Monster Girl Islands

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Monster Girl Islands Page 26

by Logan Jacobs

  Hali had tea, nectar, water, bread, fruit, and a thick and hearty stew full of dried boar, carrots, snap peas, and potatoes delivered to our table. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until the food was set down before us. There was also another platter full of all kinds of raw cuts of meat that I sat down for George.

  “Mmm,” George groaned with delight. “Tell Hali thank you. Tastes much better than greasy, smelly man-things.”

  I relayed George’s message with a chuckle and then dug into the meal for myself. The women sat patiently sipping their tea while the dragon, Mira, and I polished off a good majority of the food. It was crazy how hungry fighting had made all three of us.

  Once we got our fill, I recounted the events of the night to the queen and the other women. I told them all the gory details, including Mira being a deadshot with the bow and arrow and the ominous warning of the last raider to die.

  “How long is a fortnight?” Talise asked with a furrowed brow.

  “About fourteen sunrises,” I answered.

  “That’s right when…” Nerissa trailed off and put her hands protectively over her pregnant tummy.

  “I know,” I said as I reached for her hand, “but all we can do is prepare the best we can. At least we know it’s coming.”

  Both of the pregnant women nodded their heads in agreement, but I could tell they were still very worried.

  “I also think it would be best if Talise were to move to the palace until the baby is born and this attack is over,” I said reluctantly. I was sure this was going to be met with a lot of resistance, but the healer just nodded her head in agreement.

  “Whatever you think is best, Ben,” Talise said.

  “I will help you move whatever you need to the palace,” Mira offered to the healer. “I will stay here, too.”

  “Me too,” Sela added. “I think moving into the palace is a good idea for anyone housed near the eastern shore.”

  “Good idea, Sela,” I said. “Will you get an estimate on how many will need to relocate? We may have to set up cots for some of them, but I will feel better knowing they are safe within the walls.”

  “I agree,” Sela inclined her head, “I will get started on that at first light.”

  “There is nothing more we can do tonight,” I said as I looked around the table at all the women. “Let’s get some sleep, and we will start putting plans in motion in the morning.”

  Everyone nodded, stood up, and made their way out of the alcove. I could tell Nerissa was intentionally hanging back, though. The queen hadn’t said much during the meeting, and I thought maybe she had something she wanted to say just to me.

  “I’m sorry, Ben,” Nerissa began when we were alone, and she averted her eyes from mine. “I was more stubborn about this than I had any right to be. When I realized this wasn’t one of your drills, it occured to me how difficult I was being and that you were just doing what was best for me and our baby. Then I was scared that I would never see you again.”

  “Nerissa,” I reached out and hugged her to me, “it’s all okay. I can be just as stubborn. I am sorry I was so adamant, but I have to know you, Talise, and the babies are safe. Thank you for going to the room. You wouldn’t believe how relieved I was to know you were in there, even when the danger had passed and all the raiders were dead.”

  “I understand that now, Ben,” she sighed. “You are a smart man and a good leader. These pregnancy hormones are just making me a little irrational.”

  “A little?” I said before I could stop myself.

  The queen let out a bubble of laughter and hit me in the arm at the same time.

  “I am still the queen, you know,” she grinned, “I could have your head.”

  “You can have any part of me you want,” I teased as I pulled her into a kiss.

  She kissed me back passionately and only released me when the baby kicked in protest at being squeezed between us. We both started laughing, and I reached down to rub the beautiful bump that was my child.

  “I have spent so much time demanding sex from you,” Nerissa whispered, “I haven’t given you much free time to do anything else, including bond with your children.”

  “Your needs are important and you are my queen,” I smiled, “and it isn’t like being inside you is a chore.”

  “You are quite the charmer,” she blushed, “but I insist you take some time for yourself. Also, some time for my sister, too.”

  “She is already on my schedule,” I grinned, “so no need to worry there.”

  She laughed and then she kissed me again before she walked, or more like waddled, away.

  While my gaze was locked on the sway of Nerissa’s full hips, Mira came back into the palace with her arms full of plants and herbs. I assumed she’d already started moving Talise’s things over to the palace, since I didn’t know anyone else who kept that much vegetation around.

  “Need a hand?” I asked.

  “I got it,” she told me as she shifted her burden to sit on her hip, “this is the last bit I am going to bring over tonight. I wanted Talise to have everything she needed to make her tea to keep the nausea at bay.”

  “Let me help you,” I offered and then took some of the plants out of her arms. “I am glad you thought about the tea. We definitely don’t want her to start puking again. She doesn’t have any more weight left to lose.”

  I helped the warrior carry the supplies to the store room near where Talise was sleeping. The healer had said goodnight as soon as we’d finished our discussion, and I knew she was probably sound asleep already. I would check on her first thing in the morning. She had me worried all the time, but I didn’t want to disturb her.

  Mira placed the stuff on the table and turned to walk away, but I reached out, gently grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her to me.

  “Where are you going?” I asked with a grin on my face.

  “Um, I-I was going to go check on my sister,” she stuttered as her cheeks flushed slightly.

  “Your sister is fine,” I told her, “I just said goodnight to her.”

  “She might need … ” Mira started to say before I cut her off with a kiss.

  I kissed the stoic warrior with more passion than I ever had before. I still had adrenaline pumping through my veins, and I wanted her more than anything, especially after seeing her fight. I let her know just how turned on I was when I pulled her against me so she could feel my rock hard dick press against her stomach.

  Mira let out a moan and sort of melted in my arms before she suddenly pulled herself back.

  “Ummm … ” was all she could say.

  “Still scared?” I whispered.

  She just nodded and avoided looking at my face.

  “Mira,” I murmured, “I certainly am not going to force you or demand that you come to my chambers, but I promise, there is nothing to be afraid of.”

  “I really want to,” she mumbled with her eyes on the floor, “I just don’t know exactly what to expect.”

  “I will make you a promise,” I said and gently touched her face. “We will go slow, and if at any time you are uncomfortable, you tell me to stop, and I will. I want this to be as pleasurable for you as it is for me.”

  “I-I like the sound of that.” She smiled.

  I looked at George, who was still sitting next to me, and he gave me what I could only describe as a shit-eating dragon grin before heading off toward the kitchen. I was sure he would get far too many treats before he laid down in front of the huge fire and got some sleep. He would still be close enough if there was any danger, but far enough away to give us some privacy.

  It was nice having a bro at my back.

  I scooped Mira up in my arms and made my way to the royal men’s bathing chamber. We were still covered in the gore and dirt from not only the fight, but the gathering and burning of the bodies.

  The warrior’s eyes grew big when I picked her up, but she didn’t protest. Instead, she relaxed in my arms and kissed along my neck and jaw until I was s
ure my dick was going to pop the seam in my pants.

  I set her down gently when we reached the chambers and proceeded to remove her warrior’s garb. I slowly untied the halter from behind her neck and pulled the top off over her head. Then I kept eye contact with her while I reached down, untied her pants, and pushed them down.

  She willingly stepped out of her pants and stood there before me in all her naked gloriousness. Her golden scales shone like I had never seen them before, and her eyes were lit up with excitement, arousal, and a little fear of the unknown.

  She was perfect. And she was all mine.

  “You are so beautiful,” I murmured as I took in all of her body.

  Mira blushed and moved closer so she could remove my clothes. As she was untying my shirt, I kicked the soft boots off my feet. Then she pulled my shirt off over my head and ran her hands down my chest and my new dragon-ripped abs and scales. She started to untie my pants, but her hands shook so bad, I didn’t think she would ever manage it. Just as I thought it would be kind to help her out, she managed to get them undone and pushed them down my hips so they fell to the floor.

  Now that we were both naked, I scooped her up again and walked into the warm pool with her. The water felt amazing as it hit my sore muscles, but nothing felt better than this warrior woman in my arms. I let her go once we were in the deepest part of the water, but I kept her body pulled close to mine. Then I reached over and grabbed the soap, washcloth, and an empty bowl so I could wet her hair before I washed it.

  She tilted her head back, and I watched as the water ran down her neck, shoulders, and her small but perky breasts. I put some soap in her hair and began to lather it up slowly while I massaged her head at the same time, which noticeably helped her to relax a great deal.

  “Mmm, that feels good, Ben,” she moaned quietly, and my cock grew even harder under the water.

  I used more soap to wash her neck and shoulders, and I massaged them as well before I moved to the rest of her back. She was almost like putty in my hands when I started on her tummy and breasts. Then she took in a sudden sharp breath when I rolled one of her hard nipples between my thumb and finger, and I couldn’t help but smile at her reaction. I used the bowl to rinse all the soap from her hair and upper body away before I moved her to the ledge with the built-in seat.

  “Just relax,” I murmured.

  She was wide eyed and curious when I sat her down in the stone chair, but she didn’t protest. So, I started with one of her webbed feet, washed every inch of it, and worked my way up her leg and thigh. I repeated the steps on the other leg and took my time. I was being intentionally coy about just barely missing the golden spot where her thighs met in the middle, and she wiggled from my touch, but didn’t tell me to stop. I carefully, slowly, and methodically washed from her belly button all the way down to her bottom, and I enjoyed every ounce of moaning and squirming she did under my hands as I washed every single bit of her perfect ass.

  When I had washed her from head to toe, she took the soap and washcloth from me and washed my hair and body much like I had hers, until she reached the point where the only thing on me that she hadn’t washed was my cock. She seemed hesitant, so I moved to get out of the stone seat to take control, but she put one hand on my chest to keep me from moving.

  “Just give me a moment,” she whispered, “I know things can be sensitive there, and I don’t want to touch you wrong or anything like that.”

  “Mira,” I whispered and pulled her closer to me, “you can’t possibly touch me wrong.”

  I kissed her tenderly to give her time to gather her courage, and I let out a moan of surprise when I felt her hands wrap around my cock. She kept kissing me as she washed me, so I went along with it.

  If that’s what she needed, I was in no way going to deny her.

  Mira washed every bit of my hard dick, and she gently massaged my balls and all of my ass before she pulled away from my kiss. Her eyes had gone dark with want and need, and I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her enjoy herself.

  I stood up, grabbed her by the waist, and set her on the ledge of the pool. Her breasts were at my eye level, and I took one nipple into my mouth as I massaged and played with the nipple on the other breast. She let out a primal moan like nothing I had ever heard, and I thought I would cum right there just from the sound. Then I took the other nipple into my mouth and got a similar response. I could really smell her arousal now and wanted nothing more than to taste her. So, I gently pushed her legs apart, but for the first time, I was met with a little resistance.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I paused and asked the beautiful woman.

  All the gods and the whole fucking universe knew I didn’t want to stop, but I would if she asked me to. I would likely spend the rest of the night jerking off to get rid of this massive hard on, but I wouldn’t force her into anything.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked me in what was barely a whisper.

  “Mira,” I touched her face, “I want to taste you, more than anything.”

  Her eyes grew huge at my admission, and I was worried she wouldn’t allow it or might even make a run for it.

  “I swear,” I promised, “if you don’t like it, I will immediately stop, and I won’t do anything else until you are ready.”

  She nodded in agreement and loosened up her legs.

  “I-I want you, Ben,” she whispered shyly, and my heart throbbed at this beautiful, amazing, virgin warrior before me. “I-I want to make you feel good, and I want to share in your pleasure. More than that, I … I want to bear your child. Like Nerissa and Talise. Pl-please.”

  Well, there was no way I could refuse such a sweet request.

  “Your wish is my command,” I murmured as I wrapped my hands around her full thighs and spread them apart.

  I was the luckiest man alive.

  I pulled Mira closer to the edge of the pool and looked at all the pink, promising pussy she had to offer. Then I slowly licked her from bottom to top and felt her tense up before she relaxed with a moan. I repeated that move a few times, and then I pulled her clit into my mouth and lightly sucked on it. While doing that, I slowly slid one finger into her wetness, and it was so tight, I wasn’t sure my cock was ever going to fit in there. I continued to suck and slide my finger in and out, but then I heard her yell something that I thought was ‘stop’, so I backed up and away from her.

  “What are you doing?” she gasped as she whipped her head up.

  “I thought you told me to stop,” I replied with a frown.

  “I said don’t stop, you barnacle,” she begged, “please don’t fucking stop!”

  A devilish grin spread across my face as I went back to licking, sucking, and finger fucking her. She tasted like honeysuckle, and I didn’t know if I would ever get enough. I increased the pace with my mouth and finger, and then I paused to rub on that magic spot deep inside her.

  Suddenly, Mira let out a scream, and I felt her squirt all over my mouth and face. Then I locked my arms around her thighs to hold her still while I lapped up every single bit of her offering.

  When I was done, I climbed out of the pool and pulled her off the ledge and into my arms. I dried her off with one of the towels, then half-assed dried myself off before I carried her across the hall to my bedchamber. Then I laid her on the bed, climbed in, and positioned myself over her. The warrior was flushed and slightly sweaty from the orgasm I’d just given her, and I had never seen anyone so fucking sexy.

  “I promise to go slow,” I whispered, “but if it hurts too much, stop me.”

  She just nodded her head in agreement.

  I slid one finger in to make sure she was ready, and I was greeted with silky, velvety wetness. It was absolutely perfect, and I knew it was going to take every damn ounce of restraint I had not to pound myself into her tightness.

  “God, you’re so perfect,” I grunted as I pulled my fingers out of her.

  Then I positioned the head of my cock right where it needed to
be, and I slid just a little inside her at an agonizingly slow pace. Mira took a hissing breath through her teeth, but didn’t stop me or move away. So, I slid in a little more and gave her time to adjust. Soon, the thickest part of my dick was next, and I didn’t want to hurt her.

  “Take a slow, deep breath,” I groaned to her while I tried to maintain my composure.

  Mira nodded and took a slow breath in while I slid the rest of my cock inside her. She hissed a little but also raised her hips up to meet me.

  “Ben!” she gasped as her hands flew up and latched onto my shoulders.

  I was finally all the way inside her, and it felt like a heavenly vice grip had a hold on me. I’d just taken the warrior’s virginity, and my primal instincts wanted nothing more than to fuck her hard and claim her thoroughly, but I stayed still and gave her time to adjust while I leaned in and kissed her tenderly. After a few moments, I felt the grip on my cock loosen up, and I slowly started to move in and out of her. Very soon, her hisses of discomfort turned into moans of pleasure, and I picked up the pace while following her cues.

  “O-Oh, Ben,” Mira moaned as her lithe body writhed beneath me. “That feels … so good! You are so hard, and I feel so fullll.”

  Her words trailed off into another loud moan, and I watched as her gold eyes rolled back into her head.

  I stayed in the missionary position with her and continued to kiss her lips, neck, and breasts. Soon, she wrapped her legs around me and was thrusting her hips to meet mine. I moved faster, and she started breathing heavier and harder. Then I grabbed her hips and pulled her up a bit so I could hit that magic spot with my dick and rub her clit at the same time.

  “Yes, Ben!” Mira cried out and bucked against me. “Just like that! Please give me your seed. I want to bear your child. Please!”

  I growled and pounded into the warrior for maybe ten seconds, and then she screamed out another orgasm. The tightness clamping down on my cock was too much, and I came right behind her and trembled as her body milked every single drop of cum out of me.


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