Home > Other > WORLDS END > Page 17

by Marshall Huffman

  He let out a big whoosh of air and went to his knees. Zult grabbed his fat cheeks in his hand and squeezed them.

  “I don’t like you Gunnard. I never have. You strut around here like you are some frickin’ big shot. You talk down to people and take credit for others' work. Now there is no one here to protect you any longer. You are just another asshole that I have to deal with. You need to shut your pie-hole and do what you’re told, when you are told. You got that?” Zult said squeezing his cheeks tighter.

  Gunnard’s eyes were as big as saucers. Zult let his face go and patted his cheek hard a couple of time.

  “I’m glad we could spend this quality time together just chatting like old friends. Now get your people together and get them over to the hanger. NOW!”

  Gunnard got to his feet and scampered as fast as he could to get the engineers.


  “You headed back to Washington?” the crewman asked.

  “No, to South Dakota. I need to get this thing refueled.”

  “Ha. I get it. Refueled.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “So am I. You don’t refuel these things but once every twenty years or so.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “The Invader has a reactor that drives the propulsion system.”

  “No frickin’ way.”

  “Way. It has a Boron Shield Wrap or BSW that smothers the reactor in case of an emergency. It can be triggered by the pilot or by the plane if it senses a problem.”

  “Holy smokes. I’m zipping around like I know what the hell I’m doing and I have a nuclear reactor on board.”

  “Not exactly.”

  “But you just said...”

  “I said reactor. It’s a cold fusion reactor.”

  “We have such a thing?’

  “Well, let me put it this way. The Invader has been here for three years and that is the only engine that has been in the plane.”

  “You know sometimes I really doubt our own government. Something like that could cut our dependency on oil by as much as 50 percent.”

  “Closer to 75 percent,” the crewman said.

  Beal just shook his disgustedly.


  “I take it you brought Mr. Flynn back safe and sound,” President Coaler said.

  “Not exactly Sir. When I told him where they were going to be building whatever it is, he wanted to be taken there instead. I hope I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “No, no. Wherever he wanted to go is fine with me. He is quite something isn’t he?”

  “Sir, I’m sure glad he is helping us. He has that go get 'em attitude that makes America great.”

  “Yes he does, doesn’t he? And you Captain Beal. You have that same attitude.”

  “It’s Lieutenant Beal and I appreciate the compliment. If you are asking if I would rather be at Plattsburg, the answer is yes.”

  “It’s Captain Beal from this minute on and as far as going to Plattsburg, go with my blessing. Do whatever you can to help. I want to get those things off this planet.”

  “Thank you sir, on both accounts.”

  “Now go get it done.”


  “Now let me see if I have this straight. You want to put the weapon on a flatbed truck. Perhaps you didn’t notice but they attack anything moving,” Gunnard said condescendingly with a smirk on his face.

  “Yes. That is exactly what I want to do,” Sarah said.

  “Well, I don’t know about the rest of you but I sure wouldn’t want to be the poor sucker driving the thing,” he said.

  “Actually, it would be the safest place to be. When we are finished making the weapon the truck will be one of the key components.”

  “I certainly don’t see how. You’re sure you’re qualified to lead this project?”

  “Doctor Gunnard, other than being an expert at hot air, I’m not sure what you bring to the table. I know how to build the machine. I know what we need to do to destroy them. You on the other hand only know how to run your mouth. I certainly don’t need you on this project.”

  “I have news for you missy. These are my people. They will work if I tell them to and only if I tell them to.”

  Rather that argue any further she held up the letter from the President.

  “You can all read this. Essentially it says I am in charge of everything on this base by order of the President. That means everything. Anyone who elects not to do as directed by me will be escorted to the blast doors entrance and sent out. That includes you Doctor Gunnard. So either can the attitude or I will have you escorted from the hanger.”

  “Gunnard, I can tell you right here and now, I will be more than happy to do exactly as she says. I will be more than happy to toss you ass out that door,” Zult said.

  Gunnard had turned beet red but he kept his mouth shut.

  “Now does anyone else have any questions?” Sarah said.



  “When can we start?”

  “Glad you asked. How about right now? I have a list of everything I need. We will get all of the raw materials together here in the main hanger. Once we have that, I will need the other trades and of course we are going to have to get a flatbed truck over here and that is perhaps the biggest risk of all. It will have to be done by creating a diversion. We can cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  Within minutes everyone had scattered to get the required materials. It took several hours before everything was sitting in a pile on the hanger floor.


  James had spent every minute that he could working with Sarah. It was apparent that they were both equally attracted to each other. They enjoyed working together and just talking.

  “Doctor Knott. I’ve been thinking about the flatbed truck. I think I have a way of getting it. As long as the doors are open once it is headed this way. It will be risk but I think it can be done.”

  “Well James I’m certainly open to any suggestion.”

  “By the way, you did a nice job handling Gunnard.”

  “It wasn’t all that difficult. I’ve had to deal with blowhards and credit takers all of my life. I understand exactly what it takes to put them in their place.”

  “Just don’t get pissed at me, okay?”

  “James, you are the first person who just listened to me and didn’t try to impress me with how smart you are. That shows an intelligence that can’t be taught at school or in any book. It’s refreshing and I greatly admire what you have done and the risks you have taken.”

  “Gee you’re gonna make me blush.”

  “Good,” she said smiling, “Let me get a place cleared so the flatbed can get in.”

  “Okay. I’ll go lay it out with Lieutenant...Captain Beal. The President promoted him.”

  “Wow, that’s pretty cool.”

  “Yeah except we need to get him a new helmet. His head is too big for the one he had,” James joked.

  “That happens from time to time for all of us.”


  “Are you nuts?” Beal said, looking at James like he had lost his mind.

  “It has its risk but I’m pretty sure it can be done. It’s about stealth and timing.”

  “You forgot a big dose of luck buddy.”

  “Well there is that, but still can you think of a better way? That truck is apparently essential.”

  “Have you ever driven one of those things?”



  “I don’t remember exactly when.”

  “So the answer is ‘no’,” Beal said.

  “Look, how hard could it be?”

  “No problem. Why don’t you take the plane for a couple of laps as well? I mean, how hard could it be?”

  “You did it.”

  “Fine, take the keys and give it a shot.”

  “It has keys?”

  “See. Nothing is ever as easy as you think it is going to be.”r />
  “I understand, really I do, but unless you can think of something else, it’s the best idea I have come up with.”

  “I hate it when you’re right,” the captain said.

  “I like it. It makes me feel smug.”

  “I hope you are still as smug when they vaporize you. If you get killed I’m going to be really ticked at you.”

  “Then let’s just make sure I don’t get killed.”


  “James, I don’t like this plan one bit. Do you realize the risk involved?”

  “Sarah, believe me I know the risk but this is all I can think of. The flatbed is over by the other building and we have no way of getting it here unless I do this.”

  “Why does it have to be you?”

  “Because it’s my idea and I sure as heck can’t have someone else do it. The risk is just too great.”

  “So you have to take it.”


  “Men. You are so dumb sometimes.”

  “Actually I thought it was most of the time,” James said.

  “I stand corrected.”

  “Look. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think I stood a pretty good chance. All I will need is someone watching and when I come hauling across the tarmac, have those doors open.”

  “James I...”

  “Go on.”

  “Just please get back here. I would really like to see you again.”

  “Yeah, I kind of like you too.”

  “Kind of huh?”

  “Well, unless you consider the ride in the tube and time down in the lab a date I had better not get too attached.”

  “Dumb butt,” she said and pulled him toward her and kissed him.


  “You ready to do this stupid trick of yours?” Beal asked.

  “As ready as I am ever going to be.”

  “Could you do me one favor?”

  “Sure. What?”

  “Wipe the lipstick off your mouth unless you are thinking about trying to put some moves on me.”

  James reached up and wiped his mouth.


  “Yes, yes you are. Now let’s do this thing.”

  The plan was for both of them to get into the Invader, take it out and to hover over the flatbed. The truck was just a little too tall for Beal to sit it down so he would get it as close as possible.

  James would climb out of the portal and get in the truck as quickly as possible. He had been told the keys were in the map box. Once he was inside, the Invader would hover again and James would do his best to keep the truck under the protective cover of the wings.

  It sounded simple but Captain Beal knew that keeping the Invader hovering at the correct speed and at the correct height was going to be difficult considering the lack of instrumentation.

  The turbines on the Invader spooled up and it lifted from the floor. The blast doors were opened and Beal eased it forward. He still jumped out faster than he would have liked but at least he was getting the hang of it.

  He headed it across the tarmac and hovered the machine until it was just above the tractor part of the flatbed. James wiggled out and stretched but couldn’t quite reach the top of the truck. He shoved back and fell through the opening landing on top of the truck on his butt. He almost bounced off but he grabbed the antenna at the last second.

  Once on the top of the truck, he quickly scrambled down the side and climbed inside. The keys were just where they were supposed to be.

  Okay hero. Now let’s see if you can do as advertised. Nothing to it right? he thought as he pumped the accelerator pedal and turned the key. The truck rumbled to life. He fumbled around and ground gears. When he looked up he could see two pods racing in his direction.

  “Crap,” he said and finally jammed it in gear.

  The truck bucked when he let out the clutch too fast almost causing it to die. He shoved the clutch in quickly and eased the clutch out. The truck shuttered and started forward.

  He could see that it wasn’t going to be enough. He floored the truck and ground the gears once again as it went into second and then third. Beal was doing his best to keep the truck covered with his wing but James’s erratic speed made it even more difficult. The pods were searching for the source of the noise. So far the Invader was keeping them guessing where it was coming from.

  He was up to fifth and doing almost forty-five miles an hour but James knew it was just a matter of time before they located him. He looked at the bay doors and estimated he had at least two hundred more yards to go.

  He hit sixth gear and the big truck climbed slowly up to fifty. He could see the pods zipping from side to side. A bolt of plasma shot out just as Beal dropped his left wing. It hit the Invader and the plane shuddered but didn’t go down.

  Less than a hundred yards to go and the second pod shot out a bolt but Beal was already prepared and dropped his left wing, scraping the top of the truck. Once again the bolt was absorbed or dispersed somehow. The Invader bounced off the top of the truck and went into a skid like a car on ice.

  All James could do was aim for the doors and hope at this point. He saw them open and he raced in slamming on the breaks. The tires smoked as he locked them up. The big rig stopped just inches from the back wall. Seconds later the Invader came through the blast doors and they were closed.


  James climbed out of the cab of the truck smiling.

  “Are you a total moron? Are you crazy? What is the world was that supposed to be?”

  “Nice to see you too,” he said as he grabbed and kissed her.

  She started to resist but soon stopped.

  “That was really stupid. Do you have any idea how close you were to being cosmic dust?”

  “Cosmic dust? Wow. That has a certain flair about it. Cosmic dust. I like it.”

  “James you are insane!”

  “I’ve heard that someplace before.”

  She started to say something but Beal walked up. They did a high-five and started laughing.

  “You can’t drive for squat,” Beal said.

  “You call that flying? You almost killed me when you landed on top of me.”

  “Well I know little old ladies that can drive better than that. I could hear the gears grinding from inside the plane.”

  “You could not.”

  “You ground fist and missed second. Some hot shot truck driver,” Beal said.

  “Yeah, well at least I was facing in the right direction the whole time.”

  “Boys. Stop arguing,” Sarah said.

  “Arguing?” they said in unison.

  “We are complimenting each,” James told her.

  “Oh for heaven’s sakes. I have to go work with some grownups,” she said and walked off.

  “What’s her problem?” Beal asked.

  “Women, they just don’t get it. Come on; let’s see if they have a beer in this place,” James suggested.

  “Now that is what I call a plan.”


  “Geez Sarah,” what do you call that thing?”

  “Strange that you should ask. Everyone wants to name it something but all I can think of is; a big thing on a truck that will hopefully will stop the invasion.

  “And that dear lady is why they don’t let women name military toys.”

  “How does it work?” Beal asked.

  “Plasma sine-wave amplification modulation,” Sarah said.

  “Well there you have it. It’s a P-SAM.”

  “A P-SAM?”

  “Sure. The military will be ecstatic that they can just call it by an acronym. They only want to use big words when they have to.”

  “Whatever you say captain,” Sarah said.

  “Go tell that to any of the engineers and see what happens,” he said.

  “I don’t believe you but okay,” she said and walked over to the group.

  James and the captain watched as she talked to them and pointed a couple of times. A few minutes later she came

  “You people are so weird. I thought they were going to hold an acronyms party. I expected them to form a conga line and start singing Kumbya.”

  “You made them very happy Dr. Knott,” Beal said, “It brings a tear to my eye...almost.”

  “I’ll bring a tear to your eye if you pimp me anymore.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Beal replied.

  “As amusing as this is, what is the next step?” James asked.

  “It’s too big and powerful to test in the hanger. We have to take it out and actually test it.”

  Both men were silent for several seconds.

  Finally James said, “What does that entail exactly?”

  “We have to drive the truck out, attract the pods and then activate the P-SAM as you call it.”

  “And it will basically fry them?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “And if it attracts one of the larger discs?”

  “That’s even better. Hopefully we will get the command ship to come check it out and we can render it nonfunctioning.”

  “So I drive the truck out and hope they will chase me and in the meantime this thing will knock the snot out of them.”

  “Not quite as eloquently as I would have put it but essentially that is correct.”

  “But you don’t know that it will work until it is activated?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Should the Invader cover it like before?”

  “Heavens no. That is the whole idea of having it on the truck. I want them to come after it.”

  James and Beal looked at each other.

  “Alright Sarah. I trust you. I’ll get ready to take it out. You will need to show me how to activate the P-SAM.”

  “You won’t have to do that part too.”

  “That’s a relief. It is automatic then?”

  “No. I’ll be the one to activate it and control the modulation.”

  “Whoa. Wait. No way.”

  “James. You just have to get over it. I designed it. I built it. I know how it works. It has to be me.”

  “Can’t this be done some other way?”

  “Not in a reasonable time. We need to do this now,” she insisted.

  “I could do it if you would teach me,” Beal said.


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