A small table was placed at the far end beside a spacious window which showed a view of the garden and river.

  Lawrence folded his body over the open door of the dishwasher and set the glasses inside. “It’s too bad the rain started. I could have shown you the river and the gardens. Pamela’s roses are as beautiful as any horticulturalist’s.” He smiled, and his gaze at me softened. “Roses are her favorite flower.”

  “Does she tend to them herself?” It seemed odd that she would, considering she used a cane when she walked.

  His eyebrows rose high and he chuckled. “She oversees! No, I do most everything around here.” He pulled back as if seeing me for the first time. “I suppose, I should ask if you have any food allergies. It wouldn’t do to serve you mushrooms if you swell up like a balloon.”

  “Nope. Although I’m not overly fond of pork, I love bacon, though I try to limit it.” It would probably be a stretch to hope for marshmallows and melon.

  He plucked the plate from my hand and slid it into the dishwasher. “No worries about meals then. I serve dinner and anything else Pamela wants... but for breakfast and lunch, you’re on your own. I assume you’ll manage. Make a list of any foods you want and I’ll see they’re delivered. We’re kind of light on frozen pizza and we’re too far from town for takeout.”

  His eyebrows bobbed high and a small grin formed on his lips. “We’ll start with the dining room.” He led the way through another door and we entered a large room with a table which could have easily sat a regiment. A crystal chandelier hung low over the center, and lining the closest wall was a large
dark cabinet. A vase of red roses that were starting to wilt topped a linen cloth, and a decanter of brandy sat next to it.


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