Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3)

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Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3) Page 40

by Ahren Sanders

  “Destroy everything you’ve worked for? Look what you did to me! I actually had a life and future that didn’t include laying on my back to get ahead.” The tactless insult flies past my lips before I can stop it.

  She glowers, her eyes searing into me. “You may have landed the perpetual playboy of this city with your whole virgin innocence act, but you’re nothing but a washed-up circus performer.”

  Blistery hot fury electrifies in the space from all three men.

  “Get her whacked ass out of here,” Evin barely grates out, raw and unfiltered loathing in his voice.

  “Either you make this right, Caitlyn, or I’ll obliterate your pathetic hippie ass. You won’t even be able to buy flowers for that nasty color-wheeled head—”

  “Enough!” Marco’s forceful demand is met with silence. His eyes meet mine and I immediately feel his guilt, sorrow, and sense of obligation. He’s torn between a daughter he neglected and a daughter he enabled.

  I reach over and squeeze his hand, trying to relay my understanding. He clutches tight, his gaze sending an unspoken apology.

  “Something’s wrong. She’s not well. You need to take care of her,” I speak low, not wanting to set her off more.

  “Pure heart of gold,” he whispers, a single second of full gratitude before his posture changes. “Grady?”

  “There’s a car in the back waiting,” he answers, a black blur whizzing across the room.

  Evin catches the object mid-air.

  Red BMW a block away, rental plates from Georgia. You need to check it out.” Grady’s arm closes around Tasha’s chest and she loses it, squirming, kicking, thrashing her head. “Let go of me!”

  Marco drops my hand, walks past them without a word or glance her way. Grady drags her behind, and her screams don’t die until the downstairs door slams.

  “What just happ—eughedd?” My question is muffled by Evin’s sweater as I find myself engulfed in his arms.

  “She called Isaac this morning looking for money. He knew she was high, drunk, doped—whatever, she was jacked up.”

  “She needed money? She blew through one hundred thousand dollars in a month?”

  “If she’s on drugs, that’s not hard.”

  “What did Isaac do?”

  “He knows what’s happening so he agreed to meet her in Atlanta. When he showed, she was coming down and got paranoid. She jumped in the car and headed this way. He’s been following but lost her at the city limits and called me.”

  “That’s who called?”

  “He was one of many. Darby got word she tried to check into the Brasher and was denied. Tony Sanchez also got a call looking for a place for her to stay. He unloaded on her, and she went unhinged when he mentioned pressing charges.”

  “You knew she was headed here.”

  “I did. Grady got a call from someone, too. He spotted her coming.”

  He’s wrapped so tight, my lungs burn. “I can’t breathe.” His hold loosens, giving me room to face him. Worry and fear are fixed on his features.

  “Evin, she’s gone.”

  “Never felt that kind of fear, knowing she was hyped on God knows what and coming for you.”

  “She’s deranged and possibly sick.”

  “She’s an unpredictable live-wire.”

  I frame his face, tipping up to kiss him softly. Some of the tension eases and he squeezes my waist. “What do we do now?”

  “Marco’s got her. Now we wait.”

  “Now we wait.”

  Chapter 37


  “Sweetie, we’ll get answers.”

  “Believe us, we’re digging into this,” Marco assures.

  A glass of amber liquid fills my line of sight, and I snatch it, swallowing most in one swig. Dad offers the same to Marco, Isaac, and Grady.

  The computer in Grady’s lap taunts me like a ticking time bomb. “How long before we know exactly what is on that thing?”

  “It depends on what is stored and how long Tasha has been collecting information. I’ll review every file personally,” Grady answers confidently.

  “Let’s be clear. She didn’t collect, she stole. From the files we’ve seen so far, she invaded everyone’s privacy.”

  No one disagrees.

  After the scene at the studio, Poppy drove Tasha’s rental back here. Mom and Dad were waiting. In a moment of weakness, I gave Isaac my address and invited him. I relayed the confrontation and we scoured the rental. Poppy collected all the receipts she could find to help create a timeline. Isaac and I took a shot at cracking into the laptop with no luck.

  It wasn’t until Marco and Grady arrived that Grady got in. What he found is disturbing. Somehow, Tasha accessed Poppy’s phone, including personal videos and pictures. She also has files on Marco, Karen, and me.

  One glance and Grady confirmed this kind of privacy invasion requires high-tech skills.

  “The simple explanation is someone hacked into our cloud accounts, right?”

  “That’s one way to do it, but that takes a certain expertise.”

  “What’s another way to get access to this information?”

  Grady raises his eyes to Marco, who seems to be holding on by a thread. “Fuck,” he hisses, downing half his drink.

  “She could have hired someone that got close enough to extract the information using devices.”

  “Meaning someone followed us?”

  “All of you. It could have been as simple as someone sitting next to you in a coffee shop. With the right equipment and open Wi-Fi networks, they could easily do this. Regardless of how it happened, she paid generously.”

  Rage surges in my veins. Out of nowhere, I realize. “Tony.”

  “Tony?” Poppy scrunches her nose. “What does he have to do with this?”

  “She got into his email and replaced my quarterly report with a fake. Someone would have had to have access to his original to make it look legit.”

  Understanding settles over her and she nods. “A super hacker could probably also review your incoming texts. Which would explain how she knew about Rina.”

  Mom huffs at the mention, knowing way too much on the subject.

  “Is there any information in that computer who she may have hired?” I ignore Mom’s glare.

  “I’ll dig deeper.”

  “Or you could ask her when she dries out,” Mom suggests bitterly.

  “It doesn’t matter who she hired. It matters what she planned to do with it,” Dad counters.

  “She’s pissed Marco backed away from the chance at a Presidential run, but even more so that he’s giving up politics altogether. Marco turning his back on her, and Karen supporting his decision is betrayal.” Poppy concludes, “She thinks she has the upper hand.”

  “It makes little sense.” Mom shakes her head in confusion.

  “Tasha’s line of thinking rarely makes sense. But there’s no doubt she has a plan for all that information that will benefit her. She didn’t pay for it out of curiosity.”

  “I’ll get answers, you have my word,” Grady guarantees her firmly.

  “Who exactly are you, Grady? Political advisor, security guard, computer guru, Marco’s trusted confidant… where did you come from?”

  He cracks a small smile, glancing at Marco again before answering. “How about we save that conversation for a time when we’re not in investigative mode?”

  “No, seriously. My husband looks like he could tear this house apart with his bare hands. Marco’s barely holding it together. My in-laws are on the edge, watching me like I’m going to break. And my ex-boyfriend from forever ago resembles a man about to rip off his shirt and turn into the Hulk. Yet, you sit there cool as ice.”

  I’d all but forgotten about Isaac, but at his chuckle, I eye him sharply. He throws his hands up. “Not my fault Poppy’s thinking about me ripping off my shirt.”

  “You’re wearing out your welcome.”

  “Don’t be jealous. Few can resist this physique.” He waves his
hand down his body.

  Mom cackles shamelessly. My glare only spurs her further.

  “Isaac, not a good idea to provoke him when he’s like this,” Poppy warns, leaning in close. “He’s a little possessive.”

  Isaac’s eyes soften and fill with open fondness. “Yeah, Poppy, I understand exactly why.”

  “Maybe you can quit ogling her—” Poppy’s hand covers my mouth.

  “Stop,” she whispers, “he’s on our side.”

  I grunt, tilting my head to touch hers and bringing her hand to my chest. “You’re in my arms every night. That helps.”

  Blush creeps up her neck and cheeks.

  “Jesus, cut a man to the quick,” Isaac groans.

  “Let's just say, this isn’t my first time in this position. I’ve been watching and waiting years for Tasha to make a move.” Grady changes the subject, answering Poppy’s question from earlier.

  “You’ve been helping Marco?”

  He tips his chin.

  “This day keeps getting more bizarre. Karen’s a serial adulteress, Tasha has a history of drug use, and Marco’s spent years hiding my identity in the shadows to safeguard me. A stranger has been helping.”

  “This is not how I predicted our visit,” Marco replies sheepishly.

  “How’d she know you were here? Did Karen tell her?”

  “Yes, Karen and Grady are the only people who knew of my true reason for coming.”

  “It’s shitty she ratted you out,” Isaac scoffs.

  “Despite my disappointment and anger with Natasha, she’s still my daughter. Karen’s been worried, and she knew I’d take care of Natasha if she is in trouble. Turns out, that’s exactly what’s happened.”

  I search Poppy’s face for any sign of betrayal or distress. Instead, she’s filled with understanding. “What happens next?”

  “Natasha is in a private facility under lockdown for the next twenty-four hours. They had to sedate her to stop the manic hysteria. Blood results should show us what is in her system. Karen flies in tomorrow. We wait for the doctor’s permission before we can see her.”

  “It’s understandable why Karen’s coming. But it doesn’t change how we feel. She doesn’t get to use this as a bargaining chip to see Poppy.” The force behind my words gets the point across.

  “She’s fully aware.”

  Dad clears his throat. “Marco, we don’t know each other, but in a way, we’re family. I’m sorry about what’s happened. If you need anything, let me or Annie know.”

  “Appreciate that, Edward.”

  “Well, I’m gonna see if The Brasher has room for me tonight.” Isaac downs his whiskey and sets it on the table.

  “You’re not going back to Atlanta?”

  “I’ll save that drive for tomorrow. It’s been a hell of a day.”

  Poppy elbows me softly, her unspoken question clear in her expression. “Maybe—”

  “The answer is no,” I deadpan.


  “We are not inviting him to stay here.”

  “Evin! Stop being rude!”

  There’s a beat of silence before the room erupts.

  “I don’t see what’s comical.” She turns a bright shade of pink.

  “Poppy, I appreciate the sentiment, but Evin’s right. Only so much torture and regret a man can take,” Isaac tells her.

  “Baby, think about it. Do you want to rub salt in his wound having him spend the night with your husband?”

  “You men are ridiculous.” She rolls her eyes. “Fine, then at least stay for dinner. All of you stay for dinner.”

  My enjoyment crashes. “Are you serious?”

  “We don’t want to impose.” Marco’s response comes on the tail of mine.

  “It’s not an imposition. I insist.” She slices her gaze, daring me to argue.

  “Hope you have enough. We have company.”

  There isn’t time for Mom to clarify before there’s a quick rap at the door and it opens, Cole entering with his hands full. Pierce is next, lugging the infant seat with a sleeping Bella and Dev in his other arm. Maya’s shoulders and hands are loaded with bags, while Darby waltzes in empty-handed.

  “They won’t let me do anything! I’m rarely even allowed to lift my newborn.” She defends herself to the room half-full of strangers.

  Poppy and my mom are on their feet, mom helping Maya, and Poppy taking Dev.

  “There was no keeping her away,” Pierce explains, setting the seat down and scanning the room. “Fucking shit,” he utters, staring at Isaac.

  “Marco, Grady, Isaac, this is Pierce and my sister, Darby.”

  Grady and Isaac acknowledge them, but Marco is stone still. His eyes are locked on Poppy, who’s involved in an animated baby conversation with Dev. Darby steps over, placing a hand on his arm.

  “Thank you for the beautiful flower arrangement.”

  He flashes her a smile. “Congratulations, she’s beautiful.”

  Darby’s eyes soften, and she looks at the sleeping infant. “We think so.”

  “Poppy doesn’t need to worry about cooking! Darby brought enough for an army,” Mom calls from the kitchen.

  “Actually, Jill made it, but Mom doesn’t need to know that.” Darby winks, heading that way.

  Poppy and Dev bounce behind her.

  “This is why.” Marco’s voice is clogged with emotion.

  “Why what?”

  “You asked me how I could walk away and give her up. This is what I wanted for her and knew the path we were headed would bog her down.”

  “I would have found her and given it to her. However it happened, she has it now.”

  “Every fucking time, I can’t get enough.” I crawl up her body, running my lips and tongue over her flesh.

  “Never enough,” she agrees breathlessly.

  I pin her arms over her head, gently clasping her wrists to the bed as I brace on one elbow. “Give it to me, baby.”

  She adjusts her hips and my cock slides in easily, filling her in one stroke. She bucks up, doing an all-over body shiver.

  “Goooooddddd yes… finally.” Her eyes are glassy and dazed, her face flushed. “You’ve been playing with me.”

  I grin, not an ounce of guilt for drawing this out. “I was starved and wanted to take my time.”

  Her smirk shows she’s on to me. “Maybe I should invite my ex-boyfriend to spend the night more often.”

  A growl grows from my throat and I slam up. “I’m showing you exactly why that will never happen again.”

  The daze clears and she tries to pull her wrists free, my grip tightening. “I’m not done playing.”

  Her pussy clenches at the same time she angles up, moaning, “No more playing.”

  My free hand goes to her chest, tweaking one nipple and then the other, continuing to pump in and out of her. She squirms to get loose. Her back arches up, her head pressing into the pillow. My mouth goes to her neck, skimming across her collarbone.

  I snake my hand down the slope of her stomach and brush my fingers over her clit. Her jaw clenches and she cinches her eyes tight.

  I’ve worshipped her body for the last hour. Kissing, touching, licking every inch of her flesh. Fucking her over and over with my mouth and fingers until she begged for mercy. The ripple of her muscles reaches my fingertips, and I know she’s close again.

  “Can you come right now? Coat my dick with more of you.”

  “Y-y-yes,” she stutters.

  “Do it, babe.”

  Her eyelids pop, the blue blazing right through me. She plants her feet, angling, twisting at the same time. My cock is as deep as it can go, her squeezing so tight my balls ache.

  “Fuck.” She’s got me.

  Her ankles wrap around my waist, her chest arching up to rub mine, her nipples scraping across my chest, and she surges upward. A satisfied moan escapes and my dick lurches. My elbow threatens to give out as fiery sensations rip through my system.

  “You want to go slow and keep playing,
be my guest. I’d like to fuck my husband.”

  Jesus. Her words, her body, the determination etched on her face. I’m done.

  Her body continues rocking up, gliding on and off my dick, each time hitting that place deep inside. It’s useless to fight it. My siren has the power to render me to nothing. I give up the fight, drilling down and meeting her stroke for stroke. My fingers flick her clit once more before going to her head and weaving through her hair. I kneel, her thighs tightening, and pummel into her until she thrashing.

  “Let go.”

  Her entire body quakes and her breath hitches. My name comes out on a strangled cry. Her pussy convulses, annihilating my control. I drive deep twice more before going over the edge and exploding inside her. My dick throbs, continuing to pulse until there’s nothing left. I free her wrists, one hand going directly to my chest and her mark.

  I lower myself, careful not to crush her, and trace her lips with my tongue. “Absolute perfection.”

  “With that kind of incentive, maybe I will—”

  My growl cuts her off. “Tell me you’re not thinking of Isaac while my dick is hard inside you.”

  “I’m definitely not thinking of him. My brain isn’t functioning.”

  “Then I did it right.”

  We stay like this for a few minutes, both our breathing returning to normal.

  “Do you mean what you said to Marco Saturday night? Do you think you would have found me?”

  “With every fiber of my soul. One look and I knew.”

  “I love you, Evin. More than anything ever in my life.”

  “That’s what I live for.”

  She smiles, wrapping her arms around me. “I think it’s my turn to play with you.”

  “You got more in you, baby?”

  “For you, always.”

  Chapter 38


  “We’ll be home after the game.”

  “Take your time. Ryanne, Dante, and I are opening the champagne and enjoying the majesty of our talents.”

  “I’m sure it is magnificent.”

  “Dante wishes he’d gone with you. According to him, I’ve become a bossy perfectionist.”


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