AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)

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AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories) Page 68

by Carmella Jones

  “Stay for dinner. I will cook for us all tonight,” I offered.

  I didn’t imagine Mrs. Goodman having a problem with it.

  “No, there is much I must do. That is…” he paused and kneeled, producing a ring, “Miss Lillian Mark, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife day after tomorrow?”

  “Oh! Say yes, child” Mrs. Goodman exclaimed from the doorway of her bedroom at the top of the stairs.

  I laughed. Jacob was still kneeling with his ring presented.

  “Yes, Jacob. I will marry you. I suppose now I have much to do tomorrow myself,” I said.

  I felt happier than I expected and Jacob also seemed to be pleased. Well, as far as I could tell.

  Mrs. Goodman hurried down the stairs and rushed Jacob out the door. She called Prudence and Robert to join us in the sitting room as she took my arm and hurried me to her usual chair. She remained standing to pace back and forth as she gave orders.

  Robert was to go to the minister that evening to arrange a time at the church. In the morning, the best flowers would be selected from the garden. In the afternoon, Mrs. Goodman, Robert, and Prudence would go decorate the church.

  I had brought my mother’s wedding dress, which my sister also wore for her wedding. My only task was to spend the day tomorrow making any necessary alterations and purchasing a veil.

  I wrote my sister with the good news and promised to coordinate a visit soon.

  The morning of the wedding went smoothly. Prudence sat up front with Robert. Mrs. Goodman was a wonderful substitution for a mother. She said nothing but encouraging, loving words. She even wept a little talking about me moving away to Jacob’s house.

  “I will be little more than a mile up the road,” I reassured her.

  Mrs. Goodman’s carriage took everyone to the church for last minute touches. Jacob drove himself so his carriage would be available for our return to his home. Then, at 9:30 Mrs. Goodman’s carriage returned for me.

  On the ride I mentally weighed the pros and cons of what I was about to do and the person I was about to do it with. I was making a fairly even exchange if not moving up a little as far as comfort and overall financial security. I was in a new place; that offered adventure all its own. There were no obligations of my body; in the long run that could be good or bad. I liked to cook as it was and had been promised freedom to any other hobbies or activities I choose.

  At the church, I waited to enter until everyone was settled and I heard the pianist play the bridal march.

  As I made my way through the doors, even with my veil I could see that Jacob looked handsome. He was freshly shaved in a charcoal colored suit. An unopened bud from Mrs. Goodman’s garden was his boutonniere. His hair showed more effort than our previous meetings.

  Though it felt time slowed as I walked taking everything in, I was at the altar before I knew it. Jacob took my hand in his and the minister began speaking.

  Though our marriage was not the typical ceremony or circumstance, I found that I could not stop smiling. I glanced to my right to find that Jacob looked calm, but happy as well. I could not tell if it were akin to a successful hire or an actual look of happiness. I believe my own feelings to be the excitement of just being a bride.

  When the moment came to exchange rings, Mrs. Goodman had given me her late husband’s ring. I learned that my ring was actually hers. Another kindness she bestowed upon me.

  Then, the moment came to kiss the bride – me. Jacob and I faced each other. He lifted my veil and gave me a long look.

  “I have never kissed anyone,” I whispered.

  “I have kissed only one,” he whispered back.

  There was a touch of sadness to his voice. I realized he had only ever loved his late wife. I pondered if I could ever truly replace her.

  Then, he leaned forward and kissed me gently on the cheek.

  As he resumed his previous stance, I looked up at him. I took his hand and returned a kiss on his cheek.

  I knew I could try.

  We were pronounced man and wife and our small group retreated to Mrs. Goodman’s for a reception. It was still just the three of us, Robert, Prudence, and now Minister Cleary.

  Once our bellies were full, Robert drove Minister Cleary home in the carriage and Prudence cleared the table and resumed her duties in the kitchen. Mrs. Goodman joined me in gathering my things for Jacob’s house.

  “He’s a good man you know. He will do his best to make you happy,” she affirmed.

  Once we were done Jacob met us at the top of the stairs to place my things in his carriage. I kissed Mrs. Goodman goodbye. She wept heavily and Jacob reminded her we would only be up the road and would still be at her house as much as ever and vice versa. Then, she stood on her porch waving as we began our short ride.

  I elected to ride at his side while he drove the carriage. Unlike Mrs. Goodman, he had lived in solitude since his loss.

  “Thank you,” Jacob said once we were out of hearing distance.

  “Shouldn’t I be thanking you? You have given me a chance at my own life,” I said.

  “No, I should thank you. You have given me a second chance at life. Something in me died with Julie, but since your first letter I have felt my heart beating again. I have missed that feeling,” he said.

  Chapter 5

  The house was a slightly newer miniature of Mrs. Goodman’s. The only differences were a slightly smaller kitchen, three bedrooms instead of five, and the decorations inside. I imagine he hadn’t changed much since his wife passed, but she had done an excellent job. There were things that needed to be deep cleaned, but overall it was well maintained.

  “I suppose we should begin with a tour,” Jacob said as he unloaded my things.

  He stopped me as I started the stairs to the front porch.

  “I believe I am supposed to carry you,” he said.

  I took the gesture to be a kindness and show of good faith in our relationship. In one swift movement I was in his arms with one arm beneath my knees and the other behind my back. My body naturally folded to fit and I put my arms around his neck.

  We looked each other a moment.

  “Is this alright?” He asked.

  “Yes. Just fine,” I said with a nod.

  He cleared his throat and looked back toward the house as he carried me up the stairs and over the threshold. Then, he walked me through the house. First floor: parlor, sitting room, study, kitchen, bathroom. Second Floor: his bedroom, an undecorated bedroom, and another bathroom. Our last stop was a nicely decorated room with fresh flowers on the night table. It was to be my bedroom.

  “I purchased a few dresses for you. They are in the closet. Feel free to have them altered or return them and buy fabric. Whatever you wish. I also bought a few ladies toiletries for you. You will find them in the vanity drawers. If you need anything feel free to take your horse or the carriage to town. Invite Mrs. Goodman if you wish,” he said.

  He was just spilling information and again I needed a moment to take it all in.

  “My horse?” I asked.

  “Yes, I bought her yesterday and she arrived this morning just before I arrived at the church,” he said. “A wedding present and assurance that I meant my word. You may do as you wish while I work.”

  He pointed out the window where there was a beautiful brown horse with a white patch on its hind quarters trotting around the exercise ring. There was also freshly cleared and tilled land.

  “You did all this for me in two days?” I asked.

  “I had started some projects once your letter confirmed you were coming, but yes,” he said. “I want this to feel like home for you. No matter what adventures you have each day, I want you to want to come back home to this house.

  I was speechless. His generosity was surprising.

  He went back downstairs to retrieve my things. Then he excused himself to tend to the horse and carriage and a few other things in the yard. I organized my belongings quickly and went down to the kitchen. His cupboar
ds were full and he had been to the butcher. I would prepare my new husband a delicious first meal as his wife.

  When he came back inside the kitchen hummed with the sound of simmer pots and pans and smelled of yeast and seasonings. He was in his socks, as he had left his boots at the door.

  “I didn’t expect all this the first night,” he said.

  He breathed deep and smiled rubbing his chest and stomach. I brought him a spoon to taste the gravy I had made.

  “You are a good cook,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  He seemed sincere in his complement. He washed up for dinner and had seconds on most of the meal. He helped me clear the table and dried dishes as I washed. After everything was clean he arranged some tools he needed for silver mining the next day as I read aloud.

  After a few chapters I bid him goodnight. We both went to bed in our separate rooms. After some time I could hear him snore through the wall. I fell asleep soon after.

  Chapter 6

  Morning came quickly and I was out of bed preparing what I hoped was a good breakfast. I was up a little before the sun. I found his chicken coop and gathered a few eggs. I found feed in storage for the animals. They all received me kindly enough.

  Just as I raised my hand to knock on his bedroom door he opened it, fully dressed with the tools he assembled the night before in a satchel.

  “Breakfast is ready,” I said somewhat startled.

  He gave me a long look.

  “Thank you, Lillian. You didn’t have to go to all that trouble,” he said.

  “Oh, it was no trouble. I figure a wife should send her husband off on a full stomach with a good meal for his lunch,” I said quickly. “Besides home cooked meals should be more than just dinner.”

  We walked down the stairs together. I had arranged his food at the head of the table and my own setting at the seat to his left.

  “I never asked you how you like your eggs,” I said when we were settled.

  “Cooked,” he said.

  We both had a small laugh. He asked about my plans for the day.

  “I thought I would take Hibiscus for a ride. I would like to learn the land and find things to collect here. Come home around lunch and tidy the house,” I said.

  He nodded and grabbed another biscuit and a piece of sausage.

  “What is your day like?” I asked.

  “There is really no schedule. I just like to make the most of the day,” he said.

  “I don’t suppose you would want to join me,” he offered.

  I raised an eyebrow intrigued by the invitation.

  “It wouldn’t take long to saddle your horse. You could change clothes,” he said. “This way I could show you around the area a little bit for your first time. It may help your exploring.”

  “You really wouldn’t mind?” I asked.

  “No, I like that you keep yourself occupied and learning. You have an active mind,” he said.

  I blushed a little and went to change and he prepared my horse.

  Chapter 7

  A few minutes later we were on a trail not far from his home. I followed as he led through a small path in the woods toward the mountains. He named wildflowers and bushes as we passed and gestured toward where I might see different birds and animals. He described the weather for the seasons here.

  He seemed pleased that I enjoyed the outdoors and new things. I felt a bit more relaxed knowing we had something in common. Now that I had committed myself to him, I hoped we could get along.

  Among some smaller rocks before the base of the mountain, there was a cave.

  “Here we are,” he said.

  He came around to help me from my horse, but I had already dismounted and was staring mouth agape at the cavern.

  “You spend your days in places like this?” I asked.

  “I do now. I’ve profited off oil and the contracts I had designing sky scrapers. Mrs. Goodman gave me a gift from the sale of their business for my hand in its success. I feel like mining silver is the next profitable venture in Colorado,” he said confidently.

  He took my hand and led me into the cave. He showed me the markings he used to know where he had already searched and which tools were for what task. He led me and talked about types of rocks and rock formations. Then, He let me swing the pick axe a few times.

  “I have never seen a woman so happy to play in the dirt,” he laughed.

  I was beginning to like his laugh.

  “I have never seen a man who smiled about a woman who happily plays in the dirt,” I replied.

  He gave me another smile and a nod. Then he led the way back to the opening we entered from. Hours passed in what felt like minutes, so we settled down for lunch.

  “You are welcome to come with me any time you want, but also feel free to entertain your own hobbies. I don’t want you to feel you are a trapped house wife,” he said.

  “Far from it,” I said. “I feel freer than ever. Today, I wanted to come with you. Perhaps tomorrow I will plant something in the soil you tilled or take my new horse for another ride.”

  “Good,” he said.

  “Would you mind if I purchased one or two things in town this week,” I asked.

  “Of course not. You should have whatever you need and things to entertain yourself,” he replied.

  “I want to find a new box for things I find and perhaps get some painting supplies and yarn,” I said.

  He nodded as he chewed and swallowed.

  We continued talking about our hobbies and finished our lunch. I explored the area a little more while he went deeper in the cave. We rode home together a little before sunset and enjoyed a late supper.

  I wrote my sister again before I went to bed. I hoped to hear from her soon. I was pleased things with Jacob had been going smoothly, but I wondered how much damage I done to the relationship with the last of my family.

  Chapter 8

  The next morning Jacob got up a little earlier and we tended to the animals together. I made breakfast. He joined me on my excursion into town and introduced me to the shop keepers. He added me to his tabs and made sure to purchase a variety of painting supplies and an easel as well as a variety of yarn. Before heading home we went to the furniture store and purchased a new trinket box for new keepsakes and collectibles.

  Our third day being married he went back to the cave and I paid Mrs. Goodman a visit. I brought over lunch and a batch of teacakes.

  “Are you enjoying married life,” she asked.

  “I suppose I am,” I said.

  “Is anything wrong,” she asked.

  “Well, not with Jacob. Not really. He is kind and helping in every way he can to make me comfortable. We are getting to know each other better,” I said.

  “Well, something is troubling you,” she pressed.

  “I just haven’t heard from my sister yet, my first letter would have been to her over a week ago and I would think she would write me quickly even if only to fuss. I guess I miss her mothering me,” I laughed with a small tear.

  “Dear, our local postal service is still fairly new and a week is not too long. Give it time. If she is upset, give that time, too,” she said.

  She was always so reassuring and seemed to believe good would come of every situation. She made me believe it, too.

  We visited until late in the afternoon. I gave a few sweets to Prudence and Robert and promised that Jacob and I would be over for dinner before the week’s end.

  More and more I settled into my new home. I learned Jacob’s ways and habits, likes and dislikes. I sent more letters to my sister and after a month I received a letter in return.

  “Dear Lillian, We are glad you are well. Rebecca is worried, but I have told her to trust your letters and you. If it is no trouble to your husband, I would like to bring your sister to spend a week in Denver. We wish to meet your husband and Mrs. Goodman whom you have written so much about in your letters. Even the best life is only as good as the people you spend it wi
th. Love, Michael.”

  While I hated that Rebecca had not returned my letters, it was nice to have a brotherly response from Michael. That evening I prepared a rather large meal and invited Mrs. Goodman to join us.

  Jacob came home a little early to be properly clean and dressed when Mrs. Goodman arrived. I served out meal at six being sure to set aside a few things to send to Robert and Prudence.

  We chatted normally while I built the courage to ask another favor from my new husband and, for all intent and purposes, mother in law.

  “I hope you both enjoyed everything,” I said.

  “Yes, dear. It was all delicious. I must get your yeast roll recipe,” Mrs. Goodman said dabbing the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

  “Lillian, you have proved on many occasion now that you are a good cook,” Jacob said with a firm nod.

  “Wonderful,” I smiled.

  I couldn’t think of a tactful way to ask what I needed.

  “Is something on your mind?” Jacob asked.

  We still had only known each other just shy of two months, including our correspondence, yet he could read me like a book.

  I gave a nod and asked them both to the sitting room. Once we were all settled I allowed them both to read Michael’s letter.

  “Could they come for a visit?” I asked.

  “Of course, I didn’t marry you to take you away from family,” Jacob said. “This is your home. Your sister and her husband are welcome any time you wish. Most likely they want to see that you are in good health and well provided for.

  “I look forward to meeting your family,” Mrs. Goodman smiled and gave my knee a little pat.

  I smiled and gave a little sigh of relief. We discussed when they could come and for how long. Mrs. Goodman seemed very excited to get to meet my sister. I couldn’t read Jacob. He spoke his piece and seemed content in leaving the rest to me.

  I rode with Jacob to drive Mrs. Goodman home since our discussion of Rebecca’s visit ran later than expected. He walked her to the door and kissed her cheek, then returned to the carriage to drive us home.


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