More than a Phoenix

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More than a Phoenix Page 11

by Ashlyn Chase

  She took a couple of deep breaths and relaxed until her body grew, and she found herself sitting bare-assed on the back seat.

  Dante opened the door, jumped in, slammed it shut, and glanced in the rearview mirror. “You’re back.”

  “Um, yeah.” Her voice sounded like an embarrassed little girl’s.

  After a brief, uncomfortable silence, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes… No. Are you?”

  He scratched his head. “I guess so.”

  A lump was forming in her throat. She spoke before it became too large to talk around. “I wouldn’t blame you if you never want to see me again after this.”

  He sighed. “That’s not gonna happen.”

  “But I’m nothing but trouble. Don’t you see that?”

  He turned around and faced her. “You know what I see? I see that I was living half a life before I met you. I didn’t even realize how tedious and boring everything was becoming. I’m never bored with you. But I wouldn’t mind worrying a little less.”

  She gazed up at his eyes. They shone with sincerity. She didn’t know how she got so lucky. Any other guy would’ve run for the hills by now.

  “Maybe we should go. You can drop me at home and get back to the game.”

  “I’ll take you home, but only so you can put on some more clothes and come back with me.”

  She smiled shyly. “I wasn’t wearing anything else besides the skirt, you know.”

  His brows shot up. “No panties?”

  She shook her head and grinned.

  “Screw the game. I’m inviting myself to your place.” The engine turned over, and they peeled out of the parking lot.

  * * *

  The game ended with the firefighters winning by a few points. Kizzy had to wait for Noah to take a quick shower and change, so she stayed in the stands while the crowd exited the arena.

  She was surprised to see an older couple coming toward her. They were smiling and holding hands, so nothing set off warning bells. She didn’t recognize them, but maybe she had treated one of them in the ER. She couldn’t possibly remember every face, but sometimes grateful patients remembered her for the help she gave—especially the ones who would have been goners without her one magic save per day.

  When they reached her, the gentleman stuck out his hand. “We just wanted to introduce ourselves. We’re Noah’s parents, Antonio and Gabriella Fierro.”

  “Oh! I—” She was so surprised, she almost forgot her own name. “Uh, I’m Kizzy Samuels. Noah’s friend.”

  Mrs. Fierro’s expression looked a little crestfallen, then she quickly put on a happier face. “We’re delighted to meet you. It’s not often my sixth son speaks so highly of a young lady.”

  “He’s your sixth?”

  Antonio grinned. “Yup. Six out of seven. Five are firefighters.”

  “Wow! That’s impressive.”

  “Not as impressive as what you’ve accomplished,” Gabriella said. “My goodness. A doctor! So how did you meet our Noah?”

  Kizzy thought about their argument in the ER, but decided to forgo that story and tell his parents about the much more pleasant re-meet. “He just sort of fell into my lap. Literally.”

  The Fierros cracked up. Antonio’s laugh was big and hearty, like the man standing before her. Gabriella’s had a musical ring to it. They seemed like wonderful people. No wonder their son turned out so well—as far as she knew.

  “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?” Kizzy asked.

  Antonio and Gabriella glanced at each other, and then Noah’s father answered. “Sure. You can ask…”

  In other words, she might not get an answer, but they were still smiling, so what the heck? She’d ask.

  “I’ve treated many firefighters in the ER. Usually they come in for smoke inhalation or heat exhaustion, but occasionally severe burns. With so many firefighters in the family, how do you do it? How do you keep from worrying about them constantly?”

  “I think that’s a question for Gabriella,” Antonio said.

  If Kizzy were a more psychic witch, she might be able to read her mind. The mother of seven gave her a look of sympathetic understanding. Mind reading was unnecessary.

  Gabriella smiled softly. “My Antonio was a firefighter too. When we first met, I worried much more than I do now. That may sound callous, but it’s only because I know how well-trained all firefighters are. There are also plenty of policies in place to prevent unnecessary risks. The officers are greatly concerned about their men and women’s safety as well as the safety of the public. There’s no room for glory or grandstanding.”

  Kizzy understood. Sometimes she wondered how anyone could do a job like that, but then she remembered how rarely she saw firefighters as patients. Far more frequently, she saw patients they had saved. “It’s a noble calling. I imagine families like yours must be committed to the community they serve.”

  Antonio smiled. “At first, it pays the bills. Then after a few successes, it becomes more. Don’t get me wrong. There are situations that can be scary as hell, and then we remind ourselves it’s not just our job, it’s a calling. Not everyone can do it.” Then he chuckled. “And it still pays the bills.”

  Kizzy couldn’t help admiring the many brave men and women who worked for the fire department. If it were her, she’d probably have to be a secretary. No way would she run into an uncontrolled fire! Witches were not fans of burning alive!

  “You should come to one of our Sunday dinners,” Gabriella said. “I’ll ask Noah to invite you.”

  “Oh! That’s very kind, but I couldn’t impose…”

  “It’s not an imposition at all. I love to cook for our family gatherings. I enjoy meeting the boys’ friends, so my motto is ‘the more the merrier.’”

  Antonio laughed. “She’s not kidding about that. We just had to knock down a wall to expand the dining room table.”

  Just then, Noah emerged from the locker room. He had a duffel bag of equipment over his shoulder, and his hair was damp, but he still looked good enough to eat. His brows tented as if surprised to see his parents talking with her, but then he grinned. Kizzy loved that wide, pearly-white smile.

  When he reached them, he shook his dad’s hand and bent down to give his mother a kiss on the cheek. Then he draped an arm around Kizzy’s shoulder.

  “Great game, Son,” Antonio said proudly.

  “But that monkey!” Gabriella said. “I wish Dante were here to explain what he had to do with it and where it came from. Do you know, darling?”

  Noah shrugged. “You’ll have to ask him.”

  Kizzy smiled and tried to think of something intelligent to say. Anything to change the subject. She was pretty sure the monkey was wearing Mallory’s blouse and crossbody purse, but she wouldn’t swear to it.

  “The game looked like a close one,” she said.

  Noah chuckled. “Yeah, the cops weren’t as tough this year. Last year was the first year I played them, and we got beat.”

  “Wait till next year when Luca is playing against you,” Gabriella said.

  Antonio groaned. “Did you have to remind me we’re going to have a cop in the family?”

  Noah smirked. “Every family needs a blue sheep.”

  “Stop it, you two,” Gabriella said and swatted her husband. “I was just telling Kizzy you should invite her to Sunday dinner some time, Noah.”

  He glanced down at her with raised eyebrows as if to ask what she thought of that.

  “We can talk about it later. I’m sure Noah must be starving after all the energy he expended.”

  Gabriella reached for her hand. “You’re right. Thank you for looking out for my son.” The women squeezed hands, and Gabriella looked up at her much taller husband. “We should be going.”

  “You mean we should let them get going.” Antonio
winked at her.

  Kizzy didn’t quite understand what he meant by that, but she was relieved to be getting out of the spotlight. She barely caught it, but she thought Noah rolled his eyes. Something was going on with this family.

  * * *

  By the time they got back to Mallory’s place, Dante had decided not to pressure Mallory, even if she’d planned to seduce him. That was before “the incident.”

  There was plenty of time to play with Mallory, even though she had seemed willing earlier. He had a war going on inside his head—both heads. Was this really going to happen eventually? Was he finally going to go all the way with his high school crush? Should he grab the opportunity in case he didn’t get another one?

  Things were different now. He understood her as a person. Despite her challenges, she hadn’t lost her sense of humor—or hope. Plus, he knew things about her he never would have guessed. Like her poor self-esteem. How the hell did she wind up like that when most of the boys in school wanted her and she had friends galore?

  He pulled into her driveway and shut off the engine. “I’ll get you the blanket I keep in my trunk. Hang on a sec.”

  He hopped out of the car and opened Joanna’s trunk, then moved the first aid kit to grab his blanket. The one he kept for emergency purposes, and that included impromptu picnic seductions. He hadn’t considered needing it to cover a shape-shifter who had lost half her clothing.

  She waited patiently and exited the back seat when he held up the blanket so she could step behind it without being seen from the street. He’d unfolded it only far enough to cover the bottom half to just below her knees. He also turned his face away.

  “Thank you,” she said. When she was wrapped up in the blanket, she rushed around the town house corner toward her back door. “Would you mind getting my key out of my purse?”

  “Yes, of course. Wait. I mean no, I wouldn’t mind.”

  She smiled, and he was relieved to see it. She hadn’t smiled at all in the car, even when she was safely away.

  “There’s the happy expression I love.”

  Her face turned pink. “I’m not exactly happy, more like embarrassed.”

  He dug the key out of her purse. “You don’t have to be embarrassed around me. I understand. Well, sort of… Do you know why you can’t control the shifts? It seems to happen when you get nervous. Have you noticed a pattern or any trigger that might be a clue?”

  “No. I don’t know anything about this. It’s all new to me. I didn’t even know shape-shifters existed until I became one!”

  Dante unlocked the door and held it open for her. She hurried inside and let out a breath of relief.

  They stood staring at each other for a few seconds. Finally, Mallory let go of the blanket, and it dropped to the floor. Her lower body was as shapely as he had imagined. However, he hadn’t dreamed the area at the apex of her thighs would be shaved into a heart.

  “I take it you were planning a seduction.”

  “Are you okay with that?”

  “Yeah, but are you? I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted time to process what just happened.”

  “I—I think I processed it as much as I can. Right now, I’d like to be close…to you. Is that all right?”

  “Oh, yeah. It’s fine. You’re fine. Very, very fine.” Stop babbling, Fierro.

  She giggled. “I’m glad you think so.” She began unbuttoning her blouse.

  He walked toward her and placed his hands over hers. “Let me,” he said.

  She glanced down shyly, then, as if making a firm decision, she straightened and looked him in the eye, letting her arms fall to her sides. He carefully unbuttoned the shirt, revealing creamy skin and no bra. His breath hitched when he finished with the last button and the blouse hung open.

  She looked pleased with his reaction. “May I return the favor?”


  She grabbed the hem of his red T-shirt and pulled it off over his head. When she reached for his belt, he asked, “Do you want to do this right here in the kitchen?”

  She chuckled. “I guess I’m a little anxious. But you’re right. We can finish this upstairs.”

  He followed her up the carpeted stairway and into the large room on the right. Her bedroom was a bit girly but not over the top. There were about a dozen pillows on her bed, but they were solid coordinating colors and plain for the most part. The smallest one in the center was embroidered with an M and trimmed in lace. The other furnishings were wood, painted white to match the headboard.

  Dante removed his belt and draped it over the rocking chair. As he stripped off his pants, she removed her blouse and folded it over the back of the chair.

  Her breath caught when she spotted his impressive hard-on. At least he’d been told it was impressive. He was so turned on, it may have been even statelier than usual.

  He stepped closer and held out his arms to her. She eagerly embraced him. He could feel her heart beat. It was a little fast, betraying her anxiety.

  “Mallory, I really care about you. I want you to know that. This isn’t just about comforting you.”

  Her lashes hid her eyes, but her cheeks pinked. “I know. I feel the same way.”

  He swept her hair behind her ear so he could see her face. She was smiling, and there was a soft glow in her eyes. Yup. She means it. He cupped her cheek and kissed her soundly.

  She responded immediately, opening her mouth and seeking his tongue. Their kiss deepened, and Dante’s skin heated. Mallory Summers could drive him to the point of spontaneous combustion.

  He walked her backward to the bed, and they both tumbled onto it. Without a word, they resumed the kiss to end all kisses—at least in Dante’s experience. She writhed beneath him and he tried to ease off her, but she stopped him.

  “Are you uncomfortable?”

  Holding his hip, she said breathlessly, “I like you right where you are.”

  He smiled, knowing what she needed. He rocked against her core, creating erotic friction.

  “Oh God!” She arched into him and moaned.

  Without breaking his rhythm, he kissed her cheek, jaw, and neck. She was so sensitive and responsive. He suspected she was close to climaxing, and if that were the case, he’d keep going until she came apart in his arms. Later, he could treat her to more.

  She cried out, shaking and gripping his shoulders. He kept going, letting her ride the wave. At last, her body relaxed, and her breath came in deep pants.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Sorry? What for? Enjoying yourself?”

  “No. Not that. I really needed the release, but I didn’t give you anything in return.”

  He laughed. “I’ll let you make it up to me after you’ve rested a bit.”

  She grinned up at him, linking her fingers behind his neck. “I will. I promise.”

  He stared into her eyes. He had been warned by Noah not to fall in love with this girl. He’d called her a train wreck. Well, it was too late. Dante was already falling. And he didn’t care if she was a train wreck, a shipwreck, or a fender bender. No one comes through life unscathed.

  * * *

  Kizzy and Noah decided to drop in at the bar where the firefighters would be gathering to celebrate, and afterward, they’d go out by themselves for their very first real date.

  As they entered the bar, Noah was greeted with many hard pats on the back. It was difficult not to crow about their victory, but with Kizzy right next to him, he decided to take a humbler approach.

  “It wasn’t just me out there, guys. We were a team. A great team.”

  “Well, let me be the first to buy a beer for our team leader,” O’Rourke said.

  “I can’t stay. I just wanted to drop in, say hello, and thank everyone for a great game.”

  “You can make time for one beer and whatever your lady wou
ld like,” O’Rourke insisted.

  He smiled at Kizzy. “Would you like a glass of wine, Kiz? You like red, right?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  Another firefighter strolled over and said, “Hey, Noah. Wasn’t that your brother Dante under the scoreboard, catching the monkey that fell?”

  Noah had been afraid of this. Many of his fellow firefighters knew his brother too. Dante worked in the station closest to his, and they backed each other up whenever the need presented itself. The family resemblance was pretty close, so it wouldn’t take a genius to put them together.

  “Yeah. He’s always been an animal lover.” Hopefully, that would be enough of an answer.

  “That monkey is all anyone can talk about,” his buddy Paul said as he and his girlfriend, Kim, joined them. “What the hell was that?”

  Noah shrugged. “Don’t ask me.” He glanced down at Kizzy. She remained quiet with a pleasant smile on her face, but he sensed something uncomfortable behind her expression. It seemed plastered on.

  “This is Paul Forte and his girlfriend, Kim Kelly. Guys, this is Kizzy Samuels.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Kizzy said, and they all shook hands.

  She seemed to be warming up to his friends. At least he hoped so. These people were important to him.

  Just then, another buddy, Jeff, and his wife, Maria, strolled over. “Hey, Noah. Are you doing that hot dog eating contest next month for charity?”

  “Yeah. I just signed up. Are you?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” Just to emphasize the point, Jeff rubbed his belly and burped.

  “Kiz, maybe you should be on hand in case anyone chokes. Kizzy’s an ER doc at Boston General,” Noah explained.

  “Cool,” Jeff said. “We could have you on hand for all our hockey games too, in case anyone swallows some teeth.”

  “Yeah,” Paul added. “You should talk to the coach when he gets here.”

  She fidgeted and dropped Noah’s hand. Uh-oh. She’s uncomfortable.

  Noah quickly shut down the conversation, saying, “We just stopped by. I’m taking my lady out to dinner.”


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