Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3)

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Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3) Page 19

by Ahren Sanders

  I’m skilled with the basics of computer software, but Evin is an expert with efficiency. We narrow it down and he creates a slideshow, attaching Ryanne’s video at the end.

  When we’re done, there’s barely enough time for me to dash to the bathroom and make myself presentable. Evin takes care of Runner and setting up the laptop in the living room. By the time I join him, my nerves are shot. This seemed like a good idea at the time, but now the anxiety of their reaction has me on edge. With one look, Evin goes into protective mode, situating me on his lap and opening the meeting.

  One by one, calls join, and I gasp when Ashlyn’s parents, Ashlyn’s brothers, Scottie and Billy, and even Stephanie and Todd pop up on the screen.

  “They are on their honeymoon!” I whisper-hiss to him.

  “Leave it to Darby to go big.”

  “But they think she has an inside scoop on their wedding pictures. This will crush them.”

  “Doubt it. If Stephanie found out we did this without her, she’d fly here tonight and crush me.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel remotely better.”

  “Hey, everyone!” Darby chirps, and there is a chorus of greetings. “Okay, first up, I know it’s weird to do this call hours after being together. But I had to share these shots. Some of us were supposed to get together tonight, but Poppy felt ill.”

  “She doesn’t look sick to me.” Annie’s face closes in on her camera like she is physically inspecting me. “She looks healthy as my horses. Is this another ruse from my children to keep me away?”

  “Mama!” Darby scolds as laughter from the gallery drowns her out.

  “Mom, I can assure you, she was not as healthy as your horses hours ago when I thought we were headed to the ER.” Evin’s arms round my waist. “You want all the details, I’ll give them.”

  “God, no. I have enough memories from my early months that I don’t need to hear about someone else.” Ashlyn adds.

  There’s a loud collective gasp as her implication sets in and her mouth drops. “I didn’t mean.”

  “I’m not pregnant,” I rush to say, the color draining from my face.

  “When I was pregnant with Andrew…” Janie, Ashlyn’s mom prattles, but Evin cuts her off.

  “Poppy is not pregnant,” he emphasizes on a low growl.

  I’m so caught up in the back and forth in horror, I miss the last call requesting in. Evin hits a button while my mind spins.

  “Awesome! Everyone is here. As I explained, it's a short, simple call to see these photos. Unfortunately, not everyone is in them, but it doesn’t take away from the magnificence.” Darby’s voice breaks, her eyes welling up.

  I glance at Stephanie and see the same wetness.

  All these people think this is about the newlyweds and we’re stealing their moment. Panic sets in and I begin to tremble.

  It’s then I hear the familiar and comforting voices of my best friends. “Hey, everyone. It’s Ryanne and Dante from Vegas! We’re here because Evin wanted to share this first weekend family visit!”

  I squeal low and clutch Evin’s wrists that are linked around my middle. “Oh, my.”

  “Evin is handling the pictures.” This is Darby’s cue.

  I sit frozen as everyone goes to mute, and the slides start. Watching it full-screen is a novel experience. I tear my eyes away to watch the others. At first, there is utter shock.

  My breathing picks up, and Evin tightens his hold, laying his chin on my shoulder. “The most stunning woman in the world walked down that aisle to me.”

  To my surprise, he added a shutter of shots when Dante handed him grandma’s ring, and I have no control of the small cry that escapes.

  The music ends and Ryanne’s homemade video blares.

  “So, Chris Hemsworth, aka, Evin Graham, are you gonna ask her to marry you?” she shouts.

  “No, Ryanne, it’s a given she’s marrying me. I wanna know if it’s tonight.”

  His mouth closes over mine, and he lifts until I’m wrapped around him.

  “Poppy?” he questions lowly against my lips.


  That’s it. The presentation ends, and there’s only silence. Annie is nowhere to be found.

  My heart sinks, “Evin, your mom…”

  “She’s got something in her eye.”

  As soon as the words leave his lips, Edward comes on. “Annie’s got something in her eye.”

  I try to hold it in but drop my chin to hide my grin.

  “Fuck me, everyone has something in their eyes after that.” Miller has Ashlyn tucked close. “Damn, man, you did it. You eloped in Vegas.”

  “Would you have waited?” Evin shoots back.

  “Not if I had a choice.”

  Everyone comes off mute and the conversation explodes. My phone buzzes beside Evin’s thigh with a message from Dante.

  We fucking love you to pieces, Pips—so proud of our gypsy goddess!

  My eyes dart to the screen, and I hope they can see me sending them the same love.

  “Poppy?” Stephanie’s voice cuts through the chaos, and I straighten, giving a short wave.

  “You were a breathtaking bride. Thank you for sharing this with us. That being said, you two are lucky I’m in a blissful mood. If you ever try to hide something this huge again, no matter what the situation is, I’ll take it personally. You don’t want me to take it personally.”

  I whip my head to Evin to find him grinning. “Steph, you trying to be a badass on your honeymoon?”

  “It never goes away,” Todd utters. “I’ve tried.”

  “Can we call you Aunt Poppy?” Cole and Maya pop on the screen in front of Pierce and Darby. Maya is wearing a crown of flowers that I taught her to make this weekend.

  Another round of emotions rush through me. “I’d love that.”

  “Guess this means my chances are zilch,” Andrew jokes.

  “You never had a chance,” Evin informs him.

  “Of course he didn’t have a chance. Neither of my boys knows how to step up. Dozer, you need to talk with them. Thank God, Miller knew how to sack Ashlyn or I’d never be a grandma!” Janie has no problem throwing her sons under the bus.

  I catch Miller’s smug grin as he cradles Ashlyn’s stomach.

  So many people talk over each other, and I settle back, trying to keep up.

  Annie makes an appearance. “Poppy?”

  “Yes?” I answer hesitantly, jerking up.

  The mix of conversations dies, now all eyes and ears on us. The intensity of this moment is not lost on anyone. “I need you to pick me out a few photos for the wedding announcement. Tomorrow, I’ll draft something up for you to review. If we act fast, I’ll have it in the paper next Sunday.”

  “We’re going by my office tomorrow. We’ll drop by the farm afterward,” Evin answers for us.

  “That’ll work. And I think this calls for much more than a small family dinner.”

  “Wednesday night, our place. Anyone is welcome to come early and we’ll make it a pool party, too.” Ashlyn speaks the loudest and with total authority.

  Annie narrows her eyes and Darby’s face falls. “Not fair! I was distracted.”

  “Rookie mistake. I called it first,” Ashlyn gloats, blowing a sarcastic kiss to the screen.

  “Early dinner, Poppy has to catch a flight on Thursday,” Evin tells them.

  A slight ache coils in my stomach at the reminder, but it’s forgotten as the subject turns to the menu.

  “Hey!” Stephanie shouts. “I’m going to back to my honeymoon and letting y’all plan this. Happy for you two.”

  They exit and the conversation keeps on. There’s not much for me to add, so I sink into Evin and enjoy the banter. After a few minutes, people drop off, mostly the men.

  “I’ve given it ten minutes. Can we end this now?” Evin asks quietly.

  “Yes, I think it would put the husbands out of misery.”

  He sits us up, explaining that he’s ending the call and everyo
ne can call each other to make the plans. Without waiting for responses, he shuts it down.

  “Well, that went well. I’m sorry it wasn’t the way you pictured it.”

  “Are you happy?” His question strikes me as odd.


  “All I wanted was to share our news. However that happened was fine.”

  Once again, I’m reminded of how lucky I am. Before I can show my appreciation, my phone rings.

  “Answer it, baby. My phone’s about to blow up, too.”

  I take the call, sliding off his lap. “Hey.”


  Uh-oh, I know this tone. Ryanne’s in a mood. “What?”

  “We will dissect that call in a minute, right now I’m wondering why I’m not kicking your and Dante’s asses for not telling me how fucking hot Ashlyn’s brothers are! Especially Andrew!” she yells so loud Evin rolls his eyes.

  I howl, bending over, and Evin mutters, “Jesus,” before getting up to take his own call.

  “I was blinded the moment I saw Evin.”

  “Ugh, gooey. I knew if I sent you down there you’d turn into a mushy southern hippie.”

  “It’s not gooey and mushy if it’s true.”

  “Fine, you get a pass. But next trip, my ass in on a plane with you.”

  The phone clicks with facetime request, and I switch, seeing Dante’s face as well.

  “You good?”

  “I’m perfect now. When the call was about to start, my nerves hit big time. Then I saw Stephanie and Todd, and with what they thought this call was about, my stomach was in knots. But having you two and Evin, it all went away.”

  “Ryanne and I had a plan if this went downhill, but we knew it wasn’t necessary. We watched the faces of everyone on that screen, and you’re good, Pips.”

  “I think so.”

  “I almost died with Ashlyn and the pregnancy thing!” Ryanne cackles. “If only she knew.”

  “She knows! It’s not smart to drink with those two pregnant women. They coaxed it out of me this weekend. Can you imagine me having to explain to all those people that my episode this afternoon was not a telltale sign of pregnancy since I’ve only been having sex for ten days?”

  Both of them lose it, and I nestle deeper into the sofa. Evin walks through with his phone to his ear, flashing me a grin on his way upstairs.

  “Spill it, we want to hear about the weekend,” Dante demands, and I launch into details.

  Twenty minutes later, there’s a knock at the door and Evin’s flying down the stairs. Runner barks, rushing to greet visitors.

  “Guys, I have to go. Someone’s here.” I toss the phone on the ottoman and stand. “Who’s that?”

  “My guess is my parents,” he grumbles in annoyance, opening the door.

  A blur flies past him, and Annie is in my face, pulling me into a firm embrace.

  “Beautiful girl, I am…” her voice cracks and breath hitches. She trembles slightly in my embrace.

  “Annie, I love him.”

  She draws back, completely composed. “And he loves you. You don’t have a mama around to say this. But now you have me. I am tickled beyond belief.”

  Nostalgia hits and a pain slices in my chest. “Tickled,” I clear my throat and swallow the lump forming. “My grandmother used to say that. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard it.”

  Her eyes soften and she grins. “Then you know exactly what I mean.”

  “I do.”

  Edward comes up, extending his arms wide with an enormous smile. I step to him and am immediately off my feet and engulfed. “Glad to know I didn’t raise a stupid boy.”

  I giggle, still loving that he refers to Evin as a boy.

  “Can we stop jerking my wife around like a rag doll? She was sick a few hours ago.”

  “He’s a bit dramatic.”

  Edward sets me on my feet and focuses over my shoulder. “Happy for you, Evin.”

  “Thanks. And not to sound ungrateful, but why are you here?”

  “You didn’t think you could drop that atomic bomb and keep me away?” Annie answers curtly.

  “That’s exactly what I thought, especially since I promised to come by tomorrow.”

  “Keep your pants on, we aren’t staying long.” She goes to the door, and I notice a basket with a large white bow. “We brought you a congratulations gift.”

  “How did you do this so quickly?”

  “I learned a long time ago not to ask questions,” Edward chuckles. “My Annie is a life of surprises.”


  She hands it to me. “The champagne is already chilled, but you may not be in the mood for it tonight.”

  “Thank you.” I’m unsure how to proceed. “Umm, would you like to come in and sit? You must have a million questions.”

  Evin’s eyes flash with disapproval, but he stays quiet.

  “The answer is yes. However, we’re going home. We’ll have plenty of time to chat later. Tonight is for you two.”

  “Thank you, Annie and Edward. This means a lot to me. I know it must have been a shock.”

  “It wasn’t. I mean, yes, the photo-bomb slideshow took me by surprise, but as Edward said, we didn’t raise a stupid boy. Sometimes I wonder about that Darby, but not Evin.”

  Evin finds this amusing, taking the basket and setting it on his foyer table. “Thank you, Mom.”

  She goes to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and kissing his cheek. “Proud of you.”

  They say their goodbyes, and Evin offers to walk them out. I hang back, giving them privacy and taking the basket to the kitchen. Runner follows me, sniffing around his bowl.

  “Sweet boy, you hungry?” He wags his tail, looking at me excitedly. I clap and he jumps up, his paws going to my shoulders, licking my neck and cheek. My hands scrub his back, jiggling us back and forth.

  “Runner!” Evin reappears, shouting.

  “We’re fine.”

  “He’s a big dog who’s not aware of his strength. He can hurt you.”

  “Stop worrying, we’re fine,” I repeat.

  He fills the dog bowl and Runner pushes off, trotting to him. I unwrap the basket, pulling out the champagne, noticing the exclusive label.

  “Would you like to open this?”

  “That’s up to you. Do you feel like a glass?”

  I feel great but know my stomach is empty. Then again, this is a big night. “Are you still agreeable to breaking in your bathtub?”

  “Hell yes.”

  “Then maybe one glass.”

  His lips curl up. “Go get it ready, baby. I’ll open the bottle and be back in a minute.”

  I go to him, lifting my lips to his. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. And I’d appreciate if you’d wash the dog drool off, so it’s my tongue all over you.”

  “Are you jealous of a dog?”

  “No, because his ass is going back to Darby tomorrow.”

  “That’s too bad, he’s a good kisser and cuddler,” I tease.

  “He could go back right now.”

  I giggle, kissing him again and turning to the bedroom. “See you in the bath and I’ll wash off. Wouldn’t want to miss any of the experience because you’re a Neanderthal.”


  I glance over my shoulder.

  “I look forward to testing exactly how flexible you can be.”

  Chapter 19


  She stands in the middle of the room, frozen in place except for her eyes, which are zooming around nervously. “This is not what I expected.”

  “Not sure if that’s good or bad.”

  “I know you’re a businessman, but you’re a hotshot businessman. Everything is formal, proper, and… executive.”

  “Come here.”

  She walks to where I’m propped on the edge of my desk, still looking apprehensive.

  “Baby, it’s an office. Desk, chair, computer, bookshelves, seating area for clients—nothin
g too out of place.”

  “It makes it all so real.”


  “How different our lives are,” she answers faintly.

  “We have jobs, make a living doing what we love, and our companies give us the tools to do that. How does that make us different?”

  “Since we’ve met, you’ve been nothing but Evin. Seeing this makes me realize you are a big deal.”

  “I’m not a big deal.”

  “Your desk cost more than my car.”

  I swallow my laugh and lay my forehead against hers. “I can’t argue with that since your car is a deathtrap.”

  “Evin! It is not. It’s perfect for me.”

  “Not in my mind, but the point is you’re thinking too much into this. It’s an office. Until recently, I spent a lot of time in my office.”

  “It’s a lot to process. I’m married to an executive.”

  The way she emphasizes the word coils deep inside. “Fuck, baby, is this about him?”

  “Him?” She tilts her head to the side, her eyes narrowed. “Him, meaning Marco? No, this is about us. The contrast of our personalities. No wonder all eyes were glued to us on the way up here.”

  Irritation stirs in my chest, and I haul her to me, trapping her close. “All eyes were on us because of many reasons. Mainly because I shot death glares to every man staring. You married an executive, but that doesn’t change who I am or who you are to me.”

  “But I’m wearing flowers in my hair!”

  “And I love that. I adore everything that makes you who you are.”

  She melts into me, laying her cheek to my chest. “I’m sorry, momentary freak-out.”

  “Is it over?”

  “Give it a second.”

  I kiss across her head, massaging her shoulders until the tension eases.

  “Do you listen to those business shows all day?” She raises her face, her nose scrunched. “That would put me to sleep. Boring.”

  “Occupational requirement.”


  “Now you know why I wasn’t letting you go. My life will never be boring again.”

  “You’re being sweet.”

  “Keep it down, someone may hear you.”

  She finally gives me a smile, and I bend to kiss her when a loud boom stops me.

  “The rumors are true.” Jackson stands in my doorway with Tessa behind him.


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