Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3)

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Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3) Page 26

by Ahren Sanders

  Ryanne folds over, covering her face with her hands. Dad’s arm goes around my shoulder, pulling me to him.

  “Son, you can’t know that last part.”

  “You’re right, I can’t know it. And when I tell Poppy, I have to remain strong and convince her it was a fluke, the tests were inconclusive, and she wasn’t pregnant. But, here in this room, you all know where I truly stand. Natasha Bindel has reigned hell on Poppy for the last time.”

  Dante whistles low, a wicked grin spreading wide. “I’m in.”

  “Me too.” Ryanne leaps up, pouring herself a drink with a new sense of resolve.

  “Good, because I need you both.”

  “If I’m keeping you all out of jail, better fill me in on the plan.” Dad snatches my glass and guzzles the rest of the contents.

  I explain what I need, Ryanne and Dante kicking into action and heading downstairs. Dad helps me get packed, and while I shower, he does a check-in at the hospital, handling Mom.

  An hour later, Ryanne and Dante are back, and there’s a knock at the door. No one gives a shit about his notoriety when I open the door and Isaac Blake strolls into my room. He looks at their faces and spins my way.

  “Got your cryptic message from the concierge. What’s this about?”

  “Eight years out of her life, and in five minutes, Tasha Bendel fucked Poppy over again.”

  “What the hell happened?”

  He gets the condensed version, and with each of my words, his face goes harsher. “Fucking bitch.”

  “Where are the Bindels?”

  “No fucking idea. I wasn’t lying Friday night. Natasha Bindel became a pain in my ass quick. She’s been out of my personal life since the draft. The relationship with Marco and Karen was mutually beneficial for both our gains. I told Marco it was over, and honestly, he didn’t seem too surprised.”

  “Good for you, but are those motherfuckers here?”

  “My guess is yes.”

  “Find out where they are.”

  He pulls out his phone and types a text. While he does this, I take him in. He doesn’t look like a man that was on the football field a few hours ago. Then again, he was in for less than a quarter. His willingness to help only slightly lessens my hatred for the man.

  “They’re at the steakhouse downstairs.”

  “I’m paying them a visit.”

  “We’re all paying them a visit,” Dante speaks for the first time.

  “Who are you?”

  “They’re family. Let’s roll.”

  I brush past him, leading the charge out of the room. Dante and Ryanne type furiously on their phones, and when we get to the entrance of the steakhouse, a hotel security guard is waiting.

  Isaac swings his head my way and grins his approval. “Nice.”

  “Not feeling very nice right now.”

  “They’re in that corner.” He guides us through the restaurant, on-lookers staring and whispering as his presence spreads.

  Marco, Karen, Tasha, and another couple are oblivious to our approach until we’re at the table. Tasha turns our way first, and there’s a millisecond flash of panic before her expression is a mask of indifference. A man in a suit steps from around the corner and Marco waves him off.

  “Isaac, this is a surprise.”

  “This isn’t a social visit, Marco, and nothing has changed on my end. Our relationship is over.”

  “If that’s your position, why are you interrupting us with a mob?”

  “Marco.” Karen grasps his forearm, her eyes wide and face pale. “Look.”

  His gaze passes over all of us, then lands on my chest. He stands so fast, the table tips and glasses fall. “Why the hell is my daughter’s ring around your neck?”

  The other couple looks strangely at Tasha and back to me.

  “Because it had to be removed before her surgery today.”

  “Surgery?” Karen whispers in horror. “Is she okay?”

  “No, she’s not fucking okay, but Poppy isn’t your concern.”

  Marco glances at Karen and then back to me. Karen’s lips tremble as she drops her chin, guilt written all over her. I note immediately neither of them shows any confusion or surprise.

  “You wanna tell him or give me the honors?” My question is pointed at Tasha.

  She barely shakes her head before Marco roars, “How do you know about this?”

  “Caitlyn took on the name Poppy, and she works here.” Her whisper is faint, and it’s easy to understand why when he bends into her space, fists on the table, leveling her with a hateful glare.

  “Why do you know this?”

  “Deal with your family drama on your own time. Right now, you’re talking to me, and I have somewhere a lot better to be.”

  Dante steps up with his phone and plays the video from security on Friday night. Marco’s face remains hard, but when Poppy hits the ground, the enraged flare in his eyes gives him away. Karen isn’t pale; she’s translucent watching Poppy.

  “You haven’t seen or spoken to your sister in almost eight years and you trip her?” he seethes. “Then you get escorted out of a bar by security?”

  “That video is doctored. She hit me! Twice. Isaac can confirm,” Tasha defends, looking at him for help.

  “Don’t see that on the video, Natasha,” he counters. “I see a bitter fucking washed-up shrew trying to save face when she’s rejected.”

  Her defenses kick into place and she straightens, her eyes going red. “You bastard.”

  “Bitch, you aren’t worth the trouble.”

  “Where’s my daughter?” Marco breaks in, unaffected by the total disrespect toward Tasha.

  “You don’t deserve to know.” Ryanne spits her hatred across the table. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay the fuck away.” Dante slants an arm over her chest to hold her back.

  “I’m unsure who you think you are,” Marco’s stony gaze cuts through all of us, “Who any of you are, that think you can dictate to me about how—”

  “I’m her husband.”

  Karen’s head snaps up, and Marco straightens, his face twisting. “Husband? When? For how long?”

  “None of your business. We’re not here to break bread and throwback four-hundred-dollar bottles of wine. Why are you in Vegas? Don’t give me some bullshit story about coming to support your daughter’s ex-boyfriend.”

  “Just to clarify, only one of the Bindel daughters was my girlfriend. And it wasn’t the one who put out,” Isaac throws in cheerfully, enjoying himself.

  “Natasha organized for us…” Marco trails off, slumping into his chair.

  Realization dawns on his face. “You knew she was here.”

  “You set us up?” Karen accuses her daughter, breaking out of her stupor. She acts the part of shocked, but the tinge of ingenuity raises my suspicions.

  “Something isn’t clicking,” Dad advises in my ear.

  “I don’t know why everyone is looking at me. This is all crazy.” The master of manipulation clicks into place, and fake tears pool in Tasha’s eyes.

  “Cut the shit. You’re a conniving bitch.” My voice quakes with rage, and Dad’s hand presses on my shoulder. “You investigated and found Poppy for a reason. What the fuck is your agenda?”

  Her tears dry up, and she glares at me with hatred.

  “Tasha, what is going on?” Marco demands to know.

  She tosses her hair over her shoulder, reaching for her wine and taking a sip nonchalantly without a care in the world. A growl rumbles from low in my throat, an inferno boiling in my bloodstream. Dad’s grip tightens.

  “For fuck’s sake, Natasha, stop stalling. What did you do?”

  It’s a snide and curt delivery on Karen’s part, but still off.

  Tasha jerks, clearly not used to being scolded by her mother.

  “I’m sick of living in the wake of Caitlyn’s decision to leave. She needs to step up and take responsibility for her role in this family. God, you should see her up close. She’s
a train wreck. It’s time she stops twirling her toes and frolicking her life away on a useless and highly disrespectable career choice.”

  It’s Dante’s turn to growl.

  She sneers at him.

  “I warned you years ago to leave your sister alone. You knew the consequences if you broke the agreement.” Marco’s voice flits with rage, barely containing whatever is swirling inside.

  “The stakes have changed and she’s holding us back. I already received my piddly inheritance, and it’s not like you’ll fire me from your staff. That would raise too many questions. Caitlyn’s had her fun.”

  “We respected her choice years ago and encouraged her to follow her desired career path. Dancing in an acclaimed Vegas production is very respectable.”

  “Oh, shit,” Dad whistles, and my eyes slice to Karen, who registers her mistake immediately.

  Marco may be a dick, but he’s not stupid. He pins his wife with a hard glare. “How did you know Caitlyn is performing in a highly acclaimed Vegas production? Last you mentioned, she was in California.”

  Similar to Tasha, her shield slips into place. The woman I’ve imagined in my mind, the same woman that tried to bribe her own flesh and blood to accomplish her political goals, has made an appearance and is now on the scene. It’s also interesting to note Marco’s curiosity about his daughter.

  “Karen?” Marco prompts.

  “We’ll talk about it later.”

  “We’ll talk about it now.”

  “This is hardly the place.” She smiles apologetically to the all but forgotten couple, who are sitting shell-shocked.

  “I want to know what the hell you’re playing at.” His voice booms, clearly done with the vague responses from his wife and daughter.

  “Don’t we fucking all?” Ryanne snips.

  “Okay, I’m done. Whatever fucked-up game you’re playing is over. Tomorrow morning, there will be a restraining order filed. You feel like testing your luck with that, the next thing will be an assault charge.”

  “Oh, please, that won’t ever stick. I saw her go down. It was hardly a fall. Probably hurt her pride more than her bones. She’s got you whipped.”

  Dad’s arm goes around my chest, and Dante’s arms lock around Ryanne, who’s struggling to unleash on Tasha.

  I barely see through the red haze in my vision, stabbing my finger at Marco and Karen. “You didn’t encourage your daughter to follow her career path. Everyone standing here knows exactly how you tried to bribe her and failed. It wasn’t enough that you stood by, approving Tasha’s ploy to steal her sister’s boyfriend. How do you think the media will respond to knowing Governor Bindel and his wife gave their young, beautiful, aspiring dancer daughter an ultimatum? Parents slamming the door on their child’s dreams because she wouldn’t toe the line with their political aspirations.”

  “That’s not exactly what happened.”

  “Save it for your voters. Not one person who loves her has an iota of respect for any of you. She decided long ago to disown her blood family with no idea of what her future held. She walked away with grace. Now you’re dealing with me. I’m not a twenty-one-year-old naïve dreamer that can be pushed around. I’ll fuck your shit up having absolutely no regret blowing the lid off this charade and exposing this entire operation.”

  Karen’s color drains again, her shield cracking. Marco’s shoulders sag in defeat and humiliation, but for a snap second, I catch his eyes, signaling something to the man behind him in a suit.

  I toss my focus to Tasha. “Whatever intentions or political motivation have brought you here are done. Poppy is not a part of your plans and no longer exists for anyone at this table. You are done. There’s not even a place in Hell for you after the stunt you pulled last night. You better fucking pray Poppy makes a full recovery or your life as you know it is over.”

  “I have witnesses to you threatening me.”

  “I don’t threaten, I make things happen.”

  Her eyes fill with a raw hunger and my stomach revolts, the whiskey from earlier churning.

  “I want to see my daughter.” Marco tries to pull his weight and I laugh, loud and cynically.

  “Then take a good look to your right.”

  I turn, done with them. My eyes go over the other couple who are rising to their feet. Dad is at one side and Isaac on the other.

  “You served your purpose, you can disappear now,” I tell him, storming through the restaurant.

  He remains quiet, tagging along until we hit my room.

  “Man, let me put this out there. I fucked up. I was young, ambitious, horny, and stupid.”

  “Okay, you put it out there.” I load our bags near the door.

  “Any chance I can see Cait—Poppy before I leave?”

  “Not a chance in hell.”

  “I live with regret—”

  “My fucking purpose in life is laying in a hospital room sleeping off sedatives while I deal with this. There is no telling what happens when she wakes up. Your regrets don’t mean shit to me, and if you’re looking for redemption in her eyes, it’s not the time. That bitch you slipped your dick in has targeted her for years, and you knew that because Poppy shared her strained relationship. You thought with your cock,” I rage.

  Isaac stands tall, his body going tense and face hard. “I understand you’re angry, but this situation was not my fault.”

  I’m ready to lunge when Dad puts a hand to my chest and stands in between us. “Isaac, I’ll walk you out and get your number. Maybe Poppy can call you.” He sends a look behind him and Dante joins.

  When the door shuts, my phone rings with Pierce’s name. I notice the time and my anxiety spikes even further. My first thought is Darby and the baby. “Is Darby okay?”

  “Yeah, man, health-wise, she’s fine. Mentally, she’s a wreck. She wants to fly out there tomorrow and be with you,” he clips.

  “Don’t let her get on a plane. We have enough to deal with.”

  “I understand and it sucks, but I’m about to add more. There’s something you need to know.” There’s a cold bitterness in his tone, and immediately my body is tight.

  “What do I need to know?”

  “Son,” Dad is back, taking the phone from my hand. “Pierce, you’re on speaker,” he informs him.

  “I’ve got Scottie on the line.”

  “Not the time for a fucking party,” I snap.

  “Evin, I know why Natasha Bindel is there and what her motives are.” Scottie is all business.


  “Rumor has it Marco Bindel is being groomed for a Presidential run.”

  “God-fucking-dammit!” I grind my teeth to keep from roaring.

  “His party is looking at two candidates to vet out, and he has the lesser of experience. The story that Poppy is still known as Caitlyn and the dancing daughter has held tight. Marco has continued success in swaying any interest away from her, citing her privacy.”

  “Do you have any idea if he believed she was in California?”

  “He’s stuck with the story of her living in California for years with anyone who asks. But I think he created a smokescreen to keep her hidden.”


  “The same month Poppy returned from Europe, a Caitlyn Bindel became a resident of California. She has a PO Box registered that receives mail.”

  “Un-fucking-believable. He’s known she’s Poppy and in Vegas, but keeping up a ruse?”

  “Anyone looking by name would find her in California. But Natasha and Karen definitely knew Poppy was in Vegas.”

  “That was all obvious.”

  “From what I can tell, the vetting process includes a deep plunge into the Bindel family, and they can’t keep Poppy hidden forever.”

  It all clicks into place. Natasha came to drag Poppy back. The rage takes over, and before I can throw my fist into the wall, Dad has a hold on my arm.

  “Scottie, you just gave us the missing clue why Natasha arranged this visit. What do we do with this i

  “Our opportunities are open. My legal community can go vicious, and even the best political scoundrels won’t be able to spin this.”

  “Won’t that expose Poppy?” Ryanne asks, looking at me with wide eyes.

  “There’s no way to obliterate their empire and reputation without revealing her identity now.”

  “Fuck.” Dad lets go of my arm and I scrub my hands through my hair. “I can’t make that call without talking to her. Pulling her into the limelight would be a circus. She doesn’t need that.”

  “The offer isn’t expiring. Anytime you’re ready, let me know.”

  “Thanks, anything else?” Dad questions.

  “Remember the advisor Marco hired?”


  “When he won the Governor’s race, he moved the man full-time to a security role. My source says he’s Marco’s closest confidant, the only person he truly trusts.”

  “Why is that important?”

  “I don’t know, but it feels like something is there. He trusts this man more than his wife. That’s saying a lot.”

  “We’re hanging up. You find out anything at all, Scottie, call me.” He hangs up and Ryanne is at my side.

  “Let’s get you a drink and then back to the hospital. I think you need her more than she needs you right now.”

  I nod, the thought of getting back to Poppy easing the fury. “I’ll take care of her, Ryanne.”

  “I do not doubt that.”

  “Natasha may have thought she was vulnerable, but—”

  “This wasn’t your fault,” she cuts me off.

  “No, it wasn’t,” Dad agrees. “Let that go.”

  “I want to hurt them.”

  “So do I. Focus on priorities and lock that away.”

  Chapter 26


  My nurse glances over her shoulder, her eyes loaded with sympathy and regret. I wait for the urge to scream, yell, cry, and throw something to kick in, but it never does.

  The numbness chills me to my bones.

  A tinge in my leg barely registers, and I welcome the discomfort. It makes this all more real.

  I was pregnant.


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