SEAL Heroes

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SEAL Heroes Page 28

by Katie Knight

  Ben had given Logan something to play with and he quickly crossed the room to pick up the phone stationed in an adjacent study.

  When she heard the click of another receiver, she started speaking quickly. “Charles, Susan, say hello to Ben. He was another survivor on the flight. By some strange and crazy coincidence, I knew him from my college days. He’s a SEAL, and has kept us safe.” After brief thanks and pleasantries were exchanged, Ben began to talk.

  “You have an idea who might be after us? Can you give a description or a name I can relay to the police?” Ben had gone into SEAL mode, gathering the necessary information to continue to protect them.

  “The last name was Slocum. Michael—no, Mark was the boy’s father. He was stocky, solid. Just under six feet, perhaps. Dark hair, dark eyes. I recall seeing tattoos but I’m not sure what of. Snakes and birds? Or maybe it was flowers? I’m sorry, I can’t seem to picture them right now.”

  “That’s okay. It’s enough for now. We’re going to get Logan home safe.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Megan kissed Logan’s forehead and quietly backed out of the bedroom on the second floor. They’d found the pantry stocked with canned goods and they were able to make Logan some Spaghetti-O’s. It was so nice to finally give Logan a bath in the deep soaking tub located in the master bedroom. She had found fresh sheets in the linen closet, and Ben had made up the full-size bed in the second room. Despite hiking through rough terrain for most of the night and day before, her limbs were lighter than they had been in days. They’d had several phone calls with the police department and learned that a helicopter would be sent out at first light. With the snow falling outside, there was no choice but to sit tight and wait it out until daylight.

  She trailed her hand down the smooth wooden rail of the staircase and sniffed the air. The fragrance of garlic and tomato sauce peppered the way. Her stomach growled loudly—they’d been living off airplane snacks for the past few days and she was starving.

  “What did you find?’ Megan asked as she rounded the kitchen island and saw tomato sauce bubbling on the stove. Beside it was a second pot of water boiling with penne. She could’ve cried from happiness.

  “A second pantry in the cellar, one with some red wine.” His eyes twinkled and he gave her a lopsided smile. “And a second freezer. Not much in it, but…” He made a sweeping gesture with his arm and stood back to let her peek into the oven. “Garlic bread.”

  She let out a long sigh of pleasure. “I’m going to eat an embarrassing amount and complain about the stomach ache later. The wine is icing on the cake.”

  He chuckled and turned away from the stove. Pots and pans hung over the island, and he reached to take down the strainer. The definition in his muscles was evident through his thin long-sleeved shirt, his biceps bunching as he brought down the steel colander. Moisture flooded her mouth. Not just because of the delicious aromas in the kitchen, but because every cell and neuron in her body was screaming at her to touch him. They had more space to be alone tonight, and a large inviting bed. No, don’t even go there. Tomorrow they’d be parting ways for good, and it would be hard enough to watch him walk away after the do or die situation they’d faced together. No matter how her body was trying to convince her heart otherwise, sleeping with Ben would only make another goodbye that much harder.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  Megan looked toward the sound of his voice, unsure of how long she’d been locked in her own thoughts. He was standing at the sink, gazing at her over his shoulder. Ben wasn’t the type of man who made you think of hearth and home, he was too rugged and a little too dangerous looking for that, but standing before her as he prepared them dinner, she could picture them having more nights like this far too clearly. Sharing a meal, discussing their days, then curling up close to binge watch a television show before bedtime. Oh, how she wanted that. It threw her to realize that she couldn’t picture any man but Ben in her happily-ever-after scenarios. Everyone she’d casually dated since he walked away had paled in comparison. Her heart never raced around another the way it did when she was with Ben, her knees never turned to jelly when anyone else kissed her, and the butterflies that soared through her stomach were reserved for him alone. She took a deep breath and realized Ben was staring at her with a concerned expression on his face.

  “Just that I’m so grateful we found this place. That we’re only half a day at most from being rescued and putting this behind us. Soon Logan will be back in his parents’ arms where he should be.” His expression darkened and he busied himself plating up their dinner. Had she upset him? Did he also feel pained at the thought of leaving her? It’s all wishful thinking.

  “Let’s eat,” he said, bringing two heaping plates of pasta to the kitchen table. He placed one dish in front of her before sitting down at his own seat on the opposite side of the table. Ben had already uncorked the bottle of wine to let it breathe, and he poured them each a glass before picking up his fork. With no concern for manners, she sunk her teeth into the bread, crusty on the outside and soft and warm inside. The rich taste of butter and garlic filled her mouth and she barely swallowed the first bite before taking another. She glanced up briefly, slightly relieved that Ben was plowing through his own dinner at the same rapid pace. Once the worst of her hunger was sated, she leaned back in her chair and took a sip of the wine, letting the tart liquid play over her tongue.

  “Might be the three days of rationing chips and pretzels, but this is the best thing I’ve ever eaten,” Ben said before forking up more noodles.

  She laughed and followed his lead, spearing more penne and popping it into her mouth. “You’re not alone in that sentiment,” she said after she’d finished chewing. “This is Michelin star-caliber good.”

  He let out a full bellied laugh. “We’re going to have to write a thank you to the home owners.”

  She gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh my gosh. We’re complete criminals—breaking in, using their supplies, drinking their wine, and eating their stuff. I was so hungry and scared I didn’t stop to think about it. Maybe we could ask Charles and Susan to track them down and apologize.”

  “We could, but I’m pretty sure the authorities will be connecting with them soon. They’ll understand. But I plan to send them some cash as a thank you.” Ben’s chair scraped against the floor as he pushed his chair back. “You let me grab a shower earlier, now it’s your turn to relax. Finish your dinner, I’m going to run you a bath.” She started to protest but he lifted a hand to stop her. “Then after, if you’re feeling up to it, I found a pack of cards in the living room.”

  “Go Fish?” She smiled as memories of their competitive game nights popped into her head.

  “Of course. Is there anything else?” He chuckled and disappeared through the doorway.

  After she’d brought the dishes to the sink, she climbed the stairs to the second floor. She rounded the corner just as Ben was exiting the master bedroom.

  “I’m going to do a quick perimeter check. You take your time. Relax.” He put both hands on her shoulders and kissed her forehead before walking away like the simple, affectionate touch was the most natural gesture in the world. If only things weren’t so complicated. She’d tried not to think of the eerie twist of fate that had brought them together. Was this life’s way of giving them a second chance? She shook her head, and walked to the bathroom. Believing she and Ben were destined to be together would only set her up for heartache.

  She opened the door, and touched the hand to the base of her neck. Ben had found bubble bath somewhere, and the room was fragrant with the scents of lavender and vanilla. He’d laid out a towel for her, and a face cloth. Megan undressed and dipped a toe into the blissfully hot water. She sank down until the fizzy water touched the tip of her chin. She would’ve been happy with a quick shower, but this was heavenly. For a few minutes, she just let herself soak, feeling the stress and tension of the past few days melt away. Finally deciding she really did want to feel
clean again, Megan ran the bar of soap over her skin, washed her hair, and toweled off. On the bed, Ben had laid out a grey sweatshirt and pants, much like he had found for himself in one of the dressers earlier that evening. She whispered a silent thank you to the home owner and pulled on the clean clothes. She was swimming in them, but they were cozy.

  “Hey, that’s a good look on you.” Ben said when she joined him in the living room. He was spread out on the couch with one elbow propped on the arm rest and the other on the back of the couch.

  “Thanks for digging them out for me,” she said holding up her arms and spinning in a circle. He smiled at her, and something tender softened his gaze. She cleared her throat and sat beside him. “Everything look secure outside?”

  “Yeah. All good. I’m satisfied there’s no one nearby.” He split the deck of cards, taking half in each hand, and leafing through them to shuffle the stack.

  “So, do you think we’re safe for tonight?” she asked as he dealt her seven cards.

  “I’m hoping we lost them. The snow should’ve covered our tracks.” He fanned out his cards in his left hand. “I’ve checked all the windows, and the deadbolts on the doors are locked. The only place safer would be inside of the rescue helicopter.”

  She did feel secure in the modernized chalet, but she wasn’t ready to relax. Not until the people responsible for bringing down their plane and attempting to murder Logan were behind bars.

  “Ladies first.” Ben grinned and her stomach flip-flopped. He was so handsome. So male.

  “Ben,” she returned his smile over the top of her cards. “Do you have any Queens?”

  “Go fish,” he said and smirked.

  “Oh, don’t you go getting all cocky—we’ve barely started the game,” she teased and chose the top card from the deck on the coffee table.

  “I guess we should determine the stakes.” He wiggled his brows and she couldn’t stop the laugh from escaping her lips.

  “Stakes, huh? What do you propose?” Her pulse sped up as she waited for his response.

  “Winner gets to ask the loser a question. Loser has to answer honestly.” His tone was low and serious, but returned to its normal cadence moments later when he asked for her threes.

  They played for a half an hour until she finally let out a whoop of victory.

  “Double or nothing.” Ben said tossing down his cards.

  “No way am I risking my rare win.” She grouped the cards together and slid them back into the box.

  “Okay then. One question.” She looked at Ben for a moment. Oh, there were a thousand questions she wanted to ask him, but she was scared of the answers. Did you love me? Do you regret leaving what we shared?

  In the end she played it safe. “Your scar.” She ran her thumb down the jagged white line over his chin.

  “We were on a mission in Kuwait. I can’t get into the details for security reasons, but there was a little boy running down the street. One we suspected was booby trapped. I ran to him and tripped the IED. We were both safe in the end. Well, except for my ugly-as-sin chin.”

  “It’s not ugly. Not in the least. I think it’s an outward sign of your good heart. That you’d be willing to risk your life for those who are defenseless.” The story shifted something inside her. Did Ben know how much good was inside him? She knew he’d been hurt by a turbulent childhood, but he deserved love, and what was more, he had the capacity to give it in return.

  Their eyes locked and the air around them shimmered with electricity. She dropped her eyes to his lips, then to his chin, and dropped a soft kiss over the scar. Ben drew in a quick breath. It pleased her immensely that she could make this hard-military man gasp in surprise. He placed his hands on her hips and lowered his head so their lips touched. There was a reason she shouldn’t be starting something physical with Ben, but at the moment the thought completely escaped her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ben couldn’t control the groan of pleasure that escaped his lips. Megan was in his arms, losing her inhibitions as the kiss got more heated. Since they’d arrived at the cabin, he’d been warring between the elemental need to have her one last time and long-honed instinct of self-preservation telling him to keep his distance. Then she’d told him his scar was an outward sign of his kind heart and touched her petal-soft lips to the jagged line. She was beautiful, inside and out. He was drawn to her inner spirit as much as he was to her physical appearance. Being with her gave him a sense of peace and calm like he’d never known before. He appreciated it even more now than he had when they were younger—and he wanted her more now than he’d ever wanted anything before.

  He ran his fingers over the exposed column of her neck, down her arms, and up her sides. He couldn’t stop touching her. Couldn’t get enough of her. He explored her mouth with his tongue, loving the taste of red wine and something sweet that was entirely her own.

  “Meg.” He pushed her back gently, and the sight of her plump lips and lust-filled eyes undid him. “Come up to the bedroom with me. Let me love you.”

  She nodded, and he slipped one arm behind her knees and the other around her shoulders, cradling her as he stood.

  “Tell me what you want, sweetheart. I need you to be sure.” He was already walking toward the stairs, but if she told him to stop, he wouldn’t take another step—even though he was sincerely hoping she didn’t.

  “I want tonight,” she said, searching his face as though she was trying to memorize his every feature. “I want you, Ben. Need you.” The way she purred his name sent a shot of lust chasing through his veins. She wanted him. He was a far cry from the abandoned and soul-sick boy he once was, but hearing someone he cared about to say they needed him was like winning the lottery. He stared down at her heart-shaped face, those glorious hazel eyes fixed on his. If he could choose any woman in the world to be with, it would be Megan, even if it couldn’t last. Even if he could let himself believe that hers wasn’t a love that would fade or dissipate when things got hard, they still couldn’t make things work between them. His job was just too dangerous. He’d hate thinking about her worrying and wondering when he was off on a covert mission. Or worse, what if he died and left her grieving? No, his lifestyle wouldn’t be fair to Meg. And if he was with her, he wouldn’t be able to focus on his work, which was the thing that had given his life meaning over the past several years. If Meg were his woman, he’d want to spend every waking hour with her. Make her breakfast before she headed off to work, then meet her at home at the end of their day. They’d share dinner and make love or play cards like they had tonight. How could he keep his head on a mission if he was thinking about all of that?

  “Second thoughts?” Her warm breath tickled his ear.

  “Hell no. Tonight, you’re mine.” He took the stairs up to the master bedroom two at a time and quietly crept past the second bedroom where Logan was sleeping soundly. They’d both snuck beneath his armor, and it was going to hurt when they said goodbye tomorrow, but at least he’d have tonight to remember. He walked through the open door and laid Megan down gently on the plush duvet that covered the bed.

  “You have no idea how many nights I dreamed of this. Of you.” He pulled his sweatshirt off, tossing it to the side, climbed into bed and laid on his side next to her caressing her hair. “You’ve traveled to every war-torn country with me,” he murmured. With a rescue team slated to arrive early in the morning, now more than ever she needed to know what she meant to him. “You’ve been my strength. My reason for fighting.”

  Her eyes misted, and she closed them for a moment. He pressed his lips to her eyelids, then the tip of her nose before reaching her lips. She parted them instantly, sweeping her tongue against his. “You’ve ruined me for other men. No one has ever come close,” she whispered, lips still parted against his.

  His heart shifted and expanded upon hearing her words. She’d still cared about him even after he’d run away from their relationship. Maybe he wasn’t so good with words, but he planned to show her just h
ow much she meant, had always meant to him. He positioned himself over her, savoring her taste as he kissed his way down the delicate curve of her neck, hardening more and more with each little gasp and sigh.

  “Let’s get you out of this sweatshirt.” He quickly slipped the baggy article of clothing over her head and sucked in a hard breath. She was every bit as exquisite, if not more so, than he remembered. He just stared for a moment, taking in the peaked coral tips of her rounded breasts and compact curves. Ben swept his tongue over one of the delicate points and she moaned and arched against him. The blood rushed to his pelvis in a throbbing current. You only have tonight. Take it slow, he reminded himself. He circled her nipple, rolling it gently with his tongue before lavishing attention on the next. She dipped her hands under the elastic waist of his sweatpants and ran her thumbs over the indentation of his hips.

  “Ben, I need…” she sighed, voice drunk with pleasure.

  He gently suckled and licked until she was arching her hips against his steel length. “I want to taste you. Want to know how wet you are for me.” He dragged down her pants and paused. Hidden beneath her panty line was a butterfly tattoo on her right side.

  “You got a tattoo.” He ran the tips of his fingers over the pretty black and pink wings. “When?”

  “The summer of senior year,” she said quietly. That was shortly after he’d enlisted, and he could tell by the tone of her voice that the butterfly had meaning to her. Was it a symbol of something that had to do with him? He was humbled to have this moment with her after all that had passed between them.

  “I’m so sorry about everything, Meg. I don’t deserve you. Definitely don’t deserve the heaven you’re offering. The tattoo is beautiful, so uniquely you.” He kissed the artwork on her hip then tossed her pants to the side and softly parted her legs. He inhaled her scent and dragged his tongue up her glistening center, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves at the top. He savored the taste of her, taking his time doing exactly what he knew drove her completely crazy. Her hands fisted in his hair and her thighs trembled when the first orgasm hit. It was heaven and hell to hear his name ripping from her lips, knowing it might be the last time.


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