Because of Him_The Forgiveness Duo

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Because of Him_The Forgiveness Duo Page 9

by Ava Danielle

  “Mrs. Greene, you’re going to turn me on,” he mumbles during my kiss.

  “Wanna go hide out in the bathroom and fuck?” I test him.

  “Let’s,” he laughs knowing damn well I won’t be that wild.

  Once we’re back at the hotel, I sit behind the desk and type my little heart out for the article. Describing every colorful detail of what I’d seen and felt walking around the amusement park, Bennett’s snoring echoes through the room. I take a swift look at him and watch his comfortable body adjust in his sleep. Continuing my story, I finally make it to the end of the article as darkness approaches and sleepiness hits me. I quietly nuzzle up against Bennett to feel his body close to mine when he shifts and takes me off guard mumbling nonsense in his sleep. Casing his arms around me and placing his hand on my chest, I admire his body. He’s only wearing a pair of jeans not intending on falling asleep. His dark hair is a mess and the scruff on his face tickles my cheek as he inches closer to me. His shirtless chest heaves as he breathes and all I want to do is kiss his nipples. I’m turned on being this close to him and not taking advantage of our bodies. Slowly shifting my body to undress myself I slide my pants off and find a way around his arms to undo my blouse and pull off my shirt. In a white bra and wet panties, I’m lying next to him wondering if I should wake him up. Kissing his cheek with a small and easy peck, he doesn’t move. Debating on kissing him harder, he catches me off guard as he makes a sudden move. “Babe,” whispers as he nuzzles even closer nearly suffocating me. “Yes,” I whisper in return as I feel his dick rise as he presses against my thigh. “I love you,” his eyes are closed, but I can feel him staring at me. Smiling, “I love you too,” I kiss his lips. “I want you,” he murmurs and I feel myself kissing him harder giving him the signal of desire. “I want you like crazy,” I admit.

  Our kisses heat up. Our passion fills the room. Desire pours. Naked bodies press against each other. The room is spinning as he thrusts inside of me. I can’t get enough of him. Hands are locked. We’re moaning and releasing everything inside of us. I never want this moment to end. Begging for more we continue fucking for hours.

  Falling leaves fill the streets of Nashville and rain trickles down as I sit behind the desk in my office watching through the window. Thinking of all the good that has happened this year the thought of Noah crosses my mind. I don’t plan to think about him, I don’t want to think about him, but every so often I wonder how it all got to be so bad. Maybe all this was a way to get Bennett and I to finally connect. Maybe it’s something much deeper. I want to see the good in all this but it’s extremely hard. The man I used to love is walking the streets after I thought he had died. My broken heart was mending and part of that heart is still trying to let go. I’m madly in love with Bennett. It’s a deeper love than I ever felt for Noah. It makes no sense in my head, but we’ve connected on a completely different level. I don’t feel he would ever conceive me, deceit me, or leave me behind for a single lie. I trust him with not only my mind, but my heart. I trust him fully.

  Mentally planning to meet up with Noah to figure out a way to put an end to our chapter, I get excited about my date with Bennett tonight. He has some surprises for me and won’t tell me where we’re going. All I know is dress fancy and meet him outside of the apartment building at seven. It’s hard to get super excited over something you’re not sure will be happening.

  “Hey, did you want to go shopping before your date tonight?” Cassie always has the best ideas and I can’t help but get giddy.

  “Yesssss,” I bounce in my seat from enjoyment.

  A shopping trip with your bestie is sometimes all the heart needs, most definitely when you’re all over the place. In our favorite boutique I rummage through the dresses deciding on my favorite. “Here, try this one,” Cassie hands me a flower dress and demands I try it in the dressing room. “And this one,” she tosses another one through the gap at the top of the door, “and this one, this one, this one,” the pile is growing of different colors, styles. “Slow down, I can’t put them all on at the same time,” I shout unsure who’s at the other side of the door. “Here, check this one out.” I exit the room only to be face-to-face with Sabrina. “Oh, hey,” I try to be polite but deep down inside I just want to punch her for all the things she’s put Bennett through not agreeing to the divorce for so long. But when you think about it, I would fight to keep Bennett myself. “Hi,” she doesn’t seem amused, “shopping for a new wardrobe?” Before I have a chance to even reply Cassie has already interjected, “No, she’s got a hot date with Bennett tonight, a surprise date with the man of her dreams, as he vows his love to her,” I give Cassie a look of shut-the-hell-up but that seems to go right over her head, “they’re so cute together and she needs to look exceptionally stunning tonight.” You can tell Sabrina is anything but amused or even enthralled to be listening to anything we have to say. “Well, I have to,” she starts to stutter as Cassie pushes past her and hands me a new dress. “this is the one,” Cassie hands me a black short sleeve irregular sexy dress. After I try it on and take a look at myself in the mirror I’m stunned at how sexy it makes me feel, it’s perfect. I don’t mind showing my legs and my cleavage shows just perfectly through the V-neck.

  “Lunch?” she asks as we finish playing dress-up at the boutique.

  “Lunch!” I concur ready to settle down after the exhaustion for a bit.

  “I’m so excited you like the dress,” she announces as we sit at a small deli eating a sandwich drinking a glass of wine.

  “I’m excited it actually looks good on me.”

  “So, any idea what’s going on tonight?”

  “Not a single clue, but knowing Bennett, it’s going to be amazing,” I dream smiling with glee.

  While curling my hair and applying some light makeup, Cassie and I talk about Sabrina and Noah.

  “Wouldn’t it be crazy if they started dating?” Her imagination is always running wild.

  “Yeah, I think I’d prefer if they didn’t,” I can’t help but think how awful they would look together.

  “Why? They actually have a lot in common. Both shitty people,” she says.

  “We don’t know if Sabrina is shitty,” I ignore the fact she kind of threatened me.

  “Oh, because you don’t remember.”

  I interrupt her, “Cassie, she only said those things because she loves Bennett. I probably would do the same thing if I was scared of losing someone I love. Or if I actually lost them like she did,” I argue.

  “But look at it this way, Jenna. They can both be miserable together and cry over the good they lost.”

  I can’t help but think she might be right. Two people with those credentials to find each other, but it wouldn’t be fair. I don’t think there’s a woman out there that deserves someone like Noah and his illusory ways. I might have to warn everyone.

  “Shit, Jenna, it’s seven,” she looks at her phone and nearly pushes me out the door making sure I don’t miss my date with Bennett.

  “What in the…?” I’m left stunned watching him exit a massive station wagon.

  “Mi lady, it’s your ride,” he’s in a black suit with a chauffeur’s hat grinning from ear-to-ear – I’m confused.

  “Hi handsome,” I walk towards him as he holds the door open for me and I slide into the beige leather bench admiring the old cassette player.

  “This is a beige 1958 Mercury Commuter, as you can see we have the rear bench removed and I’ve created a makeshift bed. We won’t be sleeping in it, but I promise we will be lying there later enjoying something together. Tonight’s one of many. And you’re gorgeous by the way, the perfect dress for tonight’s date.”

  We drive away into the unknown. His arm is wrapped around me over the back of the bench and rubbing my shoulder as his other hand is steering the car. We’re taking crazy slow turns downtown and I have no idea where he’s taking me. I thought I knew all the places and been to most of them but hidden away is a place called Sinema I’ve never
even heard of. Located in the historic Melrose Theater that opened in 1942. It still has the same looks of an old movie theater, but more modern. Its grey exterior with gold logo that shines bright with the lights stands out to me. Valet is parking the car as I stand and actually admire the building. The old ticket booth stands proudly with a gold curtain and surprisingly, a lady sits behind greeting us, “Reservations for two,” Bennett says as I walk towards the doors to check out each glass part with the letters S I N E M A perfectly lined up with the gold handles to open them. “This place is so cool,” I say to Bennett as he stands behind me, “you ready to go in? You think this is cool, you need to see the inside,” he smiles and I can’t help but wonder if he brought Sabrina here.

  The neighborhood around it has built up, but when you enter through the doors, the spirit of the theater is still alive. The space is beautiful. Old movies projected onto the screens. Dimming lit iconic figures on the wall. It feels like you’re stepping into a time capsule. The sexiness, the ambiance is perfect for date night celebrations. The sectioned off sofas and tables, the feel of relaxation once you sit and enjoy a glass of wine. I’m in awe of this place. Our dish after he’s already ordered looks like something from a magazine and I debate whether to even eat.

  “This place is gorgeous,” I watch Bennett take bites off his fork while I drink wine and admire the décor around me.

  “I’ve never been here. Some of the guys at work suggested it and said it would be the perfect place for a dinner. To be honest with you, I didn’t know anything about it before I researched. It does go well with the theme of the night,” he winks.

  “And what’s that?”

  “I’ll ask you that when the night is over,” he smiles and lifts his glass towards me, “to the perfect date.”

  We toast and I can’t help but say, “We always have the perfect date,” a happy smirk crosses my face.

  “I hesitated for a long time to call you, to check on you after Noah died, well, you know, and if I hadn’t found the courage we wouldn’t be sitting here. Just thinking about it makes me sick to know that we might never be this close. When I tell you I love you, the world around me spins, because I never felt so good than when I’m around you. To have you close to me makes me happier than anything. If I have to walk into a million buildings to return to you at the end of the day, I will.”

  In my head all I’m thinking is please don’t propose, please don’t get on your knees and think we should get married, after being divorced for less than six months, I don’t think he’s ready.

  Pulling something out of his pocket scares the shit out of me. Fuck. I look around the room to see how many people are actually witnessing this and luckily everyone is off in their own world. I can’t help but smile gazing at his smile.

  “No,” he whispers as the smile on my face fades away and confusion hits, “I want to give you something, it’s not a ring, it’s not what you’re thinking,” as if he can sense my hesitation, “but it’s something I think that’s perfect for you,” he pulls out the velvet box, a tad bigger than a ring box. A sigh of relief hits me as he opens the box and reveals a bracelet. Stunned I stare at the gold band holding a round pendant. A compass engraved on one side with our initials on the back. But the initials aren’t just any letters; they are the same initials from a memory back in the day.

  “As you can see,” he pulls the bracelet out and wraps it around my hand.

  Freshman year of high school was one we’d always remember. Noah, Bennett, Sarah, Cassie, and myself were a good group of friends, straight out of middle school starting a new chapter in our life – high school. We were thrilled and nervous at the same time. The playground where we spent most of our days (I know, that sounds like the Fresh Prince Theme song) had one major tree we would all sit under and just talk. Noah and I hadn’t been dating, but I was interested in him. However, the five of us decided to take the pocketknife Bennett always carried in his pocket and carve our initials into the tree. It was a symbol that one day we would all go special places. And if we ever feared, worried, or doubted ourselves, we would come to this tree and the strength we’d be searching for, would be there.

  “You didn’t know it at the time,” Bennett speaks as I stare at my bracelet remembering such a fond memory, “But I liked you a lot. If you remember, I helped you carve your name since you had a hard time controlling the knife and pushing down worrying you would break the blade,” I smile at the memory. “I do remember. Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “You know exactly why.”

  Admiring the initials, the most important – J & B – I can’t help but make the joke, “Glad it’s not B & J,” I laugh.

  “Perverted girl, I was debating it, but it wouldn’t be for blowjob.”

  “Oh no? What would it stand for?”

  “Biscuit and Jelly,” he motions for the waiter.

  “Huh? Why?”

  “You know, you’re the jelly to my biscuit.”

  That is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.

  Dinner at the Sinema was an unforgettable experience. On the way out, I couldn’t help but stop and look at some the portraits of celebrity history. So many familiar faces from classics we all grew up on and love. Back in the car I can’t take my eyes off the beautiful bracelet. Bennett is thoughtful, sweet, kind, romantic, gentle, rough when he needs to be, and most importantly, he puts me first.

  “Where are we going now?” I’m curious with my head on his shoulder as he drives.

  “You’ll see,” he kisses my forehead.

  A long drive later, we arrive at an extraordinary place I always dreamed of. He pulls into the lot, pays at the entrance, receives the speaker, pulls into his spot, opens his door walking around the car, opening my door helping me out, pulls the hatchback up, “please,” he points towards the blankets and pillows, and I oblige. Staring at a screen we wait for the movie to start.

  “I’ve always wanted to come here,” I whisper as he cuddles up close to me.

  “I thought this would be perfect with a car like this,” he is right. A drive-in lying in the back of a classic car is just perfect.

  We should be watching the black and white movie flickering on the big screen, instead we’re making out in the back of the car as if we’re two teenagers that are past curfew. His tongue lingers with mine. His breathing becomes rugged. His hand squeezes mine hard and I can’t help but think he’s horny. In my head, I know it would be wrong to go further than making out with him right here, but my pussy is saying otherwise. Tension grows between us, “let me feel you,” my hand slides into his pants feeling his dick. “Mmmm, Jenna,” he mumbles as I gently rub his cock. I nibble on his ear knowing how crazy it makes him. My hand squeezes him tighter with every kiss he presses against me. Wet and wanting him I rub him harder and faster when his fingers enter my pussy swiftly. There’s no long foreplay to feel me, there’s no gentle entering, forcefully he enters me with not one, not two, but three fingers and I feel like screaming, but his other hand covers my mouth. Like a tangled pair of headphones, we are all over each other in the back of the car completely ignoring the movie. It’s just he and I getting each other off with only the touch of our hands. It’s hot and such an intimate setting we forget we’re not alone. Moans slip. My hand makes him cum. His fingers make me cum.

  “Fuck,” he falls next to me as I grab his hand and lick his fingers. His eyes widen, you can tell he can’t believe I just sucked his fingers clean. The deliciousness of my own pussy doesn’t go unnoticed, “Babe, you drive me nuts,” he leans in and kisses the saliva off my lips.

  “I have one more surprise for you,” he utters as we drive away.

  “I would hope it’s sex,” I tease him, “your fingers were great but I’m craving more.”

  Shocked he looks at me, “so this is what it’s like to really get to know you. I always assumed you were shy, the quiet type, and it was forbidden to think or even talk naughty.”

  “Oh baby, you’ve had the
wrong idea about me,” I laugh.

  “Clearly,” he chooses to look ahead and watch the dark rainy road concentrating on not wrecking.

  Yet another first for me, Elliston Place Soda Shop, a diner to make you feel like you’ve stepped into a movie. Anything you thought you could imagine of an old-time diner, was true. The red metal seats. The long bar. The soda machines. Advertisement from back then. The red and yellow theme. It’s perfect. And because it’s perfect, we sit sharing a strawberry milkshake. Beyond cliché. But wonderfully perfect. It’s the ideal ending to a sweet and memorable date. That’s until his phone rang, “Do you have my gear with you? We’re around the corner, yeah, we’re on our way.” He pays the waiter as quickly as possible, without saying much, “let’s go,” we get in the car and drive just a few blocks down, “wait in the car, there’s a massive apartment fire and we’re all told to help out. I don’t know how long it will take, but once I’m done I promise to take you home. Stay safe,” he kisses my lips and scurries out of the car. Nervously I wait in the car. And I wait. And wait. Until I can’t wait any longer and decide to walk down the street, shocked by the fire rising over the building, the smoke billowing around, the screams from un-lookers, and the commands from the chief. Memories flood back of my panic when Noah was supposedly dying in a house. Hatred stirs inside of me as fear of losing Bennett grows. Watching intently, I keep an eye out on all firefighters. Bennett has done this so many times I’m certain he’ll be fine and return shortly. Names are being tossed around as firefighters still carry out tenants. Patiently I wait on the side for the return of the love of my life. Continuing to wait while most of the fire has been contained and every firefighter looks the same. He could be any of them, that’s until I heard chief ask for Lieutenant Greene. Anxiously I listen to commands and codes until I see the crew start to freak out. Don’t tell me history repeats itself. Don’t tell me I have to go through the same pain again. To lose another man the same gruesome way.


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