Haunted Hideout: Paranormal Suspense (The Haunted Ones Book 1)

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Haunted Hideout: Paranormal Suspense (The Haunted Ones Book 1) Page 36

by Dorey, Michelle

  “Listen shithead! Whoever you are... Jarrod or some other weasely shmuck, get lost!” The triangle began to circle the board so fast it was hard to keep my fingers on it. I was making it mad.

  On a roll now, I continued, “You sneaky coward! Taking advantage of the love between Gwen and her mother! You have no place in this house!”

  The bedroom door banged shut with such force it shook the room which was already swirling with papers. Gwen’s arms jerked back and I gripped her hand in mine. “Stay connected, Gwen! I need you to stay with me here!” Fear jolted into my hand from hers and then became a steady, calm strength. I looked into her eyes and saw determination narrow her gaze.

  “I command you to leave this house! You have no right to be here!” My fingers laced with Gwen’s and we held our hands up, still maintaining the connection with the planchette with our other hands. Books on her bookshelf toppled to the floor. The wind became wilder, forcing the papers against our hands and faces.

  My head filled with a face, the eyes red while the mouth gaped in a grin... an evil grin which taunted me.

  Oh screw you, buster. I raised my voice. “Enough! Go!”

  Our hands tightened, and our muscles were taut when we raised our arms even higher. Just as suddenly as it started, the room became quiet. Papers floated in the still air and drifted onto the bed and floor around us. We looked at each other and then our gaze shifted to take in the room. It had worked! Together we’d done it!

  “Oh my God! What happened?” Gwen’s mouth fell open as she leaned closer to me. Her hand left the planchette and gripped my arm. “Jarrod’s the name of the guy found dead in your grandmother’s house, I was talking about! Keira, what’s going on?”

  Good question. But more like, what the hell was he doing here, in Gwen’s house? It was as unlikely as seeing Gwen’s name spelled out in the session with GM. I gasped. This was all a diversion! Of course I would be concerned after seeing her name and would come over to check on her. And then, for her to conveniently buy a Ouija board that day and try this? I was meant to be here—the message on the board, and the room exploding with a sudden wind!

  GM! This was all to get me out of the house so GM would be alone! Lawrence was old and had no power! I jumped to my feet. “I’ve got to go! My Nana’s in danger! I’ll explain later!”

  This time, my feet thundered on the stairs as I rushed down and out the door. Devon lifted his head and called out to me, “Keira? What the devil?” The dog took this opportunity, seeing me racing from the yard, to howl like a hyena.

  The tires of my car skidded on the shoulder of the road as I raced home. GM had said demons lie and try to trick you. Whatever that thing was that screwed us over back at the house had set us up. Set me up.

  I had to get there! Had to get to GM before it was too late! Tears filled my eyes and the entrance to the driveway was a blur. Was I already too late?

  “Nana!” I sobbed.


  I BURST THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR of Nana’s home and almost keeled over from the putrid stench in the house. The vision of half-gnawed, bloated carcasses covered in their own filth burst into my mind’s eye. For the first time in my life I knew the smell of pure evil. I retched twice, and stood upright, and spoke aloud as I staggered through the house to Nana’s bedroom:

  “I will not be afraid

  Fear is the soul destroyer

  And will consume me should I allow it

  I rebuke fear

  To its face of many masks I stare unafraid

  One by one, I will watch those masks fall away

  Crumble to ash

  And drift away

  In the breeze of my love

  And I will still stand

  Alone and unafraid.”

  It really didn’t help much; I was still scared to death. But I kept trudging, each step an effort. The stench had a physical aspect to it—a morass which thickened, as I moved forward.

  “I rebuke fear,” I said, over and over.

  I was halfway across the living room when I heard Nana’s terrified scream, followed by the sound of a body slamming so hard the floor under my feet vibrated. I dropped my head and charged as another wail from Nana stabbed my ears.

  Coming through the shattered door to her bedroom I gasped. GM’s body hovered two feet above the bed! She clung to the headboard, as her legs were being twisted and yanked. Her hair streamed down and her eyes were wide with terror.

  A mighty wind howled through the room.

  “Nana!” I rushed forward. The force that held her, slammed her to the bed.

  And turned on me.

  I was lifted a foot off the floor and flung back against the doorjamb. I fell like a rag doll, the impact dazing me. I saw Lawrence slumped against the far wall. He was out cold, blood streaking his forehead.

  Nana’s body began to rise again and I scrambled to my feet.

  “Keira, go back!” she cried out. She clawed again at the headboard, clutching a bedpost as the rest of her body was twisted and pulled.

  “Leave her alone!” I bolted to the bed, this time almost making it before I was flung back onto my ass again. The demon’s grip on Nana faltered and she dropped again to the bed.

  I got up again. It couldn’t levitate her and defend against me at the same time.

  ‘OH YOU THINK SO, MEATBAG?!’ screamed in my mind. The room was blotted from my vision, and filled with a gaping, drooling maw of broken brown teeth. Its tongue pulsed out and I leapt back to keep from being swabbed by its rancidness.


  It vanished, and another pulse of force knocked me to my knees. The pain of the blow was excruciating. I was on all fours, gasping for breath as Nana was again yanked off the bed, and slammed back down. The demon was trying to pull her away from her mattress and over the hardwood floor, but she was hanging onto the bedpost for dear life.

  I pushed myself to my feet, my body wracked in pain.

  “Keira!” It came from behind me.

  I turned and saw Gwen! But then I was once more flat on the floor, the wind knocked out of me. A loud thud and Nana’s scream broke through my dazed head.

  Gwen’s hands gripped my arm, tugging me to my feet. “Keira! Your grandmother!” She held me upright, her arm around my waist.

  When Gwen grasped me, a dynamic surge coursed through every cell in my body. I felt strengthened in a way I’d never experienced before; a balloon within me I didn’t even know I had, swelled and burst forth.

  “Leave this house, Beast!” I screamed. The thunder that exploded from my throat shook the room. “I REBUKE YOU! I COMMAND YOU, GO!”

  Nana dropped onto her bed and instantly, the room was normal. The disgusting stench vanished and the howling wind stopped like a light switch was thrown. I was immediately woozy, and staggered. I would have fallen right on my face if Gwen hadn’t caught me. We lurched over to the bed.

  Nana was flat on her back and her eyes were closed, her hands no longer clasping the headboard. I bent over her, stroking her cheek.

  “Nana?” I burst into tears, sobbing. “Nana?” Oh God, she was so small and so still.

  Gwen reached around me with one arm and began to shake Nana; her other one still wrapped around my waist. “Pamela!” she shouted. “Pamela, wake up!”

  Her eyelids fluttered and creaked open.

  “Keira.” It was a whispered sigh from her lips. I dropped to my knees on the floor beside her and held my arm over her, now bawling like a child. “Oh Nana! I shouldn’t have left! That beast tricked me!”

  Gwen’s hand gripped my shoulder. “What the hell was that thing?”

  It was then that it hit me. I hadn’t been able to beat the thing back on my own. It had taken Gwen’s presence, joining with me which had given me the supercharge. If she hadn’t shown up when she did... God, I couldn’t bear to think of it. Tears rolled down my cheeks and onto Nana’s bed. We’d probably all be dead if she hadn’t shown up.

  “Lawrence!” Just as
the thought had popped into my head, Gwen noticed him. She raced over to the far wall and squatted next to him. Her fingers checked his neck for a pulse and then she looked over at me, letting out an audible sigh of relief. “He’s alive!” Like she did with Nana, Gwen prodded Lawrence. “Hey, Lawrence! Wake up! What’s for supper?”

  His eyes opened slowly and he pushed himself up, staring at Gwen and then turning to see my grandmother. He started to get to his feet, “Pamela!”

  “She’s okay, Lawrence. Well, bruised and shaken up, but she’s okay!” I brushed the tears from my eyes and turned back to gaze down at my Nana. Nana. Yeah, she was all of that. No more GM. “I’ll call an ambulance. We need to get you to the hospital to check you out. Lawrence as well.” I stroked her cheek with the back of my hand.

  She shook her head. “That’s not necessary. But, I do need some water.”

  I didn’t want to leave her, but I rose to my feet.

  “I got this,” I said. Lawrence could probably use one too. In a flash, I was back from the kitchen carrying two glasses of water. Nana had managed to prop a pillow behind her and was sitting up. She was a tough old bird, that was for sure. Even so, her hand trembled as she took the glass.

  Lawrence was seated at the foot of the bed. He waved off the offer of water and was staring at Nana. “Pamela, I’m sorry. I failed you.” Reaching up to her, his hand cupped her cheek while his eyes welled with tears.

  “You could never fail me, dear.” She looked up at Gwen and me. “But the torch must pass to younger hands.”


  GWEN FOLDED HER ARMS OVER HER CHEST, her gaze darting over each of us. “For the record, I think you should get checked by a doctor. While we’re there, I’m getting a CAT scan because I’ve just lost my mind.” She looked around the room, her eyes widening. “What the hell just happened here?”

  Nana looked up at me and smiled. “I think you were right about Gwen. She will do nicely.”

  “I agree.” Lawrence took the glass of water from me and gulped half of it down. He made a face and he smirked looking at the glass. “I think brandy would be better, y’know.” The hair on his head was sticking out all over the place.

  Gwen’s fingers threaded through her hair and fisted. “I’m standing right here, by the way. Will someone please tell me what’s going on?” She scowled at me and her hands dropped hard at her sides.

  “Gwen. I don’t know where to begin.” It was true. How would I ever explain it rationally? The Veil? Demons? Spirits being transitioned? Mind reading? I’d been involved with all this for a week now and I couldn’t believe what had just happened.

  “How about you start by telling me what was attacking your grandmother? Was it the same thing that was in my bedroom before, when we did the Ouija board?”

  “Keira! Tell me you didn’t use the Ouija board with Gwen!” Nana sat forward, wincing as her weight settled on her hips.

  “That’s it, isn’t it! I’m right! That same thing, that demon or ghost or whatever it was, attacked your grandmother.”

  “Now who’s talking like I’m not here?” Nana muttered and took another sip of water. “You’re right, Lawrence. This calls for brandy.”

  When Lawrence turned to leave, I held up my hand, stopping him. “You sit down. Everyone, just chill for a minute, will you! I’ll get the brandy. A round for all of us.” I called over my shoulder as I headed out, “Gwen, grab a chair. This is going to take a while.”

  I set the full decanter on a tray along with four snifters and winced a little at the aches all over my body. I was going to be plenty sore tomorrow.

  I marched back into Nana’s room... Nana’s room. I smiled. That felt right saying it, even if it was just in my head.

  Gwen had pulled the upholstered chair close to the bed, while Lawrence nestled on the bed next to Nana. I set the tray on her nightstand and poured.

  After Nana had hers in hand, I extended Lawrence his glass. He smiled up at me. “This is nice. Me being served for a change. I could get used to this.”

  I smiled and shook my head. “Anytime, Lawrence.” When Gwen and I each had our glasses, I pulled up the chair from the dressing table and took a seat. I turned to Gwen, who was still looking suspiciously at the rest of us. “First of all, I want to thank you for helping me earlier. If you hadn’t shown up when you did... wait a minute. Why did you?”

  Gwen’s jaw tightened. “Oh for Pete’s sake! I’m the one who gets to ask the questions. But for your information, the way you tore out of my house, I knew there was trouble. I knew I had to help you.”

  “A very good sign, wouldn’t you say, Pamela?” Lawrence smiled and nudged Nana with his hand.

  “Very.” She took a sip of the liquor and sighed, folding her hand over his.

  I had to bite my cheeks to keep from laughing at the exasperation on Gwen’s face. Before she could start yelling again, I took a deep breath. “It was a demon that was in your bedroom. I caught a flash of it there and realized its plot. The Ouija board, you buying it... it was all a set-up. A diversion. The real target was my grandmother.”

  She leaned forward, her hand gripping her knee. “But why? Why would that thing, want to hurt her?”

  “It was the work of my enemy. I don’t doubt that. But that brings up the real danger. Now that that demon knows about you Keira, no doubt my enemy does too.” Nana’s eyes were steely, gazing over at me.

  “Again, you’re talking in riddles. Can someone just explain what’s going on here in plain language?” Gwen’s fingers thrummed on her leg.

  Lawrence sat forward. “For years Pamela has worked with the spirit world, Gwen. She can see and communicate with them. She has helped many people; done work at hospitals, prisons and, well anyplace where spirits linger. She convinces them to move on... to go to the higher plane where they should be.”

  Gwen’s mouth slowly drifted open and her eyes gaped at him. “She can communicate with the dead?” She turned to me. “Like you?”

  “Actually, I’ve only been doing it since I arrived here last week.” I tilted my head. “Nana’s been doing it for years and years.”

  Nana leaned forward. “Gwen, I do this to help people and spirits find peace. For the most part neither are comfortable when they inhabit the same space in the earthly plane. There is a thin Veil which separates life and death. When the souls of those who’ve died refuse to pass through... either from fear or confusion—”

  “Or love.” Gwen was thinking of her mother.

  Nana nodded. “Yes, that’s a powerful motivation to linger.” She took a breath and continued, “But there is a natural progression of existence. Spirits are meant to move on. Too much of their energy on this plane damages the natural order. It even impacts the universe.”

  “Kind of like the butterfly effect.” Gwen’s eyebrows formed a V. “I’ve studied physics and even became familiar with quantum physics.” She held up her hand. “Wait. No. You’re talking about stuff string theory touches on, aren’t you? A multidimensional model of existence.”

  “I can’t speak to the technical aspects, it’s more an intuitive thing for me. I just know The Veil becomes weaker because of this.”

  “But why would anyone want to interfere with this process, the natural order of things? What is to be gained if this Veil becomes weak?” Gwen’s eyes narrowed, trying to process this.


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